/* TYPES OF PROFILING cpu gathering - gets stack frames randomly for a few seconds frames - user defined to see how long engine takes cache - can see specific events that happened memory - can see how much memory is allocated and from where */ var t_units = ["ns", "us", "ms", "s", "ks", "Ms"]; function calc_cpu(fn, times, diff = 0) { var series = []; for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) { var st = profile.now(); fn(i); series.push(profile.now() - st - diff); } return series; } function empty_fn() {} profile.cpu = function profile_cpu(fn, times = 1, q = "unnamed") { var retgather = gathering_cpu; profile.gather_stop(); var empty = calc_cpu(empty_fn, 100000); var mean = Math.mean(empty); var series = calc_cpu(fn, times, mean); var elapsed = Math.sum(series); var avgt = profile.best_t(elapsed / series.length); var totalt = profile.best_t(elapsed); say(`profile [${q}]: ${avgt} ± ${profile.best_t(Math.ci(series))} [${totalt} for ${times} loops]`); say(`result of function is ${fn()}`); if (retgather) profile.start_prof_gather(); }; profile.ms = function (t) { return profile.secs(t) * 1000; }; var callgraph = {}; profile.rawstacks = {}; function add_callgraph(fn, line, time, alone) { var cc = callgraph[line]; if (!cc) { var cc = {}; callgraph[line] = cc; cc.time = 0; cc.hits = 0; cc.fn = fn; cc.line = line; cc.alone = { time: 0, hits: 0, }; } cc.time += time; cc.hits++; if (alone) { cc.alone.time += time; cc.alone.hits++; } } var hittar = 500; // number of call instructions before getting a new frame var hitpct = 0.2; // amount to randomize it var start_gather = profile.now(); profile.cpu_start = undefined; profile.clear_cpu = function () { callgraph = {}; profile.cpu_instr = undefined; }; profile.start_cpu_gather = function (gathertime = 5) { profile.clear_cpu(); // gather cpu frames for 'time' seconds if (profile.cpu_start) return; profile.cpu_start = profile.now(); var st = profile.cpu_start; profile.gather(hittar, function () { var time = profile.now() - st; var err = new Error(); var stack = err.stack.split("\n").slice(1); var rawstack = stack.join("\n"); profile.rawstacks[rawstack] ??= { time: 0, hits: 0, }; profile.rawstacks[rawstack].hits++; profile.rawstacks[rawstack].time += time; stack = stack.map(x => x.slice(7).split(" ")); var fns = stack.map(x => x[0]).filter(x => x); var lines = stack.map(x => x[1]).filter(x => x); lines = lines.map(x => x.slice(1, x.length - 1)); add_callgraph(fns[0], lines[0], time, true); for (var i = 1; i < fns.length; i++) add_callgraph(fns[i], lines[i], time, false); st = profile.now(); if (profile.secs(st - profile.cpu_start) < gathertime) profile.gather_rate(Math.variate(hittar, hitpct)); else { profile.gather_stop(); profile.cpu_start = undefined; var e = Object.values(callgraph); e = e.filter(x => x.line); for (var x of e) { var ffs = x.line.split(":"); x.timestr = profile.best_t(x.time); x.timeper = x.time / x.hits; x.timeperstr = profile.best_t(x.timeper); x.pct = (profile.secs(x.time) / gathertime) * 100; x.alone.timestr = profile.best_t(x.alone.time); x.alone.timeper = x.alone.time / x.alone.hits; x.alone.timeperstr = profile.best_t(x.alone.timeper); x.alone.pct = (profile.secs(x.alone.time) / gathertime) * 100; x.fncall = get_line(ffs[0], ffs[1]); x.log = x.line + " " + x.fn + " " + x.fncall; x.incl = { time: x.time, timestr: x.timestr, timeper: x.timeper, timeperstr: x.timeperstr, hits: x.hits, pct: x.pct, }; } profile.cpu_instr = e; } }); }; function push_time(arr, ob, max) { arr.push({ time: profile.now(), ob, }); } profile.cpu_frames = []; profile.last_cpu_frame = undefined; profile.cpu_frame = function () { profile.gather(Math.random_range(300, 600), function () { var err = new Error(); profile.last_cpu_frame = err.stack; //.split('\n').slicconsole.stack(2); profile.gather_stop(); }); }; var filecache = {}; function get_line(file, line) { var text = filecache[file]; if (!text) { var f = io.slurp(file); if (!f) { filecache[file] = "undefined"; return filecache[file]; } filecache[file] = io.slurp(file).split("\n"); text = filecache[file]; } if (typeof text === "string") return text; text = text[Number(line) - 1]; if (!text) return "NULL"; return text.trim(); } profile.stop_cpu_instr = function () { return; }; profile.best_t = function (t) { var qq = 0; while (t > 1000 && qq < t_units.length - 1) { t /= 1000; qq++; } return `${t.toPrecision(4)} ${t_units[qq]}`; }; /* Frame averages are an instrumented profiling technique. Place frame() calls in your code to get a call graph for things you are interested in. */ var frame_avg = false; profile.start_frame_avg = function () { if (frame_avg) return; profile_frames = {}; profile_frame_ts = []; profile_cframe = profile_frames; pframe = 0; frame_avg = true; }; profile.stop_frame_avg = function () { frame_avg = false; }; profile.toggle_frame_avg = function () { if (frame_avg) profile.stop_frame_avg(); else profile.start_frame_avg(); }; var profile_framer = { series: [], avg: {}, frame: 72000, }; var profile_cframe = undefined; var pframe = 0; var profile_stack = []; profile.frame = function profile_frame(title) { return; if (profile.cpu_start) return; if (!frame_avg) return; if (!profile_cframe) { profile_cframe = {}; profile_framer.series.push({ time: profile.now(), data: profile_cframe, }); } else profile_stack.push(profile_cframe); profile_cframe[title] ??= {}; profile_cframe = profile_cframe[title]; profile_cframe.time = profile.now(); }; profile.endframe = function profile_endframe() { return; if (!frame_avg) return; profile_cframe.time = profile.now() - profile_cframe.time; profile_cframe = profile_frame_ts.pop(); }; /* Cache reporting is to measure how long specific events take, that are NOT every frame Useful to measure things like how long it takes to make a specific creature */ var cache_reporting = false; var report_cache = {}; var cachest = 0; var cachegroup; var cachetitle; profile.cache_reporting = function () { return cache_reporting; }; profile.cache_toggle = function () { cache_reporting = !cache_reporting; }; profile.cache_dump = function () { report_cache = {}; }; profile.cache = function profile_cache(group, title) { if (!cache_reporting) return; cachest = profile.now(); cachegroup = group; cachetitle = title; }; profile.endcache = function profile_endcache(tag = "") { return; addreport(cachegroup, cachetitle + tag, cachest); }; function addreport(group, line, start) { return; if (typeof group !== "string") group = "UNGROUPED"; report_cache[group] ??= {}; var cache = report_cache[group]; cache[line] ??= []; var t = profile.now(); cache[line].push(t - start); return t; } function printreport(cache, name) { var report = `==${name}==` + "\n"; var reports = []; for (var i in cache) { var time = cache[i].reduce((a, b) => a + b); reports.push({ time: time, name: i, hits: cache[i].length, avg: time / cache[i].length, }); } reports = reports.sort((a, b) => { if (a.avg < b.avg) return 1; return -1; }); for (var rep of reports) report += `${rep.name} ${profile.best_t(rep.avg)} (${rep.hits} hits) (total ${profile.best_t(rep.time)})\n`; return report; } profile.data = {}; profile.curframe = 0; profile.snapshot = {}; var classes = ["gameobject", "transform", "dsp_node", "texture", "font", "warp_gravity", "warp_damp", "sg_buffer", "datastream", "cpShape", "cpConstraint", "timer", "skin"]; var get_snapshot = function() { var snap = profile.snapshot; snap.actors ??= {}; Object.assign(snap.actors, actor.__stats()); snap.memory ??= {}; Object.assign(snap.memory, os.mem()); snap.memory.textures = game.texture.total_size(); snap.memory.texture_vram = game.texture.total_vram(); snap.rusage ??= {}; var rusage = os.rusage(); rusage.ru_maxrss *= 1024; // delivered in KB; convert here to B Object.assign(snap.rusage, rusage); snap.mallinfo ??= {}; Object.assign(snap.mallinfo, os.mallinfo()); snap.obj ??= {}; for (var i of classes) { var proto = globalThis[`${i}_proto`]; if (!proto) continue; snap.obj[i] = proto._count(); } } var fps = []; var frame_lead = 1; var fps_t = 0; profile.report_frame = function (t) { fps.push(t); if (profile.secs(profile.now() - fps_t) > frame_lead) { profile.snapshot.fps = Math.mean(fps); fps.length = 0; fps_t = profile.now(); get_snapshot(); } }; function prof_add_stats(obj, stat) { for (var i in stat) { obj[i] ??= []; if (obj[i].last() !== stat[i]) obj[i][profile.curframe] = stat[i]; } } profile.pushdata = function (arr, val) { if (arr.last() !== val) arr[profile.curframe] = val; }; profile.capturing = false; profile.capture_data = function () { if (!profile.capturing && profile.data.memory.malloc_size) return; prof_add_stats(profile.data.memory, os.mem()); prof_add_stats(profile.data.gfx, imgui.framestats()); prof_add_stats(profile.data.actors, actor.__stats()); profile.curframe++; }; profile.best_mem = function (bytes) { var sizes = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"]; if (bytes == 0) return "0 Bytes"; var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024))); return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toPrecision(3) + " " + sizes[i]; }; profile.cleardata = function () { profile.data.gpu = {}; profile.data.physics = {}; profile.data.script = {}; profile.data.memory = {}; profile.data.gfx = {}; profile.data.actors = {}; profile.data.cpu = { scripts: [], render: [], physics: [], }; }; profile.cleardata(); profile.last_mem = undefined; profile.mems = []; profile.gcs = []; profile.print_gc = function () { var gc = os.check_gc(); if (!gc) return; profile.data.gc ??= []; profile.data.gc[profile.curframe] = gc; }; return { profile };