function grab_from_points(pos, points, slop) { var shortest = slop; var idx = -1; points.forEach(function(x,i) { if (Vector.length(pos.sub(x)) < shortest) { shortest = Vector.length(pos.sub(x)); idx = i; } }); return idx; }; var gameobject = { impl: { full_path() { return this.path_from(Primum); }, path_from(o) { var p = this.toString(); var c = this.level; while (c && c !== o && c !== Primum) { p = c.toString() + "." + p; c = c.level; } if (c === Primum) p = "Primum." + p; return p; }, clear() { for (var k in this.objects) {`Killing ${k}`); this.objects[k].kill(); }; this.objects = {}; }, gscale() { return cmd(103,this.body); }, sgscale(x) { cmd(36,this.body,x) }, get scale() { if (!this.level) return this.gscale(); return this.gscale()/this.level.gscale(); }, set scale(x) { if (this.level) x *= this.level.gscale(); var pct = x/this.gscale(); cmd(36, this.body, x); this.objects?.forEach(function(obj) { obj.sgscale(obj.gscale()*pct); obj.pos = obj.pos.scale(pct); }); }, get flipx() { return cmd(104,this.body); }, set flipx(x) { cmd(55, this.body, x); return; this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { obj.flipx = !obj.flipx; var rp = obj.pos; obj.pos = [-rp.x, rp.y].add(this.worldpos()); obj.angle = -obj.angle; },this); }, get flipy() { return cmd(105,this.body); }, set flipy(x) { cmd(56, this.body, x); return; this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { var rp = obj.pos; obj.pos = [rp.x, -rp.y].add(this.worldpos()); obj.angle = -obj.angle; },this); }, set pos(x) { this.set_worldpos(Vector.rotate(x.scale(this.level.gscale()),Math.deg2rad(this.level.worldangle())).add(this.level.worldpos())); }, get pos() { if (!this.level) return this.worldpos(); var offset = this.worldpos().sub(this.level.worldpos()); offset = Vector.rotate(offset, -Math.deg2rad(this.level.angle)); offset = offset.scale(1/this.level.gscale()); return offset; }, get elasticity() { return cmd(107,this.body); }, set elasticity(x) { cmd(106,this.body,x); }, get friction() { return cmd(109,this.body); }, set friction(x) { cmd(108,this.body,x); }, set mass(x) { set_body(7,this.body,x); }, get mass() { if (!(this.phys === Physics.dynamic)) return this.__proto__.mass; return q_body(5, this.body); }, set phys(x) { set_body(1, this.body, x); }, get phys() { return q_body(0,this.body); }, get velocity() { return q_body(3, this.body); }, set velocity(x) { set_body(9, this.body, x); }, get angularvelocity() { return Math.rad2deg(q_body(4, this.body)); }, set angularvelocity(x) { set_body(8, this.body, Math.deg2rad(x)); }, worldpos() { return q_body(1,this.body); }, set_worldpos(x) { var diff = x.sub(this.worldpos()); this.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.set_worldpos(x.worldpos().add(diff)); }); set_body(2,this.body,x); }, worldangle() { return Math.rad2deg(q_body(2,this.body))%360; }, sworldangle(x) { set_body(0,this.body,Math.deg2rad(x)); }, get angle() { if (!this.level) return this.worldangle(); return this.worldangle() - this.level.worldangle(); }, set angle(x) { var diff = x - this.angle; var thatpos = this.pos; this.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.rotate(diff); // x.angle = x.angle + diff; var opos = x.pos; var r = Vector.length(opos); var p = Math.rad2deg(Math.atan2(opos.y, opos.x)); p += diff; p = Math.deg2rad(p); x.pos = [r*Math.cos(p), r*Math.sin(p)]; }); set_body(0,this.body, Math.deg2rad(x - this.level.worldangle())); }, rotate(x) { this.sworldangle(this.worldangle()+x); }, spawn_from_instance(inst) { return this.spawn(inst.ur, inst); }, spawn(ur, data) { if (typeof ur === 'string') ur = prototypes.get_ur(ur); if (!ur) { Log.error("Failed to make UR from " + ur); return undefined; } var go = ur.make(this, data); Object.hide(this, go.toString()); return go; }, /* Reparent 'this' to be 'parent's child */ reparent(parent) { if (this.level === parent) return; this.level?.remove_obj(this); this.level = parent; function unique_name(list, obj) { var str = obj.toString().replaceAll('.', '_'); var n = 1; var t = str; while (t in list) { t = str + n; n++; } return t; }; var name = unique_name(parent, this.ur); parent.objects[name] = this; parent[name] = this; this.toString = function() { return name; }; }, remove_obj(obj) { if (this[obj.toString()] === this.objects[obj.toString()]) delete this[obj.toString()]; delete this.objects[obj.toString()]; delete this[obj.toString()]; }, }, draw_layer: 1, components: {}, objects: {}, level: undefined, pulse(vec) { set_body(4, this.body, vec);}, shove(vec) { set_body(12,this.body,vec);}, world2this(pos) { return cmd(70, this.body, pos); }, this2world(pos) { return cmd(71, this.body,pos); }, set layer(x) { cmd(75,this.body,x); }, get layer() { return 0; }, alive() { return this.body >= 0; }, in_air() { return q_body(7, this.body);}, on_ground() { return !this.in_air(); }, hide() { this.components.forEach(function(x) { x.hide(); }); this.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.hide(); }); }, show() { this.components.forEach(function(x) {; }); this.objects.forEach(function(x) {; }); }, get_relangle() { if (!this.level) return this.angle; return this.angle - this.level.angle; }, width() { var bb = this.boundingbox(); return bb.r - bb.l; }, height() { var bb = this.boundingbox(); return bb.t-bb.b; }, move(vec) { this.pos = this.pos.add(vec); }, rotate(amt) { this.angle += amt; }, /* Make a unique object the same as its prototype */ revert() { var jobj = this.json_obj(); delete jobj.objects; Object.keys(jobj).forEach(function(x) { this[x] = this.__proto__[x]; }, this); this.sync(); }, check_registers(obj) { Register.unregister_obj(obj); if (typeof obj.update === 'function') Register.update.register(obj.update, obj); if (typeof obj.physupdate === 'function') Register.physupdate.register(obj.physupdate, obj); if (typeof obj.collide === 'function') obj.register_hit(obj.collide, obj); if (typeof obj.separate === 'function') obj.register_separate(obj.separate, obj); if (typeof obj.draw === 'function') Register.draw.register(obj.draw,obj); if (typeof obj.debug === 'function') Register.debug.register(obj.debug, obj); obj.components.forEach(function(x) { if (typeof x.collide === 'function') register_collide(1, x.collide, x, obj.body, x.shape); }); }, phys:1, flipx:false, flipy:false, scale:1, elasticity:0.5, friction:1, mass:1, layer:0, worldpos() { return [0,0]; }, save:true, selectable:true, ed_locked:false, disable() { this.components.forEach(function(x) { x.disable(); });}, enable() { this.components.forEach(function(x) { x.enable(); });}, sync() { this.components.forEach(function(x) { x.sync(); }); this.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.sync(); }); }, /* Bounding box of the object in world dimensions */ boundingbox() { var boxes = []; boxes.push({t:0, r:0,b:0,l:0}); for (var key in this.components) { if ('boundingbox' in this.components[key]) boxes.push(this.components[key].boundingbox()); } for (var key in this.objects) boxes.push(this.objects[key].boundingbox()); if (boxes.empty) return cwh2bb([0,0], [0,0]); var bb = boxes[0]; boxes.forEach(function(x) { bb = bb_expand(bb, x); }); var cwh = bb2cwh(bb); if (!bb) return; if (this.flipx) cwh.c.x *= -1; if (this.flipy) cwh.c.y *= -1; cwh.c = cwh.c.add(this.pos); bb = cwh2bb(cwh.c, cwh.wh); return bb ? bb : cwh2bb([0,0], [0,0]); }, json_obj() { var d = ediff(this,this.__proto__); d ??= {}; var objects = {}; this.__proto__.objects ??= {}; var curobjs = {}; for (var o in this.objects) curobjs[o] = this.objects[o].instance_obj(); var odiff = ediff(curobjs, this.__proto__.objects); if (odiff) d.objects = curobjs; delete d.pos; delete d.angle; delete d.velocity; delete d.angularvelocity; return d; }, full_obj() { }, transform_obj() { var t = this.json_obj(); Object.assign(t, this.transform()); return t; }, instance_obj() { var t = this.transform_obj(); t.ur = this.ur; return t; }, ur_obj() { var ur = this.json_obj(); for (var k in ur) if (ur[k].ur) delete ur[k]; return ur; }, make_ur() { var thisur = this.json_obj(); thisur.pos = this.pos; thisur.angle = this.angle; return thisur; }, transform() { var t = {}; t.pos =; t.angle = Number.prec(this.angle); return t; }, phys_obj() { var phys = {}; phys.velocity =; phys.angularvelocity = Number.prec(this.angularvelocity); return phys; }, dup(diff) { var n = this.level.spawn(this.__proto__); Object.totalmerge(n, this.make_ur()); return n; }, kill() { if (this.body === -1) { Log.warn(`Object is already dead!`); return; } // Register.endofloop(() => { // cmd(2, this.body); q_body(8,this.body); Game.unregister_obj(this); if (this.level) { this.level.remove_obj(this); this.level = undefined; } Player.do_uncontrol(this); Register.unregister_obj(this); if (this.__proto__.instances) this.__proto__.instances.remove(this); this.body = -1; for (var key in this.components) { Register.unregister_obj(this.components[key]);`Destroying component ${key}`); this.components[key].kill(); this.components.gameobject = undefined; } delete this.components; this.clear(); if (typeof this.stop === 'function') this.stop(); // }); }, up() { return [0,1].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle));}, down() { return [0,-1].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle));}, right() { return [1,0].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle));}, left() { return [-1,0].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle));}, make(level, data) { level ??= Primum; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.make = undefined; obj.level = level; // obj.toJSON = obj.transform_obj; if (this.instances) this.instances.push(obj); // Log.warn(`Made an object from ${this.toString()}`); // Log.warn(this.instances.length); obj.body = make_gameobject(); obj.components = {}; obj.objects = {}; assign_impl(obj, gameobject.impl); obj._ed = { selectable: true, check_dirty() { this.urdiff = obj.json_obj(); this.dirty = !this.urdiff.empty; if (!obj.level) return; var lur = ur[obj.level.ur]; if (!lur) return; var lur = lur.objects[obj.toString()]; var d = ediff(this.urdiff,lur); if (!d || d.empty) this.inst = true; else this.inst = false; }, dirty: false, inst: false, model: Object.create(this), urdiff: {}, namestr() { var s = obj.toString(); if (this.dirty) if (this.inst) s += "#"; else s += "*"; return s; }, }; obj.ur = this.toString(); Game.register_obj(obj); cmd(113, obj.body, obj); // set the internal obj reference to this obj for (var prop in this) { var p = this[prop]; if (typeof p !== 'object') continue; if (typeof p.make === 'function') { obj[prop] = p.make(obj); obj.components[prop] = obj[prop]; } }; if (this.objects) obj.make_objs(this.objects); obj.level = undefined; obj.reparent(level); Object.hide(obj, 'ur','body', 'components', 'objects', '_ed', 'level'); Object.dainty_assign(obj, this); obj.sync(); gameobject.check_registers(obj); if (data) Object.dainty_assign(obj,data); if (Game.playing() && typeof obj.start === 'function') obj.start(); return obj; }, make_objs(objs) { for (var prop in objs) { var newobj = this.spawn_from_instance(objs[prop]); if (!newobj) continue; this.rename_obj(newobj.toString(), prop); } }, rename_obj(name, newname) { if (!this.objects[name]) { Log.warn(`No object with name ${name}. Could not rename to ${newname}.`); return; } if (name === newname) { Object.hide(this, name); return; } if (this.objects[newname]) return; this.objects[newname] = this.objects[name]; this[newname] = this[name]; this[newname].toString = function() { return newname; }; Object.hide(this, newname); delete this.objects[name]; delete this[name]; return this.objects[newname]; }, register_hit(fn, obj) { if (!obj) obj = this; Signal.obj_begin(fn, obj, this); }, register_separate(fn, obj) { if (!obj) obj = this; Signal.obj_separate(fn,obj,this); }, } gameobject.impl.spawn.doc = `Spawn an entity of type 'ur' on this entity. Returns the spawned entity.`; gameobject.doc = { doc: "All objects in the game created through spawning have these attributes.", pos: "Position of the object, relative to its level.", angle: "Rotation of this object, relative to its level.", velocity: "Velocity of the object, relative to world.", angularvelocity: "Angular velocity of the object, relative to the world.", scale: "Scale of the object, relative to its level.", flipx: "Set the object to be flipped on its x axis.", flipy: "Set the object to be flipped on its y axis.", elasticity: `When two objects collide, their elasticities are multiplied together. Their velocities are then multiplied by this value to find their resultant velocities.`, friction: `When one object touches another, friction slows them down.`, mass: `The higher the mass of the object, the less forces will affect it.`, phys: `Set to 0, 1, or 2, representing static, kinematic, and dynamic.`, worldpos: `Function returns the world position of the object.`, set_worldpos: `Function to set the position of the object in world coordinates.`, worldangle: `Function to get the angle of the entity in the world.`, rotate: `Function to rotate this object by x degrees.`, pulse: `Apply an impulse to this body in world coordinates. Impulse is a short force.`, shove: `Apply a force to this body in world coordinates. Should be used over many frames.`, in_air: `Return true if the object is in the air.`, on_ground: `Return true if the object is on the ground.`, spawn: `Create an instance of a supplied ur-type on this object. Optionally provide a data object to modify the created entity.`, hide: `Make this object invisible.`, show: `Make this object visible.`, width: `The total width of the object and all its components.`, height: `The total height of the object.`, move: `Move this object the given amount.`, boundingbox: `The boundingbox of the object.`, dup: `Make an exact copy of this object.`, transform: `Return an object representing the transform state of this object.`, kill: `Remove this object from the world.`, level: "The entity this entity belongs to.", }; /* Default objects */ var prototypes = {}; prototypes.ur_ext = ".jso"; prototypes.ur = {}; prototypes.save_gameobjects = function() { slurpwrite(JSON.stringify(gameobjects,null,2), "proto.json"); }; /* Makes a new ur-type from disk. If the ur doesn't exist, it searches on the disk to create it. */ prototypes.from_file = function(file) { var urpath = file; var path = urpath.split('.'); if (path.length > 1 && ( === { urpath = path.slice(0,-1).join('.'); return prototypes.get_ur(urpath); } var upperur = gameobject; if (path.length > 1) { var upperpath = path.slice(0,-1); upperur = prototypes.get_ur(upperpath.join('/')); if (!upperur) { Log.error(`Attempted to create an UR ${urpath}, but ${upperpath} is not a defined UR.`); return undefined; } } var newur = {}; file = file.replaceAll('.','/'); var jsfile = prototypes.get_ur_file(urpath, prototypes.ur_ext); var jsonfile = prototypes.get_ur_file(urpath, ".json"); var script = undefined; var json = undefined; if (jsfile) script = IO.slurp(jsfile); try { if (jsonfile) json = JSON.parse(IO.slurp(jsonfile)); } catch(e) { Log.warn(`Unable to create json from ${jsonfile}`); } if (!json && !script) { Log.warn(`Could not make ur from ${file}`); return undefined; } if (script) compile_env(script, newur, file); json ??= {}; Object.merge(newur,json); Object.entries(newur).forEach(function([k,v]) { if (Object.isObject(v) && Object.isObject(upperur[k])) v.__proto__ = upperur[k]; }); Object.values(newur).forEach(function(v) { if (typeof v !== 'object') return; if (!v.comp) return; v.__proto__ = component[v.comp]; }); newur.__proto__ = upperur; newur.instances = []; Object.hide(newur, 'instances'); prototypes.list.push(urpath); newur.toString = function() { return urpath; }; ur[urpath] = newur; // var urs = urpath.split('.'); // var u = ur; // for (var i = 0; i < urs.length; i++) // u = u[urs[i]] = u[urs[i]] || newur; //Object.dig(ur, urpath, newur); return newur; } prototypes.from_file.doc = "Create a new ur-type from a given script file."; prototypes.list = []; prototypes.from_obj = function(name, obj) { var newur = Object.copy(gameobject, obj); prototypes.ur[name] = newur; prototypes.list.push(name); newur.toString = function() { return name; }; return prototypes.ur[name]; } prototypes.list_ur = function() { var list = []; function list_obj(obj, prefix) { prefix ??= ""; var list = []; for (var e in obj) { list.push(prefix + e); list.concat(list_obj(obj[e], e + ".")); } return list; } return list_obj(ur); } prototypes.ur2file = function(urpath) { return urpath.replaceAll('.', '/'); } prototypes.file2ur = function(file) { file = file.strip_ext(); file = file.replaceAll('/','.'); return file; } /* Returns an ur, or makes it, for any given type of path could be a file on a disk like ball/big.js could be an ur path like ball.big */ prototypes.get_ur = function(name) { if (!name) { Log.warn(`Can't get ur from an undefined.`); return; } var urpath = name; if (urpath.includes('/')) urpath = prototypes.file2ur(name); if (!prototypes.ur[urpath]) { var ur = prototypes.from_file(urpath); if (ur) return ur; else { Log.warn(`Could not find prototype using name ${name}.`); return undefined; } } else return prototypes.ur[urpath]; } prototypes.get_ur_file = function(path, ext) { var urpath = prototypes.ur2file(path); var file = urpath + ext; if (IO.exists(file)) return file; file = urpath + "/" + path.split('.').at(-1) + ext; if (IO.exists(file)) return file; return undefined; } prototypes.generate_ur = function(path) { var ob = IO.glob("**" + prototypes.ur_ext); ob = ob.concat(IO.glob("**.json")); ob = { return path.set_ext(""); }); ob.forEach(function(name) { prototypes.get_ur(name); }); } var ur = prototypes.ur; prototypes.from_obj("camera2d", { phys: Physics.kinematic, speed: 300, get zoom() { return cmd(135); }, set zoom(x) { x = Math.clamp(x,0.1,10); cmd(62, x); }, speedmult: 1.0, selectable: false, world2this(pos) { return cmd(70, this.body, pos); }, this2world(pos) { return cmd(71, this.body,pos); }, view2world(pos) { return cmd(137,pos); }, world2view(pos) { return cmd(136,pos); }, }); prototypes.from_obj("arena", {}); prototypes.resavi = function(ur, path) { if (!ur) return path; if (path[0] === '/') return path; var res = ur.replaceAll('.', '/'); var dir = path.dir(); if (res.startsWith(dir)) return path.base(); return path; } prototypes.resani = function(ur, path) { if (!path) return ""; if (!ur) return path; if (path[0] === '/') return path.slice(1); var res = ur.replaceAll('.', '/'); var restry = res + "/" + path; while (!IO.exists(restry)) { res = res.updir() + "/"; if (res === "/") return path; restry = res + path; } return restry; }