render.doc = { doc: "Functions for rendering modes.", normal: "Final render with all lighting.", wireframe: "Show only wireframes of models.", }; var cur = {}; cur.images = []; // When changing a shader, everything must wipe render.use_shader = function use_shader(shader) { if (typeof shader === "string") shader = make_shader(shader); if (cur.shader === shader) return; cur.shader = shader; cur.bind = undefined; cur.mesh = undefined; cur.ssbo = undefined; render.setpipeline(shader.pipe); shader_globals(cur.shader); }; render.use_mat = function use_mat(mat) { if (!cur.shader) return; if (cur.mat === mat) return; shader_apply_material(cur.shader, mat, cur.mat); cur.mat = mat; cur.images.length = 0; if (!cur.shader.fs.images) return; for (var img of cur.shader.fs.images) if (mat[]) cur.images.push(mat[]); else cur.images.push(game.texture("icons/no_tex.gif")); }; var models_array = []; function set_model(t) { if (cur.shader.vs.unimap.model) render.setunim4(0, cur.shader.vs.unimap.model.slot, t); } render.set_model = set_model; var shaderlang = { macos: "metal_macos", windows: "hlsl5", linux: "glsl430", web: "wgsl", ios: "metal_ios", }; var attr_map = { a_pos: 0, a_uv: 1, a_norm: 2, a_joint: 3, a_weight: 4, a_color: 5, a_tan: 6, a_angle: 7, a_wh: 8, a_st: 9, a_ppos: 10, a_scale: 11, }; var blend_map = { mix: true, none: false, }; var primitive_map = { point: 1, line: 2, linestrip: 3, triangle: 4, trianglestrip: 5, }; var cull_map = { none: 1, front: 2, back: 3, }; var depth_map = { off: false, on: true, }; var face_map = { cw: 2, ccw: 1, }; render.poly_prim = function poly_prim(verts) { var index = []; if (verts.length < 1) return undefined; for (var i = 0; i < verts.length; i++) verts[i][2] = 0; for (var i = 2; i < verts.length; i++) { index.push(0); index.push(i - 1); index.push(i); } return { pos: os.make_buffer(verts.flat()), verts: verts.length, index: os.make_buffer(index, 1), count: index.length, }; }; function shader_directive(shader, name, map) { var reg = new RegExp(`#${name}.*`, "g"); var mat = shader.match(reg); if (!mat) return undefined; reg = new RegExp(`#${name}\s*`, "g"); var ff = => d.replace(reg, ""))[0].trim(); if (map) return map[ff]; return ff; } var uni_globals = { time(stage, slot) { render.setuniv(stage, slot, profile.secs(; }, projection(stage, slot) { render.setuniproj(stage, slot); }, view(stage, slot) { render.setuniview(stage, slot); }, vp(stage, slot) { render.setunivp(stage, slot); }, }; function set_global_uni(uni, stage) { uni_globals[]?.(stage, uni.slot); } var setcam = render.set_camera; render.set_camera = function (cam) { if (nextflush) { nextflush(); nextflush = undefined; } delete cur.shader; setcam(cam); }; var shader_cache = {}; var shader_times = {}; function strip_shader_inputs(shader) { for (var a of shader.vs.inputs) =; } render.hotreload = function () { for (var i in shader_times) { if (io.mod(i) <= shader_times[i]) continue; say(`HOT RELOADING SHADER ${i}`); shader_times[i] = io.mod(i); var obj = create_shader_obj(i); obj = obj[os.sys()]; obj.pipe = render.pipeline(obj); var old = shader_cache[i]; Object.assign(shader_cache[i], obj); cur.bind = undefined; cur.mesh = undefined; } }; function create_shader_obj(file) { var files = [file]; var out = ".prosperon/tmp.shader"; var shader = io.slurp(file); var incs = shader.match(/#include <.*>/g); if (incs) for (var inc of incs) { var filez = inc.match(/#include <(.*)>/)[1]; var macro = io.slurp(filez); if (!macro) { filez = `shaders/${filez}`; macro = io.slurp(filez); } shader = shader.replace(inc, macro); files.push(filez); } var blend = shader_directive(shader, "blend", blend_map); var primitive = shader_directive(shader, "primitive", primitive_map); var cull = shader_directive(shader, "cull", cull_map); var depth = shader_directive(shader, "depth", depth_map); var face = shader_directive(shader, "face", face_map); var indexed = shader_directive(shader, "indexed"); if (typeof indexed == "undefined") indexed = true; if (indexed === "false") indexed = false; shader = shader.replace(/uniform\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+);/g, "uniform _$2 { $1 $2; };"); shader = shader.replace(/(texture2D|sampler) /g, "uniform $1 "); io.slurpwrite(out, shader); var compiled = {}; // shader file is created, now cross compile to all targets for (var platform in shaderlang) { var backend = shaderlang[platform]; var ret = os.system(`sokol-shdc -f bare_yaml --slang=${backend} -i ${out} -o ${out}`); if (ret) { console.error(`error compiling shader ${file}. No compilation found for ${platform}:${backend}, and no cross compiler available.`); return; } /* Take YAML and create the shader object */ var yamlfile = `${out}_reflection.yaml`; var jjson = yaml.tojson(io.slurp(yamlfile)); var obj = json.decode(jjson); io.rm(yamlfile); obj = obj.shaders[0].programs[0]; function add_code(stage) { stage.code = io.slurp(stage.path); io.rm(stage.path); delete stage.path; } add_code(obj.vs); if (!obj.fs && obj.vs.fs) { obj.fs = obj.vs.fs; delete obj.vs.fs; } add_code(obj.fs); obj.blend = blend; obj.cull = cull; obj.primitive = primitive; obj.depth = depth; obj.face = face; obj.indexed = indexed; if (obj.vs.inputs) for (var i of obj.vs.inputs) { if (!( in attr_map)) i.mat = -1; else i.mat = attr_map[]; } function make_unimap(stage) { if (!stage.uniform_blocks) return {}; var unimap = {}; for (var uni of stage.uniform_blocks) { var uniname = uni.struct_name[0] == "_" ? uni.struct_name.slice(1) : uni.struct_name; unimap[uniname] = { name: uniname, slot: Number(uni.slot), size: Number(uni.size), }; } return unimap; } obj.vs.unimap = make_unimap(obj.vs); obj.fs.unimap = make_unimap(obj.fs); = file; strip_shader_inputs(obj); compiled[platform] = obj; } compiled.files = files; compiled.source = shader; return compiled; } function make_shader(shader) { if (shader_cache[shader]) return shader_cache[shader]; var file = shader; shader = io.slurp(file); if (!shader) {`not found! slurping shaders/${file}`); shader = io.slurp(`shaders/${file}`); } var writejson = `.prosperon/${}.shader.json`; profile.cache("shader", file); breakme: if (io.exists(writejson)) { var data = json.decode(io.slurp(writejson)); var filemod = io.mod(writejson); if (!data.files) break breakme; for (var i of data.files) { if (io.mod(i) > filemod) { break breakme; } } profile.endcache(" [cached]"); var shaderobj = json.decode(io.slurp(writejson)); var obj = shaderobj[os.sys()]; obj.pipe = render.pipeline(obj); shader_cache[file] = obj; shader_times[file] = io.mod(file); return obj; } var compiled = create_shader_obj(file); io.slurpwrite(writejson, json.encode(compiled)); var obj = compiled[os.sys()]; obj.pipe = render.pipeline(obj); shader_cache[file] = obj; shader_times[file] = io.mod(file); return obj; } var shader_unisize = { 4: render.setuniv, 8: render.setuniv2, 12: render.setuniv3, 16: render.setuniv4, }; function shader_globals(shader) { for (var p in shader.vs.unimap) set_global_uni(shader.vs.unimap[p], 0); for (var p in shader.fs.unimap) set_global_uni(shader.fs.unimap[p], 1); } function shader_apply_material(shader, material = {}, old = {}) { for (var p in shader.vs.unimap) { if (!(p in material)) continue; if (material[p] === old[p]) continue; assert(p in material, `shader ${} has no uniform for ${p}`); var s = shader.vs.unimap[p]; if (p === "bones") { render.setunibones(0, s.slot, material[p]); continue; } shader_unisize[s.size](0, s.slot, material[p]); } for (var p in shader.fs.unimap) { if (!(p in material)) continue; if (material[p] === old[p]) continue; assert(p in material, `shader ${} has no uniform for ${p}`); var s = shader.fs.unimap[p]; shader_unisize[s.size](1, s.slot, material[p]); } if (!material.diffuse) return; if (material.diffuse === old.diffuse) return; if ("diffuse_size" in shader.fs.unimap) render.setuniv2(1, shader.fs.unimap.diffuse_size.slot, [material.diffuse.width, material.diffuse.height]); if ("diffuse_size" in shader.vs.unimap) render.setuniv2(0, shader.vs.unimap.diffuse_size.slot, [material.diffuse.width, material.diffuse.height]); } // Creates a binding object for a given mesh and shader var bindcache = {}; var bcache = new WeakMap(); function sg_bind(mesh, ssbo) { if (cur.mesh === mesh && cur.ssbo === ssbo) { cur.bind.ssbo = [ssbo]; cur.bind.images = cur.images; render.setbind(cur.bind); return; } // var sid = os.value_id(cur.shader); // var mid = os.value_id(mesh); if (bcache.has(cur.shader) && bcache.get(cur.shader).has(mesh)) { cur.bind = bcache.get(cur.shader).get(mesh); cur.bind.images = cur.images; if (ssbo) cur.bind.ssbo = [ssbo]; render.setbind(cur.bind); return; } var bind = {}; if (!bcache.has(cur.shader)) bcache.set(cur.shader, new WeakMap()); if (!bcache.get(cur.shader).has(mesh)) bcache.get(cur.shader).set(mesh, bind); cur.mesh = mesh; cur.ssbo = ssbo; cur.bind = bind; bind.attrib = []; if (cur.shader.vs.inputs) for (var a of cur.shader.vs.inputs) { if (!( in mesh)) { console.error(`cannot draw shader ${}; there is no attrib ${} in the given mesh. ${json.encode(mesh)}`); return undefined; } else bind.attrib.push(mesh[]); } if (cur.shader.indexed) { bind.index = mesh.index; bind.count = mesh.count; } else bind.count = mesh.verts; bind.ssbo = []; if (cur.shader.vs.storage_buffers) for (var b of cur.shader.vs.storage_buffers) bind.ssbo.push(ssbo); bind.images = cur.images; render.setbind(cur.bind); return bind; } render.device = { pc: [1920, 1080], macbook_m2: [2560, 1664, 13.6], ds_top: [400, 240, 3.53], ds_bottom: [320, 240, 3.02], playdate: [400, 240, 2.7], switch: [1280, 720, 6.2], switch_lite: [1280, 720, 5.5], switch_oled: [1280, 720, 7], dsi: [256, 192, 3.268], ds: [256, 192, 3], dsixl: [256, 192, 4.2], ipad_air_m2: [2360, 1640, 11.97], iphone_se: [1334, 750, 4.7], iphone_12_pro: [2532, 1170, 6.06], iphone_15: [2556, 1179, 6.1], gba: [240, 160, 2.9], gameboy: [160, 144, 2.48], gbc: [160, 144, 2.28], steamdeck: [1280, 800, 7], vita: [960, 544, 5], psp: [480, 272, 4.3], imac_m3: [4480, 2520, 23.5], macbook_pro_m3: [3024, 1964, 14.2], ps1: [320, 240, 5], ps2: [640, 480], snes: [256, 224], gamecube: [640, 480], n64: [320, 240], c64: [320, 200], macintosh: [512, 342, 9], gamegear: [160, 144, 3.2], }; render.device.doc = `Device resolutions given as [x,y,inches diagonal].`; var textshader; var circleshader; var polyshader; var slice9shader; var parshader; var spritessboshader; var polyssboshader; var sprite_ssbo; render.init = function () { textshader = make_shader("shaders/"); render.spriteshader = make_shader("shaders/"); spritessboshader = make_shader("shaders/"); render.postshader = make_shader("shaders/"); slice9shader = make_shader("shaders/"); circleshader = make_shader("shaders/"); polyshader = make_shader("shaders/"); parshader = make_shader("shaders/"); polyssboshader = make_shader("shaders/"); poly_ssbo = render.make_textssbo(); sprite_ssbo = render.make_textssbo(); render.textshader = textshader; os.make_circle2d().draw = function () {, this.radius, [1, 1, 0, 1]); }; var disabled = [148 / 255, 148 / 255, 148 / 255, 1]; var sleep = [1, 140 / 255, 228 / 255, 1]; var dynamic = [1, 70 / 255, 46 / 255, 1]; var kinematic = [1, 194 / 255, 64 / 255, 1]; var static_color = [73 / 255, 209 / 255, 80 / 255, 1]; os.make_poly2d().draw = function () { var body = this.body(); var color = body.sleeping() ? [0, 0.3, 0, 0.4] : [0, 1, 0, 0.4]; var t = body.transform(); render.poly(this.points, color, body.transform()); color.a = 1; render.line(this.points.wrapped(1), color, 1, body.transform()); }; os.make_seg2d().draw = function () { render.line([this.a(), this.b()], [1, 0, 1, 1], Math.max(this.radius / 2, 1), this.body().transform()); }; = function () { var a = this.bodyA(); var b = this.bodyB(); render.line([a.transform().pos.xy, b.transform().pos.xy], [0, 1, 1, 1], 1); }; }; render.draw_sprites = true; render.draw_particles = true; render.draw_hud = true; render.draw_gui = true; render.draw_gizmos = true; render.buckets = []; render.sprites = function render_sprites() { profile.frame("drawing"); render.use_shader(spritessboshader); var buckets = component.sprite_buckets(); for (var l in buckets) { var layer = buckets[l]; for (var img in layer) { var sparray = layer[img]; if (sparray.length === 0) continue; var ss = sparray[0]; ss.baseinstance = render.make_sprite_ssbo(sparray, sprite_ssbo); render.use_mat(ss); render.draw(shape.quad, sprite_ssbo, sparray.length); } } profile.endframe(); }; = function render_circle(pos, radius, color, inner_radius = 1) { check_flush(undefined); if (inner_radius >= 1) inner_radius = inner_radius / radius; else if (inner_radius < 0) inner_radius = 1.0; var mat = { radius: radius, inner_r: inner_radius, coord: pos, shade: color, }; render.use_shader(circleshader); render.use_mat(mat); render.draw(shape.quad); }; = "Draw a circle at pos, with a given radius and color. If inner_radius is between 0 and 1, it acts as a percentage of radius. If it is above 1, is acts as a unit (usually a pixel)."; render.poly = function render_poly(points, color, transform) { var buffer = render.poly_prim(points); var mat = { shade: color }; render.use_shader(polyshader); set_model(transform); render.use_mat(mat); render.draw(buffer); }; var nextflush = undefined; function flush() { nextflush?.(); nextflush = undefined; } // If flush_fn was already on deck, it does not flush. Otherwise, flushes and then sets the flush fn function check_flush(flush_fn) { if (!nextflush) nextflush = flush_fn; else if (nextflush !== flush_fn) { nextflush(); nextflush = flush_fn; } } render.flush = check_flush; render.forceflush = function() { if (nextflush) nextflush(); } var poly_cache = []; var poly_idx = 0; var poly_ssbo; function poly_e() { var e; poly_idx++; if (poly_idx > poly_cache.length) { e = { transform: os.make_transform(), color: Color.white, }; poly_cache.push(e); return e; } var e = poly_cache[poly_idx - 1]; e.transform.unit(); return e; } function flush_poly() { if (poly_idx === 0) return; render.use_shader(polyssboshader); var base = render.make_particle_ssbo(poly_cache.slice(0, poly_idx), poly_ssbo); render.use_mat({baseinstance:base}); render.draw(shape.centered_quad, poly_ssbo, poly_idx); poly_idx = 0; } render.line = function render_line(points, color = Color.white, thickness = 1) { for (var i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++) { var a = points[i]; var b = points[i + 1]; var poly = poly_e(); var dist = vector.distance(a, b); poly.transform.move(vector.midpoint(a, b)); poly.transform.rotate([0, 0, -1], vector.angle([b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y])); poly.transform.scale = [dist, thickness, 1]; poly.color = color; } check_flush(flush_poly); }; /* All draw in screen space */ render.point = function (pos, size, color = {, size, size, color); }; render.cross = function render_cross(pos, size, color =, thickness = 1) { var a = [pos.add([0, size]), pos.add([0, -size])]; var b = [pos.add([size, 0]), pos.add([-size, 0])]; render.line(a, color, thickness); render.line(b, color, thickness); }; render.arrow = function render_arrow(start, end, color =, wingspan = 4, wingangle = 10) { var dir = end.sub(start).normalized(); var wing1 = [Vector.rotate(dir, wingangle).scale(wingspan).add(end), end]; var wing2 = [Vector.rotate(dir, -wingangle).scale(wingspan).add(end), end]; render.line([start, end], color); render.line(wing1, color); render.line(wing2, color); }; render.coordinate = function render_coordinate(pos, size, color) { render.text(JSON.stringify( => Math.round(p))), pos, size, color); render.point(pos, 2, color); }; render.boundingbox = function render_boundingbox(bb, color = Color.white) { render.line(bbox.topoints(bb).wrapped(1), color); }; render.rectangle = function render_rectangle(lowerleft, upperright, color) { var transform = os.make_transform(); var wh = [upperright.x - lowerleft.x, upperright.y - lowerleft.y]; var poly = poly_e(); poly.transform.move(vector.midpoint(lowerleft, upperright)); poly.transform.scale = [wh.x, wh.y, 1]; poly.color = color; check_flush(flush_poly); }; = function render_box(pos, wh, color = Color.white) { var poly = poly_e(); poly.transform.move(pos); poly.transform.scale = [wh.x, wh.y, 1]; poly.color = color; check_flush(flush_poly); }; render.window = function render_window(pos, wh, color) {, wh, color); }; render.text_bb = function (str, size = 1, wrap = -1, pos = [0, 0]) { var bb = render.text_size(str, size, wrap); var w = bb.r - bb.l; var h = bb.t - bb.b; bb.r += pos.x; bb.l += pos.x; bb.t += pos.y; bb.b += pos.y; return bb; }; render.text = function (str, pos, size = 1, color = Color.white, wrap = -1, anchor = [0, 1], cursor = -1) { var bb = render.text_bb(str, size, wrap, pos); gui.text(str, pos, size, color, wrap, cursor); // this puts text into buffer check_flush(render.flush_text); return bb; p.x -= w * anchor.x; bb.r += w * anchor.x; bb.l += w * anchor.x; p.y += h * (1 - anchor.y); bb.t += h * (1 - anchor.y); bb.b += h * (1 - anchor.y); return bb; }; var lasttex = undefined; var img_cache = []; var img_idx = 0; function flush_img() { if (img_idx === 0) return; render.use_shader(spritessboshader); var startidx = render.make_sprite_ssbo(img_cache.slice(0, img_idx), sprite_ssbo); render.use_mat({ baseinstance:startidx}); cur.images = [lasttex]; render.draw(shape.quad, sprite_ssbo, img_idx); lasttex = undefined; img_idx = 0; } function img_e() { img_idx++; if (img_idx > img_cache.length) { var e = { transform: os.make_transform(), shade: Color.white, rect: [0, 0, 1, 1], }; img_cache.push(e); return e; } return img_cache[img_idx - 1]; } render.image = function image(tex, pos, scale, rotation = 0, color = Color.white) { if (typeof tex === "string") tex = game.texture(tex); if (scale) scale = scale.div([tex.width, tex.height]); else scale = vector.v3one; if (!tex) return; if (!lasttex) { check_flush(flush_img); lasttex = tex; } if (lasttex !== tex) { flush_img(); lasttex = tex; } var e = img_e(); e.transform.trs(pos, undefined, scale); e.shade = color; e.texture = tex; return; var bb = {}; bb.b = pos.y; bb.l = pos.x; bb.t = pos.y + tex.height * scale; bb.r = pos.x + tex.width * scale; return bb; }; // pos is the lower left corner, scale is the width and height render.slice9 = function (tex, pos, bb, scale = [tex.width, tex.height], color = Color.white) { var t = os.make_transform(); t.pos = pos; t.scale = [scale.x / tex.width, scale.y / tex.height, 1]; var border; if (typeof bb === "number") border = [bb / tex.width, bb / tex.height, bb / tex.width, bb / tex.height]; else border = [bb.l / tex.width, bb.b / tex.height, bb.r / tex.width, bb.t / tex.height]; render.use_shader(slice9shader); set_model(t); render.use_mat({ shade: color, diffuse: tex, rect: [0, 0, 1, 1], border: border, scale: [scale.x / tex.width, scale.y / tex.height], }); render.draw(shape.quad); }; function endframe() { tdraw = 0; } var textssbos = []; var tdraw = 0; render.flush_text = function () { if (!render.textshader) return; tdraw++; if (textssbos.length < tdraw) textssbos.push(render.make_textssbo()); var textssbo = textssbos[tdraw - 1]; var amt = render.flushtext(textssbo); // load from buffer into ssbo if (amt === 0) { tdraw--; return; } render.use_shader(render.textshader); render.use_mat({ text: render.font.texture }); render.draw(shape.quad, textssbo, amt); }; var fontcache = {}; render.set_font = function (path, size) { var fontstr = `${path}-${size}`; if (render.font && fontcache[fontstr] === render.font) return; if (!fontcache[fontstr]) fontcache[fontstr] = os.make_font(path, size); render.flush_text(); gui.font_set(fontcache[fontstr]); render.font = fontcache[fontstr]; }; render.doc = "Draw shapes in screen space."; render.cross.doc = "Draw a cross centered at pos, with arm length size."; render.arrow.doc = "Draw an arrow from start to end, with wings of length wingspan at angle wingangle."; render.rectangle.doc = "Draw a rectangle, with its corners at lowerleft and upperright."; render.draw = function render_draw(mesh, ssbo, inst = 1, e_start = 0) { sg_bind(mesh, ssbo); profile.frame("gpu"); render.spdraw(e_start, cur.bind.count, inst); profile.endframe(); }; // Returns an array in the form of [left, bottom, right, top] in pixels of the camera to render to // Camera viewport is [left,bottom,width,height] in relative values function camviewport() { var aspect = (((this.viewport[2] - this.viewport[0]) / (this.viewport[3] - this.viewport[1])) * window.size.x) / window.size.y; var raspect = this.size.x / this.size.y; var left = this.viewport[0] * window.size.x; var bottom = this.viewport[1] * window.size.y; var usemode = this.mode; if (this.break && this.size.x > window.size.x && this.size.y > window.size.y) usemode = this.break; if (usemode === "fit") if (raspect < aspect) usemode = "height"; else usemode = "width"; switch (usemode) { case "stretch": case "expand": return [0, 0, window.size.x, window.size.y]; case "keep": return [left, bottom, left + this.size.x, bottom + this.size.y]; case "height": var ret = [left, 0, this.size.x * (window.size.y / this.size.y), window.size.y]; ret[0] = (window.size.x - (ret[2] - ret[0])) / 2; return ret; case "width": var ret = [0, bottom, window.size.x, this.size.y * (window.size.x / this.size.x)]; ret[1] = (window.size.y - (ret[3] - ret[1])) / 2; return ret; } return [0, 0, window.size.x, window.size.y]; } // pos is pixels on the screen, lower left[0,0] function camscreen2world(pos) { var view = this.screen2cam(pos); view.x *= this.size.x; view.y *= this.size.y; view = view.sub([this.size.x / 2, this.size.y / 2]); view = view.add(this.pos.xy); return view; } // three coordinatse // world coordinates, the "actual" view relative to the game's universe // camera coordinates, normalized from 0 to 1 inside of a camera's viewport, bottom left is 0,0, top right is 1,1 // screen coordinates, pixels, 0,0 at the bottom left of the window and [w,h] at the top right of the screen camscreen2world.doc = "Convert a view position for a camera to world."; // return camera coordinates given a screen position function screen2cam(pos) { var viewport = this.view(); var width = viewport[2]; var height = viewport[3]; var viewpos = pos.sub([viewport[0], viewport[1]]); return viewpos.div([width, height]); } function camextents() { var half = this.size; //.scale(0.5); return { l: this.pos.x - half.x, r: this.pos.x + half.x, t: this.pos.y + half.y, b: this.pos.y - half.y, }; } screen2cam.doc = "Convert a screen space position in pixels to a normalized viewport position in a camera."; prosperon.gizmos = function () { game.all_objects(o => { if (o.gizmo) render.image(game.texture(o.gizmo), o.pos); }); }; prosperon.make_camera = function () { var cam = world.spawn(); cam.near = 0.1; cam.far = 1000; cam.ortho = true; cam.viewport = [0, 0, 1, 1]; cam.size = window.size.slice(); // The render size of this camera in pixels // In ortho mode, this determines how many pixels it will see cam.mode = "stretch"; cam.screen2world = camscreen2world; cam.screen2cam = screen2cam; cam.extents = camextents; cam.mousepos = function () { return this.screen2world(input.mouse.screenpos()); }; cam.view = camviewport; cam.offscreen = false; return cam; }; var screencolor; globalThis.imtoggle = function (name, obj, field) { var changed = false; var old = obj[field]; obj[field] = imgui.checkbox(name, obj[field]); if (old !== obj[field]) return true; return false; }; var replstr = ""; var imdebug = function () { imtoggle("Physics", debug, "draw_phys"); imtoggle("Bouning boxes", debug, "draw_bb"); imtoggle("Gizmos", debug, "draw_gizmos"); imtoggle("Names", debug, "draw_names"); imtoggle("Sprite nums", debug, "sprite_nums"); imtoggle("Debug overlay", debug, "show"); imtoggle("Show ur names", debug, "urnames"); }; var imgui_fn = function () { render.imgui_new(window.size.x, window.size.y, 0.01); if (debug.console) debug.console = imgui.window("console", _ => { imgui.text(console.transcript); replstr = imgui.textinput(undefined, replstr); imgui.button("submit", _ => { eval(replstr); replstr = ""; }); }); imgui.mainmenubar(_ => {"File", _ => {"Game settings", _ => { window.title = imgui.textinput("Title", window.title); window.icon = imgui.textinput("Icon", window.icon); imgui.button("Refresh window", _ => { window.set_icon(game.texture(window.icon)); }); }); imgui.button("quit", os.quit); });"Debug", imdebug);"View", _ => { imtoggle("Profiler", debug, "showprofiler"); imtoggle("Terminal out", debug, "termout"); imtoggle("Meta [f7]", debug, "meta"); imtoggle("Cheats [f8]", debug, "cheat"); imtoggle("Console [f9]", debug, "console"); }); imgui.sokol_gfx();"Graphics", _ => { imtoggle("Draw sprites", render, "draw_sprites"); imtoggle("Draw particles", render, "draw_particles"); imtoggle("Draw HUD", render, "draw_hud"); imtoggle("Draw GUI", render, "draw_gui"); imtoggle("Draw gizmos", render, "draw_gizmos");"Window", _ => { window.fullscreen = imgui.checkbox("fullscreen", window.fullscreen); // window.vsync = imgui.checkbox("vsync", window.vsync);"MSAA", _ => { for (var msaa of gamestate.msaa) imgui.button(msaa + "x", _ => (window.sample_count = msaa)); });"Resolution", _ => { for (var res of gamestate.resolutions) imgui.button(res, _ => (window.resolution = res)); }); }); }); prosperon.menu_hook?.(); }); prosperon.imgui(); render.imgui_end(); }; prosperon.render = function () { profile.frame("world"); render.set_camera(; profile.frame("sprites"); if (render.draw_sprites) render.sprites(); if (render.draw_particles) draw_emitters(); profile.endframe(); profile.frame("draws"); prosperon.draw(); // sgl.draw(); profile.endframe(); prosperon.hudcam.size =; prosperon.hudcam.transform.pos = [prosperon.hudcam.size.x / 2, prosperon.hudcam.size.y / 2, -100]; render.set_camera(prosperon.hudcam); profile.endframe(); profile.frame("hud"); if (render.draw_hud) prosperon.hud(); render.flush_text(); render.set_camera(; //if (render.draw_gizmos && prosperon.gizmos) prosperon.gizmos(); render.flush_text(); render.end_pass(); profile.endframe(); profile.endframe(); profile.endframe(); /* draw the image of the game world first */ render.glue_pass(); profile.frame("frame"); profile.frame("render"); profile.frame("post process"); render.viewport(; render.use_shader(render.postshader); render.use_mat({ diffuse: prosperon.screencolor }); render.draw(shape.quad); profile.endframe(); profile.frame("app"); // Flush & render prosperon.appcam.transform.pos = [window.size.x / 2, window.size.y / 2, -100]; prosperon.appcam.size = window.size.slice(); if (os.sys() !== "macos") prosperon.appcam.size.y *= -1; render.set_camera(prosperon.appcam); render.viewport(...prosperon.appcam.view()); // Call gui functions = mum.dbg_style; if (render.draw_gui) prosperon.gui(); if (mum.drawinput) mum.drawinput(); render.flush_text(); = mum.base; check_flush(); profile.endframe(); profile.frame("imgui"); if ( imgui_fn(); profile.endframe(); render.end_pass(); render.commit(); profile.report_frame(profile.secs( - frame_t); endframe(); }; prosperon.process = function process() { profile.frame("frame"); var dt = profile.secs( - frame_t; frame_t = profile.secs(; var sst =; /* debugging: check for gc */ profile.print_gc(); var cycles = os.check_cycles(); if (cycles) say(cycles); profile.frame("app update"); prosperon.appupdate(dt); profile.endframe(); profile.frame("input"); input.procdown(); profile.endframe(); if (sim.mode === "play" || sim.mode === "step") { profile.frame("update"); prosperon.update(dt * game.timescale); update_emitters(dt * game.timescale); os.update_timers(dt * game.timescale); profile.endframe(); if (sim.mode === "step") sim.pause(); } profile.pushdata(, - sst); sst =; if (sim.mode === "play" || sim.mode === "step") { profile.frame("physics"); physlag += dt; while (physlag > { physlag -=; prosperon.phys2d_step( * game.timescale); prosperon.physupdate( * game.timescale); } profile.endframe(); profile.pushdata(, - sst); sst =; } profile.frame("render"); prosperon.window_render(window.size); prosperon.render(); profile.pushdata(, - sst); profile.endframe(); profile.endframe(); profile.capture_data(); }; return { render };