PROCS != nproc MAKEFLAGS = --jobs=$(PROCS) UNAME != uname QFLAGS = -O3 -DDBG=0 -DED=1 INFO = rel PTYPE != uname -m # Options # DBG=0,1 --- build with debugging symbols and logging # ED=0,1 --- build with or without editor ifeq ($(DBG), 1) QFLAGS = -O0 -g -DDBG=1 -DED=1 INFO = dbg endif ifeq ($(ED), 0) QFLAGS = -DED=0 INFO = ed endif BIN = bin/ objprefix = $(BIN)obj/$(INFO) define prefix echo $(1) | tr " " "\n" | sed 's/.*/$(2)&$(3)/' endef define rm tmp=$$(mktemp); \ echo $(2) | tr " " "\n" > $${tmp}; \ echo $(1) | tr " " "\n" | grep -v -f $${tmp}; \ rm $${tmp} endef define findindir find $(1) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '$(2)' endef # All other sources edirs != find source -type d -name include edirs += source/engine source/engine/thirdparty/Nuklear ehead != $(call findindir, source/engine,*.h) eobjects != find source/engine -type f -name '*.c' | sed -r 's|^(.*)\.c|$(objprefix)/\1.o|' # Gets all .c files and makes .o refs eobjects != $(call rm,$(eobjects),sqlite pl_mpeg_extract_frames pl_mpeg_player yugine nuklear) includeflag != $(call prefix,$(edirs),-I) WARNING_FLAGS = -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -Wno-unused-function SEM = 0.0.1 COM != git rev-parse --short HEAD VER = $(SEM)-$(COM) COMPILER_FLAGS = $(includeflag) $(QFLAGS) -MD $(WARNING_FLAGS) -DVER=\"$(VER)\" -DINFO=\"$(INFO)\" -c $< -o $@ LIBPATH = -Lbin -L/usr/local/lib ifeq ($(OS), WIN32) LINKER_FLAGS = $(QFLAGS) ELIBS = engine pthread mruby glfw3 opengl32 gdi32 ws2_32 ole32 winmm setupapi m CLIBS = EXT = .exe else LINKER_FLAGS = $(QFLAGS) ELIBS = engine pthread yughc portaudio asound jack glfw3 c m dl CLIBS = EXT = endif ELIBS != $(call prefix, $(ELIBS), -l) ELIBS := $(CLIBS) $(ELIBS) objects = $(eobjects) DEPENDS = $(objects:.o=.d) -include $(DEPENDS) yuginec = source/engine/yugine.c ENGINE = $(BIN)libengine.a INCLUDE = $(BIN)include LINK = $(LIBPATH) $(LINKER_FLAGS) $(ELIBS) MYTAG = $(VER)_$(PTYPE)_$(INFO) .PHONY: yugine yugine: $(objprefix)/source/engine/yugine.o $(ENGINE) @echo $(CC) @echo Linking yugine $(CC) $< $(LINK) -o yugine @echo Finished build dist: yugine mkdir -p bin/dist cp yugine bin/dist cp -rf assets/fonts bin/dist cp -rf source/scripts bin/dist cp -rf source/shaders bin/dist tar -czf yugine-$(MYTAG).tar.gz --directory bin/dist . install: yugine cp yugine ~/.local/bin $(ENGINE): $(eobjects) @echo Making library engine.a @ar r $(ENGINE) $(eobjects) @mkdir -p $(INCLUDE) @cp -u -r $(ehead) $(INCLUDE) $(objprefix)/%.o:%.c @mkdir -p $(@D) @echo Making C object $@ @$(CC) $(COMPILER_FLAGS) .PHONY: clean clean: @echo Cleaning project @find $(BIN) -type f -delete @rm -rf source/portaudio/build source/glfw/build