var Level = { levels: [], objects: [], alive: true, selectable: true, toString() { if (this.file) return this.file; return "Loose level"; }, fullpath() { //return `${this.level.fullpath()}.${}`; }, get boundingbox() { return bb_from_objects(this.objects); }, varname2obj(varname) { for (var i = 0; i < this.objects.length; i++) if (this.objects[i].varname === varname) return this.objects[i]; return null; }, run() { // TODO: If an object does not have a varname, give it one based on its parent this.objects.forEach(function(x) { if (x.hasOwn('varname')) { scene[x.varname] = x; this[x.varname] = x; } },this); var script = IO.slurp(this.scriptfile); compile_env(`var self = this;${script}`, this, this.scriptfile); if (typeof this.update === 'function') Register.update.register(this.update, this); if (typeof this.gui === 'function') Register.gui.register(this.gui, this); if (typeof this.nk_gui === 'function') register_nk_gui(this.nk_gui, this); if (typeof this.inputs === 'object') { Player.players[0].control(this); } }, revert() { delete this.unique; this.load(this.filelvl); }, /* Returns how many objects this level created are still alive */ object_count() { return objects.length(); }, /* Save a list of objects into file, with pos acting as the relative placement */ saveas(objects, file, pos) { if (!pos) pos = find_com(objects); objects.forEach(function(obj) { obj.pos = obj.pos.sub(pos); }); var newlvl = Level.create(); objects.forEach(function(x) { newlvl.register(x); }); var save =; slurpwrite(save, file); }, clean() { for (var key in this.objects) clean_object(this.objects[key]); for (var key in gameobjects) clean_object(gameobjects[key]); }, sync_file(file) { var openlvls = this.levels.filter(function(x) { return x.file === file && x !== editor.edit_level; }); openlvls.forEach(function(x) { x.clear(); x.load(IO.slurp(x.file)); x.flipdirty = true; x.sync(); x.flipdirty = false; x.check_dirty(); }); }, save() { this.clean(); var pos = this.pos; var angle = this.angle; this.pos = [0,0]; this.angle = 0; if (this.flipx) { this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { this.mirror_x_obj(obj); }, this); } if (this.flipy) { this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { this.mirror_y_obj(obj); }, this); } var savereturn = JSON.stringify(this.objects, replacer_empty_nil, 1); if (this.flipx) { this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { this.mirror_x_obj(obj); }, this); } if (this.flipy) { this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { this.mirror_y_obj(obj); }, this); } this.pos = pos; this.angle = angle; return savereturn; }, mirror_x_obj(obj) { obj.flipx = !obj.flipx; var rp = obj.relpos; obj.pos = [-rp.x, rp.y].add(this.pos); obj.angle = -obj.angle; }, mirror_y_obj(obj) { var rp = obj.relpos; obj.pos = [rp.x, -rp.y].add(this.pos); obj.angle = -obj.angle; }, /* TODO: Remove this; make it work without */ toJSON() { var obj = {}; obj.file = this.file; obj.pos = this._pos; obj.angle = this._angle; obj.from = "group"; obj.flipx = this.flipx; obj.flipy = this.flipy; obj.scale = this.scale; if (this.varname) obj.varname = this.varname; if (!this.unique) return obj; obj.objects = {}; this.objects.forEach(function(x,i) { obj.objects[i] = {}; var adiff = Math.abs(x.relangle - this.filelvl[i]._angle) > 1e-5; if (adiff) obj.objects[i].angle = x.relangle; var pdiff = Vector.equal(x.relpos, this.filelvl[i]._pos, 1e-5); if (!pdiff) obj.objects[i].pos = x._pos.sub(this.pos); if (obj.objects[i].empty) delete obj.objects[i]; }, this); return obj; }, register(obj) { if (obj.level) obj.level.unregister(obj); this.objects.push(obj); }, make() { return Level.loadfile(this.file, this.pos); }, spawn(prefab) { if (typeof prefab === 'string') { var newobj = this.addfile(prefab); return newobj; } var newobj = prefab.make(); newobj.defn('level', this); this.objects.push(newobj); Game.register_obj(newobj); newobj.setup?.(); newobj.start?.(); if (newobj.update) Register.update.register(newobj.update, newobj); return newobj; }, dup(level) { level ??= this.level; var n = level.spawn(this.from); /* TODO: Assign this's properties to the dup */ return ;n }, create() { var newlevel = Object.create(this); newlevel.objects = []; newlevel._pos = [0,0]; newlevel._angle = 0; newlevel.color =; /* newlevel.toString = function() { return (newlevel.unique ? "#" : "") + newlevel.file; }; */ newlevel.filejson =; return newlevel; }, addfile(file) { /* TODO: Register this as a prefab for caching */ var lvl = this.loadfile(file); this.objects.push(lvl); lvl.level = this; return lvl; }, check_dirty() { this.dirty = !== this.filejson; }, start() { this.objects.forEach(function(x) { if ('start' in x) x.start(); }); }, loadlevel(file) { var lvl = Level.loadfile(file); if (lvl && Game.playing()) lvl.start(); return lvl; }, loadfile(file) { if (!file.endsWith(".lvl")) file = file + ".lvl"; var newlevel = Level.create(); if (IO.exists(file)) { newlevel.filejson = IO.slurp(file); try { newlevel.filelvl = JSON.parse(newlevel.filejson); newlevel.load(newlevel.filelvl); } catch (e) { newlevel.ed_gizmo = function() { GUI.text("Invalid level file: " + newlevel.file, world2screen(newlevel.pos), 1,; }; newlevel.selectable = false; throw e; } newlevel.file = file; newlevel.dirty = false; } var scriptfile = file.replace('.lvl', '.js'); if (IO.exists(scriptfile)) { newlevel.script = IO.slurp(scriptfile); newlevel.scriptfile = scriptfile; } newlevel.from = scriptfile.replace('.js',''); newlevel.file = newlevel.from;; return newlevel; }, /* Spawns all objects specified in the lvl json object */ load(lvl) { this.clear(); this.levels.push_unique(this); if (!lvl) { Log.warn("Level is " + lvl + ". Need a better formed one."); return; } var opos = this.pos; var oangle = this.angle; this.pos = [0,0]; this.angle = 0; var objs; var created = []; if (typeof lvl === 'string') objs = JSON.parse(lvl); else objs = lvl; if (typeof objs === 'object') objs = objs.array(); objs.forEach(x => { if (x.from === 'group') { var loadedlevel = Level.loadfile(x.file); if (!loadedlevel) { Log.error("Error loading level: file " + x.file + " not found."); return; } if (!IO.exists(x.file)) { loadedlevel.ed_gizmo = function() { GUI.text("MISSING LEVEL " + x.file, world2screen(loadedlevel.pos) ,1, }; } var objs = x.objects; delete x.objects; Object.assign(loadedlevel, x); if (objs) { objs.array().forEach(function(x, i) { if (x.pos) loadedlevel.objects[i].pos = x.pos.add(loadedlevel.pos); if (x.angle) loadedlevel.objects[i].angle = x.angle + loadedlevel.angle; }); loadedlevel.unique = true; } loadedlevel.level = this; loadedlevel.sync(); created.push(loadedlevel); this.objects.push(loadedlevel); return; } var prototype = gameobjects[x.from]; if (!prototype) { Log.error(`Prototype for ${x.from} does not exist.`); return; } var newobj = this.spawn(gameobjects[x.from]); delete x.from; dainty_assign(newobj, x); if (x._pos) newobj.pos = x._pos; if (x._angle) newobj.angle = x._angle; for (var key in newobj.components) if ('sync' in newobj.components[key]) newobj.components[key].sync(); newobj.sync(); created.push(newobj); }); created.forEach(function(x) { if (x.varname) this[x.varname] = x; },this); this.pos = opos; this.angle = oangle; return created; }, clear() { for (var i = this.objects.length-1; i >= 0; i--) if (this.objects[i].alive) this.objects[i].kill(); this.levels.remove(this); }, clear_all() { this.levels.forEach(function(x) { x.kill(); }); }, kill() { if (this.level) this.level.unregister(this); Register.unregister_obj(this); this.clear(); }, unregister(obj) { var removed = this.objects.remove(obj); if (removed && obj.varname) delete this[obj.varname]; }, get pos() { return this._pos; }, set pos(x) { var diff = x.sub(this._pos); this.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.pos = x.pos.add(diff); }); this._pos = x; }, get angle() { return this._angle; }, set angle(x) { var diff = x - this._angle; this.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.angle = x.angle + diff; var pos = x.pos.sub(this.pos); var r = Vector.length(pos); var p = Math.rad2deg(Math.atan2(pos.y, pos.x)); p += diff; p = Math.deg2rad(p); x.pos = this.pos.add([r*Math.cos(p), r*Math.sin(p)]); },this); this._angle = x; }, flipdirty: false, sync() { this.flipx = this.flipx; this.flipy = this.flipy; }, _flipx: false, get flipx() { return this._flipx; }, set flipx(x) { if (this._flipx === x && (!x || !this.flipdirty)) return; this._flipx = x; this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { obj.flipx = !obj.flipx; var rp = obj.relpos; obj.pos = [-rp.x, rp.y].add(this.pos); obj.angle = -obj.angle; },this); }, _flipy: false, get flipy() { return this._flipy; }, set flipy(x) { if (this._flipy === x && (!x || !this.flipdirty)) return; this._flipy = x; this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { var rp = obj.relpos; obj.pos = [rp.x, -rp.y].add(this.pos); obj.angle = -obj.angle; },this); }, _scale: 1.0, get scale() { return this._scale; }, set scale(x) { var diff = (x - this._scale) + 1; this._scale = x; this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { obj.scale *= diff; obj.relpos = obj.relpos.scale(diff); }, this); }, get up() { return [0,1].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, get down() { return [0,-1].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, get right() { return [1,0].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, get left() { return [-1,0].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, };