var files = {}; function load(file) { var modtime = cmd(0, file); files[file] = modtime; } load("scripts/base.js"); load("scripts/std.js"); function run(file) { var modtime = cmd(119, file); if (modtime === 0) { Log.stack(); return false; } files[file] = modtime; return cmd(117, file); } function run_env(file, env) { var script = IO.slurp(file); return function(){return eval(script);}.call(env); } load("scripts/diff.js"); Log.level = 1; load("scripts/color.js"); function bb2wh(bb) { return [bb.r-bb.l, bb.t-bb.b]; }; var Device = { pc: [1920,1080], macbook_m2: [2560,1664, 13.6], ds_top: [400,240, 3.53], ds_bottom: [320,240, 3.02], playdate: [400,240,2.7], switch: [1280,720, 6.2], switch_lite: [1280,720,5.5], switch_oled: [1280,720,7], dsi: [256,192,3.268], ds: [256,192, 3], dsixl: [256,192,4.2], ipad_air_m2: [2360,1640, 11.97], iphone_se: [1334, 750, 4.7], iphone_12_pro: [2532,1170,6.06], iphone_15: [2556,1179,6.1], gba: [240,160,2.9], gameboy: [160,144,2.48], gbc: [160,144,2.28], steamdeck: [1280,800,7], vita: [960,544,5], psp: [480,272,4.3], imac_m3: [4480,2520,23.5], macbook_pro_m3: [3024,1964, 14.2], ps1: [320,240,5], ps2: [640,480], snes: [256,224], gamecube: [640,480], n64: [320,240], c64: [320,200], macintosh: [512,342,9], gamegear: [160,144,3.2], }; load("scripts/gui.js"); var timer = { update(dt) { this.remain -= dt; if (this.remain <= 0); }, kill() { Register.unregister_obj(this); }, delay(fn, secs) { var t = Object.create(this); t.time = secs; t.remain = secs; = function() { fn(); t.kill(); }; Register.update.register(t.update, t); return function() { t.kill(); }; }, }; load("scripts/animation.js"); var Render = { normal() { cmd(67); }, wireframe() { cmd(68); }, }; Render.doc = { doc: "Functions for rendering modes.", normal: "Final render with all lighting.", wireframe: "Show only wireframes of models." }; load("scripts/physics.js"); load("scripts/input.js"); load("scripts/sound.js"); load("scripts/ai.js"); function screen2world(screenpos) { if ( return; return screenpos; } function world2screen(worldpos) { return; } var Register = { kbm_input(mode, btn, state, ...args) { if (state === 'released') { btn = btn.split('-').last; } switch(mode) { case "emacs": Player.players[0].raw_input(btn, state, ...args); break; case "mouse": Player.players[0].mouse_input(btn, state, ...args); break; case "char": Player.players[0].char_input(btn); break; }; }, gamepad_playermap: [], gamepad_input(pad, btn, state, ...args) { var player = this.gamepad_playermap[pad]; if (!player) return; var statestr = Input.state2str(state); var rawfn = `gamepad_${btn}_${statestr}`; player.input(rawfn, ...args); Action.actions.forEach(x => { if (x.inputs.includes(btn)) player.input(`action_${}_${statestr}`, ...args); }); }, unregister_obj(obj) { Register.registries.forEach(function(x) { x.unregister_obj(obj); }); Player.uncontrol(obj); }, endofloop(fn) { if (!this.inloop) fn(); else { this.loopcbs.push(fn); } }, clear() { Register.registries.forEach(function(n) { n.entries = []; }); }, registries: [], add_cb(idx, name) { var entries = []; var n = {}; n.register = function(fn, obj) { if (!obj) { Log.error("Refusing to register a function without a destroying object."); return; } entries.push({ fn: fn, obj: obj }); } n.unregister = function(fn) { entries = entries.filter(function(e) { return e.fn !== fn; }); } n.unregister_obj = function(obj) { entries = entries.filter(function(e) { return e.obj !== obj; }); } n.broadcast = function(...args) { entries.forEach(x =>, ...args)); } n.clear = function() { entries = []; } register(idx, n.broadcast, n); Register[name] = n; Register.registries.push(n); return n; }, }; Register.add_cb(0, "update").doc = "Called once per frame."; Register.add_cb(11, "appupdate"); Register.add_cb(1, "physupdate"); Register.add_cb(2, "gui"); Register.add_cb(6, "debug"); register(7, Register.kbm_input, Register); Register.add_cb(8, "gamepad_input"); Register.add_cb(10, "draw"); register(9, Log.stack, this); Register.gamepad_playermap[0] = Player.players[0]; var Signal = { signals: [], obj_begin(fn, obj, go) { this.signals.push([fn, obj]); register_collide(0, fn, obj, go.body); }, obj_separate(fn, obj, go) { this.signals.push([fn,obj]); register_collide(3,fn,obj,go.body); }, clear_obj(obj) { this.signals.filter(function(x) { return x[1] !== obj; }); }, c:{}, register(name, fn) { if (!this.c[name]) this.c[name] = []; this.c[name].push(fn); }, call(name, ...args) { if (this.c[name]) this.c[name].forEach(function(fn) {, ...args); }); }, }; var game_quit = function() { Primum.kill(); } Signal.register("quit", game_quit); var Event = { events: {}, observe(name, obj, fn) {[name] ??= [];[name].push([obj, fn]); }, unobserve(name, obj) {[name] =[name].filter(x => x[0] !== obj); }, notify(name) { if (![name]) return;[name].forEach(function(x) { x[1].call(x[0]); }); }, }; var Window = { fullscreen(f) { cmd(145, f); }, set width(w) { cmd(125, w); }, set height(h) { cmd(126, h); }, get width() { return cmd(48); }, get height() { return cmd(49); }, get dimensions() { return [this.width, this.height]; }, set name(str) { cmd(134, str); }, boundingbox() { return { t: Window.height, b: 0, r: Window.width, l: 0 }; }, }; Window.icon = function(path) { cmd(90, path); }; Window.icon.doc = "Set the icon of the window using the PNG image at path."; function reloadfiles() { Object.keys(files).forEach(function (x) { load(x); }); } load("scripts/debug.js"); /* function Color(from) { var color = Object.create(Array); Object.defineProperty(color, 'r', setelem(0)); Object.defineProperty(color, 'g', setelem(1)); Object.defineProperty(color, 'b', setelem(2)); Object.defineProperty(color, 'a', setelem(3)); color.a = color.g = color.b = color.a = 1; Object.assign(color, from); return color; }; */ var Spline = {}; Spline.sample = function(degrees, dimensions, type, ctrl_points, nsamples) { var s = spline_cmd(0, degrees,dimensions,type,ctrl_points,nsamples); return s; } Spline.type = { open: 0, clamped: 1, beziers: 2 }; load("scripts/components.js"); var Game = { init() { if (!Game.edit) { load("config.js"); load("game.js"); } else { load("scripts/editor.js"); load("editorconfig.js"); editor.enter_editor(); } }, native: Device.pc, edit: true, all_objects(fn) { /* Wind down from Primum */ }, /* Returns a list of objects by name */ find(name) { }, /* Return a list of objects derived from a specific prototype */ find_proto(proto) { }, /* List of all objects spawned that have a specific tag */ find_tag(tag) { }, quit() { sys_cmd(0); }, pause() { sys_cmd(3); }, stop() { Game.pause(); }, step() { sys_cmd(4); }, editor_mode(m) { sys_cmd(10, m); }, playing() { return sys_cmd(5); }, paused() { return sys_cmd(6); }, stepping() { return cmd(79); }, play() { sys_cmd(1); }, wait_fns: [], wait_exec(fn) { if (!phys_stepping()) fn(); else this.wait_fns.push(fn); }, exec() { this.wait_fns.forEach(function(x) { x(); }); this.wait_fns = []; }, }; Game.doc = {}; Game.doc.object = "Returns the entity belonging to a given id."; Game.doc.quit = "Immediately quit the game."; Game.doc.pause = "Pause game simulation."; Game.doc.stop = "Stop game simulation. This does the same thing as 'pause', and if the game is a debug build, starts its editor."; = "Resume or start game simulation."; Game.doc.editor_mode = "Set to true for the game to only update on input; otherwise the game updates every frame."; Game.doc.dt = "Current frame dt."; Game.doc.view_camera = "Set the camera for the current view."; = "Current camera."; Window.doc = {}; Window.doc.width = "Width of the game window."; Window.doc.height = "Height of the game window."; Window.doc.dimensions = "Window width and height packaged in an array [width,height]"; = "Name in the title bar of the window."; Window.doc.boundingbox = "Boundingbox of the window, with top and right being its height and width."; Register.update.register(Game.exec, Game); load("scripts/entity.js"); function world_start() { globalThis.Primum = Object.create(gameobject); Primum.objects = {}; Primum._ed = { selectable:false, check_dirty() {}, dirty:false, namestr(){}, }; Primum.toString = function() { return "Primum"; }; Primum.ur = undefined; } load("scripts/physics.js"); Game.view_camera = function(cam) { = cam; cmd(61,; // cam.zoom = cam.zoom; } = "Primum Machinam (V0.1)"; Window.width = 1280; Window.height = 720; var Asset = {}; Asset.doc = { doc: "Functions to manage the loading and unloading of assets, like sounds and images." };