#include "texture.h" #include "log.h" #include "render.h" #include "sokol/sokol_gfx.h" #include #include #include #include "resources.h" #include "stb_image_resize2.h" #include #include "qoi.h" #define CUTE_ASEPRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "cute_aseprite.h" #ifndef NSVG #include "nanosvgrast.h" #endif struct rect ST_UNIT = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f}; static inline void write_pixel(unsigned char *data, int idx, rgba color) { memcpy(data+idx, &color, sizeof(color)); } static inline rgba get_pixel(unsigned char *data, int idx) { rgba color; memcpy(&color, data+idx, sizeof(color)); return color; } static inline unsigned char c_clamp(float value) { return (unsigned char) fmaxf(0.0f, fminf(255.0f, roundf(value))); } static inline rgba blend_colors(rgba a, rgba b) { float a_a = a.a / 255.0f; float b_a = b.a / 255.0f; float out_a = a_a + b_a * (1.0f - a_a); rgba result; if (out_a == 0.0f) { result.r = result.g = result.b = result.a = 0; return result; } // Use the c_clamp function to safely clamp the values within the range [0, 255] result.r = c_clamp(((a.r * a_a) + (b.r * b_a * (1.0f - a_a))) / out_a); result.g = c_clamp(((a.g * a_a) + (b.g * b_a * (1.0f - a_a))) / out_a); result.b = c_clamp(((a.b * a_a) + (b.b * b_a * (1.0f - a_a))) / out_a); result.a = c_clamp(out_a * 255.0f); return result; } static inline rgba additive_blend(rgba a, rgba b) { rgba result; result.r = c_clamp(a.r + b.r); result.g = c_clamp(a.g + b.g); result.b = c_clamp(a.b + b.b); result.a = c_clamp((a.a + b.a) * 0.5f); // Blend alpha channels evenly return result; } static inline rgba subtractive_blend(rgba a, rgba b) { rgba result; result.r = c_clamp(a.r - b.r); result.g = c_clamp(a.g - b.g); result.b = c_clamp(a.b - b.b); result.a = c_clamp((a.a + b.a) * 0.5f); // Blend alpha channels evenly return result; } static inline rgba multiplicative_blend(rgba a, rgba b) { rgba result; result.r = c_clamp((a.r * b.r) / 255.0f); result.g = c_clamp((a.g * b.g) / 255.0f); result.b = c_clamp((a.b * b.b) / 255.0f); result.a = c_clamp((a.a + b.a) * 0.5f); // Blend alpha channels evenly return result; } static inline rgba dodge_blend(rgba a, rgba b) { rgba result; result.r = c_clamp(a.r == 255 ? 255 : (b.r * 255) / (255 - a.r)); result.g = c_clamp(a.g == 255 ? 255 : (b.g * 255) / (255 - a.g)); result.b = c_clamp(a.b == 255 ? 255 : (b.b * 255) / (255 - a.b)); result.a = c_clamp((a.a + b.a) * 0.5f); // Blend alpha channels evenly return result; } static inline rgba burn_blend(rgba a, rgba b) { rgba result; result.r = c_clamp(a.r == 0 ? 0 : 255 - ((255 - b.r) * 255) / a.r); result.g = c_clamp(a.g == 0 ? 0 : 255 - ((255 - b.g) * 255) / a.g); result.b = c_clamp(a.b == 0 ? 0 : 255 - ((255 - b.b) * 255) / a.b); result.a = c_clamp((a.a + b.a) * 0.5f); // Blend alpha channels evenly return result; } unsigned int next_pow2(unsigned int v) { v--; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; v++; return v; } int mip_levels(int width, int height) { int levels = 0; while (width > 1 || height > 1) { width >>= 1; height >>= 1; levels++; } return levels; } int mip_wh(int w, int h, int *mw, int *mh, int lvl) { w >>= lvl; h >>= lvl; if (w == 0 && h == 0) return 1; *mw = w ? w : 1; *mh = h ? h : 1; return 0; } void texture_offload(texture *tex) { if (tex->data) { free(tex->data); tex->data = NULL; } } /* If an empty string or null is put for path, loads default texture */ struct texture *texture_from_file(const char *path) { if (!path) return NULL; size_t rawlen; unsigned char *raw = slurp_file(path, &rawlen); if (!raw) return NULL; unsigned char *data; struct texture *tex = calloc(1, sizeof(*tex)); int n; char *ext = strrchr(path, '.'); if (!strcmp(ext, ".ase")) { ase_t *ase = cute_aseprite_load_from_memory(raw, rawlen, NULL); // frame is ase->w, ase->h /* sprite anim is anim = { frames: [ rect: { <---- gathered after rect packing x: y: w: h: }, time: ase->duration_milliseconds / 1000 (so it's in seconds) ], path: path, }; */ for (int i = 0; i < ase->frame_count; i++) { ase_frame_t *frame = ase->frames+i; // add to thing with frame->pixels } cute_aseprite_free(ase); } else if (!strcmp(ext, ".qoi")) { qoi_desc qoi; data = qoi_decode(raw, rawlen, &qoi, 4); tex->width = qoi.width; tex->height = qoi.height; n = qoi.channels; } else if (!strcmp(ext, ".gif")) { data = stbi_load_gif_from_memory(raw, rawlen, &tex->delays, &tex->width, &tex->height, &tex->frames, &n, 4); int *dd = tex->delays; tex->delays = NULL; arrsetlen(tex->delays, tex->frames); for (int i = 0; i < tex->frames; i++) tex->delays[i] = dd[i]; free(dd); tex->height *= tex->frames; } else if (!strcmp(ext, ".svg")) { #ifndef NSVG NSVGimage *svg = nsvgParse(raw, "px", 96); struct NSVGrasterizer *rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer(); n=4; tex->width=100; tex->height=100; float scale = tex->width/svg->width; data = malloc(tex->width*tex->height*n); nsvgRasterize(rast, svg, 0, 0, scale, data, tex->width, tex->height, tex->width*n); free(svg); free(rast); #else YughWarn("Prosperon was built without SVG capabilities."); return; #endif } else { data = stbi_load_from_memory(raw, rawlen, &tex->width, &tex->height, &n, 4); } free(raw); if (data == NULL) { free(tex); return NULL; } tex->data = data; return tex; } void texture_free(texture *tex) { if (!tex) return; if (tex->data) free(tex->data); if (tex->delays) arrfree(tex->delays); if (tex->simgui.id) simgui_destroy_image(tex->simgui); free(tex); } struct texture *texture_empty(int w, int h) { int n = 4; texture *tex = calloc(1,sizeof(*tex)); tex->data = calloc(w*h*n, sizeof(unsigned char)); tex->width = w; tex->height = h; return tex; } struct texture *texture_fromdata(void *raw, long size) { struct texture *tex = calloc(1, sizeof(*tex)); int n; void *data = stbi_load_from_memory(raw, size, &tex->width, &tex->height, &n, 4); if (data == NULL) { free(tex); return NULL; } tex->data = data; texture_load_gpu(tex); return tex; } static double fade (double t) { return t*t*t*(t*(t*6-15)+10); } double grad (int hash, double x, double y, double z) { int h = hash&15; double u = h<8 ? x : y; double v = h<4 ? y : h==12||h==14 ? x : z; return ((h&1) == 0 ? u : -u) + ((h&2) == 0 ? v : -v); /* alt */ /* switch(hash & 0xF) { case 0x0: return x + y; case 0x1: return -x + y; case 0x2: return x - y; case 0x3: return -x - y; case 0x4: return x + z; case 0x5: return -x + z; case 0x6: return x - z; case 0x7: return -x - z; case 0x8: return y + z; case 0x9: return -y + z; case 0xA: return y - z; case 0xB: return -y - z; case 0xC: return y + x; case 0xD: return -y + z; case 0xE: return y - x; case 0xF: return -y - z; default: return 0; // never happens }*/ } void texture_save(texture *tex, const char *file) { if (!tex->data) return; char *ext = strrchr(file, '.'); if (!strcmp(ext, ".png")) stbi_write_png(file, tex->width, tex->height, 4, tex->data, 4*tex->width); else if (!strcmp(ext, ".bmp")) stbi_write_bmp(file, tex->width, tex->height, 4, tex->data); else if (!strcmp(ext, ".tga")) stbi_write_tga(file, tex->width, tex->height, 4, tex->data); else if (!strcmp(ext, ".jpg") || !strcmp(ext, ".jpeg")) stbi_write_jpg(file, tex->width, tex->height, 4, tex->data, 5); else if (!strcmp(ext, ".qoi")) qoi_write(file, tex->data, &(qoi_desc) { .width = tex->width, .height = tex->height, .channels = 4, .colorspace = QOI_SRGB }); } // copy texture src to dest // sx and sy are the destination coordinates to copy to // sw the width of the destination to take in pixels // sh the height of the destination to take in pixels int texture_blit(texture *dst, texture *src, rect dstrect, rect srcrect, int tile) { if (!src || !dst || !src->data || !dst->data) return 0; float scaleX = srcrect.w / dstrect.w; float scaleY = srcrect.h / dstrect.h; if (srcrect.x < 0 || srcrect.y < 0 || srcrect.x + srcrect.w > src->width || dstrect.x < 0 || dstrect.y < 0 || dstrect.x + dstrect.w > dst->width || srcrect.y + srcrect.h > src->height || dstrect.y + dstrect.h > dst->height) { return false; // Rectangles exceed texture bounds } for (int dstY = 0; dstY < dstrect.h; ++dstY) { for (int dstX = 0; dstX < dstrect.w; ++dstX) { int srcX; int srcY; if (tile) { srcX = srcrect.x + (dstX % (int)srcrect.w); srcY = srcrect.y + (dstY % (int)srcrect.h); } else { srcX = srcrect.x + (int)(dstX * scaleX); srcY = srcrect.y + (int)(dstY * scaleY); } int srcIndex = (srcY * src->width + srcX) * 4; int dstIndex = ((dstrect.y + dstY) * dst->width + (dstrect.x + dstX)) * 4; rgba srccolor = get_pixel(src->data, srcIndex); rgba dstcolor = get_pixel(dst->data, dstIndex); rgba color = blend_colors(srccolor, dstcolor); write_pixel(dst->data, dstIndex, color); } } return 1; } int texture_fill_rect(texture *tex, struct rect rect, struct rgba color) { if (!tex || !tex->data) return 0; int x_end = rect.x+rect.w; int y_end = rect.y+rect.h; if (rect.x < 0 || rect.y < 0 || x_end > tex->width || y_end > tex->height) return 0; for (int j = rect.y; j < y_end; ++j) for (int i = rect.x; i < x_end; ++i) { int index = (j*tex->width+i)*4; write_pixel(tex->data, index, color); } return 1; } void swap_pixels(unsigned char *p1, unsigned char *p2) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { unsigned char tmp = p1[i]; p1[i] = p2[i]; p2[i] = tmp; } } texture *texture_scale(texture *tex, int width, int height) { texture *new = calloc(1, sizeof(*new)); new->width = width; new->height = height; new->data = malloc(4*width*height); stbir_resize_uint8_linear(tex->data, tex->width, tex->height, 0, new->data, width, height, 0, 4); return new; } int texture_flip(texture *tex, int y) { if (!tex || !tex->data) return -1; int width = tex->width; int height = tex->height; if (y) { for (int row = 0; row < height / 2; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) { unsigned char *top = tex->data+((row*width+col)*4); unsigned char *bottom = tex->data+(((height-row-1)*width+col)*4); swap_pixels(top,bottom); } } } else { for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < width / 2; ++col) { unsigned char *left = tex->data+((row*width+col)*4); unsigned char *right = tex->data+((row*width+(width-col-1))*4); swap_pixels(left,right); } } } return 0; } int texture_write_pixel(texture *tex, int x, int y, rgba color) { if (x < 0 || x >= tex->width || y < 0 || y >= tex->height) return 0; int i = (y * tex->width + x) * 4; write_pixel(tex->data, i, color); return 1; } texture *texture_dup(texture *tex) { texture *new = calloc(1, sizeof(*new)); *new = *tex; new->data = malloc(new->width*new->height*4); memcpy(new->data, tex->data, new->width*new->height*4*sizeof(new->data)); return new; } sg_image_data tex_img_data(texture *tex, int mipmaps) { if (!mipmaps) { sg_image_data sg_img_data = {0}; sg_img_data.subimage[0][0] = (sg_range) {.ptr = tex->data, .size = tex->width*tex->height*4}; return sg_img_data; } sg_image_data sg_img_data = {0}; int mips = mip_levels(tex->width, tex->height)+1; int mipw, miph; mipw = tex->width; miph = tex->height; sg_img_data.subimage[0][0] = (sg_range){ .ptr = tex->data, .size = mipw*miph*4 }; unsigned char *mipdata[mips]; mipdata[0] = tex->data; for (int i = 1; i < mips; i++) { int w, h, mipw, miph; mip_wh(tex->width, tex->height, &mipw, &miph, i-1); // mipw miph are previous iteration mip_wh(tex->width, tex->height, &w, &h, i); mipdata[i] = malloc(w * h * 4); stbir_resize_uint8_linear(mipdata[i-1], mipw, miph, 0, mipdata[i], w, h, 0, 4); sg_img_data.subimage[0][i] = (sg_range){ .ptr = mipdata[i], .size = w*h*4 }; tex->vram += w*h*4; mipw = w; miph = h; } } int texture_fill(texture *tex, struct rgba color) { if (!tex || !tex->data) return 0; // Ensure valid texture and pixel data // Loop through every pixel in the texture for (int y = 0; y < tex->height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < tex->width; ++x) { int index = (y * tex->width + x) * 4; write_pixel(tex->data, index, color); } } return 1; } void texture_load_gpu(texture *tex) { if (!tex->data) return; if (tex->id.id == 0) { // Doesn't exist, so make a new one sg_image_data img_data = tex_img_data(tex, 0); tex->id = sg_make_image(&(sg_image_desc){ .type = SG_IMAGETYPE_2D, .width = tex->width, .height = tex->height, .usage = SG_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, .num_mipmaps = 1, .data = img_data }); } //else { // Simple update // sg_image_data img_data = tex_img_data(tex,0); // sg_update_image(tex->id, &img_data); // } }