#include "sound.h" #include "resources.h" ma_engine engine; const char *audioDriver; struct sound *mus_cur; ma_sound_group mus_grp; void data_callback(ma_device* pDevice, void* pOutput, const void* pInput, ma_uint32 frameCount) { // In playback mode copy data to pOutput. In capture mode read data from pInput. In full-duplex mode, both // pOutput and pInput will be valid and you can move data from pInput into pOutput. Never process more than // frameCount frames. } void sound_init() { /* ma_device_config cnf = ma_device_config_init(ma_device_type_playback); cnf.playback.format = ma_format_f32; cnf.playback.channels = 0; cnf.sampleRate = 0; cnf.dataCallback = data_callback; ma_device device; ma_device_init(NULL, &cnf, &device); ma_device_start(&device); */ ma_result result = ma_engine_init(NULL, &engine); if (result != MA_SUCCESS) { printf("UHOH!!!"); } ma_sound_group_init(&engine, 0, NULL, &mus_grp); } void audio_open(const char *device) { //Mix_OpenAudioDevice(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 2048, device, 0); } void audio_close() { //Mix_CloseAudio(); } struct sound *make_sound(const char *wav) { struct sound *new = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sound)); ma_result res = ma_sound_init_from_file(&engine, wav, 0, NULL, NULL, &new->sound); if (res != MA_SUCCESS) { printf("HONO!!!!"); } return new; } struct sound *make_music(const char *ogg) { struct sound *sound = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sound)); ma_result res = ma_sound_init_from_file(&engine, ogg, 0, NULL, &mus_grp, &sound->sound); return sound; } void play_sound(struct sound *sound) { //ma_sound_set_volume(&sound->sound, (float)sound->volume/127); ma_sound_start(&sound->sound); sound->state = MUS_PLAY; } void play_music(struct sound *music) { ma_sound_start(&music->sound); music->state = MUS_PLAY; mus_cur = music; } void music_set(struct sound *music) { } void music_volume(unsigned char vol) { ma_sound_group_set_volume(&mus_grp, (float)vol/127); } int music_playing() { return ma_sound_is_playing(&mus_cur->sound); } int music_paused() { return mus_cur->state == MUS_PAUSE; } void music_resume() { ma_sound_start(&mus_cur->sound); } void music_pause() { ma_sound_stop(&mus_cur->sound); mus_cur->state = MUS_PAUSE; } void music_stop() { ma_sound_stop(&mus_cur->sound); mus_cur->state = MUS_STOP; ma_sound_seek_to_pcm_frame(&mus_cur->sound, 0); } void audio_init() { //audioDriver = SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(0,0); } void play_raw(int device, void *data, int size) { //SDL_QueueAudio(device, data, size); } void close_audio_device(int device) { //SDL_CloseAudioDevice(device); } void clear_raw(int device) { //SDL_ClearQueuedAudio(device); } int open_device(const char *adriver) { /* SDL_AudioSpec audio_spec; SDL_memset(&audio_spec, 0, sizeof(audio_spec)); audio_spec.freq = 48000; audio_spec.format = AUDIO_F32; audio_spec.channels = 2; audio_spec.samples = 4096; int dev = (int) SDL_OpenAudioDevice(adriver, 0, &audio_spec, NULL, 0); SDL_PauseAudioDevice(dev, 0); return dev; */ return 0; }