1197 lines
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1197 lines
42 KiB
// Do this:
// in exactly one C or C++ file in your project before you include layout.h.
// Your includes should look like this:
// #include ...
// #include ...
// #include "layout.h"
// All other files in your project should not define LAY_IMPLEMENTATION.
#include <stdint.h>
#ifndef LAY_EXPORT
#define LAY_EXPORT extern
// Users of this library can define LAY_ASSERT if they would like to use an
// assert other than the one from assert.h.
#ifndef LAY_ASSERT
#include <assert.h>
#define LAY_ASSERT assert
// 'static inline' for things we always want inlined -- the compiler should not
// even have to consider not inlining these.
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
#define LAY_STATIC_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define LAY_STATIC_INLINE __forceinline static
#define LAY_STATIC_INLINE inline static
typedef uint32_t lay_id;
#if LAY_FLOAT == 1
typedef float lay_scalar;
typedef int16_t lay_scalar;
// GCC and Clang allow us to create vectors based on a type with the
// vector_size extension. This will allow us to access individual components of
// the vector via indexing operations.
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
// Using floats for coordinates takes up more space than using int16. 128 bits
// for a four-component vector.
#ifdef LAY_FLOAT
typedef float lay_vec4 __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), aligned(4)));
typedef float lay_vec2 __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8), aligned(4)));
// Integer version uses 64 bits for a four-component vector.
typedef int16_t lay_vec4 __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8), aligned(2)));
typedef int16_t lay_vec2 __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (4), aligned(2)));
#endif // LAY_FLOAT
// Note that we're not actually going to make any explicit use of any
// platform's SIMD instructions -- we're just using the vector extension for
// more convenient syntax. Therefore, we can specify more relaxed alignment
// requirements. See the end of this file for some notes about this.
// MSVC doesn't have the vetor_size attribute, but we want convenient indexing
// operators for our layout logic code. Therefore, we force C++ compilation in
// MSVC, and use C++ operator overloading.
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
struct lay_vec4 {
lay_scalar xyzw[4];
const lay_scalar& operator[](int index) const
{ return xyzw[index]; }
lay_scalar& operator[](int index)
{ return xyzw[index]; }
struct lay_vec2 {
lay_scalar xy[2];
const lay_scalar& operator[](int index) const
{ return xy[index]; }
lay_scalar& operator[](int index)
{ return xy[index]; }
#endif // __GNUC__/__clang__ or _MSC_VER
typedef struct lay_item_t {
uint32_t flags;
lay_id first_child;
lay_id next_sibling;
lay_vec4 margins;
lay_vec2 size;
} lay_item_t;
typedef struct lay_context {
lay_item_t *items;
lay_vec4 *rects;
lay_id capacity;
lay_id count;
} lay_context;
// Container flags to pass to lay_set_container()
typedef enum lay_box_flags {
// flex-direction (bit 0+1)
// left to right
LAY_ROW = 0x002,
// top to bottom
LAY_COLUMN = 0x003,
// model (bit 1)
// free layout
LAY_LAYOUT = 0x000,
// flex model
LAY_FLEX = 0x002,
// flex-wrap (bit 2)
// single-line
LAY_NOWRAP = 0x000,
// multi-line, wrap left to right
LAY_WRAP = 0x004,
// justify-content (start, end, center, space-between)
// at start of row/column
LAY_START = 0x008,
// at center of row/column
LAY_MIDDLE = 0x000,
// at end of row/column
LAY_END = 0x010,
// insert spacing to stretch across whole row/column
// align-items
// can be implemented by putting a flex container in a layout container,
// FILL is equivalent to stretch/grow
// align-content (start, end, center, stretch)
// can be implemented by putting a flex container in a layout container,
// FILL is equivalent to stretch; space-between is not supported.
} lay_box_flags;
// child layout flags to pass to lay_set_behave()
typedef enum lay_layout_flags {
// attachments (bit 5-8)
// fully valid when parent uses LAY_LAYOUT model
// partially valid when in LAY_FLEX model
// anchor to left item or left side of parent
LAY_LEFT = 0x020,
// anchor to top item or top side of parent
LAY_TOP = 0x040,
// anchor to right item or right side of parent
LAY_RIGHT = 0x080,
// anchor to bottom item or bottom side of parent
LAY_BOTTOM = 0x100,
// anchor to both left and right item or parent borders
LAY_HFILL = 0x0a0,
// anchor to both top and bottom item or parent borders
LAY_VFILL = 0x140,
// center horizontally, with left margin as offset
LAY_HCENTER = 0x000,
// center vertically, with top margin as offset
LAY_VCENTER = 0x000,
// center in both directions, with left/top margin as offset
LAY_CENTER = 0x000,
// anchor to all four directions
LAY_FILL = 0x1e0,
// When in a wrapping container, put this element on a new line. Wrapping
// layout code auto-inserts LAY_BREAK flags as needed. See GitHub issues for
// TODO related to this.
// Drawing routines can read this via item pointers as needed after
// performing layout calculations.
LAY_BREAK = 0x200
} lay_layout_flags;
enum {
// these bits, starting at bit 16, can be safely assigned by the
// application, e.g. as item types, other event types, drop targets, etc.
// this is not yet exposed via API functions, you'll need to get/set these
// by directly accessing item pointers.
// (In reality we have more free bits than this, TODO)
// TODO fix int/unsigned size mismatch (clang issues warning for this),
// should be all bits as 1 instead of INT_MAX
LAY_USERMASK = 0x7fff0000,
// a special mask passed to lay_find_item() (currently does not exist, was
// not ported from oui)
LAY_ANY = 0x7fffffff
enum {
// extra item flags
// bit 0-2
// bit 0-4
// bit 5-9
// item has been inserted (bit 10)
// horizontal size has been explicitly set (bit 11)
// vertical size has been explicitly set (bit 12)
// bit 11-12
// which flag bits will be compared
LAY_STATIC_INLINE lay_vec4 lay_vec4_xyzw(lay_scalar x, lay_scalar y, lay_scalar z, lay_scalar w)
#if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) && !defined(__cplusplus)
return (lay_vec4){x, y, z, w};
lay_vec4 result;
result[0] = x;
result[1] = y;
result[2] = z;
result[3] = w;
return result;
// Call this on a context before using it. You must also call this on a context
// if you would like to use it again after calling lay_destroy_context() on it.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_init_context(lay_context *ctx);
// Reserve enough heap memory to contain `count` items without needing to
// reallocate. The initial lay_init_context() call does not allocate any heap
// memory, so if you init a context and then call this once with a large enough
// number for the number of items you'll create, there will not be any further
// reallocations.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_reserve_items_capacity(lay_context *ctx, lay_id count);
// Frees any heap allocated memory used by a context. Don't call this on a
// context that did not have lay_init_context() call on it. To reuse a context
// after destroying it, you will need to call lay_init_context() on it again.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_destroy_context(lay_context *ctx);
// Clears all of the items in a context, setting its count to 0. Use this when
// you want to re-declare your layout starting from the root item. This does not
// free any memory or perform allocations. It's safe to use the context again
// after calling this. You should probably use this instead of init/destroy if
// you are recalculating your layouts in a loop.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_reset_context(lay_context *ctx);
// Performs the layout calculations, starting at the root item (id 0). After
// calling this, you can use lay_get_rect() to query for an item's calculated
// rectangle. If you use procedures such as lay_append() or lay_insert() after
// calling this, your calculated data may become invalid if a reallocation
// occurs.
// You should prefer to recreate your items starting from the root instead of
// doing fine-grained updates to the existing context.
// However, it's safe to use lay_set_size on an item, and then re-run
// lay_run_context. This might be useful if you are doing a resizing animation
// on items in a layout without any contents changing.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_run_context(lay_context *ctx);
// Like lay_run_context(), this procedure will run layout calculations --
// however, it lets you specify which item you want to start from.
// lay_run_context() always starts with item 0, the first item, as the root.
// Running the layout calculations from a specific item is useful if you want
// need to iteratively re-run parts of your layout hierarchy, or if you are only
// interested in updating certain subsets of it. Be careful when using this --
// it's easy to generated bad output if the parent items haven't yet had their
// output rectangles calculated, or if they've been invalidated (e.g. due to
// re-allocation).
LAY_EXPORT void lay_run_item(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item);
// Performing a layout on items where wrapping is enabled in the parent
// container can cause flags to be modified during the calculations. If you plan
// to call lay_run_context or lay_run_item multiple times without calling
// lay_reset, and if you have a container that uses wrapping, and if the width
// or height of the container may have changed, you should call
// lay_clear_item_break on all of the children of a container before calling
// lay_run_context or lay_run_item again. If you don't, the layout calculations
// may perform unnecessary wrapping.
// This requirement may be changed in the future.
// Calling this will also reset any manually-specified breaking. You will need
// to set the manual breaking again, or simply not call this on any items that
// you know you wanted to break manually.
// If you clear your context every time you calculate your layout, or if you
// don't use wrapping, you don't need to call this.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_clear_item_break(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item);
// Returns the number of items that have been created in a context.
LAY_EXPORT lay_id lay_items_count(lay_context *ctx);
// Returns the number of items the context can hold without performing a
// reallocation.
LAY_EXPORT lay_id lay_items_capacity(lay_context *ctx);
// Create a new item, which can just be thought of as a rectangle. Returns the
// id (handle) used to identify the item.
LAY_EXPORT lay_id lay_item(lay_context *ctx);
// Inserts an item into another item, forming a parent - child relationship. An
// item can contain any number of child items. Items inserted into a parent are
// put at the end of the ordering, after any existing siblings.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_insert(lay_context *ctx, lay_id parent, lay_id child);
// lay_append inserts an item as a sibling after another item. This allows
// inserting an item into the middle of an existing list of items within a
// parent. It's also more efficient than repeatedly using lay_insert(ctx,
// parent, new_child) in a loop to create a list of items in a parent, because
// it does not need to traverse the parent's children each time. So if you're
// creating a long list of children inside of a parent, you might prefer to use
// this after using lay_insert to insert the first child.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_append(lay_context *ctx, lay_id earlier, lay_id later);
// Like lay_insert, but puts the new item as the first child in a parent instead
// of as the last.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_push(lay_context *ctx, lay_id parent, lay_id child);
// Gets the size that was set with lay_set_size or lay_set_size_xy. The _xy
// version writes the output values to the specified addresses instead of
// returning the values in a lay_vec2.
LAY_EXPORT lay_vec2 lay_get_size(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item);
LAY_EXPORT void lay_get_size_xy(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, lay_scalar *x, lay_scalar *y);
// Sets the size of an item. The _xy version passes the width and height as
// separate arguments, but functions the same.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_set_size(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, lay_vec2 size);
LAY_EXPORT void lay_set_size_xy(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, lay_scalar width, lay_scalar height);
// Set the flags on an item which determines how it behaves as a parent. For
// example, setting LAY_COLUMN will make an item behave as if it were a column
// -- it will lay out its children vertically.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_set_contain(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, uint32_t flags);
// Set the flags on an item which determines how it behaves as a child inside of
// a parent item. For example, setting LAY_VFILL will make an item try to fill
// up all available vertical space inside of its parent.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_set_behave(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, uint32_t flags);
// Get the margins that were set by lay_set_margins. The _ltrb version writes
// the output values to the specified addresses instead of returning the values
// in a lay_vec4.
// l: left, t: top, r: right, b: bottom
LAY_EXPORT lay_vec4 lay_get_margins(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item);
LAY_EXPORT void lay_get_margins_ltrb(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, lay_scalar *l, lay_scalar *t, lay_scalar *r, lay_scalar *b);
// Set the margins on an item. The components of the vector are:
// 0: left, 1: top, 2: right, 3: bottom.
LAY_EXPORT void lay_set_margins(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, lay_vec4 ltrb);
// Same as lay_set_margins, but the components are passed as separate arguments
// (left, top, right, bottom).
LAY_EXPORT void lay_set_margins_ltrb(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, lay_scalar l, lay_scalar t, lay_scalar r, lay_scalar b);
// Get the pointer to an item in the buffer by its id. Don't keep this around --
// it will become invalid as soon as any reallocation occurs. Just store the id
// instead (it's smaller, anyway, and the lookup cost will be nothing.)
LAY_STATIC_INLINE lay_item_t *lay_get_item(const lay_context *ctx, lay_id id)
LAY_ASSERT(id != LAY_INVALID_ID && id < ctx->count);
return ctx->items + id;
// Get the id of first child of an item, if any. Returns LAY_INVALID_ID if there
// is no child.
LAY_STATIC_INLINE lay_id lay_first_child(const lay_context *ctx, lay_id id)
const lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, id);
return pitem->first_child;
// Get the id of the next sibling of an item, if any. Returns LAY_INVALID_ID if
// there is no next sibling.
LAY_STATIC_INLINE lay_id lay_next_sibling(const lay_context *ctx, lay_id id)
const lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, id);
return pitem->next_sibling;
// Returns the calculated rectangle of an item. This is only valid after calling
// lay_run_context and before any other reallocation occurs. Otherwise, the
// result will be undefined. The vector components are:
// 0: x starting position, 1: y starting position
// 2: width, 3: height
LAY_STATIC_INLINE lay_vec4 lay_get_rect(const lay_context *ctx, lay_id id)
LAY_ASSERT(id != LAY_INVALID_ID && id < ctx->count);
return ctx->rects[id];
// The same as lay_get_rect, but writes the x,y positions and width,height
// values to the specified addresses instead of returning them in a lay_vec4.
LAY_STATIC_INLINE void lay_get_rect_xywh(
const lay_context *ctx, lay_id id,
lay_scalar *x, lay_scalar *y, lay_scalar *width, lay_scalar *height)
LAY_ASSERT(id != LAY_INVALID_ID && id < ctx->count);
lay_vec4 rect = ctx->rects[id];
*x = rect[0];
*y = rect[1];
*width = rect[2];
*height = rect[3];
// Notes about the use of vector_size merely for syntax convenience:
// The current layout calculation procedures are not written in a way that
// would benefit from SIMD instruction usage.
// (Passing 128-bit float4 vectors using __vectorcall *might* get you some
// small benefit in very specific situations, but is unlikely to be worth the
// hassle. And I believe this would only be needed if you compiled the library
// in a way where the compiler was prevented from using inlining when copying
// rectangle/size data.)
// I might go back in the future and just use regular struct-wrapped arrays.
// I'm not sure if relying the vector thing in GCC/clang and then using C++
// operator overloading in MSVC is worth the annoyance of saving a couple of
// extra characters on each array access in the implementation code.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
// Users of this library can define LAY_REALLOC to use a custom (re)allocator
// instead of stdlib's realloc. It should have the same behavior as realloc --
// first parameter type is a void pointer, and its value is either a null
// pointer or an existing pointer. The second parameter is a size_t of the new
// desired size. The buffer contents should be preserved across reallocations.
// And, if you define LAY_REALLOC, you will also need to define LAY_FREE, which
// should have the same behavior as free.
#include <stdlib.h>
#define LAY_REALLOC(_block, _size) realloc(_block, _size)
#define LAY_FREE(_block) free(_block)
// Like the LAY_REALLOC define, LAY_MEMSET can be used for a custom memset.
// Otherwise, the memset from string.h will be used.
#ifndef LAY_MEMSET
#include <string.h>
#define LAY_MEMSET(_dst, _val, _size) memset(_dst, _val, _size)
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
#define LAY_FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) inline
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define LAY_RESTRICT __restrict
#define LAY_RESTRICT restrict
#endif // __cplusplus
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define LAY_FORCE_INLINE __forceinline
#define LAY_RESTRICT __restrict
#define LAY_FORCE_INLINE inline
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define LAY_RESTRICT restrict
#endif // __cplusplus
// Useful math utilities
static LAY_FORCE_INLINE lay_scalar lay_scalar_max(lay_scalar a, lay_scalar b)
{ return a > b ? a : b; }
static LAY_FORCE_INLINE lay_scalar lay_scalar_min(lay_scalar a, lay_scalar b)
{ return a < b ? a : b; }
static LAY_FORCE_INLINE float lay_float_max(float a, float b)
{ return a > b ? a : b; }
static LAY_FORCE_INLINE float lay_float_min(float a, float b)
{ return a < b ? a : b; }
void lay_init_context(lay_context *ctx)
ctx->capacity = 0;
ctx->count = 0;
ctx->items = NULL;
ctx->rects = NULL;
void lay_reserve_items_capacity(lay_context *ctx, lay_id count)
if (count >= ctx->capacity) {
ctx->capacity = count;
const size_t item_size = sizeof(lay_item_t) + sizeof(lay_vec4);
ctx->items = (lay_item_t*)LAY_REALLOC(ctx->items, ctx->capacity * item_size);
const lay_item_t *past_last = ctx->items + ctx->capacity;
ctx->rects = (lay_vec4*)past_last;
void lay_destroy_context(lay_context *ctx)
if (ctx->items != NULL) {
ctx->items = NULL;
ctx->rects = NULL;
void lay_reset_context(lay_context *ctx)
{ ctx->count = 0; }
static void lay_calc_size(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, int dim);
static void lay_arrange(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, int dim);
void lay_run_context(lay_context *ctx)
if (ctx->count > 0) {
lay_run_item(ctx, 0);
void lay_run_item(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item)
lay_calc_size(ctx, item, 0);
lay_arrange(ctx, item, 0);
lay_calc_size(ctx, item, 1);
lay_arrange(ctx, item, 1);
// Alternatively, we could use a flag bit to indicate whether an item's children
// have already been wrapped and may need re-wrapping. If we do that, in the
// future, this would become deprecated and we could make it a no-op.
void lay_clear_item_break(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item)
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
pitem->flags = pitem->flags & ~(uint32_t)LAY_BREAK;
lay_id lay_items_count(lay_context *ctx)
return ctx->count;
lay_id lay_items_capacity(lay_context *ctx)
return ctx->capacity;
lay_id lay_item(lay_context *ctx)
lay_id idx = ctx->count++;
if (idx >= ctx->capacity) {
ctx->capacity = ctx->capacity < 1 ? 32 : (ctx->capacity * 4);
const size_t item_size = sizeof(lay_item_t) + sizeof(lay_vec4);
ctx->items = (lay_item_t*)LAY_REALLOC(ctx->items, ctx->capacity * item_size);
const lay_item_t *past_last = ctx->items + ctx->capacity;
ctx->rects = (lay_vec4*)past_last;
lay_item_t *item = lay_get_item(ctx, idx);
// We can either do this here, or when creating/resetting buffer
LAY_MEMSET(item, 0, sizeof(lay_item_t));
item->first_child = LAY_INVALID_ID;
item->next_sibling = LAY_INVALID_ID;
// hmm
LAY_MEMSET(&ctx->rects[idx], 0, sizeof(lay_vec4));
return idx;
void lay_append_by_ptr(
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT pearlier,
lay_id later, lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT plater)
plater->next_sibling = pearlier->next_sibling;
plater->flags |= LAY_ITEM_INSERTED;
pearlier->next_sibling = later;
lay_id lay_last_child(const lay_context *ctx, lay_id parent)
lay_item_t *pparent = lay_get_item(ctx, parent);
lay_id child = pparent->first_child;
if (child == LAY_INVALID_ID) return LAY_INVALID_ID;
lay_item_t *pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
lay_id result = child;
for (;;) {
lay_id next = pchild->next_sibling;
if (next == LAY_INVALID_ID) break;
result = next;
pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, next);
return result;
void lay_append(lay_context *ctx, lay_id earlier, lay_id later)
LAY_ASSERT(later != 0); // Must not be root item
LAY_ASSERT(earlier != later); // Must not be same item id
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT pearlier = lay_get_item(ctx, earlier);
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT plater = lay_get_item(ctx, later);
lay_append_by_ptr(pearlier, later, plater);
void lay_insert(lay_context *ctx, lay_id parent, lay_id child)
LAY_ASSERT(child != 0); // Must not be root item
LAY_ASSERT(parent != child); // Must not be same item id
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT pparent = lay_get_item(ctx, parent);
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
LAY_ASSERT(!(pchild->flags & LAY_ITEM_INSERTED));
// Parent has no existing children, make inserted item the first child.
if (pparent->first_child == LAY_INVALID_ID) {
pparent->first_child = child;
pchild->flags |= LAY_ITEM_INSERTED;
// Parent has existing items, iterate to find the last child and append the
// inserted item after it.
} else {
lay_id next = pparent->first_child;
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT pnext = lay_get_item(ctx, next);
for (;;) {
next = pnext->next_sibling;
if (next == LAY_INVALID_ID) break;
pnext = lay_get_item(ctx, next);
lay_append_by_ptr(pnext, child, pchild);
void lay_push(lay_context *ctx, lay_id parent, lay_id new_child)
LAY_ASSERT(new_child != 0); // Must not be root item
LAY_ASSERT(parent != new_child); // Must not be same item id
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT pparent = lay_get_item(ctx, parent);
lay_id old_child = pparent->first_child;
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, new_child);
LAY_ASSERT(!(pchild->flags & LAY_ITEM_INSERTED));
pparent->first_child = new_child;
pchild->flags |= LAY_ITEM_INSERTED;
pchild->next_sibling = old_child;
lay_vec2 lay_get_size(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item)
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
return pitem->size;
void lay_get_size_xy(
lay_context *ctx, lay_id item,
lay_scalar *x, lay_scalar *y)
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
lay_vec2 size = pitem->size;
*x = size[0];
*y = size[1];
void lay_set_size(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, lay_vec2 size)
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
pitem->size = size;
uint32_t flags = pitem->flags;
if (size[0] == 0)
flags &= ~(uint32_t)LAY_ITEM_HFIXED;
if (size[1] == 0)
flags &= ~(uint32_t)LAY_ITEM_VFIXED;
pitem->flags = flags;
void lay_set_size_xy(
lay_context *ctx, lay_id item,
lay_scalar width, lay_scalar height)
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
pitem->size[0] = width;
pitem->size[1] = height;
// Kinda redundant, whatever
uint32_t flags = pitem->flags;
if (width == 0)
flags &= ~(uint32_t)LAY_ITEM_HFIXED;
if (height == 0)
flags &= ~(uint32_t)LAY_ITEM_VFIXED;
pitem->flags = flags;
void lay_set_behave(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, uint32_t flags)
LAY_ASSERT((flags & LAY_ITEM_LAYOUT_MASK) == flags);
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
pitem->flags = (pitem->flags & ~(uint32_t)LAY_ITEM_LAYOUT_MASK) | flags;
void lay_set_contain(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, uint32_t flags)
LAY_ASSERT((flags & LAY_ITEM_BOX_MASK) == flags);
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
pitem->flags = (pitem->flags & ~(uint32_t)LAY_ITEM_BOX_MASK) | flags;
void lay_set_margins(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, lay_vec4 ltrb)
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
pitem->margins = ltrb;
void lay_set_margins_ltrb(
lay_context *ctx, lay_id item,
lay_scalar l, lay_scalar t, lay_scalar r, lay_scalar b)
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
// Alternative, uses stack and addressed writes
//pitem->margins = lay_vec4_xyzw(l, t, r, b);
// Alternative, uses rax and left-shift
//pitem->margins = (lay_vec4){l, t, r, b};
// Fewest instructions, but uses more addressed writes?
pitem->margins[0] = l;
pitem->margins[1] = t;
pitem->margins[2] = r;
pitem->margins[3] = b;
lay_vec4 lay_get_margins(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item)
{ return lay_get_item(ctx, item)->margins; }
void lay_get_margins_ltrb(
lay_context *ctx, lay_id item,
lay_scalar *l, lay_scalar *t, lay_scalar *r, lay_scalar *b)
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
lay_vec4 margins = pitem->margins;
*l = margins[0];
*t = margins[1];
*r = margins[2];
*b = margins[3];
// TODO restrict item ptrs correctly
lay_scalar lay_calc_overlayed_size(
lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, int dim)
const int wdim = dim + 2;
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
lay_scalar need_size = 0;
lay_id child = pitem->first_child;
while (child != LAY_INVALID_ID) {
lay_item_t *pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
lay_vec4 rect = ctx->rects[child];
// width = start margin + calculated width + end margin
lay_scalar child_size = rect[dim] + rect[2 + dim] + pchild->margins[wdim];
need_size = lay_scalar_max(need_size, child_size);
child = pchild->next_sibling;
return need_size;
lay_scalar lay_calc_stacked_size(
lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, int dim)
const int wdim = dim + 2;
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
lay_scalar need_size = 0;
lay_id child = pitem->first_child;
while (child != LAY_INVALID_ID) {
lay_item_t *pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
lay_vec4 rect = ctx->rects[child];
need_size += rect[dim] + rect[2 + dim] + pchild->margins[wdim];
child = pchild->next_sibling;
return need_size;
lay_scalar lay_calc_wrapped_overlayed_size(
lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, int dim)
const int wdim = dim + 2;
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
lay_scalar need_size = 0;
lay_scalar need_size2 = 0;
lay_id child = pitem->first_child;
while (child != LAY_INVALID_ID) {
lay_item_t *pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
lay_vec4 rect = ctx->rects[child];
if (pchild->flags & LAY_BREAK) {
need_size2 += need_size;
need_size = 0;
lay_scalar child_size = rect[dim] + rect[2 + dim] + pchild->margins[wdim];
need_size = lay_scalar_max(need_size, child_size);
child = pchild->next_sibling;
return need_size2 + need_size;
// Equivalent to uiComputeWrappedStackedSize
lay_scalar lay_calc_wrapped_stacked_size(
lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, int dim)
const int wdim = dim + 2;
lay_item_t *LAY_RESTRICT pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
lay_scalar need_size = 0;
lay_scalar need_size2 = 0;
lay_id child = pitem->first_child;
while (child != LAY_INVALID_ID) {
lay_item_t *pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
lay_vec4 rect = ctx->rects[child];
if (pchild->flags & LAY_BREAK) {
need_size2 = lay_scalar_max(need_size2, need_size);
need_size = 0;
need_size += rect[dim] + rect[2 + dim] + pchild->margins[wdim];
child = pchild->next_sibling;
return lay_scalar_max(need_size2, need_size);
static void lay_calc_size(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, int dim)
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
lay_id child = pitem->first_child;
while (child != LAY_INVALID_ID) {
// NOTE: this is recursive and will run out of stack space if items are
// nested too deeply.
lay_calc_size(ctx, child, dim);
lay_item_t *pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
child = pchild->next_sibling;
// Set the mutable rect output data to the starting input data
ctx->rects[item][dim] = pitem->margins[dim];
// If we have an explicit input size, just set our output size (which other
// calc_size and arrange procedures will use) to it.
if (pitem->size[dim] != 0) {
ctx->rects[item][2 + dim] = pitem->size[dim];
// Calculate our size based on children items. Note that we've already
// called lay_calc_size on our children at this point.
lay_scalar cal_size;
switch (pitem->flags & LAY_ITEM_BOX_MODEL_MASK) {
// flex model
if (dim) // direction
cal_size = lay_calc_stacked_size(ctx, item, 1);
cal_size = lay_calc_overlayed_size(ctx, item, 0);
// flex model
if (!dim) // direction
cal_size = lay_calc_wrapped_stacked_size(ctx, item, 0);
cal_size = lay_calc_wrapped_overlayed_size(ctx, item, 1);
case LAY_ROW:
// flex model
if ((pitem->flags & 1) == (uint32_t)dim) // direction
cal_size = lay_calc_stacked_size(ctx, item, dim);
cal_size = lay_calc_overlayed_size(ctx, item, dim);
// layout model
cal_size = lay_calc_overlayed_size(ctx, item, dim);
// Set our output data size. Will be used by parent calc_size procedures.,
// and by arrange procedures.
ctx->rects[item][2 + dim] = cal_size;
void lay_arrange_stacked(
lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, int dim, bool wrap)
const int wdim = dim + 2;
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
const uint32_t item_flags = pitem->flags;
lay_vec4 rect = ctx->rects[item];
lay_scalar space = rect[2 + dim];
float max_x2 = (float)(rect[dim] + space);
lay_id start_child = pitem->first_child;
while (start_child != LAY_INVALID_ID) {
lay_scalar used = 0;
uint32_t count = 0; // count of fillers
uint32_t squeezed_count = 0; // count of squeezable elements
uint32_t total = 0;
bool hardbreak = false;
// first pass: count items that need to be expanded,
// and the space that is used
lay_id child = start_child;
lay_id end_child = LAY_INVALID_ID;
while (child != LAY_INVALID_ID) {
lay_item_t *pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
const uint32_t child_flags = pchild->flags;
const uint32_t flags = (child_flags & LAY_ITEM_LAYOUT_MASK) >> dim;
const uint32_t fflags = (child_flags & LAY_ITEM_FIXED_MASK) >> dim;
const lay_vec4 child_margins = pchild->margins;
lay_vec4 child_rect = ctx->rects[child];
lay_scalar extend = used;
if ((flags & LAY_HFILL) == LAY_HFILL) {
extend += child_rect[dim] + child_margins[wdim];
} else {
extend += child_rect[dim] + child_rect[2 + dim] + child_margins[wdim];
// wrap on end of line or manual flag
if (wrap && (
total && ((extend > space) ||
(child_flags & LAY_BREAK)))) {
end_child = child;
hardbreak = (child_flags & LAY_BREAK) == LAY_BREAK;
// add marker for subsequent queries
pchild->flags = child_flags | LAY_BREAK;
} else {
used = extend;
child = pchild->next_sibling;
lay_scalar extra_space = space - used;
float filler = 0.0f;
float spacer = 0.0f;
float extra_margin = 0.0f;
float eater = 0.0f;
if (extra_space > 0) {
if (count > 0)
filler = (float)extra_space / (float)count;
else if (total > 0) {
switch (item_flags & LAY_JUSTIFY) {
// justify when not wrapping or not in last line,
// or not manually breaking
if (!wrap || ((end_child != LAY_INVALID_ID) && !hardbreak))
spacer = (float)extra_space / (float)(total - 1);
case LAY_END:
extra_margin = extra_space;
extra_margin = extra_space / 2.0f;
#ifdef LAY_FLOAT
// In floating point, it's possible to end up with some small negative
// value for extra_space, while also have a 0.0 squeezed_count. This
// would cause divide by zero. Instead, we'll check to see if
// squeezed_count is > 0. I believe this produces the same results as
// the original oui int-only code. However, I don't have any tests for
// it, so I'll leave it if-def'd for now.
else if (!wrap && (squeezed_count > 0))
// This is the original oui code
else if (!wrap && (extra_space < 0))
eater = (float)extra_space / (float)squeezed_count;
// distribute width among items
float x = (float)rect[dim];
float x1;
// second pass: distribute and rescale
child = start_child;
while (child != end_child) {
lay_scalar ix0, ix1;
lay_item_t *pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
const uint32_t child_flags = pchild->flags;
const uint32_t flags = (child_flags & LAY_ITEM_LAYOUT_MASK) >> dim;
const uint32_t fflags = (child_flags & LAY_ITEM_FIXED_MASK) >> dim;
const lay_vec4 child_margins = pchild->margins;
lay_vec4 child_rect = ctx->rects[child];
x += (float)child_rect[dim] + extra_margin;
if ((flags & LAY_HFILL) == LAY_HFILL) // grow
x1 = x + filler;
else if ((fflags & LAY_ITEM_HFIXED) == LAY_ITEM_HFIXED)
x1 = x + (float)child_rect[2 + dim];
else // squeeze
x1 = x + lay_float_max(0.0f, (float)child_rect[2 + dim] + eater);
ix0 = (lay_scalar)x;
if (wrap)
ix1 = (lay_scalar)lay_float_min(max_x2 - (float)child_margins[wdim], x1);
ix1 = (lay_scalar)x1;
child_rect[dim] = ix0; // pos
child_rect[dim + 2] = ix1 - ix0; // size
ctx->rects[child] = child_rect;
x = x1 + (float)child_margins[wdim];
child = pchild->next_sibling;
extra_margin = spacer;
start_child = end_child;
void lay_arrange_overlay(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, int dim)
const int wdim = dim + 2;
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
const lay_vec4 rect = ctx->rects[item];
const lay_scalar offset = rect[dim];
const lay_scalar space = rect[2 + dim];
lay_id child = pitem->first_child;
while (child != LAY_INVALID_ID) {
lay_item_t *pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
const uint32_t b_flags = (pchild->flags & LAY_ITEM_LAYOUT_MASK) >> dim;
const lay_vec4 child_margins = pchild->margins;
lay_vec4 child_rect = ctx->rects[child];
switch (b_flags & LAY_HFILL) {
child_rect[dim] += (space - child_rect[2 + dim]) / 2 - child_margins[wdim];
child_rect[dim] += space - child_rect[2 + dim] - child_margins[dim] - child_margins[wdim];
child_rect[2 + dim] = lay_scalar_max(0, space - child_rect[dim] - child_margins[wdim]);
child_rect[dim] += offset;
ctx->rects[child] = child_rect;
child = pchild->next_sibling;
void lay_arrange_overlay_squeezed_range(
lay_context *ctx, int dim,
lay_id start_item, lay_id end_item,
lay_scalar offset, lay_scalar space)
int wdim = dim + 2;
lay_id item = start_item;
while (item != end_item) {
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
const uint32_t b_flags = (pitem->flags & LAY_ITEM_LAYOUT_MASK) >> dim;
const lay_vec4 margins = pitem->margins;
lay_vec4 rect = ctx->rects[item];
lay_scalar min_size = lay_scalar_max(0, space - rect[dim] - margins[wdim]);
switch (b_flags & LAY_HFILL) {
rect[2 + dim] = lay_scalar_min(rect[2 + dim], min_size);
rect[dim] += (space - rect[2 + dim]) / 2 - margins[wdim];
rect[2 + dim] = lay_scalar_min(rect[2 + dim], min_size);
rect[dim] = space - rect[2 + dim] - margins[wdim];
rect[2 + dim] = min_size;
rect[2 + dim] = lay_scalar_min(rect[2 + dim], min_size);
rect[dim] += offset;
ctx->rects[item] = rect;
item = pitem->next_sibling;
lay_scalar lay_arrange_wrapped_overlay_squeezed(
lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, int dim)
const int wdim = dim + 2;
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
lay_scalar offset = ctx->rects[item][dim];
lay_scalar need_size = 0;
lay_id child = pitem->first_child;
lay_id start_child = child;
while (child != LAY_INVALID_ID) {
lay_item_t *pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
if (pchild->flags & LAY_BREAK) {
lay_arrange_overlay_squeezed_range(ctx, dim, start_child, child, offset, need_size);
offset += need_size;
start_child = child;
need_size = 0;
const lay_vec4 rect = ctx->rects[child];
lay_scalar child_size = rect[dim] + rect[2 + dim] + pchild->margins[wdim];
need_size = lay_scalar_max(need_size, child_size);
child = pchild->next_sibling;
lay_arrange_overlay_squeezed_range(ctx, dim, start_child, LAY_INVALID_ID, offset, need_size);
offset += need_size;
return offset;
static void lay_arrange(lay_context *ctx, lay_id item, int dim)
lay_item_t *pitem = lay_get_item(ctx, item);
const uint32_t flags = pitem->flags;
switch (flags & LAY_ITEM_BOX_MODEL_MASK) {
if (dim != 0) {
lay_arrange_stacked(ctx, item, 1, true);
lay_scalar offset = lay_arrange_wrapped_overlay_squeezed(ctx, item, 0);
ctx->rects[item][2 + 0] = offset - ctx->rects[item][0];
if (dim == 0)
lay_arrange_stacked(ctx, item, 0, true);
// discard return value
lay_arrange_wrapped_overlay_squeezed(ctx, item, 1);
case LAY_ROW:
if ((flags & 1) == (uint32_t)dim) {
lay_arrange_stacked(ctx, item, dim, false);
} else {
const lay_vec4 rect = ctx->rects[item];
ctx, dim, pitem->first_child, LAY_INVALID_ID,
rect[dim], rect[2 + dim]);
lay_arrange_overlay(ctx, item, dim);
lay_id child = pitem->first_child;
while (child != LAY_INVALID_ID) {
// NOTE: this is recursive and will run out of stack space if items are
// nested too deeply.
lay_arrange(ctx, child, dim);
lay_item_t *pchild = lay_get_item(ctx, child);
child = pchild->next_sibling;