#include "datastream.h" #include "config.h" #include "dsp.h" #include "iir.h" #include "limits.h" #include "log.h" #include "mix.h" #include "render.h" #include "resources.h" #include "shader.h" #include "sound.h" #include "texture.h" #include #include #include "font.h" #include "openglrender.h" #include "sokol/sokol_gfx.h" sg_shader vid_shader; sg_pipeline vid_pipeline; sg_bindings vid_bind; static void render_frame(plm_t *mpeg, plm_frame_t *frame, void *user) { struct datastream *ds = user; uint8_t rgb[frame->height*frame->width*4]; plm_frame_to_rgba(frame, rgb, frame->width*4); sg_image_data imgd; sg_range ir = { .ptr = rgb, .size = frame->height*frame->width*4*sizeof(uint8_t) }; imgd.subimage[0][0] = ir; sg_update_image(ds->img, &imgd); } static void render_audio(plm_t *mpeg, plm_samples_t *samples, void *user) { struct datastream *ds = user; short t; for (int i = 0; i < samples->count * CHANNELS; i++) { t = (short)(samples->interleaved[i] * SHRT_MAX); // cbuf_push(ds->astream->buf, t * 5); } } void ds_openvideo(struct datastream *ds, const char *video, const char *adriver) { // ds_stop(ds); char buf[MAXPATH] = {'\0'}; sprintf(buf, "%s%s", "video/", video); ds->plm = plm_create_with_filename(buf); if (!ds->plm) { YughLog(0, 0, "Couldn't open %s", video); } ds->img = sg_make_image(&(sg_image_desc){ .width = plm_get_width(ds->plm), .height = plm_get_height(ds->plm) }); YughLog(0, 0, "Opened %s - framerate: %f, samplerate: %d, audio streams: %i, duration: %f", video, plm_get_framerate(ds->plm), plm_get_samplerate(ds->plm), plm_get_num_audio_streams(ds->plm), plm_get_duration(ds->plm)); ds->astream = soundstream_make(); struct dsp_filter astream_filter; astream_filter.data = &ds->astream; astream_filter.filter = soundstream_fillbuf; // struct dsp_filter lpf = lpf_make(8, 10000); struct dsp_filter lpf = lpf_make(1, 200); struct dsp_iir *iir = lpf.data; iir->in = astream_filter; struct dsp_filter hpf = hpf_make(1, 2000); struct dsp_iir *hiir = hpf.data; hiir->in = astream_filter; /* struct dsp_filter llpf = lp_fir_make(20); struct dsp_fir *fir = llpf.data; fir->in = astream_filter; */ // first_free_bus(astream_filter); plm_set_video_decode_callback(ds->plm, render_frame, ds); plm_set_audio_decode_callback(ds->plm, render_audio, ds); plm_set_loop(ds->plm, false); plm_set_audio_enabled(ds->plm, true); plm_set_audio_stream(ds->plm, 0); // Adjust the audio lead time according to the audio_spec buffer size plm_set_audio_lead_time(ds->plm, BUF_FRAMES / SAMPLERATE); ds->playing = true; } struct datastream *MakeDatastream() { vid_shader = sg_compile_shader("shaders/videovert.glsl", "shaders/videofrag.glsl", &(sg_shader_desc){ .fs.images[0] = { .name = "video", .image_type = SG_IMAGETYPE_2D, .sampler_type = SG_SAMPLERTYPE_FLOAT }}); } void ds_advance(struct datastream *ds, double s) { if (ds->playing) { plm_decode(ds->plm, s); } } void ds_seek(struct datastream *ds, double time) { // clear_raw(ds->audio_device); plm_seek(ds->plm, time, false); } void ds_advanceframes(struct datastream *ds, int frames) { for (int i = 0; i < frames; i++) { plm_frame_t *frame = plm_decode_video(ds->plm); render_frame(ds->plm, frame, ds); } } void ds_pause(struct datastream *ds) { ds->playing = false; } void ds_stop(struct datastream *ds) { if (ds->plm != NULL) { plm_destroy(ds->plm); ds->plm = NULL; } if (ds->audio_device) close_audio_device(ds->audio_device); ds->playing = false; } // TODO: Must be a better way int ds_videodone(struct datastream *ds) { return (ds->plm == NULL) || plm_get_time(ds->plm) >= plm_get_duration(ds->plm); } double ds_remainingtime(struct datastream *ds) { if (ds->plm != NULL) return plm_get_duration(ds->plm) - plm_get_time(ds->plm); else return 0.f; } double ds_length(struct datastream *ds) { return plm_get_duration(ds->plm); }