
142 lines
4.8 KiB

/// ## About
/// - _stddoc.c_ is a tiny documentation generator for 60 programming languages.
/// - This page sample was auto-generated from the code comments found in `stddoc.c` file.
/// ## How does it work?
/// - Markdeep code comments are extracted from stdin and printed into stdout as a HTML file.
/// ## Supported languages
/// - `/// Three slashes comment` [ActionScript, AngelScript, C (C99), C#, C++, ChaiScript, D,
/// GameMonkey, GML, Go, Java, JavaScript, JetScript, jtc, Jx9, Kotlin, Neko, Object Pascal (Delphi),
/// Objective-C, Pawn, PHP, QuakeC, Rust, SASS, Scala, Squirrel, Swift, Vala, Wren, Xojo].
/// - `--- Three dashes comment` [Ada, AppleScript, Eiffel, Euphoria, Haskell, Lua, Occam,
/// - `### Three hashes comment` [AWK, Bash, Bourne shell, C shell, Cobra, Maple, Maple,
/// Perl, Perl6, PowerShell, Python, R, Ruby, Seed7, Tcl].
/// ## Usage
/// - `stddoc < source.code > documentation.html`
/// ## Changelog
/// 2018/01/07
/// : Initial version (_v1.0.0_)
/// ## License
/// - rlyeh, unlicensed (~public domain).
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("%s\n", "<meta charset='utf-8' emacsmode='-*- markdown -*-'>");
printf("%s\n", "<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>");
for( int fsm_S = 0, fsm_D = 0, fsm_H = 0; !feof(stdin); ) {
int chr = getc(stdin);
if( fsm_S > 3 || fsm_D > 3 || fsm_H > 3 ) {
putc(chr, stdout);
if( chr != '\r' && chr != '\n' ) continue;
/**/ if( fsm_S <= 2 && chr == '/' && !fsm_D && !fsm_H ) fsm_S++;
else if( fsm_S == 3 && chr == ' ' && !fsm_D && !fsm_H ) fsm_S++;
else if( fsm_D <= 2 && chr == '-' && !fsm_S && !fsm_H ) fsm_D++;
else if( fsm_D == 3 && chr == ' ' && !fsm_S && !fsm_H ) fsm_D++;
else if( fsm_H <= 2 && chr == '#' && !fsm_S && !fsm_D ) fsm_H++;
else if( fsm_H == 3 && chr == ' ' && !fsm_S && !fsm_D ) fsm_H++;
else fsm_S = fsm_D = fsm_H = 0;
printf("%s\n", "<script>markdeepOptions={tocStyle:'medium'};</script>");
printf("%s\n", "<!-- Markdeep: --><script src=''></script>");
/// ## **Example page!**
/// Imaginary documentation page. Here would be some introduction text.
/// The table of contents that Markdeep produces is stuffed on the right side,
/// if the browser window is wide enough. Otherwise it is hidden.
/// ### Basic Markdeep
/// Regular styling like **bold**, _italics_, ~~strikethrough~~, `inline code`, etc. Lists as:
/// * A
/// * Bullet
/// * List
/// And:
/// 1. A
/// 1. Numbered
/// 1. List!
/// Symbol substitutions: a 45-degree turn; some x -> y arrows; some whoa ==> fancy <==> arrows.
/// Is this a definition list?
/// : Looks like one to me
/// Is that right?
/// : Possibly!
/// And a code listing:
/// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/// int main()
/// {
/// return 1;
/// }
/// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/// ### Tables
/// Thing Name | Description |Notes
/// ------------------------|--------------------|-----
/// Yes | Yup! |
/// No | Nope :( |
/// FileNotFound | Doesn't find files | Pass `-sFIND_FILE=maybe` to maybe find them
/// ### Diagrams
/// ******************************************* Here's a text to the right of the diagram,
/// * +-----------------+ .-. * ain't that fancy. Pretty fancy indeed, I
/// * |\ | .-+ | * must say! Markdeep diagrams are generally
/// * | \ A-B *---+--> .--+ '--. * enclosed into a rectangle full made of `*`
/// * | \ | | Cloud! | * symbols; and are "drawn" using ASCII-art
/// * +---+-------------+ '-------------' * style, with `- | + / \ * o` etc.
/// ******************************************* Suh-weet!
/// Another random diagram, just because:
/// ********************
/// * +-+-+-+-*-o *
/// * / / ^ / *
/// * / v / / *
/// * +-+-+-+ *
/// ********************
/// ### Special notes
/// !!! Note
/// Hey I'm a note. Don't mind me, I'm just sitting here.
/// !!! WARNING
/// I'm a warning, perhaps. *Something might happen!*
/// !!! Error: Never Pass `nullptr` to a Shader
/// Invoking a shader with a null argument can seg fault.
/// This is a multi-line admonition.
/// Seriously, don't call shaders like that.
/// ### Embedding HTML
/// <pre>
/// This is an embedded html node by the way!
/// </pre>
/// ## Credits
/// - API doc style created by [Aras Pranckevičius](
/// - Markdeep by [Morgan McGuire](