#include "font.h" #include "log.h" #include "render.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "openglrender.h" #include "stb_image_write.h" #include "stb_rect_pack.h" #include "stb_truetype.h" struct sFont *font; unsigned char *slurp_file(const char *filename) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) return NULL; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); long fsize = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); unsigned char *slurp = malloc(fsize + 1); fread(slurp, fsize, 1, f); fclose(f); return slurp; } char *slurp_text(const char *filename) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r'"); if (!f) return NULL; char *buf; long int fsize; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell(f); buf = malloc(fsize + 1); rewind(f); size_t r = fread(buf, sizeof(char), fsize, f); buf[r] = '\0'; fclose(f); return buf; } int slurp_write(const char *txt, const char *filename) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!f) return 1; fputs(txt, f); fclose(f); return 0; } static sg_shader fontshader; static sg_bindings bind_text; static sg_pipeline pipe_text; static float text_buffer[16 * 40000]; static uint16_t text_idx_buffer[6 * 40000]; static float color_buffer[3 * 40000]; void font_init(struct shader *textshader) { fontshader = sg_make_shader(&(sg_shader_desc){ .vs.source = slurp_text("shaders/textvert.glsl"), .fs.source = slurp_text("shaders/textfrag.glsl"), .vs.uniform_blocks[0] = { .size = sizeof(float) * 16, // .layout = SG_UNIFORMLAYOUT_STD140, .uniforms = { [0] = {.name = "projection", .type = SG_UNIFORMTYPE_MAT4}}}, .fs.images[0] = {.name = "text", .image_type = SG_IMAGETYPE_2D, .sampler_type = SG_SAMPLERTYPE_FLOAT}}); pipe_text = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){ .shader = fontshader, .layout = { .attrs = { [0].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT2, [0].buffer_index = 0, [1].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT2, [1].buffer_index = 0, [2].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT3, [2].buffer_index = 1, }, }, .label = "text pipeline", .index_type = SG_INDEXTYPE_UINT16}); bind_text.vertex_buffers[0] = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc){ .size = sizeof(float) * 16 * 40000, .type = SG_BUFFERTYPE_VERTEXBUFFER, .usage = SG_USAGE_STREAM, .label = "text buffer"}); bind_text.vertex_buffers[1] = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc){ .size = sizeof(float) * 3 * 4 * 40000, .type = SG_BUFFERTYPE_VERTEXBUFFER, .usage = SG_USAGE_STREAM, .label = "text color buffer"}); bind_text.index_buffer = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc){ .size = sizeof(uint16_t) * 6 * 40000, .type = SG_BUFFERTYPE_INDEXBUFFER, .usage = SG_USAGE_STREAM, .label = "text index buffer"}); font = MakeFont("LessPerfectDOSVGA.ttf", 16); bind_text.fs_images[0] = font->texID; } struct sFont *MakeFont(const char *fontfile, int height) { YughInfo("Making font %s.", fontfile); int packsize = 1024; struct sFont *newfont = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sFont)); newfont->height = height; char fontpath[256]; snprintf(fontpath, 256, "fonts/%s", fontfile); unsigned char *ttf_buffer = slurp_file(fontpath); unsigned char *bitmap = malloc(packsize * packsize); stbtt_packedchar glyphs[95]; stbtt_pack_context pc; stbtt_PackBegin(&pc, bitmap, packsize, packsize, 0, 1, NULL); stbtt_PackFontRange(&pc, ttf_buffer, 0, height, 32, 95, glyphs); stbtt_PackEnd(&pc); stbi_write_png("packedfont.png", packsize, packsize, 1, bitmap, sizeof(char) * packsize); stbtt_fontinfo fontinfo; if (!stbtt_InitFont(&fontinfo, ttf_buffer, stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(ttf_buffer, 0))) { YughError("Failed to make font %s", fontfile); } newfont->texID = sg_make_image(&(sg_image_desc){ .type = SG_IMAGETYPE_2D, .width = packsize, .height = packsize, .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_R8, .usage = SG_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, .min_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST, .mag_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST, .data.subimage[0][0] = { .ptr = bitmap, .size = packsize * packsize}}); free(ttf_buffer); free(bitmap); for (unsigned char c = 32; c < 127; c++) { stbtt_packedchar glyph = glyphs[c - 32]; struct glrect r; r.s0 = glyph.x0 / (float)packsize; r.s1 = glyph.x1 / (float)packsize; r.t0 = glyph.y0 / (float)packsize; r.t1 = glyph.y1 / (float)packsize; newfont->Characters[c].Advance = glyph.xadvance; newfont->Characters[c].Size[0] = glyph.x1 - glyph.x0; newfont->Characters[c].Size[1] = glyph.y1 - glyph.y0; newfont->Characters[c].Bearing[0] = glyph.xoff; newfont->Characters[c].Bearing[1] = glyph.yoff2; newfont->Characters[c].rect = r; } return newfont; } static int curchar = 0; void draw_char_box(struct Character c, float cursor[2], float scale, float color[3]) { int x, y, w, h; x = cursor[0]; y = cursor[1]; w = 8 * scale; h = 14; x += w / 2.f; y += h / 2.f; draw_rect(x, y, w, h, color); } void text_flush() { if (curchar == 0) return; sg_apply_pipeline(pipe_text); sg_apply_bindings(&bind_text); sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, 0, SG_RANGE_REF(projection)); sg_range verts; verts.ptr = text_buffer; verts.size = sizeof(float) * 16 * curchar; sg_update_buffer(bind_text.vertex_buffers[0], &verts); sg_range idxs; idxs.ptr = text_idx_buffer; idxs.size = sizeof(uint16_t) * 6 * curchar; sg_update_buffer(bind_text.index_buffer, &idxs); sg_range c = { .ptr = color_buffer, .size = sizeof(float) * 3 * 4 * curchar}; sg_update_buffer(bind_text.vertex_buffers[1], &c); sg_draw(0, 6 * curchar, 1); curchar = 0; } void fill_charverts(float *verts, float cursor[2], float scale, struct Character c, float *offset) { float w = c.Size[0] * scale; float h = c.Size[1] * scale; float xpos = cursor[0] + (c.Bearing[0] + offset[0]) * scale; float ypos = cursor[1] - (c.Bearing[1] + offset[1]) * scale; float v[16] = { xpos, ypos, c.rect.s0, c.rect.t1, xpos + w, ypos, c.rect.s1, c.rect.t1, xpos, ypos + h, c.rect.s0, c.rect.t0, xpos + w, ypos + h, c.rect.s1, c.rect.t0}; memcpy(verts, v, sizeof(float) * 16); } static int drawcaret = 0; void sdrawCharacter(struct Character c, mfloat_t cursor[2], float scale, float color[3]) { float shadowcolor[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f}; float shadowcursor[2]; float verts[16]; float offset[2] = {-1, 1}; fill_charverts(verts, cursor, scale, c, offset); /* Check if the vertex is off screen */ if (verts[5] < -window_i(0)->width / 2.f || verts[9] < -window_i(0)->height / 2.f || verts[0] > window_i(0)->width / 2.f || verts[1] > window_i(0)->height / 2.f) return; uint16_t pts[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3}; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) pts[i] += curchar * 4; memcpy(text_buffer + (16 * curchar), verts, sizeof(verts)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) memcpy(color_buffer + (12 * curchar) + (3 * i), color, sizeof(color)); memcpy(text_idx_buffer + (6 * curchar), pts, sizeof(pts)); curchar++; return; /* if (drawcaret == curchar) { draw_char_box(c, cursor, scale, color); shader_use(shader); } */ /* sg_append_buffer(bind_text.vertex_buffers[0], SG_RANGE_REF(verts)); offset[0] = 1; offset[1] = -1; fill_charverts(verts, cursor, scale, c, offset); sg_update_buffer(bind_text.vertex_buffers[0], SG_RANGE_REF(verts)); offset[1] = 1; fill_charverts(verts, cursor, scale, c, offset); sg_update_buffer(bind_text.vertex_buffers[0], SG_RANGE_REF(verts)); offset[0] = -1; offset[1] = -1; fill_charverts(verts, cursor, scale, c, offset); sg_update_buffer(bind_text.vertex_buffers[0], SG_RANGE_REF(verts)); */ offset[0] = offset[1] = 0; fill_charverts(verts, cursor, scale, c, offset); sg_update_buffer(bind_text.vertex_buffers[0], SG_RANGE_REF(verts)); } void text_settype(struct sFont *mfont) { font = mfont; } int renderText(const char *text, mfloat_t pos[2], float scale, mfloat_t color[3], float lw, int caret) { int len = strlen(text); drawcaret = caret; mfloat_t cursor[2] = {0.f}; cursor[0] = pos[0]; cursor[1] = pos[1]; const unsigned char *line, *wordstart, *drawstart; line = drawstart = (unsigned char *)text; float *usecolor = color; while (*line != '\0') { if (isblank(*line)) { sdrawCharacter(font->Characters[*line], cursor, scale, usecolor); cursor[0] += font->Characters[*line].Advance * scale; line++; } else if (isspace(*line)) { sdrawCharacter(font->Characters[*line], cursor, scale, usecolor); cursor[1] -= scale * font->height; cursor[0] = pos[0]; line++; } else { wordstart = line; int wordWidth = 0; while (!isspace(*line) && *line != '\0') { wordWidth += font->Characters[*line].Advance * scale; line++; } if (lw > 0 && (cursor[0] + wordWidth - pos[0]) >= lw) { cursor[0] = pos[0]; cursor[1] -= scale * font->height; } while (wordstart < line) { sdrawCharacter(font->Characters[*wordstart], cursor, scale, usecolor); cursor[0] += font->Characters[*wordstart].Advance * scale; wordstart++; } } } /* if (caret > curchar) { draw_char_box(font->Characters[69], cursor, scale, color); } */ return cursor[1] - pos[1]; }