#include "font.h" #include "log.h" #include #include "log.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "resources.h" #include "render.h" #include "stb_image_write.h" #include "stb_rect_pack.h" #include "stb_truetype.h" #include "HandmadeMath.h" struct sFont *use_font; static sg_bindings bind_text; struct text_vert { struct draw_p pos; struct draw_p wh; struct uv_n uv; struct uv_n st; struct rgba color; }; static struct text_vert *text_buffer; void font_init() { bind_text.vertex_buffers[0] = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc){ .size = sizeof(struct text_vert), .type = SG_BUFFERTYPE_VERTEXBUFFER, .usage = SG_USAGE_STREAM, .label = "text buffer" }); bind_text.fs.samplers[0] = std_sampler; } void font_free(font *f) { sg_destroy_image(f->texID); free(f); } void font_set(font *f) { use_font = f; bind_text.fs.images[0] = f->texID; } struct sFont *MakeSDFFont(const char *fontfile, int height) { YughInfo("Making sdf font %s.", fontfile); int packsize = 1024; struct sFont *newfont = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sFont)); newfont->height = height; char fontpath[256]; snprintf(fontpath, 256, "fonts/%s", fontfile); unsigned char *ttf_buffer = slurp_file(fontpath, NULL); unsigned char *bitmap = malloc(packsize * packsize); stbtt_fontinfo fontinfo; if (!stbtt_InitFont(&fontinfo, ttf_buffer, stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(ttf_buffer, 0))) { YughError("Failed to make font %s", fontfile); } for (int i = 32; i < 95; i++) { int w, h, xoff, yoff; // unsigned char *stbtt_GetGlyphSDF(&fontinfo, height, i, 1, 0, 1, &w, &h, &xoff, &yoff); } return newfont; } struct sFont *MakeFont(const char *fontfile, int height) { int packsize = 1024; struct sFont *newfont = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sFont)); newfont->height = height; unsigned char *ttf_buffer = slurp_file(fontfile, NULL); if (!ttf_buffer) { YughWarn("Could not find font at %s."); return NULL; } unsigned char *bitmap = malloc(packsize * packsize); stbtt_packedchar glyphs[95]; stbtt_pack_context pc; int pad = 2; stbtt_PackBegin(&pc, bitmap, packsize, packsize, 0, pad, NULL); stbtt_PackFontRange(&pc, ttf_buffer, 0, height, 32, 95, glyphs); stbtt_PackEnd(&pc); stbtt_fontinfo fontinfo; if (!stbtt_InitFont(&fontinfo, ttf_buffer, stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(ttf_buffer, 0))) { YughError("Failed to make font %s", fontfile); } stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&fontinfo, &newfont->ascent, &newfont->descent, &newfont->linegap); //newfont->emscale = stbtt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(&fontinfo, 16); newfont->emscale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&fontinfo, height); newfont->linegap = (newfont->ascent - newfont->descent) * newfont->emscale*1.5; newfont->texID = sg_make_image(&(sg_image_desc){ .type = SG_IMAGETYPE_2D, .width = packsize, .height = packsize, .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_R8, .usage = SG_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, .data.subimage[0][0] = { .ptr = bitmap, .size = packsize * packsize } }); for (unsigned char c = 32; c < 127; c++) { stbtt_packedchar glyph = glyphs[c - 32]; struct rect r; r.x = (glyph.x0) / (float)packsize; r.w = (glyph.x1-glyph.x0) / (float)packsize; r.y = (glyph.y0) / (float)packsize; r.h = (glyph.y1-glyph.y0) / (float)packsize; stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(&fontinfo, c, &newfont->Characters[c].Advance, &newfont->Characters[c].leftbearing); newfont->Characters[c].leftbearing *= newfont->emscale; newfont->Characters[c].Advance = glyph.xadvance; /* x distance from this char to the next */ newfont->Characters[c].Size[0] = glyph.x1 - glyph.x0; newfont->Characters[c].Size[1] = glyph.y1 - glyph.y0; newfont->Characters[c].Bearing[0] = glyph.xoff; newfont->Characters[c].Bearing[1] = glyph.yoff2; newfont->Characters[c].rect = r; } free(ttf_buffer); free(bitmap); return newfont; } void draw_underline_cursor(HMM_Vec2 pos, float scale, struct rgba color) { pos.Y -= 2; sdrawCharacter(use_font->Characters['_'], pos, scale, color); } void draw_char_box(struct Character c, HMM_Vec2 cursor, float scale, struct rgba color) { HMM_Vec2 wh; color.a = 30; wh.x = c.Size[0] * scale + 2; wh.y = c.Size[1] * scale + 2; cursor.X += c.Bearing[0] * scale + 1; cursor.Y -= (c.Bearing[1] * scale + 1); HMM_Vec2 b; b.x = cursor.X + wh.x/2; b.y = cursor.Y + wh.y/2; } void text_flush() { if (arrlen(text_buffer) == 0) return; sg_range verts; verts.ptr = text_buffer; verts.size = sizeof(struct text_vert) * arrlen(text_buffer); if (sg_query_buffer_will_overflow(bind_text.vertex_buffers[0], verts.size)) bind_text.vertex_buffers[0] = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc){ .size = verts.size, .type = SG_BUFFERTYPE_VERTEXBUFFER, .usage = SG_USAGE_STREAM, .label = "text buffer" }); sg_append_buffer(bind_text.vertex_buffers[0], &verts); sg_apply_bindings(&bind_text); sg_draw(0, 4, arrlen(text_buffer)); arrsetlen(text_buffer, 0); } void sdrawCharacter(struct Character c, HMM_Vec2 cursor, float scale, struct rgba color) { struct rgba colorbox = {0,0,0,255}; struct text_vert vert; float lsize = 1.0 / 1024.0; vert.pos.x = cursor.X + c.Bearing[0] * scale; vert.pos.y = cursor.Y - c.Bearing[1] * scale; vert.wh.x = c.Size[0] * scale; vert.wh.y = c.Size[1] * scale; // if (vert.pos.x > frame.l || vert.pos.y > frame.t || (vert.pos.y + vert.wh.y) < frame.b || (vert.pos.x + vert.wh.x) < frame.l) return; vert.uv.u = c.rect.x*USHRT_MAX; vert.uv.v = c.rect.y*USHRT_MAX; vert.st.u = c.rect.w*USHRT_MAX; vert.st.v = c.rect.h*USHRT_MAX; vert.color = color; arrput(text_buffer, vert); } const char *esc_color(const char *c, struct rgba *color, struct rgba defc) { struct rgba d; if (!color) color = &d; if (*c != '\e') return c; c++; if (*c != '[') return c; c++; if (*c == '0') { *color = defc; c++; return c; } else if (!strncmp(c, "38;2;", 5)) { c += 5; *color = (struct rgba){0,0,0,255}; color->r = atoi(c); c = strchr(c, ';')+1; color->g = atoi(c); c = strchr(c,';')+1; color->b = atoi(c); c = strchr(c,';')+1; return c; } return c; } struct boundingbox text_bb(const char *text, float scale, float lw, float tracking) { if (!use_font) return cwh2bb((HMM_Vec2){0,0}, (HMM_Vec2){0,0}); struct rgba dummy; HMM_Vec2 cursor = {0,0}; const char *line, *wordstart; line = text; while (*line != '\0') { if (isblank(*line)) { cursor.X += use_font->Characters[*line].Advance * tracking * scale; line++; } else if (isspace(*line)) { cursor.Y -= scale * use_font->linegap; cursor.X = 0; line++; } else { if (*line == '\e') line = esc_color(line, NULL, dummy); wordstart = line; int wordWidth = 0; while (!isspace(*line) && *line != '\0') { wordWidth += use_font->Characters[*line].Advance * tracking * scale; line++; } if (lw > 0 && (cursor.X + wordWidth) >= lw) { cursor.X = 0; cursor.Y -= scale * use_font->linegap; } while (wordstart < line) { if (*wordstart == '\e') line = esc_color(wordstart, NULL, dummy); cursor.X += use_font->Characters[*wordstart].Advance * tracking * scale; wordstart++; } } } return cwh2bb((HMM_Vec2){0,0}, (HMM_Vec2){cursor.X,use_font->linegap-cursor.Y}); } void check_caret(int caret, int l, HMM_Vec2 pos, float scale, struct rgba color) { if (caret == l) draw_underline_cursor(pos,scale,color); } /* pos given in screen coordinates */ int renderText(const char *text, HMM_Vec2 pos, float scale, struct rgba color, float lw, int caret, float tracking) { if (!use_font) { YughError("Cannot render text before a font is set."); return pos.y; } int len = strlen(text); HMM_Vec2 cursor = pos; const char *line, *wordstart, *drawstart; line = drawstart = text; struct rgba usecolor = color; check_caret(caret, line-drawstart, cursor, scale, usecolor); while (*line != '\0') { if (isblank(*line)) { sdrawCharacter(use_font->Characters[*line], cursor, scale, usecolor); cursor.X += use_font->Characters[*line].Advance * tracking * scale; line++; check_caret(caret, line-drawstart, cursor, scale, usecolor); } else if (isspace(*line)) { sdrawCharacter(use_font->Characters[*line], cursor, scale, usecolor); cursor.Y -= scale * use_font->linegap; cursor.X = pos.X; line++; check_caret(caret, line-drawstart, cursor, scale, usecolor); } else { if (*line == '\e') line = esc_color(line, &usecolor, color); wordstart = line; int wordWidth = 0; while (!isspace(*line) && *line != '\0') { wordWidth += use_font->Characters[*line].Advance * tracking * scale; line++; } if (lw > 0 && (cursor.X + wordWidth - pos.X) >= lw) { cursor.X = pos.X; cursor.Y -= scale * use_font->linegap; } while (wordstart < line) { if (*wordstart == '\e') wordstart = esc_color(wordstart, &usecolor, color); //sdrawCharacter(use_font->Characters[*wordstart], HMM_AddV2(cursor, HMM_MulV2F((HMM_Vec2){1,-1},scale)), scale, (rgba){0,0,0,255}); sdrawCharacter(use_font->Characters[*wordstart], cursor, scale, usecolor); cursor.X += use_font->Characters[*wordstart].Advance * tracking * scale; wordstart++; check_caret(caret, wordstart-drawstart, cursor, scale, usecolor); } } } return cursor.Y - pos.Y; }