input.keycodes = { 32: "space", 45: "minus", 256: "escape", 257: "enter", 258: "tab", 259: "backspace", 260: "insert", 261: "delete", 262: "right", 263: "left", 264: "down", 265: "up", 266: "pgup", 267: "pgdown", 268: "home", 269: "end", }; input.codekeys = {}; for (var code in input.keycodes) input.codekeys[input.keycodes[code]] = code; var mod = { shift: 0, ctrl: 0, alt: 0, super: 0, }; /* released rep pressed down */ function keycode(name) { return charCodeAt(name); } function keyname_extd(key) { if (!parseInt(key)) return key; if (key > 289 && key < 302) { var num = key - 289; return `f${num}`; } if (key >= 320 && key <= 329) { var num = key - 320; return `kp${num}`; } if (input.keycodes[key]) return input.keycodes[key]; if (key >= 32 && key <= 126) return String.fromCharCode(key).lc(); return undefined; } var downkeys = {}; function modstr() { var s = ""; if (mod.ctrl) s += "C-"; if (mod.alt) s += "M-"; if (mod.super) s += "S-"; return s; } prosperon.keydown = function (key, repeat) { downkeys[key] = true; if (key == 341 || key == 345) mod.ctrl = 1; else if (key == 342 || key == 346) mod.alt = 1; else if (key == 343 || key == 347) mod.super = 1; else if (key == 340 || key == 344) mod.shift = 1; else { var emacs = modstr() + keyname_extd(key); if (repeat) player[0].raw_input(emacs, "rep"); else player[0].raw_input(emacs, "pressed"); } }; prosperon.keyup = function (key) { delete downkeys[key]; if (key == 341 || key == 345) mod.ctrl = 0; else if (key == 342 || key == 346) mod.alt = 0; else if (key == 343 || key == 347) mod.super = 0; else if (key == 340 || key == 344) mod.shift = 0; else { var emacs = modstr() + keyname_extd(key); player[0].raw_input(emacs, "released"); } }; prosperon.droppedfile = function (path) { player[0].raw_input("drop", "pressed", path); }; var mousepos = [0, 0]; prosperon.textinput = function (c) { player[0].raw_input("char", "pressed", c); }; prosperon.mousemove = function (pos, dx) { pos.y *= -1; dx.y *= -1; mousepos = pos; player[0].mouse_input("move", pos, dx); }; prosperon.mousescroll = function (dx) { player[0].mouse_input(modstr() + "scroll", dx); }; prosperon.mousedown = function (b) { player[0].raw_input(modstr() + input.mouse.button[b], "pressed"); downkeys[input.mouse.button[b]] = true; }; prosperon.mouseup = function (b) { player[0].raw_input(input.mouse.button[b], "released"); delete downkeys[input.mouse.button[b]]; }; input.mouse = {}; input.mouse.screenpos = function () { return mousepos.slice(); }; input.mouse.worldpos = function () { return; }; input.mouse.viewpos = function() { var world = input.mouse.worldpos(); return mousepos.slice(); } input.mouse.disabled = function () { input.mouse_mode(1); }; input.mouse.normal = function () { input.mouse_mode(0); }; input.mouse.mode = function (m) { if (input.mouse.custom[m]) input.cursor_img(input.mouse.custom[m]); else input.mouse_cursor(m); }; input.mouse.set_custom_cursor = function (img, mode = input.mouse.cursor.default) { if (!img) delete input.mouse.custom[mode]; else { input.cursor_img(img); input.mouse.custom[mode] = img; } }; input.mouse.button = { /* left, right, middle mouse */ 0: "lm", 1: "rm", 2: "mm", }; input.mouse.custom = []; input.mouse.cursor = { default: 0, arrow: 1, ibeam: 2, cross: 3, hand: 4, ew: 5, ns: 6, nwse: 7, nesw: 8, resize: 9, no: 10, }; input.mouse.doc = {}; input.mouse.doc.pos = "The screen position of the mouse."; input.mouse.doc.worldpos = "The position in the game world of the mouse."; input.mouse.disabled.doc = "Set the mouse to hidden. This locks it to the game and hides it, but still provides movement and click events."; input.mouse.normal.doc = "Set the mouse to show again after hiding."; input.keyboard = {}; input.keyboard.down = function (code) { if (typeof code === "number") return downkeys[code]; if (typeof code === "string") return downkeys[code.uc().charCodeAt()] || downkeys[]; return undefined; }; input.state2str = function (state) { if (typeof state === "string") return state; switch (state) { case 0: return "down"; case 1: return "pressed"; case 2: return "released"; } }; input.print_pawn_kbm = function (pawn) { if (!("inputs" in pawn)) return; var str = ""; for (var key in pawn.inputs) { if (!pawn.inputs[key].doc) continue; str += `${key} | ${pawn.inputs[key].doc}\n`; } return str; }; var joysticks = {}; joysticks["wasd"] = { uy: "w", dy: "s", ux: "d", dx: "a", }; input.procdown = function () { for (var k in downkeys) player[0].raw_input(keyname_extd(k), "down"); for (var i in joysticks) { var joy = joysticks[i]; var x = joy.ux - joy.dx; var y = - joy.dy; player[0].joy_input(i, joysticks[i]); } }; input.print_md_kbm = function (pawn) { if (!("inputs" in pawn)) return; var str = ""; str += "|control|description|\n|---|---|\n"; for (var key in pawn.inputs) { str += `|${key}|${pawn.inputs[key].doc}|`; str += "\n"; } return str; }; input.has_bind = function (pawn, bind) { return typeof pawn.inputs?.[bind] === "function"; }; input.action = { add_new(name) { var action = Object.create(input.action); = name; action.inputs = []; this.actions.push(action); return action; }, actions: [], }; input.tabcomplete = function (val, list) { if (!val) return val; list.dofilter(function (x) { return x.startsWith(val); }); if (list.length === 1) { return list[0]; } var ret = undefined; var i = val.length; while (!ret && !Object.empty(list)) { var char = list[0][i]; if ( !list.every(function (x) { return x[i] === char; }) ) ret = list[0].slice(0, i); else { i++; list.dofilter(function (x) { return x.length - 1 > i; }); } } return ret ? ret : val; }; /* May be a human player; may be an AI player */ /* 'block' on a pawn's input blocks any input from reaching below for the */ var Player = { players: [], input(fn, ...args) { this.pawns.forEach(x => x[fn]?.(...args)); }, mouse_input(type, ...args) { for (var pawn of this.pawns.reversed()) { if (typeof pawn.inputs?.mouse?.[type] === "function") { pawn.inputs.mouse[type].call(pawn, ...args);; if (!pawn.inputs.fallthru) return; } } }, char_input(c) { for (var pawn of this.pawns.reversed()) { if (typeof pawn.inputs?.char === "function") {, c);; if (!pawn.inputs.fallthru) return; } } }, joy_input(name, joystick) { for (var pawn of this.pawns.reversed()) { if (!pawn.inputs) return; if (!pawn.inputs.joystick) return; if (!pawn.inputs.joystick[name]) return; var x = 0; if (input.keyboard.down(joystick.ux)) x++; if (input.keyboard.down(joystick.dx)) x--; var y = 0; if (input.keyboard.down( y++; if (input.keyboard.down(joystick.dy)) y--; pawn.inputs.joystick[name](x, y); } }, raw_input(cmd, state, ...args) { for (var pawn of this.pawns.reversed()) { if (!pawn.inputs) { console.error(`pawn no longer has inputs object.`); continue; } var block = pawn.inputs.block; if (!pawn.inputs[cmd]) { if (pawn.inputs.block) return; continue; } var fn = null; switch (state) { case "pressed": fn = pawn.inputs[cmd]; break; case "rep": fn = pawn.inputs[cmd].rep ? pawn.inputs[cmd] : null; break; case "released": fn = pawn.inputs[cmd].released; break; case "down": if (typeof pawn.inputs[cmd].down === "function") fn = pawn.inputs[cmd].down; else if (pawn.inputs[cmd].down) fn = pawn.inputs[cmd]; } if (typeof fn === "function"), ...args); if (!pawn.inputs) if (block) return; else continue; if (state === "released") pawn.inputs.release_post?.call(pawn); if (!pawn.inputs.fallthru) return; if (pawn.inputs.block) return; } }, obj_controlled(obj) { for (var p in Player.players) { if (p.pawns.contains(obj)) return true; } return false; }, print_pawns() { for (var pawn of this.pawns.reversed()) say(pawn.toString()); }, create() { var n = Object.create(this); n.pawns = []; n.gamepads = []; this.players.push(n); this[this.players.length - 1] = n; return n; }, pawns: [], control(pawn) { if (!pawn.inputs) { console.warn(`attempted to control a pawn without any input object.`); return; } this.pawns.push_unique(pawn); }, uncontrol(pawn) { this.pawns = this.pawns.filter(x => x !== pawn); }, }; input.do_uncontrol = function (pawn) { Player.players.forEach(function (p) { p.pawns = p.pawns.filter(x => x !== pawn); }); }; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Player.create(); } Player.control.doc = "Control a provided object, if the object has an 'inputs' object."; Player.uncontrol.doc = "Uncontrol a previously controlled object."; Player.print_pawns.doc = "Print out a list of the current pawn control stack."; Player.doc = {}; Player.doc.players = "A list of current players."; var player = Player; return { player, };