= function (fn) { if (! return; fn(); }; = true; debug.urnames = false; debug.termout = true; debug.console = false; debug.cheat = false; debug.meta = false; debug.showprofiler = false; debug.fn_break = function (fn, obj = globalThis) { if (typeof fn !== "function") return; var newfn = function () { console.log("broke"); fn(); }; obj[] = newfn; }; debug.draw_phys = false; debug.draw_bb = false; debug.draw_gizmos = false; debug.draw_names = false; debug.sprite_nums = false; debug.draw = function () { if (this.draw_phys) game.all_objects(function (x) { debug.draw_gameobject(x); }); if (this.draw_bb) game.all_objects(function (x) { debug.boundingbox(x.boundingbox(), Color.debug.boundingbox.alpha(0.05)); }); if (this.draw_gizmos) game.all_objects(function (x) { if (!x.icon) return; gui.image(x.icon,; }); if (this.draw_names) game.all_objects(function (x) { render.text(x,[0, 32]), 1, Color.debug.names); }); if (debug.gif.rec) { render.text("REC", [0, 40], 1); render.text(time.timecode(time.timenow() - debug.gif.start_time, debug.gif.fps), [0, 30], 1); } return; if (sim.paused()) render.text("PAUSED", [0, 0], 1); render.text(sim.playing() ? "PLAYING" : sim.stepping() ? "STEP" : sim.paused() ? "PAUSED; EDITING" : "EDIT", [0, 0], 1); }; var assert = function (op, str = `assertion failed [value '${op}']`) { if (!op) console.panic(str); }; var Gizmos = { pick_gameobject_points(worldpos, gameobject, points) { var idx = Math.grab_from_points(worldpos,, gameobject), 25); if (idx === -1) return undefined; return idx; }, }; /* These controls are available during editing, and during play of debug builds */ debug.inputs = {}; debug.inputs.f1 = function () { debug.draw_phys = !debug.draw_phys; }; debug.inputs.f1.doc = "Draw physics debugging aids."; debug.inputs.f3 = function () { debug.draw_bb = !debug.draw_bb; }; debug.inputs.f3.doc = "Toggle drawing bounding boxes."; debug.inputs.f4 = function () { debug.draw_names = !debug.draw_names; debug.draw_gizmos = !debug.draw_gizmos; }; debug.inputs.f4.doc = "Toggle drawing gizmos and names of objects."; var gif = { w: 640 /* Max width */, h: 480 /* Max height */, stretch: false /* True if you want to stretch */, cpf: 4, depth: 16, file: "out.gif", rec: false, secs: 6, start_time: 0, fps: 0, start() { var w = this.w; var h = this.h; if (!this.stretch) { var win = window.height / window.width; var gif = h / w; if (gif > win) h = w * win; else w = h / win; } // cmd(131, w, h, this.cpf, this.depth); this.rec = true; this.fps = (1 / this.cpf) * 100; this.start_time =; timer.oneshot(this.stop.bind(this), this.secs, this, true); }, stop() { if (!this.rec) return; // cmd(132, this.file); this.rec = false; }, }; debug.inputs.f8 = function () { var now = new Date(); debug.gif.file = now.toISOString() + ".gif"; debug.gif.start(); }; debug.inputs.f9 = function () { debug.gif.stop(); }; debug.inputs.f10 = function () { time.timescale = 0.1; }; debug.inputs.f10.doc = "Toggle timescale to 1/10."; debug.inputs.f10.released = function () { time.timescale = 1.0; }; debug.inputs.f12 = function () { gui.defaults.debug = !gui.defaults.debug; console.warn("gui toggle debug"); }; debug.inputs.f12.doc = "Toggle drawing gui debugging aids."; debug.inputs["M-1"] = render.normal; debug.inputs["M-2"] = render.wireframe; debug.inputs["C-M-f"] = function () {}; debug.inputs["C-M-f"].doc = "Enter camera fly mode."; debug.api = {}; debug.api.doc_entry = function (obj, key) { if (typeof key !== "string") { console.warn("Cannot print a key that isn't a string."); return undefined; } var title = key; var o = obj[key]; if (typeof o === "undefined" && obj.impl && typeof obj.impl[key] !== "undefined") o = obj.impl[key]; var t = typeof o; if (Array.isArray(o)) t = "array"; else if (t === "function") { title = o.toString().tofirst(")") + ")"; title = title.fromfirst("("); title = key + "(" + title; if (o.doc) doc = o.doc; t = ""; } else if (t === "undefined") t = ""; if (t) t = "**" + t + "**\n"; var doc = ""; if (o.doc) doc = o.doc; else if (obj.doc && obj.doc[key]) doc = obj.doc[key]; else if (Array.isArray(o)) doc = json.encode(o); return `#### ${title} ${t} ${doc} `; }; debug.api.print_doc = function (name) { var obj = name; if (typeof name === "string") { obj = eval(name); if (!obj) { console.warn(`Cannot print the API of '${name}', as it was not found.`); return undefined; } obj = globalThis[name]; } obj = eval(name); if (!Object.isObject(obj)) { console.warn("Cannot print the API of something that isn't an object."); return undefined; } if (!obj) { console.warn(`Object '${name}' does not exist.`); return; } var mdoc = "# " + name + "\n"; if (obj.doc?.doc) mdoc += obj.doc.doc + "\n"; else if (typeof obj.doc === "string") mdoc += obj.doc + "\n"; var keys = Object.keys(obj); for (var key of keys) { if (key === "doc") continue; if (key === "toString") continue; mdoc += debug.api.doc_entry(obj, key) + "\n"; } return mdoc; }; return { debug, Gizmos, assert, };