os.cwd.doc = "Get the absolute path of the current working directory."; os.env.doc = "Return the value of the environment variable v."; os.platform = "steam"; if (os.sys() === 'windows') os.user = os.env("USERNAME"); else os.user = os.env("USER"); var appy = {}; appy.inputs = {}; if (os.sys() === 'macos') { appy.inputs['S-q'] = function() { Game.quit(); }; appy.inputs['S-h'] = function() { }; } player[0].control(appy); var steam = {}; steam.appid = 480; steam.userid = 8437843; os.home = os.env("HOME"); steam.path = { windows: `C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/${steam.userid}/${steam.appid}`, macos: `${os.home}/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/${steam.userid}/${steam.appid}`, linux: `${os.home}/.local/share/Steam/userdata/${steam.userid}/${steam.appid}` }; var otherpath = { windows:`C:/Users/${os.user}/Saved Games`, macos: `${os.home}/Library/Application Support`, linux: `${os.home}/.local/share` } os.prefpath = function() { return otherpath[os.sys()] + "/" + (Game.title ? Game.title : "Untitled Prosperon Game"); } var projectfile = ".prosperon/project.json"; var Resources = {}; Resources.images = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"]; Resources.sounds = ["wav", "mp3", "flac", "qoa"]; Resources.scripts = "js"; Resources.is_image = function(path) { var ext = path.ext(); return Resources.images.any(x => x === ext); } Resources.is_sound = function(path) { var ext = path.ext(); return Resources.sounds.any(x => x === ext); } Resources.is_animation = function(path) { if (path.ext() === 'gif' && Resources.gif.frames(path) > 1) return true; if (path.ext() === 'ase') return true; return false; } Resources.is_path = function(str) { return !/[\\\/:*?"<>|]/.test(str); } Resources.texture = {}; Resources.texture.dimensions = function(path) { return cmd(64,path); } Resources.gif = {}; Resources.gif.frames = function(path) { return cmd(139,path); } Resources.replpath = function(str, path) { if (str[0] === "/") return str.rm(0); if (str[0] === "@") return os.prefpath() + "/" + str.rm(0); if (!path) return str; var stem = path.dir(); while (stem) { var tr = stem + "/" +str; if (io.exists(tr)) return tr; stem = stem.updir(); } return str; } Resources.replstrs = function(path) { var script = io.slurp(path); var regexp = /"[^"\s]*?\.[^"\s]+?"/g; var stem = path.dir(); script = script.replace(regexp,function(str) { var newstr = Resources.replpath(str.trimchr('"'), path); return `"${newstr}"`; }); return script; } var console = { set level(x) { cmd(92,x); }, get level() { return cmd(93); }, print(msg, lvl) { var lg; if (typeof msg === 'object') { lg = JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2); } else { lg = msg; } var stack = (new Error()).stack; var n = stack.next('\n',0)+1; n = stack.next('\n', n)+1; var nnn = stack.slice(n); var fmatch = nnn.match(/\(.*\:/); var file = fmatch ? fmatch[0].shift(1).shift(-1) : "nofile"; var lmatch = nnn.match(/\:\d*\)/); var line = lmatch ? lmatch[0].shift(1).shift(-1) : "0"; yughlog(lvl, lg, file, line); }, info(msg) { this.print(msg, 0); }, warn(msg) { this.print(msg, 1); }, error(msg) { this.print(msg, 2); this.stack(1); }, critical(msg) { this.print(msg,3); this.stack(1); Game.quit(); }, write(msg) { if (typeof msg === 'object') msg = JSON.stringify(msg,null,2); cmd(91,msg); }, log(msg) { console.say(time.text(time.now(), 'yyyy-m-dd hh:nn:ss') + " " + msg); }, say(msg) { console.write(msg + '\n'); }, repl(msg) { cmd(142, msg + '\n'); }, stack(skip = 0) { var err = new Error(); var stack = err.stack; var n = stack.next('\n',0)+1; for (var i = 0; i < skip; i++) n = stack.next('\n', n)+1; console.write(err.name); console.write(err.message); console.write(err.stack); }, clear() { cmd(146); }, }; var say = function(msg) { console.say(msg); } say.doc = "Print to std out with an appended newline."; console.doc = { level: "Set level to output logging to console.", info: "Output info level message.", warn: "Output warn level message.", error: "Output error level message, and print stacktrace.", critical: "Output critical level message, and exit game immediately.", write: "Write raw text to console.", say: "Write raw text to console, plus a newline.", stack: "Output a stacktrace to console.", console: "Output directly to in game console.", clear: "Clear console." }; /* io path rules. Starts with, meaning: "@": user path "/": root game path "" : relative game path */ var tmpchm = io.chmod; io.chmod = function(file,mode) { return tmpchm(file,parseInt(mode,8)); } var tmpslurp = io.slurp; io.slurp = function(path) { path = Resources.replpath(path); return tmpslurp(path); } var tmpslurpb = io.slurpbytes; io.slurpbytes = function(path) { path = Resources.replpath(path); return tmpslurpb(path); } io.mkpath = function(dir) { if (!dir) return; var mkstack = []; while (!io.exists(dir)) { mkstack.push(dir.fromlast('/')); dir = dir.dir(); } for (var d of mkstack) { dir = dir + "/" + d; say(`making ${dir}`); io.mkdir(dir); } } var tmpslurpw = io.slurpwrite; io.slurpwrite = function(path, c) { path = Resources.replpath(path); io.mkpath(path.dir()); return tmpslurpw(path, c); } var tmpcp = io.cp; io.cp = function(f1,f2) { io.mkpath(f2.dir()); tmpcp(f1,f2); } var tmprm = io.rm; io.rm = function(f) { tmprm(Resources.replpath(f)); } io.mixin({ extensions(ext) { var paths = io.ls(); paths = paths.filter(function(str) { return str.ext() === ext; }); return paths; }, compile(script) { return cmd(260, script); }, run_bytecode(byte_file) { return cmd(261, byte_file); }, glob(pat) { var paths = io.ls('.'); pat = pat.replaceAll(/([\[\]\(\)\^\$\.\|\+])/g, "\\$1"); pat = pat.replaceAll('**', '.*'); pat = pat.replaceAll(/[^\.]\*/g, '[^\\/]*'); pat = pat.replaceAll('?', '.'); var regex = new RegExp("^"+pat+"$", ""); paths = paths.filter(str => str.match(regex)).sort(); return paths; }, }); io.doc = { doc: "Functions for filesystem input/output commands.", exists: "Returns true if a file exists.", slurp: "Returns the contents of given file as a string.", slurpbytes: "Return the contents of a file as a byte array.", slurpwrite: "Write a given string to a given file.", cp: "Copy file f1 to f2.", mv: "Rename file f1 to f2.", rm: "Remove file f.", mkdir: "Make dir.", ls: "List contents of the game directory.", glob: "Glob files in game directory.", }; var Cmdline = {}; Cmdline.cmds = []; Cmdline.orders = {}; Cmdline.register_cmd = function(flag, fn, doc) { Cmdline.cmds.push({ flag: flag, fn: fn, doc: doc }); }; Cmdline.register_order = function(order, fn, doc, usage) { Cmdline.orders[order] = fn; fn.doc = doc; usage ??= ""; fn.usage = `${order} ${usage}`; } Cmdline.register_order("edit", function() { if (!io.exists(".prosperon")) { say("No game to edit. Try making one with 'prosperon init'."); return; } Game.engine_start(function() { global.mixin("scripts/editor.js"); use("editorconfig.js"); editor.enter_editor(); }); }, "Edit the project in this folder. Give it the name of an UR to edit that specific object.", "?UR?"); Cmdline.register_order("init", function() { if (io.exists(projectfile)) { say("Already a game here."); return; } if (!(io.ls().length === 0)) { say("Directory is not empty. Make an empty one and init there."); return; } io.mkdir(".prosperon"); var project = {}; project.version = prosperon.version; project.revision = prosperon.revision; io.slurpwrite(projectfile, json.encode(project)); }, "Turn the directory into a Prosperon game."); Cmdline.register_order("debug", function() { Cmdline.orders.play([]); }, "Play the game with debugging enabled."); Cmdline.register_order("play", function(argv) { if (argv[0]) io.chdir(argv[0]); Game.loadurs(); if (!io.exists(projectfile)) { say("No game to play. Try making one with 'prosperon init'."); return; } var project = json.decode(io.slurp(projectfile)); Game.title = project.title; Window.aspect(Window.mode.expand); global.mixin("config.js"); if (project.title) Window.title(project.title); Game.engine_start(function() { global.mixin("scripts/sound.js"); global.game = actor.spawn("game.js"); if (project.icon) Window.icon(project.icon); }); }, "Play the game present in this folder."); Cmdline.register_order("pack", function(str) { var packname; if (str.length === 0) packname = "game.cdb"; else if (str.length > 1) { console.warn("Give me a single filename for the pack."); return; } else packname = str[0]; say(`Packing into ${packname}`); cmd(124, packname); io.chmod(packname, 666); }, "Pack the game into the given name.", "NAME"); Cmdline.register_order("cdb", function(argv) { var cdb = "game.cdb"; if (!io.exists(cdb)) { say(`No 'game.cdb' present.`); return; } if (argv.length === 0) { say(`cdb name: ${cdb}`); } }, "CDB commands."); Cmdline.register_order("qoa", function(argv) { var sounds = Resources.sounds.filter(x => x !== "qoa"); for (var file of argv) { if (!sounds.includes(file.ext())) continue; say(`converting ${file}`); cmd(262,file); } }, "Convert file(s) to qoa."); Cmdline.register_order("about", function(argv) { if (!argv[0]) { say('About your game'); say(`Prosperon version ${prosperon.version}`); say(`Total entities ${ur._list.length}`); } switch (argv[0]) { case "entities": for (var i of ur._list) say(i); break; } }, "Get information about this game."); Cmdline.register_order("ur", function(argv) { Game.loadurs(); for (var i of ur._list.sort()) say(i); }, "Get information about the ur types in your game."); Cmdline.register_order("env", function(argv) { if (argv.length > 2) return; var gg = json.decode(io.slurp(projectfile)); if (argv.length === 0) { say(json.encode(gg,null,1)); return; } if (argv.length === 1) { var v = gg[argv[0]]; if (!v) { say(`Value ${argv[0]} not found.`); return; } say(`${argv[0]}:${v}`); } else { gg[argv[0]] = argv[1]; say(`Set ${argv[0]}:${v}`); say(json.encode(gg,null,1)); io.slurpwrite(projectfile, json.encode(gg)); } }, "Get or set game variables."); Cmdline.register_order("unpack", function() { say("Unpacking not implemented."); }, "Unpack this binary's contents into this folder for editing."); Cmdline.register_order("build", function() { say("Building not implemented."); }, "Build static assets for this project."); Cmdline.register_order("nota", function(argv) { for (var file of argv) { if (!io.exists(file)) { say(`File ${file} does not exist.`); continue; } var obj = json.decode(io.slurp(file)); var nn = nota.encode(obj); io.slurpwrite(file.set_ext(".nota"), nn); } }, "Create a nota file from a json."); Cmdline.register_order("json", function(argv) { for (var file of argv) { if (!io.exists(file)) { say(`File ${file} does not exist.`); continue; } say(file.ext()); var obj = nota.decode(io.slurp(file)); var nn = json.encode(obj); io.slurpwrite(file.set_ext(".json", nn)); } }, "Create a JSON from a nota."); Cmdline.register_order("api", function(obj) { if (!obj[0]) { Cmdline.print_order("api"); return; } load("scripts/editor.js"); var api = Debug.api.print_doc(obj[0]); if (!api) return; say(api); }, "Print the API for an object as markdown. Give it a file to save the output to.", "OBJECT"); Cmdline.register_order("compile", function(argv) { for (var file of argv) { var comp = io.compile(file); io.slurpwrite(file + "c", comp); } }, "Compile one or more provided files into bytecode.", "FILE ..."); Cmdline.register_order("input", function(pawn) { load("scripts/editor.js"); say(`## Input for ${pawn}`); eval(`say(input.print_md_kbm(${pawn}));`); }, "Print input documentation for a given object as markdown. Give it a file to save the output to", "OBJECT ?FILE?"); Cmdline.register_order("run", function(script) { script = script.join(" "); if (!script) { say("Need something to run."); return; } if (io.exists(script)) try { if (script.endswith("c")) cmd(261, script); else load(script); } catch(e) { } else { var ret = eval(script); if (ret) say(ret); } }, "Run a given script. SCRIPT can be the script itself, or a file containing the script", "SCRIPT"); Cmdline.orders.script = Cmdline.orders.run; Cmdline.print_order = function(fn) { if (typeof fn === 'string') fn = Cmdline.orders[fn]; if (!fn) return; say(`Usage: prosperon ${fn.usage}`); say(fn.doc); } Cmdline.register_order("help", function(order) { if (!Object.empty(order)) { var orfn = Cmdline.orders[order]; if (!orfn) { console.warn(`No command named ${order}.`); return; } Cmdline.print_order(orfn); return; } Cmdline.print_order("help"); for (var cmd of Object.keys(Cmdline.orders).sort()) say(cmd); Cmdline.orders.version(); }, "Give help with a specific command.", "TOPIC"); Cmdline.register_order("version", function() { say(`Prosperon version ${prosperon.version} [${prosperon.revision}]`); }, "Display Prosperon info."); function cmd_args(cmdargs) { var play = false; var cmds = cmdargs.split(/\s+/).slice(1); if (cmds.length === 0) cmds[0] = "play"; else if (!Cmdline.orders[cmds[0]]) { console.warn(`Command ${cmds[0]} not found.`); return; } Cmdline.orders[cmds[0]](cmds.slice(1)); } Cmdline.register_order("clean", function(argv) { say("Cleaning not implemented."); }, "Clean up a given object file.", "JSON ..."); Cmdline.register_cmd("l", function(n) { console.level = n; }, "Set log level."); return { console, Resources, say, Cmdline, cmd_args, steam };