globalThis.entityreport = {}; function obj_unique_name(name, obj) { name = name.replaceAll(".", "_"); if (!(name in obj)) return name; var t = 1; var n = name + t; while (n in obj) { t++; n = name + t; } return n; } function unique_name(list, name = "new_object") { var str = name.replaceAll(".", "_"); var n = 1; var t = str; while (list.indexOf(t) !== -1) { t = str + n; n++; } return t; } var entity = { drawlayer: -1, get_comp_by_name(name) { var comps = []; for (var c of Object.values(this.components)) if (c.comp === name) comps.push(c); if (comps.length) return comps; return undefined; }, rigidify() { this.body = os.make_body(this.transform); }, path_from(o) { var p = this.toString(); var c = this.master; while (c && c !== o && c !== world) { p = c.toString() + "." + p; c = c.master; } if (c === world) p = "world." + p; return p; }, drawlayer: 0, full_path() { return this.path_from(world); }, clear() { for (var k in this.objects) this.objects[k].kill(); this.objects = {}; }, sync() { for (var c of Object.values(this.components)) c.sync?.(); for (var o of Object.values(this.objects)) o.sync(); }, delay(fn, seconds) { prosperon.add_timer(this, fn, seconds); }, cry(file) { return audio.cry(file); }, get pos() { return this.transform.pos; }, set pos(x) { this.transform.pos = x; }, get angle() { return this.transform.angle; }, set angle(x) { this.transform.angle = x; }, get scale() { return this.transform.scale; }, set scale(x) { this.transform.scale = x; }, move(vec) { this.pos = this.pos.add(vec); }, rotate(x) { this.transform.rotate(x, [0, 0, -1]); }, grow(vec) { if (typeof vec === "number") vec = [vec, vec]; this.scale =, i) => x * vec[i]); }, /* Reparent 'this' to be 'parent's child */ reparent(parent) { assert(parent, `Tried to reparent ${this.toString()} to nothing.`); if (this.master === parent) { console.warn(`not reparenting ... ${this.master} is the same as ${parent}`); return; } var name = unique_name(Object.keys(parent),; = name; this.master?.remove_obj(this); this.master = parent; parent.objects[this.guid] = this; parent[name] = this; Object.hide(parent, name); }, remove_obj(obj) { if (this.objects) delete this.objects[obj.guid]; else console.warn(`Object ${this.guid} has no objects file.`); delete this[]; Object.unhide(this,; }, spawn(text, config, callback) { var ent = class_use(text, config, entity, function (ent) { ent.transform = os.make_transform(); ent.guid = prosperon.guid(); ent.components = {}; ent.objects = {}; ent.timers = []; ent.ur = {}; ent.urname = text; }); /* if (!text) ent.ur = emptyur; else if (text instanceof Object) {// assume it's an ur ent.ur = text; text = ent.ur.text; config = [, config].filter(x => x).flat(); } else { ent.ur = getur(text, config); text = ent.ur.text; config = [, config]; } if (typeof config === 'string') Object.merge(ent, json.decode(Resources.replstrs(config))); else if (Array.isArray(config)) for (var path of config) { if (typeof path === 'string') {`ingesting ${path} ...`); Object.merge(ent, json.decode(Resources.replstrs(path))); } else if (path instanceof Object) Object.merge(ent,path); }; if (typeof text === 'string') { class_use( use(text, ent); } else if (Array.isArray(text)) for (var path of text) use(path,ent); profile.cache("ENTITY TIME",; */ ent.reparent(this); for (var [prop, p] of Object.entries(ent)) { if (!p) continue; if (typeof p !== "object") continue; if (!p.comp) continue; ent[prop] = component[p.comp](ent); Object.merge(ent[prop], p); ent.components[prop] = ent[prop]; } check_registers(ent); if (ent.awake instanceof Function) ent.awake(); if (sim.playing()) { ent._started = true; if (ent.start instanceof Function) ent.start(); } Object.hide(ent, "ur", "components", "objects", "timers", "guid", "master", "guid"); ent._ed = { selectable: true, dirty: false, inst: false, urdiff: {}, }; Object.hide(ent, "_ed"); ent.sync(); if (!Object.empty(ent.objects)) { var o = ent.objects; delete ent.objects; ent.objects = {}; for (var i in o) {`creating ${i} on ${ent.toString()}`); var newur = o[i].ur; delete o[i].ur; var n = ent.spawn(ur[newur], o[i]); ent.rename_obj(n.toString(), i); } } if (ent.tag) game.tag_add(ent.tag, ent); if (callback) callback(ent); ent.ur.fresh ??= json.decode(json.encode(ent)); ent.ur.fresh.objects = {}; for (var i in ent.objects) ent.ur.fresh.objects[i] = ent.objects[i].instance_obj(); profile.endcache(); return ent; }, disable() { for (var x of this.components) x.disable(); }, enable() { for (var x of this.components) x.enable(); }, this2screen(pos) { return; }, screen2this(pos) { return this.world2this(; }, /* Make a unique object the same as its prototype */ revert() { Object.merge(this, this.ur.fresh); }, name: "new_object", toString() { return; }, width() { var bb = this.boundingbox(); return bb.r - bb.l; }, height() { var bb = this.boundingbox(); return bb.t - bb.b; }, flipx() { return this.scale.x < 0; }, flipy() { return this.scale.y < 0; }, mirror(plane) { this.scale = Vector.reflect(this.scale, plane); }, /* Bounding box of the object in world dimensions */ boundingbox() { var boxes = []; boxes.push({ t: 0, r: 0, b: 0, l: 0, }); for (var key in this.components) { if ("boundingbox" in this.components[key]) boxes.push(this.components[key].boundingbox()); } for (var key in this.objects) boxes.push(this.objects[key].boundingbox()); var bb = boxes.shift(); for (var x of boxes) bb = bbox.expand(bb, x); bb = bbox.move(bb, this.pos); return bb ? bb : bbox.fromcwh([0, 0], [0, 0]); }, toJSON() { return { guid: this.guid }; }, /* The unique components of this object. Its diff. */ json_obj(depth = 0) { var fresh = this.ur.fresh; var thiso = json.decode(json.encode(this)); // TODO: SLOW. Used to ignore properties in toJSON of components. var d = ediff(thiso, fresh); d ??= {}; fresh.objects ??= {}; var curobjs = {}; for (var o in this.objects) curobjs[o] = this.objects[o].instance_obj(); var odiff = ediff(curobjs, fresh.objects); if (odiff) d.objects = curobjs; delete d.pos; delete d.angle; delete d.scale; delete d.velocity; delete d.angularvelocity; return d; }, /* The object needed to store an object as an instance of a master */ instance_obj() { var t = os.make_transform(); t = this.transform; t.ur =; return t; }, transform() { var t = {}; t.pos = this.get_pos(this.master).map(x => Math.places(x, 0)); t.angle = Math.places(this.get_angle(this.master), 4); t.scale = this.get_scale(this.master).map(x => Math.places(x, 2)); return t; }, dup(diff) { var n = this.master.spawn(this.ur); Object.totalmerge(n, this.transform()); return n; }, kill() { if (this.__kill) return; this.__kill = true; this.timers.forEachRight(x => x()); delete this.timers; Event.rm_obj(this); input.do_uncontrol(this); if (this.master) { this.master.remove_obj(this); this.master = undefined; } for (var key in this.components) { this.components[key].kill?.(); this.components[key].gameobject = undefined; this.components[key].enabled = false; delete this.components[key]; } delete this.components; this.clear(); if (this.stop instanceof Function) this.stop(); if (typeof this.garbage === "function") this.garbage(); if (typeof this.then === "function") this.then(); game.tag_clear_guid(this.guid); rmactor(this); for (var i in this) { if (this[i] instanceof Object || this[i] instanceof Function) delete this[i]; } }, make_objs(objs) { for (var prop in objs) { say(`spawning ${json.encode(objs[prop])}`); var newobj = this.spawn(objs[prop]); } }, rename_obj(name, newname) { if (!this.objects[name]) { console.warn(`No object with name ${name}. Could not rename to ${newname}.`); return; } if (name === newname) { Object.hide(this, name); return; } if (this.objects[newname]) return; this.objects[newname] = this.objects[name]; this[newname] = this[name]; this[newname].toString = function () { return newname; }; Object.hide(this, newname); delete this.objects[name]; delete this[name]; return this.objects[newname]; }, add_component(comp, data) { var name = prosperon.guid(); this.components[name] = comp(this); if (data) { Object.assign(this.components[name], data); this.components[name].sync?.(); } return this.components[name]; }, }; var gameobject = { check_dirty() { this._ed.urdiff = this.json_obj(); this._ed.dirty = !Object.empty(this._ed.urdiff); return; // TODO: IMPLEMENT var lur = this.master.ur; if (!lur) return; var lur = lur.objects[this.toString()]; var d = ediff(this._ed.urdiff, lur); if (!d || Object.empty(d)) this._ed.inst = true; else this._ed.inst = false; }, namestr() { var s = this.toString(); if (this._ed?.dirty) if (this._ed.inst) s += "#"; else s += "*"; return s; }, urstr() { var str =; if (this._ed.dirty) str = "*" + str; return str; }, /* pin this object to the to object */ pin(to) { var p =, to); }, slide(to, a = [0, 0], b = [0, 0], min = 0, max = 50) { var p = joint.slide(this, to, a, b, min, max); p.max_force = 500; p.break(); }, pivot(to, piv = this.pos) { var p = joint.pivot(this, to, piv); }, /* groove is on to, from local points a and b, anchored to this at local anchor */ groove(to, a, b, anchor = [0, 0]) { var p = joint.groove(to, this, a, b, anchor); }, damped_spring(to, length = Vector.length(this.pos, to.pos), stiffness = 1, damping = 1) { var dc = 2 * Math.sqrt(stiffness * this.mass); var p = joint.damped_spring(this, to, [0, 0], [0, 0], stiffness, damping * dc); }, damped_rotary_spring(to, angle = 0, stiffness = 1, damping = 1) { /* calculate actual damping value from the damping ratio */ /* damping = 1 is critical */ var dc = 2 * Math.sqrt(stiffness * this.get_moi()); /* critical damping number */ /* zeta = actual/critical */ var p = joint.damped_rotary(this, to, angle, stiffness, damping * dc); }, rotary_limit(to, min, max) { var p = joint.rotary(this, to, Math.turn2rad(min), Math.turn2rad(max)); }, ratchet(to, ratch) { var phase = this.angle - to.angle; var p = joint.ratchet(this, to, phase, Math.turn2rad(ratch)); }, gear(to, ratio = 1, phase = 0) { var phase = this.angle - to.angle; var p = joint.gear(this, to, phase, ratio); }, motor(to, rate) { var p = joint.motor(this, to, rate); }, set_pos(x, relative = world) { var newpos = relative.this2world(x); var move = newpos.sub(this.pos); this.rpos = newpos; for (var o of this.objects) o.move(move); }, set_angle(x, relative = world) { var newangle = relative.angle + x; var diff = newangle - this.angle; this.rangle = newangle; for (var obj of this.objects) { obj.rotate(diff); obj.set_pos(Vector.rotate(obj.get_pos(obj.master), diff), obj.master); } }, set_scale(x, relative = world) { if (typeof x === "number") x = [x, x, x]; var newscale =, i) => x[i] * s); var pct =, i) => newscale[i] / s); this.rscale = newscale; for (var obj of this.objects) { obj.grow(pct); obj.set_pos( obj.get_pos(obj.master).map((x, i) => x * pct[i]), obj.master, ); } }, get_pos(relative = world) { if (relative === world) return this.pos; return relative.world2this(this.pos); //return this.pos.sub(relative.pos); }, get_angle(relative = world) { if (relative === world) return this.angle; return this.angle - relative.angle; }, get_scale(relative = world) { if (relative === world) return this.scale; var masterscale = relative.scale; return, i) => x / masterscale[i]); }, in_air() { return this.in_air(); }, /* Velocity and angular velocity of the object */ phys_obj() { var phys = {}; phys.velocity = this.velocity; phys.angularvelocity = this.angularvelocity; return phys; }, set category(n) { if (n === 0) { this.categories = n; return; } var cat = 1 << (n - 1); this.categories = cat; }, get category() { if (this.categories === 0) return 0; var pos = 0; var num = this.categories; while (num > 0) { if (num & 1) { break; } pos++; num >>>= 1; } return pos + 1; }, }; entity.spawn.doc = `Spawn an entity of type 'ur' on this entity. Returns the spawned entity.`; gameobject.doc = { doc: "All objects in the game created through spawning have these attributes.", pos: "Position of the object, relative to its master.", angle: "Rotation of this object, relative to its master.", velocity: "Velocity of the object, relative to world.", angularvelocity: "Angular velocity of the object, relative to the world.", scale: "Scale of the object, relative to its master.", flipx: "Check if the object is flipped on its x axis.", flipy: "Check if the object is flipped on its y axis.", elasticity: `When two objects collide, their elasticities are multiplied together. Their velocities are then multiplied by this value to find √their resultant velocities.`, friction: `When one object touches another, friction slows them down.`, mass: `The higher the mass of the object, the less forces will affect it.`, phys: `Set to 0, 1, or 2, representing dynamic, kinematic, and static.`, worldpos: `Function returns the world position of the object.`, set_pos: `Function to set the position of the object in world coordinates.`, worldangle: `Function to get the angle of the entity in the world.`, rotate: `Function to rotate this object by x degrees.`, move: "Move an object by x,y,z. If the first parameter is an array, uses up to the first three array values.", pulse: `Apply an impulse to this body in world coordinates. Impulse is a short force.`, shove: `Apply a force to this body in world coordinates. Should be used over many frames.`, shove_at: "Apply a force to this body, at a position relative to itself.", max_velocity: "The max linear velocity this object can travel.", max_angularvelocity: "The max angular velocity this object can rotate.", on_ground: `Return true if the object is on the ground.`, spawn: `Create an instance of a supplied ur-type on this object. Optionally provide a data object to modify the created entity.`, hide: `Make this object invisible.`, show: `Make this object visible.`, width: `The total width of the object and all its components.`, height: `The total height of the object.`, move: `Move this object the given amount.`, boundingbox: `The boundingbox of the object.`, dup: `Make an exact copy of this object.`, transform: `Return an object representing the transform state of this object.`, kill: `Remove this object from the world.`, master: "The entity this entity belongs to.", delay: "Run the given function after the given number of seconds has elapsed.", cry: "Make a sound. Can only make one at a time.", add_component: "Add a component to the object by name.", pin: "Pin joint to another object. Acts as if a rigid rod is between the two objects.", slide: "Slide joint, similar to a pin but with min and max allowed distances.", pivot: "Pivot joint to an object, with the pivot given in world coordinates.", groove: "Groove joint. The groove is on to, from to local coordinates a and b, with this object anchored at anchor.", damped_spring: "Damped spring to another object. Length is the distance it wants to be, stiffness is the spring constant, and damping is the damping ratio. 1 is critical, < 1 is underdamped, > 1 is overdamped.", damped_rotary_spring: "Similar to damped spring but for rotation. Rest angle is the attempted angle.", rotary_limit: "Limit the angle relative to the to body between min and max.", ratchet: "Like a socket wrench, relative to to. ratch is the distance between clicks.", gear: "Keeps the angular velocity ratio of this body and to constant. Ratio is the gear ratio.", motor: "Keeps the relative angular velocity of this body to to at a constant rate. The most simple idea is for one of the bodies to be static, to the other is kept at rate.", layer: "Bitmask for collision layers.", drawlayer: "Layer for drawing. Higher numbers draw above lower ones.", warp_filter: "Bitmask for selecting what warps should affect this entity.", }; global.ur = {}; if (io.exists(`${io.dumpfolder}/ur.json`)) ur = json.decode(io.slurp(`${io.dumpfolder}/ur.json`)); else { ur = {}; ur._list = []; } /* UR OBJECT ur { name: fully qualified name of ur text: file path to the script data: file path to data proto: resultant object of a freshly made entity } */ /* Apply an ur u to an entity e */ /* u is given as */ function apply_ur(u, ent) { if (typeof u !== "string") { console.warn("Must give u as a string."); return; } var urs = u.split("."); if (!urs.every(u => ur[u])) { console.error(`Attempted to make ur combo ${u} but not every ur in the chain exists.`); return; } for (var u of urs) { var text = u.text; var data =; if (typeof text === "string") use(text, ent); else if (Array.isArray(text)) for (var path of text) use(path, ent); if (typeof data === "string") Object.merge(ent, json.decode(Resources.replstrs(data))); else if (Array.isArray(data)) { for (var path of data) { if (typeof path === "string") Object.merge(ent, json.decode(Resources.replstrs(data))); else if (path instanceof Object) Object.merge(ent, path); } } } } var emptyur = { name: "empty", }; var getur = function (text, data) { if (!text && !data) {"empty ur"); return { name: "empty", }; } var urstr = text; if (data) urstr += "+" + data; if (!ur[urstr]) { ur[urstr] = { name: urstr, text: text, data: data, }; } return ur[urstr]; }; var ur_from_file = function (file) { var urname =; if (ur[urname]) { console.warn(`Tried to make another ur with the name ${urname} from ${file}, but it already exists.`); return undefined; } var newur = { name: urname, }; ur[urname] = newur; ur._list.push(urname); return newur; }; game.loadurs = function () { return; ur = {}; ur._list = []; /* FIND ALL URS IN A PROJECT */ for (var file of io.glob("**.ur")) { var newur = ur_from_file(file); if (!newur) continue; var uur = Resources.replstrs(file); var urjson = json.decode(uur); Object.assign(newur, urjson); } for (var file of io.glob("**.jso").filter(f => !ur[])) { if (file[0] === "." || file[0] === "_") continue; var newur = ur_from_file(file); if (!newur) continue; newur.text = file; var data = file.set_ext(".json"); if (io.exists(data)) {`Found matching json ${data} for ${file}`); = data; } } }; game.ur = {}; game.ur.load = function (str) {}; game.ur.add_data = function (str, data) { var nur = ur[str]; if (!nur) { console.warn(`Cannot add data to the ur ${str}.`); return; } if (!Array.isArray( { var arr = []; if ( arr.push(; = arr; }; }; = function (str) { var nur = ur[str]; if (!nur) { console.warn(`Cannot save ur ${str}.`); return; } }; return { entity };