var component = { components: [], toString() { if ('gameobject' in this) return + " on " + this.gameobject; else return; }, name: "component", component: true, enabled: true, enable() { this.enabled = true; }, disable() { this.enabled = false; }, make(go) { }, kill() {"Kill not created for this component yet"); }, gui() { }, gizmo() { }, prepare_center() {}, finish_center() {}, extend(spec) { return Object.copy(this, spec); }, }; component.toJSON = ur_json; component.sprite = Object.copy(component, { name: "sprite", path: "", layer: 0, pos: [0,0], get visible() { return this.enabled; }, set visible(x) { this.enabled = x; }, asset(str) { this.path = str; this.sync();}, angle: 0, rect: {s0:0, s1: 1, t0: 0, t1: 1}, get enabled() { return cmd(114,; }, set enabled(x) { cmd(20,,x); }, set color(x) { cmd(96,,x); }, get color() {return undefined; }, get pos() { return cmd(111,; }, set pos(x) { cmd(37,,x); }, set layer(x) { cmd(60,, x); }, get layer() { return undefined; }, boundingbox() { var dim = this.dimensions(); dim = dim.scale(this.gameobject.scale); var realpos = this.pos.copy(); realpos.x = realpos.x * dim.x + (dim.x/2); realpos.y = realpos.y * dim.y + (dim.y/2); return cwh2bb(realpos,dim); }, sync() { if (this.path) cmd(12,,this.path,this.rect); }, kill() { cmd(9,; }, dimensions() { return cmd(64,this.path); }, width() { return cmd(64,this.path).x; }, height() { return cmd(64,this.path).y; }, make(go) { var sprite = Object.create(this); = make_sprite(go); sprite.sync(); return sprite; }, POS_MID: [-0.5, -0.5], }); var sprite = component.sprite; component.sprite.ur = { pos:[0,0], color:[1,1,1], layer:0, enabled:true, }; sprite.inputs = {}; sprite.inputs.kp9 = function() { this.pos = [0,0]; }; sprite.inputs.kp8 = function() { this.pos = [-0.5, 0]; }; sprite.inputs.kp7 = function() { this.pos = [-1,0]; }; sprite.inputs.kp6 = function() { this.pos = [0,-0.5]; }; sprite.inputs.kp5 = function() { this.pos = [-0.5,-0.5]; }; sprite.inputs.kp4 = function() { this.pos = [-1,-0.5]; }; sprite.inputs.kp3 = function() { this.pos = [0, -1]; }; sprite.inputs.kp2 = function() { this.pos = [-0.5,-1]; }; sprite.inputs.kp1 = function() { this.pos = [-1,-1]; }; /* Container to play sprites and anim2ds */ component.char2d = Object.copy(sprite, { name: "char 2d", frame2rect(frames, frame) { var rect = {s0:0,s1:1,t0:0,t1:1}; var frameslice = 1/frames; rect.s0 = frameslice*frame; rect.s1 = frameslice*(frame+1); return rect; }, make(go) { var char = Object.copy(this, { get enabled() { return cmd(114,; }, set enabled(x) { cmd(20,,x); }, set color(x) { cmd(96,,x); }, get pos() { return cmd(111,; }, set pos(x) { cmd(37,,x); }, set layer(x) { cmd(60,, x); }, get layer() { return this.gameobject.draw_layer; }, boundingbox() { var dim = cmd(64,this.path); dim = dim.scale(this.gameobject.scale); dim.x *= 1/6; var realpos = [0,0]; // var realpos = this.pos.slice(); // realpos.x = realpos.x * dim.x + (dim.x/2); // realpos.y = realpos.y * dim.y + (dim.y/2); return cwh2bb(realpos,dim); }, sync() { if (this.path) cmd(12,,this.path,this.rect); }, kill() { cmd(9,; }, }); char.curplaying = char.anims.array()[0]; char.obscure('curplaying'); = make_sprite(go, char.curplaying.path, this.pos); char.obscure('id'); char.frame = 0; char.timer = timer.make(char.advance.bind(char), 1/char.curplaying.fps); char.timer.loop = true; char.obscure('timer'); // char.obscure('rect'); char.rect = {}; char.setsprite(); return char; }, frame: 0, play(name) { if (!(name in this.anims)) {"Can't find an animation named " + name); return; } if (this.curplaying === this.anims[name]) { this.timer.start(); return; } this.curplaying = this.anims[name]; this.timer.time = 1/this.curplaying.fps; this.timer.start(); this.frame = 0; this.setsprite(); }, setsprite() { this.path = this.curplaying.path; this.rect = this.frame2rect(this.curplaying.frames, this.frame); cmd(12,, this.path, this.rect); }, advance() { this.frame = (this.frame + 1) % this.curplaying.frames; this.setsprite(); if (this.frame === 0 && !this.curplaying.loop) this.timer.pause(); }, devance() { this.frame = (this.frame - 1); if (this.frame === -1) this.frame = this.curplaying.frames-1; this.setsprite(); }, setframe(frame) { this.frame = frame; this.setsprite(); }, pause() { this.timer.pause(); }, stop() { this.setframe(0); this.timer.stop(); }, kill() { this.timer.kill(); cmd(9,; }, }); /* Returns points specifying this geometry, with ccw */ var Geometry = { box(w, h) { w /= 2; h /= 2; var points = [ [w,h], [-w,h], [-w,-h], [w,-h] ]; return points; } }; /* For all colliders, "shape" is a pointer to a phys2d_shape, "id" is a pointer to the shape data */ var collider2d = Object.copy(component, { name: "collider 2d", sensor: false, kill() {}, /* No killing is necessary - it is done through the gameobject's kill */ register_hit(fn, obj) { register_collide(1, fn, obj, this.gameobject.body, this.shape); }, /* set sensor(x) { cmd(18,this.shape,x); }, get sensor() { return cmd(21,this.shape); }, set enabled(x) { cmd(22,this.shape,x); }, get enabled() { return cmd(23,this.shape); } */ }); collider2d.inputs = {}; collider2d.inputs['M-s'] = function() { this.sensor = !this.sensor; } collider2d.inputs['M-s'].doc = "Toggle if this collider is a sensor."; collider2d.inputs['M-t'] = function() { this.enabled = !this.enabled; } collider2d.inputs['M-t'].doc = "Toggle if this collider is enabled."; component.polygon2d = Object.copy(collider2d, { name: "polygon 2d", points: [], flipx: false, flipy: false, make(go) { var poly = Object.create(this); Object.assign(poly, make_poly2d(go, this.points)); Object.assign(poly, this.make_fns); Object.assign(poly, { boundingbox() { return points2bb(this.spoints); }, sync() { cmd_poly2d(0,, this.spoints); } }); poly.defn('points', this.points.copy()); Object.defineProperty(poly, 'id', {enumerable:false}); Object.defineProperty(poly, 'shape', {enumerable:false}); poly.sync(); return poly; }, /* EDITOR */ get spoints() { var spoints = this.points.slice(); if (this.flipx) { spoints.forEach(function(x) { var newpoint = x.slice(); newpoint.x = -newpoint.x; spoints.push(newpoint); }); } if (this.flipy) { spoints.forEach(function(x) { var newpoint = x.slice(); newpoint.y = -newpoint.y; spoints.push(newpoint); }); } return spoints; }, gizmo() { if (!this.hasOwn('points')) this.points = this.__proto__.points.copy(); this.spoints.forEach(function(x) { Debug.point(world2screen(this.gameobject.this2world(x)), 3,; }, this); this.points.forEach(function(x, i) { Debug.numbered_point(this.gameobject.this2world(x), i); }, this); }, pick(pos) { return Gizmos.pick_gameobject_points(pos, this.gameobject, this.points); }, query() { return cmd(80, this.shape); }, }); var polygon2d = component.polygon2d; polygon2d.inputs = {}; = function() { this.sync(); }; polygon2d.inputs.f10 = function() { this.points = sortpointsccw(this.points); }; polygon2d.inputs.f10.doc = "Sort all points to be CCW order."; polygon2d.inputs['C-lm'] = function() { this.points.push(this.gameobject.world2this(Mouse.worldpos)); }; polygon2d.inputs['C-lm'].doc = "Add a point to location of mouse."; polygon2d.inputs['S-lm'] = function() { var idx = grab_from_points(Mouse.worldpos, => this.gameobject.this2world(p)), 25); if (idx === -1) return; this.points.splice(idx, 1); }; polygon2d.inputs['S-lm'].doc = "Remove point under mouse."; polygon2d.inputs['C-b'] = function() { this.points = this.spoints; this.flipx = false; this.flipy = false; }; polygon2d.inputs['C-b'].doc = "Freeze mirroring in place."; Object.freeze(polygon2d); component.bucket = Object.copy(collider2d, { name: "bucket", cpoints:[], degrees:2, dimensions:2, /* open: 0 clamped: 1 beziers: 2 looped: 3 */ type: 3, typeid: { open: 0, clamped: 1, beziers: 2, looped: 3 }, flipx: false, flipy: false, hollow: false, hollowt: 0, get spoints() { var spoints = this.cpoints.slice(); if (this.flipx) { for (var i = spoints.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var newpoint = spoints[i].slice(); newpoint.x = -newpoint.x; spoints.push(newpoint); } } if (this.flipy) { for (var i = spoints.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var newpoint = spoints[i].slice(); newpoint.y = -newpoint.y; spoints.push(newpoint); } } return spoints; if (this.hollow) { var hpoints = []; var inflatep = inflate_cpv(spoints, spoints.length, this.hollowt); inflatep[0].slice().reverse().forEach(function(x) { hpoints.push(x); }); inflatep[1].forEach(function(x) { hpoints.push(x); }); return hpoints; } return spoints; }, sample(n) { var spoints = this.spoints; this.degrees = Math.clamp(this.degrees, 1, spoints.length-1); if (spoints.length === 2) return spoints; if (spoints.length < 2) return []; if (this.degrees < 2) { if (this.type === 3) return spoints.wrapped(1); return spoints; } /* order = degrees+1 knots = spoints.length + order assert knots%order != 0 */ if (this.type === bucket.typeid.looped) return spline_cmd(0, this.degrees, this.dimensions, 0, spoints.wrapped(this.degrees), n); return spline_cmd(0, this.degrees, this.dimensions, this.type, spoints, n); }, samples: 10, points:[], thickness:0, /* Number of pixels out the edge is */ make(go) { var edge = Object.create(this); Object.assign(edge, make_edge2d(go, this.points, this.thickness)); Object.assign(edge, { set thickness(x) { cmd_edge2d(1,,x); }, get thickness() { return cmd(112,; }, boundingbox() { return points2bb( => x.scale(this.gameobject.scale))); }, sync() { var sensor = this.sensor; this.points = this.sample(this.samples); cmd_edge2d(0,,this.points); this.sensor = sensor; }, }); Object.assign(edge, this.make_fns); Object.defineProperty(edge, 'id', {enumerable:false}); Object.defineProperty(edge, 'shape', {enumerable:false}); edge.defn('points', []); return edge; }, /* EDITOR */ gizmo() { if (!this.hasOwn('cpoints')) this.cpoints = this.__proto__.cpoints.copy(); this.spoints.forEach(function(x) { Debug.point(world2screen(this.gameobject.this2world(x)), 3,; }, this); this.cpoints.forEach(function(x, i) { Debug.numbered_point(this.gameobject.this2world(x), i); }, this); }, finish_center(change) { this.cpoints = { return x.sub(change); }); }, pick(pos) { return Gizmos.pick_gameobject_points(pos, this.gameobject, this.cpoints); }, }); var bucket = component.bucket; bucket.inputs = {}; bucket.inputs.h = function() { this.hollow = !this.hollow; }; bucket.inputs.h.doc = "Toggle hollow."; bucket.inputs['C-g'] = function() { this.hollowt--; if (this.hollowt < 0) this.hollowt = 0; }; bucket.inputs['C-g'].doc = "Thin the hollow thickness."; bucket.inputs['C-f'] = function() { this.hollowt++; }; bucket.inputs['C-f'].doc = "Increase the hollow thickness."; bucket.inputs['M-v'] = function() { this.thickness--; }; bucket.inputs['M-v'].doc = "Decrease spline thickness."; bucket.inputs['M-v'].rep = true; bucket.inputs['C-b'] = function() { this.cpoints = this.spoints; this.flipx = false; this.flipy = false; }; bucket.inputs['C-b'].doc = "Freeze mirroring,"; bucket.inputs['M-b'] = function() { this.thickness++; }; bucket.inputs['M-b'].doc = "Increase spline thickness."; bucket.inputs['M-b'].rep = true; bucket.inputs['C-plus'] = function() { this.degrees++; }; bucket.inputs['C-plus'].doc = "Increase the degrees of this spline."; bucket.inputs['C-plus'].rep = true; = function() { this.samples++; }; = "Increase the number of samples of this spline."; = true; bucket.inputs.minus = function() { this.samples--; if (this.samples < 1) this.samples = 1; }; bucket.inputs.minus.doc = "Decrease the number of samples on this spline."; bucket.inputs.minus.rep = true; bucket.inputs['C-minus'] = function() { this.degrees--; }; bucket.inputs['C-minus'].doc = "Decrease the number of degrees of this spline."; bucket.inputs['C-minus'].rep = true; bucket.inputs['C-r'] = function() { this.cpoints = this.cpoints.reverse(); }; bucket.inputs['C-r'].doc = "Reverse the order of the spline's points."; bucket.inputs['C-l'] = function() { this.type = 3; }; bucket.inputs['C-l'].doc = "Set type of spline to clamped."; bucket.inputs['C-c'] = function() { this.type = 1; }; bucket.inputs['C-c'].doc = "Set type of spline to closed."; bucket.inputs['C-o'] = function() { this.type = 0; }; bucket.inputs['C-o'].doc = "Set spline to open."; bucket.inputs['C-M-lm'] = function() { var idx = grab_from_points(Mouse.worldpos,,this.gameobject), 25); if (idx === -1) return; this.cpoints = this.cpoints.newfirst(idx); }; bucket.inputs['C-M-lm'].doc = "Select the given point as the '0' of this spline."; bucket.inputs['C-lm'] = function() { var idx = 0; if (this.cpoints.length >= 2) { idx = cmd(59, screen2world(Mouse.pos).sub(this.gameobject.pos), this.cpoints, 1000); if (idx === -1) return; } if (idx === this.cpoints.length) this.cpoints.push(this.gameobject.world2this(screen2world(Mouse.pos))); else this.cpoints.splice(idx, 0, this.gameobject.world2this(screen2world(Mouse.pos))); }; bucket.inputs['C-lm'].doc = "Add a point to the spline at the mouse position."; bucket.inputs['S-lm'] = function() { var idx = grab_from_points(screen2world(Mouse.pos), {return x.add(this.gameobject.pos); }, this), 25); if (idx === -1) return; this.cpoints.splice(idx, 1); }; bucket.inputs['S-lm'].doc = "Remove point from the spline."; = function() { var np = []; this.cpoints.forEach(function(c) { np.push(Vector.rotate(c, Math.deg2rad(-1))); }); this.cpoints = np; }; = "Rotate the points CCW."; = true; bucket.inputs.rb = function() { var np = []; this.cpoints.forEach(function(c) { np.push(Vector.rotate(c, Math.deg2rad(1))); }); this.cpoints = np; }; bucket.inputs.rb.doc = "Rotate the points CW."; bucket.inputs.rb.rep = true; component.circle2d = Object.copy(collider2d, { name: "circle 2d", set radius(x) { cmd_circle2d(0,,x); }, get radius() { return cmd_circle2d(2,; }, set offset(x) { cmd_circle2d(1,,x); }, get offset() { return cmd_circle2d(3,; }, boundingbox() { var diameter = this.radius*2*this.gameobject.scale; return cwh2bb(this.offset.scale(this.gameobject.scale), [this.radius,this.radius]); }, make(go) { var circle = Object.create(this); Object.assign(circle, make_circle2d(go, circle.radius, circle.offset)); circle.radius = 10; circle.offset = [0,0]; return circle; }, gui() { Nuke.newline(); Nuke.label("circle2d"); this.radius = Nuke.pprop("Radius", this.radius); this.offset = Nuke.pprop("offset", this.offset); }, ur: { radius:10, offset:[0,0], }, }); /* ASSETS */ var Texture = { mipmaps(path, x) { cmd(94, path, x); }, sprite(path, x) { cmd(95, path, x); }, }; var Resources = { load(path) { if (path in this) return this[path]; var src = {}; this[path] = src; src.path = path; if (!IO.exists(`${path}.asset`)) return this[path]; var data = JSON.parse(IO.slurp(`${path}.asset`)); Object.assign(src,data); return this[path]; }, }; Log.warn("bottom of components");