#include "yugine.h" #include "camera.h" #include "engine.h" #include "font.h" #include "gameobject.h" #include "input.h" #include "openglrender.h" #include "window.h" #define MINIAUDIO_IMPLEMENTATION #include "miniaudio.h" #include "timer.h" #include "quickjs/quickjs.h" #include "ffi.h" #include "script.h" #include "log.h" #include #include #include "2dphysics.h" #ifdef __linux__ #include #endif #include #include #include "string.h" #define SOKOL_TRACE_HOOKS #define SOKOL_GFX_IMPL #define SOKOL_GLCORE33 #include "sokol/sokol_gfx.h" int physOn = 0; double renderlag = 0; double physlag = 0; double updatelag = 0; double renderMS = 1 / 165.f; double physMS = 1 / 165.f; double updateMS = 1 / 165.f; static int sim_play = 0; double lastTick = 0.0; static int phys_step = 0; static float timescale = 1.f; #define FPSBUF 10 static double framems[FPSBUF]; int framei = 0; int fps; #define SIM_STOP 0 #define SIM_PLAY 1 #define SIM_PAUSE 2 #define SIM_STEP 3 #ifdef __TINYC__ int backtrace(void **buffer, int size) { extern uint64_t *__libc_stack_end; uint64_t **p, *bp, *frame; asm ("mov %%rbp, %0;" : "=r" (bp)); p = (uint64_t**) bp; int i = 0; while (i < size) { frame = p[0]; if (frame < bp || frame > __libc_stack_end) { return i; } buffer[i++] = p[1]; p = (uint64_t**) frame; } return i; } #endif void print_stacktrace() { #ifdef __linux__ void *ents[512]; size_t size = backtrace(ents, 512); YughCritical("====================BACKTRACE===================="); char **stackstr = backtrace_symbols(ents, size); YughCritical("Stack size is %d.", size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) YughCritical(stackstr[i]); js_stacktrace(); #endif } void seghandle(int sig) { #ifdef __linux__ if (strsignal(sig)) YughCritical("CRASH! Signal: %s.", strsignal(sig)); print_stacktrace(); exit(1); #endif } const char *engine_info() { char str[100]; snprintf(str, 100, "Yugine version %s, %s build.\nCopyright 2022-2023 odplot productions LLC.\n", VER, INFO); return str; } void sg_logging(const char *tag, uint32_t lvl, uint32_t id, const char *msg, uint32_t line, const char *file, void *data) { mYughLog(0, 1, line, file, "tag: %s, msg: %s", tag, msg); } int main(int argc, char **args) { int logout = 1; script_startup(); logout = 0; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (args[i][0] == '-') { switch (args[i][1]) { case 'l': if (i + 1 < argc && args[i + 1][0] != '-') { log_setfile(args[i + 1]); i++; continue; } else { YughError("Expected a file for command line arg '-l'."); exit(1); } case 'v': printf(engine_info()); exit(1); break; case 's': compile_script(args[2]); exit(0); case 'm': logLevel = atoi(args[2]); break; case 'c': logout = 0; break; } } } #if DBG if (logout) { time_t now = time(NULL); char fname[100]; snprintf(fname, 100, "yugine-%d.log", now); log_setfile(fname); } YughInfo("Starting yugine version %s.", VER); FILE *sysinfo = NULL; /* sysinfo = popen("uname -a", "r"); if (!sysinfo) { YughWarn("Failed to get sys info."); } else { log_cat(sysinfo); pclose(sysinfo); }*/ signal(SIGSEGV, seghandle); signal(SIGABRT, seghandle); signal(SIGFPE, seghandle); signal(SIGBUS, seghandle); #endif engine_init(); int argsize = 0; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { argsize += strlen(args[i]); if (argc > i+1) argsize++; } char cmdstr[argsize]; cmdstr[0] = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { strcat(cmdstr, args[i]); if (argc > i+1) strcat(cmdstr, " "); } script_evalf("cmd_args('%s');", cmdstr); const GLFWvidmode *vidmode = glfwGetVideoMode(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor()); YughInfo("Refresh rate is %d", vidmode->refreshRate); renderMS = 1.0 / vidmode->refreshRate; sg_setup(&(sg_desc){ .logger = { .func = sg_logging, .user_data = NULL, }, .buffer_pool_size = 1024, .context.sample_count = 1, }); input_init(); openglInit(); while (!want_quit()) { double elapsed = glfwGetTime() - lastTick; deltaT = elapsed; lastTick = glfwGetTime(); //double wait = fmax(0, renderMS - elapsed); nuke_input_begin(); // if (sim_playing()) input_poll(fmax(0, renderMS-elapsed)); // else // input_poll(1000); window_all_handle_events(); nuke_input_end(); framems[framei++] = elapsed; if (framei == FPSBUF) framei = 0; if (sim_play == SIM_PLAY || sim_play == SIM_STEP) { timer_update(elapsed * timescale); physlag += elapsed; call_updates(elapsed * timescale); // TODO: Physics is not independent ... // while (physlag >= physMS) { phys_step = 1; physlag -= physMS; phys2d_update(physMS * timescale); call_physics(physMS * timescale); if (sim_play == SIM_STEP) sim_pause(); phys_step = 0; // } } renderlag += elapsed; // if (renderlag >= renderMS) { // renderlag -= renderMS; window_renderall(); // } gameobjects_cleanup(); } return 0; } int frame_fps() { double fpsms = 0; for (int i = 0; i < FPSBUF; i++) { fpsms += framems[i]; } return FPSBUF / fpsms; } int sim_playing() { return sim_play == SIM_PLAY; } int sim_paused() { return sim_play == SIM_PAUSE; } int sim_stopped() { return sim_play == SIM_STOP; } void sim_start() { sim_play = SIM_PLAY; } void sim_pause() { sim_play = SIM_PAUSE; } void sim_stop() { /* Revert starting state of everything from sim_start */ sim_play = SIM_STOP; } int phys_stepping() { return sim_play == SIM_STEP; } void sim_step() { if (sim_paused()) { YughInfo("Step"); sim_play = SIM_STEP; } } void set_timescale(float val) { timescale = val; } double get_timescale() { return timescale; }