#include "gameobject.h" #include "shader.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "registry.h" #include "2dphysics.h" #include "script.h" #include "input.h" #include #include #include "resources.h" #include "nuke.h" #include "log.h" #include "debugdraw.h" #include "stb_ds.h" struct gameobject *gameobjects = NULL; const int nameBuf[MAXNAME] = { 0 }; const int prefabNameBuf[MAXNAME] = { 0 }; struct gameobject *get_gameobject_from_id(int id) { return &gameobjects[id]; } int id_from_gameobject(struct gameobject *go) { for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(gameobjects); i++) { if (&gameobjects[i] == i) return i; } return -1; } static void gameobject_setpickcolor(struct gameobject *go) { float r = ((go->editor.id & 0x000000FF) >> 0) / 255.f; float g = ((go->editor.id & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) / 255.f; float b = ((go->editor.id & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) / 255.f; go->editor.color[0] = r; go->editor.color[1] = g; go->editor.color[2] = b; } int MakeGameobject() { if (gameobjects == NULL) arrsetcap(gameobjects, 100); YughInfo("Making new gameobject"); struct gameobject go = { .editor.id = arrlen(gameobjects), .transform.scale = 1.f, .scale = 1.f, .bodytype = CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC, .mass = 1.f }; gameobject_setpickcolor(&go); strncpy(go.editor.mname, "New object", MAXNAME); go.body = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(go.mass, 1.f)); arrput(gameobjects, go); cpBodySetUserData(go.body, &arrlast(gameobjects)); return arrlen(gameobjects)-1; } void gameobject_addcomponent(struct gameobject *go, struct component *c) { arrput(go->components, *c); struct component *newc = &arrlast(go->components); newc->go = go; newc->data = newc->make(newc->go); } void gameobject_delete(int id) { YughInfo("Deleting gameobject with id %d.", id); struct gameobject *go = &gameobjects[id]; for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(go->components); i++) { go->components[i].delete(go->components[i].data); arrdel(go->components, i); } arrdelswap(gameobjects, id); } void gameobject_delcomponent(struct gameobject *go, int n) { go->components[n].delete(go->components[n].data); arrdel(go->components, n); } void setup_model_transform(struct mTransform *t, struct shader *s, float scale) { mfloat_t modelT[16] = { 0.f }; mfloat_t matbuff[16] = { 0.f }; memcpy(modelT, UNITMAT4, sizeof(modelT)); mat4_translate_vec3(modelT, t->position); mat4_multiply(modelT, modelT, mat4_rotation_quat(matbuff, t->rotation)); mat4_scale_vec3f(modelT, scale); shader_setmat4(s, "model", modelT); } void gameobject_save(struct gameobject *go, FILE * file) { fwrite(go, sizeof(*go), 1, file); YughInfo("Number of components is %d.", arrlen(go->components)); int n = arrlen(go->components); fwrite(&n, sizeof(n), 1, file); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { fwrite(&go->components[i].id, sizeof(int), 1, file); if (go->components[i].io == NULL) fwrite(go->components[i].data, go->components[i].datasize, 1, file); else go->components[i].io(go->components[i].data, file, 0); } } int gameobject_makefromprefab(char *path) { FILE *fprefab = fopen(path, "rb"); if (fprefab == NULL) { YughError("Could not find prefab %s.", path); return -1; } struct gameobject *new = get_gameobject_from_id(MakeGameobject()); fread(new, sizeof(*new), 1, fprefab); new->components = NULL; gameobject_init(new, fprefab); fclose(fprefab); arrlast(gameobjects).editor.id = arrlen(gameobjects)-1; return arrlen(gameobjects)-1; } void gameobject_init(struct gameobject *go, FILE * fprefab) { go->body = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(go->mass, 1.f)); cpBodySetType(go->body, go->bodytype); cpBodySetUserData(go->body, go); int comp_n; fread(&comp_n, sizeof(int), 1, fprefab); arrfree(go->components); int n; for (int i = 0; i < comp_n; i++) { fread(&n, sizeof(int), 1, fprefab); arrput(go->components, components[n]); struct component *newc = &arrlast(go->components); newc->go = go; newc->data = newc->make(newc->go); if (newc->io == NULL) fread(newc->data, newc->datasize, 1, fprefab); else newc->io(newc->data, fprefab, 1); newc->init(newc->data, go); } } void gameobject_saveprefab(struct gameobject *go) { char prefabfname[60] = { '\0' }; strncat(prefabfname, go->editor.prefabName, MAXNAME); strncat(prefabfname, EXT_PREFAB, 10); FILE *pfile = fopen(prefabfname, "wb+"); gameobject_save(go, pfile); fclose(pfile); findPrefabs(); } void gameobject_syncprefabs(char *revertPath) { /* struct gameobject **go = objects; int i = 0; while(i != nobjects) { if ((*go)->editor.curPrefabPath && !strcmp((*go)->editor.curPrefabPath, revertPath)) { ; }//objectRevertPrefab(go); //TODO: revertprefab } */ } void gameobject_revertprefab(struct gameobject *go) { } void toggleprefab(struct gameobject *go) { go->editor.prefabSync = !go->editor.prefabSync; if (go->editor.prefabSync) { strcpy(go->editor.prefabName, go->editor.rootPrefabName); gameobject_revertprefab(go); //TODO: object revert prefab } else { go->editor.prefabName[0] = '\0'; } } void gameobject_move(struct gameobject *go, cpVect vec) { cpVect p = cpBodyGetPosition(go->body); p.x += vec.x; p.y += vec.y; cpBodySetPosition(go->body, p); phys2d_reindex_body(go->body); } void gameobject_rotate(struct gameobject *go, float as) { cpFloat a = cpBodyGetAngle(go->body); a += as * deltaT; cpBodySetAngle(go->body, a); phys2d_reindex_body(go->body); } void gameobject_setangle(struct gameobject *go, float angle) { cpBodySetAngle(go->body, angle); phys2d_reindex_body(go->body); } void gameobject_setpos(struct gameobject *go, cpVect vec) { if (!go || !go->body) return; cpBodySetPosition(go->body, vec); phys2d_reindex_body(go->body); } void object_gui(struct gameobject *go) { float temp_pos[2]; temp_pos[0] = cpBodyGetPosition(go->body).x; temp_pos[1] = cpBodyGetPosition(go->body).y; draw_point(temp_pos[0], temp_pos[1], 3); nuke_property_float2("Position", -1000000.f, temp_pos, 1000000.f, 1.f, 0.5f); cpVect tvect = { temp_pos[0], temp_pos[1] }; cpBodySetPosition(go->body, tvect); float mtry = cpBodyGetAngle(go->body); float modtry = fmodf(mtry * RAD2DEGS, 360.f); if (modtry < 0.f) modtry += 360.f; float modtry2 = modtry; nuke_property_float("Angle", -1000.f, &modtry, 1000.f, 0.5f, 0.5f); modtry -= modtry2; cpBodySetAngle(go->body, mtry + (modtry * DEG2RADS)); nuke_property_float("Scale", 0.f, &go->scale, 1000.f, 0.01f, go->scale * 0.01f); nuke_nel(3); nuke_radio_btn("Static", &go->bodytype, CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC); nuke_radio_btn("Dynamic", &go->bodytype, CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC); nuke_radio_btn("Kinematic", &go->bodytype, CP_BODY_TYPE_KINEMATIC); cpBodySetType(go->body, go->bodytype); if (go->bodytype == CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC) { nuke_property_float("Mass", 0.01f, &go->mass, 1000.f, 0.01f, 0.01f); cpBodySetMass(go->body, go->mass); } nuke_property_float("Friction", 0.f, &go->f, 10.f, 0.01f, 0.01f); nuke_property_float("Elasticity", 0.f, &go->e, 2.f, 0.01f, 0.01f); int n = -1; for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(go->components); i++) { struct component *c = &go->components[i]; if (c->draw_debug) c->draw_debug(c->data); nuke_nel(5); if (nuke_btn("Del")) n = i; if (nuke_push_tree_id(c->name, i)) { c->draw_gui(c->data); nuke_tree_pop(); } } if (n >= 0) gameobject_delcomponent(go, n); } void gameobject_draw_debugs() { for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(gameobjects); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arrlen(gameobjects[i].components); j++) { struct component *c = &gameobjects[i].components[j]; if (c->draw_debug) c->draw_debug(c->data); } } } static struct {struct gameobject go; cpVect pos; float angle; } *saveobjects = NULL; void gameobject_saveall() { arrfree(saveobjects); arrsetlen(saveobjects, arrlen(gameobjects)); for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(gameobjects); i++) { saveobjects[i].go = gameobjects[i]; saveobjects[i].pos = cpBodyGetPosition(gameobjects[i].body); saveobjects[i].angle = cpBodyGetAngle(gameobjects[i].body); } } void gameobject_loadall() { YughInfo("N gameobjects: %d, N saved: %d", arrlen(gameobjects), arrlen(saveobjects)); for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(saveobjects); i++) { gameobjects[i] = saveobjects[i].go; cpBodySetPosition(gameobjects[i].body, saveobjects[i].pos); cpBodySetAngle(gameobjects[i].body, saveobjects[i].angle); cpBodySetVelocity(gameobjects[i].body, cpvzero); cpBodySetAngularVelocity(gameobjects[i].body, 0.f); } arrfree(saveobjects); } int gameobjects_saved() { return arrlen(saveobjects); }