2023-11-27 20:29:55 +00:00

322 lines
7.3 KiB

#include "sound.h"
#include "limits.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "music.h"
#include "resources.h"
#include "stb_vorbis.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "time.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "samplerate.h"
#include "stb_ds.h"
#include "dsp.h"
#include "pocketmod.h"
#include "sokol/sokol_audio.h"
#define TSF_NO_STDIO
#include "tsf.h"
#define TML_NO_STDIO
#include "tml.h"
#include "dr_wav.h"
#ifndef NFLAC
#include "dr_flac.h"
#ifndef NMP3
#define DR_MP3_NO_STDIO
#include "dr_mp3.h"
#ifndef NQOA
#define QOA_NO_STDIO
#include "qoa.h"
static struct {
char *key;
struct wav *value;
} *wavhash = NULL;
void change_channels(struct wav *w, int ch) {
if (w->ch == ch) return;
soundbyte *data = w->data;
int samples = ch * w->frames;
soundbyte *new = malloc(sizeof(soundbyte) * samples);
if (ch > w->ch) {
/* Sets all new channels equal to the first one */
for (int i = 0; i < w->frames; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ch; j++)
new[i * ch + j] = data[i];
} else {
/* Simple method; just use first N channels present in wav */
for (int i = 0; i < w->frames; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ch; j++)
new[i * ch + j] = data[i * ch + j];
w->data = new;
void resample(soundbyte *in, soundbyte *out, int in_frames, int out_frames, int channels)
float ratio = (float)in_frames/out_frames;
SRC_DATA ssrc;
ssrc.data_in = in;
ssrc.data_out = out;
ssrc.input_frames = in_frames;
ssrc.output_frames = out_frames;
ssrc.src_ratio = ratio;
int err = src_simple(&ssrc, SRC_LINEAR, channels);
if (err)
YughError("Resampling error code %d: %s", err, src_strerror(err));
void change_samplerate(struct wav *w, int rate) {
if (rate == w->samplerate) return;
float ratio = (float)rate / w->samplerate;
int outframes = w->frames * ratio;
soundbyte *resampled = malloc(w->ch*outframes*sizeof(soundbyte));
resample(w->data, resampled, w->frames, outframes, w->ch);
w->data = resampled;
w->frames = outframes;
w->samplerate = rate;
void push_sound(soundbyte *buffer, int frames, int chan)
set_soundbytes(buffer, dsp_node_out(masterbus), frames*chan);
void filter_mod(pocketmod_context *mod, soundbyte *buffer, int frames)
pocketmod_render(mod, buffer, frames*CHANNELS*sizeof(soundbyte));
dsp_node *dsp_mod(const char *path)
long modsize;
void *data = slurp_file(path, &modsize);
pocketmod_context *mod = malloc(sizeof(*mod));
pocketmod_init(mod, data, modsize, SAMPLERATE);
return make_node(mod, filter_mod);
void sound_init() {
.stream_cb = push_sound,
.sample_rate = SAMPLERATE,
.num_channels = CHANNELS,
.buffer_frames = BUF_FRAMES,
.logger.func = sg_logging,
typedef struct {
int channels;
int samplerate;
void *f;
} stream;
void mp3_filter(stream *mp3, soundbyte *buffer, int frames)
if (mp3->samplerate == SAMPLERATE) {
drmp3_read_pcm_frames_f32(mp3->f, frames, buffer);
int in_frames = (float)mp3->samplerate/SAMPLERATE;
soundbyte *decode = malloc(sizeof(*decode)*in_frames*mp3->channels);
drmp3_read_pcm_frames_f32(mp3->f, in_frames, decode);
resample(decode, buffer, in_frames, frames, CHANNELS);
struct wav *make_sound(const char *wav) {
int index = shgeti(wavhash, wav);
if (index != -1)
return wavhash[index].value;
char *ext = strrchr(wav, '.')+1;
if(!ext) {
YughWarn("No extension detected for %s.", wav);
return NULL;
struct wav *mwav = malloc(sizeof(*mwav));
long rawlen;
void *raw = slurp_file(wav, &rawlen);
if (!raw) {
YughError("Could not find file %s.", wav);
return NULL;
if (!strcmp(ext, "wav"))
mwav->data = drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32(raw, rawlen, &mwav->ch, &mwav->samplerate, &mwav->frames, NULL);
else if (!strcmp(ext, "flac")) {
#ifndef NFLAC
mwav->data = drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32(raw, rawlen, &mwav->ch, &mwav->samplerate, &mwav->frames, NULL);
YughWarn("Could not load %s because Primum was built without FLAC support.", wav);
else if (!strcmp(ext, "mp3")) {
#ifndef NMP3
drmp3_config cnf;
mwav->data = drmp3_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32(raw, rawlen, &cnf, &mwav->frames, NULL);
mwav->ch = cnf.channels;
mwav->samplerate = cnf.sampleRate;
YughWarn("Could not load %s because Primum was built without MP3 support.", wav);
else if (!strcmp(ext, "qoa")) {
#ifndef NQOA
qoa_desc qoa;
short *qoa_data = qoa_decode(raw, rawlen, &qoa);
mwav->ch = qoa.channels;
mwav->samplerate = qoa.samplerate;
mwav->frames = qoa.samples;
mwav->data = malloc(sizeof(soundbyte) * mwav->frames * mwav->ch);
src_short_to_float_array(qoa_data, mwav->data, mwav->frames*mwav->ch);
YughWarn("Could not load %s because Primum was built without QOA support.", wav);
} else {
YughWarn("File with unknown type '%s'.", wav);
free (raw);
return NULL;
change_samplerate(mwav, SAMPLERATE);
change_channels(mwav, CHANNELS);
if (shlen(wavhash) == 0) sh_new_arena(wavhash);
shput(wavhash, wav, mwav);
return mwav;
void free_sound(const char *wav) {
struct wav *w = shget(wavhash, wav);
if (w == NULL) return;
shdel(wavhash, wav);
void sound_fillbuf(struct sound *s, soundbyte *buf, int n) {
int frames = s->data->frames - s->frame;
if (frames == 0) return;
int end = 0;
if (frames > n)
frames = n;
end = 1;
soundbyte *in = s->data->data;
for (int i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < CHANNELS; j++)
buf[i * CHANNELS + j] = in[s->frame*CHANNELS + j];
if(end) {
if (s->loop)
s->frame = 0;
call_env(s->hook, "this.end();");
void free_source(struct sound *s)
JS_FreeValue(js, s->hook);
struct dsp_node *dsp_source(char *path)
struct sound *self = malloc(sizeof(*self));
self->frame = 0;
self->data = make_sound(path);
self->loop = false;
self->hook = JS_UNDEFINED;
dsp_node *n = make_node(self, sound_fillbuf);
n->data_free = free_source;
return n;
int sound_finished(const struct sound *s) {
return s->frame == s->data->frames;
struct mp3 make_music(const char *mp3) {
// drmp3 new;
// if (!drmp3_init_file(&new, mp3, NULL)) {
// YughError("Could not open mp3 file %s.", mp3);
// }
struct mp3 newmp3 = {};
return newmp3;
float short2db(short val) {
return 20 * log10(abs(val) / SHRT_MAX);
short db2short(float db) {
return pow(10, db / 20.f) * SHRT_MAX;
short short_gain(short val, float db) {
return (short)(pow(10, db / 20.f) * val);
float float2db(float val) { return 20 * log10(fabsf(val)); }
float db2float(float db) { return pow(10, db/20); }
float fgain(float val, float db) {
return pow(10,db/20.f)*val;
float pct2db(float pct) {
if (pct <= 0) return -72.f;
return 10 * log2(pct);
float pct2mult(float pct) {
if (pct <= 0) return 0.f;
return pow(10, 0.5 * log2(pct));