function grab_from_points(pos, points, slop) { var shortest = slop; var idx = -1; points.forEach(function(x,i) { if (Vector.length(pos.sub(x)) < shortest) { shortest = Vector.length(pos.sub(x)); idx = i; } }); return idx; }; var gameobject = { scale: 1.0, save: true, selectable: true, spawn(ur) { if (typeof ur === 'string') ur = prototypes.get_ur(ur); return ur.type.make(this); }, clone(name, ext) { var obj = Object.create(this); complete_assign(obj, ext); return obj; }, layer: 0, /* Collision layer; should probably have been called "mask" */ layer_nuke() { Nuke.label("Collision layer"); Nuke.newline(Collision.num); for (var i = 0; i < Collision.num; i++) this.layer =, this.layer, i); }, draw_layer: 1, draw_layer_nuke() { Nuke.label("Draw layer"); Nuke.newline(5); for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) this.draw_layer =, this.draw_layer, i); }, ed_locked: false, _visible: true, get visible(){ return this._visible; }, set visible(x) { this._visible = x; for (var key in this.components) { if ('visible' in this.components[key]) { this.components[key].visible = x; } } }, mass: 1, phys: 2, phys_nuke() { Nuke.newline(1); Nuke.label("phys"); Nuke.newline(3); this.phys ="dynamic", this.phys, 0); this.phys ="kinematic", this.phys, 1); this.phys ="static", this.phys, 2); }, friction: 0, elasticity: 0, flipx: false, flipy: false, set_center(pos) { var change = pos.sub(this.pos); this.pos = pos; for (var key in this.components) { this.components[key].finish_center(change); } }, varname: "", pos: [0,0], set relpos(x) { if (!this.level) { this.pos = x; return; } this.pos = Vector.rotate(x, Math.deg2rad(this.level.angle)).add(this.level.pos); }, get relpos() { if (!this.level) return this.pos; var offset = this.pos.sub(this.level.pos); return Vector.rotate(offset, -Math.deg2rad(this.level.angle)); }, angle: 0, get relangle() { if (!this.level) return this.angle; return this.angle - this.level.angle; }, velocity: [0,0], angularvelocity: 0, gizmo: "", /* Path to an image to draw for this gameobject */ /* Bounding box of the object in world dimensions */ boundingbox() { var boxes = []; boxes.push({t:0, r:0,b:0,l:0}); for (var key in this.components) { if ('boundingbox' in this.components[key]) boxes.push(this.components[key].boundingbox()); } if (boxes.empty) return cwh2bb([0,0], [0,0]); var bb = boxes[0]; boxes.forEach(function(x) { bb = bb_expand(bb, x); }); var cwh = bb2cwh(bb); if (!bb) return; if (this.flipx) cwh.c.x *= -1; if (this.flipy) cwh.c.y *= -1; cwh.c = cwh.c.add(this.pos); bb = cwh2bb(cwh.c, cwh.wh); return bb ? bb : cwh2bb([0,0], [0,0]); }, width() { var bb = this.boundingbox(); return bb.r - bb.l; }, height() { var bb = this.boundingbox(); return bb.t-bb.b; }, stop() {}, /* Make a unique object the same as its prototype */ revert() { // unmerge(this, this.prop_obj()); }, gui() { var go_guis = walk_up_get_prop(this, 'go_gui'); Nuke.newline(); go_guis.forEach(function(x) {; }, this); for (var key in this) { if (typeof this[key] === 'object' && 'gui' in this[key]) this[key].gui(); } }, check_registers(obj) { Register.unregister_obj(this); if (typeof obj.update === 'function') Register.update.register(obj.update, obj); if (typeof obj.physupdate === 'function') Register.physupdate.register(obj.physupdate, obj); if (typeof obj.collide === 'function') obj.register_hit(obj.collide, obj); if (typeof obj.separate === 'function') obj.register_separate(obj.separate, obj); if (typeof obj.draw === 'function') Register.draw.register(obj.draw,obj); if (typeof obj.debug === 'function') Register.debug.register(obj.debug, obj); obj.components.forEach(function(x) { if (typeof x.collide === 'function') register_collide(1, x.collide, x, obj.body, x.shape); }); }, instances: [], make(level) { level ??= Primum; var obj = Object.create(this); this.instances.push(obj); obj.toString = function() { if (obj.ur) return obj.ur.tag; return "NO UR"}; obj.defn('body', make_gameobject(this.scale, this.phys, this.mass, this.friction, this.elasticity) ); obj.defn('components', {}); Game.register_obj(obj); cmd(113, obj.body, obj); /* Now that it's concrete in the engine, these functions update to return engine data */ complete_assign(obj, { set scale(x) { cmd(36, this.body, x); }, get scale() { return cmd(103, this.body); }, get flipx() { return cmd(104,this.body); }, set flipx(x) { cmd(55, this.body, x); }, get flipy() { return cmd(105,this.body); }, set flipy(x) { cmd(56, this.body, x); }, get angle() { return Math.rad2deg(q_body(2,this.body))%360; }, set angle(x) { set_body(0,this.body, Math.deg2rad(x)); }, set pos(x) { var diff = x.sub(this.pos); this.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.pos = x.pos.add(diff); }); set_body(2,this.body,x); }, get pos() { return q_body(1,this.body); }, get elasticity() { return cmd(107,this.body); }, set elasticity(x) { cmd(106,this.body,x); }, get friction() { return cmd(109,this.body); }, set friction(x) { cmd(108,this.body,x); }, set mass(x) { set_body(7,this.body,x); }, get mass() { return q_body(5, this.body); }, set phys(x) { set_body(1, this.body, x); }, get phys() { return q_body(0,this.body); }, get velocity() { return q_body(3, this.body); }, set velocity(x) { set_body(9, this.body, x); }, get angularvelocity() { return Math.rad2deg(q_body(4, this.body)); }, set angularvelocity(x) { set_body(8, this.body, Math.deg2rad(x)); }, pulse(vec) { set_body(4, this.body, vec);}, push(vec) { set_body(12,this.body,vec);}, world2this(pos) { return cmd(70, this.body, pos); }, this2world(pos) { return cmd(71, this.body,pos); }, set layer(x) { cmd(75,this.body,x); }, get layer() { return 0; }, alive() { return this.body >= 0; }, in_air() { return q_body(7, this.body);}, on_ground() { return !this.in_air(); }, disable() { this.components.forEach(function(x) { x.disable(); });}, enable() { this.components.forEach(function(x) { x.enable(); });}, sync() { }, dirty() { return false; }, dup(diff) { var dup = Primum.spawn(this.ur); Object.assign(dup, this); return dup; }, kill() { if (this.body === -1) { Log.warn(`Object is already dead!`); return; } Register.endofloop(() => { cmd(2, this.body); delete Game.objects[this.body]; if (this.level) this.level.unregister(this); Player.uncontrol(this); this.instances.remove(this); Register.unregister_obj(this); // Signal.clear_obj(this); this.body = -1; for (var key in this.components) { Register.unregister_obj(this.components[key]); this.components[key].kill(); } this.objects.forEach(x => x.kill()); this.stop(); }); }, up() { return [0,1].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle));}, down() { return [0,-1].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle));}, right() { return [1,0].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle));}, left() { return [-1,0].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle));}, toJSON() { var ret = {}; for (var key in this) { var prop = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, key); if (!prop) continue; if (prop.get) { if (prop.get() !== Object.getPrototypeOf(this)[key]) ret[key] = prop.get(); } else ret[key] = this[key]; } return ret; }, }); for (var prop in obj) { if (typeof obj[prop] === 'object' && 'make' in obj[prop]) { obj[prop] = obj[prop].make(obj.body); obj[prop].defn('gameobject', obj); obj.components[prop] = obj[prop]; } }; obj.check_registers(obj); gameobject.make_parentable(obj); /* Spawn subobjects defined */ if (obj.$) { for (var e in obj.$) obj.$[e] = obj.spawn(prototypes.get_ur(obj.$[e].ur)); } if (typeof obj.start === 'function') obj.start(); level.add_child(obj); return obj; }, register_hit(fn, obj) { if (!obj) obj = this; Signal.obj_begin(fn, obj, this); }, register_separate(fn, obj) { if (!obj) obj = this; Signal.obj_separate(fn,obj,this); }, } gameobject.make_parentable = function(obj) { var objects = []; obj.remove_child = function(child) { objects.remove(child); } obj.add_child = function(child) { child.unparent(); objects.push(child); child.level = obj; } /* Reparent this object to a new one */ obj.reparent = function(parent) { if (parent === obj.level) return; parent.add_child(obj); obj.level = parent; } obj.unparent = function() { if (!obj.level) return; obj.level.remove_child(obj); obj.parent = undefined; } obj.objects = objects; } /* Default objects */ var prototypes = {}; prototypes.ur = {}; prototypes.load_all = function() { if (IO.exists("proto.json")) prototypes = JSON.parse(IO.slurp("proto.json")); for (var key in prototypes) { if (key in gameobjects) dainty_assign(gameobjects[key], prototypes[key]); else { /* Create this gameobject fresh */"Making new prototype: " + key + " from " + prototypes[key].from); var newproto = gameobjects[prototypes[key].from].clone(key); gameobjects[key] = newproto; for (var pkey in newproto) if (typeof newproto[pkey] === 'object' && newproto[pkey] && 'clone' in newproto[pkey]) newproto[pkey] = newproto[pkey].clone(); dainty_assign(gameobjects[key], prototypes[key]); } } } prototypes.save_gameobjects = function() { slurpwrite(JSON.stringify(gameobjects,null,2), "proto.json"); }; prototypes.from_file = function(file) { if (!IO.exists(file)) { Log.error(`File ${file} does not exist.`); return; } var newobj = gameobject.clone(file, {}); var script = IO.slurp(file); newobj.$ = {}; var json = {}; if (IO.exists( + ".json")) { json = JSON.parse(IO.slurp( + ".json")); Object.assign(newobj.$, json.$); delete json.$; } compile_env(`var self = this; var $ = self.$; ${script}`, newobj, file); dainty_assign(newobj, json); file = file.replaceAll('/', '.'); var path ='.'); var nested_access = function(base, names) { for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) base = base[names[i]] = base[names[i]] || {}; return base; }; var a = nested_access(ur, path); a.tag =; prototypes.list.push(a.tag); a.type = newobj; a.instances = []; newobj.ur = a; return a; } prototypes.from_file.doc = "Create a new ur-type from a given script file."; prototypes.list = []; prototypes.from_obj = function(name, obj) { var newobj = gameobject.clone(name, obj); prototypes.ur[name] = { tag: name, type: newobj }; newobj.ur = prototypes.ur[name]; return prototypes.ur[name]; } prototypes.load_config = function(name) { if (!prototypes.ur[name]) prototypes.ur[name] = gameobject.clone(name); Log.warn(`Made new ur of name ${name}`); return prototypes.ur[name]; } prototypes.list_ur = function() { var list = []; function list_obj(obj, prefix) { prefix ??= ""; var list = []; for (var e in obj) { list.push(prefix + e); Log.warn("Descending into " + e); list.concat(list_obj(obj[e], e + ".")); } return list; } return list_obj(ur); } prototypes.get_ur = function(name) { if (!prototypes.ur[name]) { if (IO.exists(name + ".js")) prototypes.from_file(name + ".js"); prototypes.load_config(name); return prototypes.ur[name]; } else return prototypes.ur[name]; } prototypes.from_obj("polygon2d", { polygon2d: polygon2d.clone(), }); prototypes.from_obj("edge2d", { edge2d: bucket.clone(), }); prototypes.from_obj("sprite", { sprite: sprite.clone(), }); prototypes.generate_ur = function(path) { var ob = IO.glob("**.js"); ob = ob.filter(function(str) { return !str.startsWith("scripts"); }); ob.forEach(function(name) { if (name === "game.js") return; if (name === "play.js") return; prototypes.from_file(name); }); } var ur = prototypes.ur; prototypes.from_obj("camera2d", { phys: Physics.kinematic, speed: 300, get zoom() { return cmd(135); }, set zoom(x) { x = Math.clamp(x,0.1,10); cmd(62, x); }, speedmult: 1.0, selectable: false, view2world(pos) { pos.y *= -1; return pos.add([-Window.width,Window.height].scale(0.5)).scale(this.zoom).add(this.pos); }, world2view(pos) { return pos.sub(this.pos).scale(1/this.zoom).add(Window.dimensions.scale(0.5)); }, }); prototypes.from_obj("arena", {});