var actor = {}; actor.spawn = function(script, config){ if (typeof script !== 'string') return undefined;`spawning actor with script ${script}`); var padawan = Object.create(actor); use(script, padawan); if (typeof config === 'object') Object.merge(padawan,config); padawan.padawans = []; padawan.timers = []; padawan.master = this; Object.hide(padawan, "master","timers", "padawans"); check_registers(padawan); this.padawans.push(padawan); return padawan; }; actor.spawn.doc = `Create a new actor, using this actor as the master, initializing it with 'script' and with data (as a JSON or Nota file) from 'config'.`; actor.rm_pawn = function(pawn) { this.padawans.remove(pawn); } actor.timers = []; actor.kill = function(){ if (this.__dead__) return; this.timers.forEach(t => t()); Player.do_uncontrol(this); Event.rm_obj(this); if (this.master) this.master.rm_pawn(this); this.padawans.forEach(p => p.kill()); this.padawans = []; this.__dead__ = true; if (typeof this.die === 'function') this.die(); if (typeof this.stop === 'function') this.stop(); }; actor.kill.doc = `Remove this actor and all its padawans from existence.`; actor.interval = function(fn, seconds) { var cur; var stop = function() { cur(); } var f = function() {; cur = this.delay(f,seconds); } cur = this.delay(f,seconds); return stop; } actor.delay = function(fn, seconds) { var that = this; var stop = function() { that.timers.remove(stop); rm(); } function execute() {; stop(); } stop.remain = seconds; stop.seconds = seconds; function update(dt) { stop.remain -= dt; if (stop.remain <= 0) execute(); } var rm = Register.appupdate.register(update); this.timers.push(stop); return stop; }; actor.delay.doc = `Call 'fn' after 'seconds' with 'this' set to the actor.`; actor.padawans = []; = Object.create(actor); app.die = function() { os.quit(); } return {actor, app};