var files = {}; function load(file) { var modtime = cmd(0, file); if (modtime === 0) { Log.stack(); return false; } files[file] = modtime; } var Cmdline = {}; Cmdline.cmds = []; Cmdline.register_cmd = function(flag, fn, desc) { Cmdline.cmds.push({ flag: flag, fn: fn, desc: desc }); }; function cmd_args(cmdargs) { var play = false; var cmds = cmdargs.split(" "); = false; for (var i = 0; i < cmds.length; i++) { if (cmds[i][0] !== '-') continue; var c = Cmdline.cmds.find(function(cmd) { return cmd.flag === cmds[i].slice(1); }); if (c && c.fn) c.fn(); } if ( run("scripts/play.js"); else run("scripts/editor.js"); } Cmdline.register_cmd("p", function() { = true; }, "Launch engine in play mode."); Cmdline.register_cmd("v", function() { Log.warn(cmd(120)); }, "Display engine info."); Cmdline.register_cmd("c", null, "Redirect logging to console."); Cmdline.register_cmd("l", null, "Set logging file name."); Cmdline.register_cmd("h", function() { Log.warn("Helping."); exit();}, "Help."); function run(file) { // var text = IO.slurp(file); // eval?.(`"use strict";${text}`); // return; var modtime = cmd(119, file); if (modtime === 0) { Log.stack(); return false; } files[file] = modtime; return cmd(117, file); } load("scripts/base.js"); var Log = { set level(x) { cmd(92,x); }, get level() { return cmd(93); }, print(msg, lvl) { var lg; if (typeof msg === 'object') { lg = JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2); } else { lg = msg; } var stack = (new Error()).stack; var n ='\n',0)+1; n ='\n', n)+1; var nnn = stack.slice(n); var fmatch = nnn.match(/\(.*\:/); var file = fmatch ? fmatch[0].shift(1).shift(-1) : "nofile"; var lmatch = nnn.match(/\:\d*\)/); var line = lmatch ? lmatch[0].shift(1).shift(-1) : "0"; yughlog(lvl, lg, file, line); }, info(msg) { this.print(msg, 0); }, warn(msg) { this.print(msg, 1); }, error(msg) { this.print(msg, 2); this.stack(1); }, critical(msg) { this.print(msg,3); this.stack(1); }, write(msg) { cmd(91,msg); }, stack(skip = 0) { var stack = (new Error()).stack; var n ='\n',0)+1; for (var i = 0; i < skip; i++) n ='\n', n)+1; this.write(stack.slice(n)); }, }; load("scripts/diff.js"); var Physics = { dynamic: 0, kinematic: 1, static: 2, }; Physics.stop = function() { } function win_icon(str) { cmd(90, str); }; function sim_start() { Log.warn("Call now.");; /* Game.objects.forEach(function(x) { if (x.start) x.start(); }); Level.levels.forEach(function(lvl) {; }); */ } function sim_stop() { Log.warn("Call through Game.stop()"); Game.stop();} function sim_pause() { Log.warn("Call Game.pause()"); Game.pause(); } function sim_step() { Log.warn("Call Game.step()"); Game.step(); } function sim_playing() { Log.warn("Call Game.playing"); return Game.playing(); } function sim_paused() { Log.warn("Call Game.paused"); return Game.paused(); } function phys_stepping() { Log.warn("Call Game.stepping"); return Game.stepping(); } function quit() { Log.warn("Call through Game.quit() now."); Game.quit(); }; function set_cam(id) { cmd(61, id); }; var Color = { white: [255,255,255,255], blue: [84,110,255,255], green: [120,255,10,255], yellow: [251,255,43,255], red: [255,36,20,255], teal: [96, 252, 237,255], gray: [181, 181,181,255], cyan: [0,255,255], }; function bb2wh(bb) { return [bb.r-bb.l, bb.t-bb.b]; }; var GUI = { text(str, pos, size, color, wrap) { size = size ? size : 1; color = color ? color : [255,255,255,255]; wrap = wrap ? wrap : -1; var bb = cmd(118, str, size, wrap); var opos = [bb.r, bb.t]; var h = ui_text(str, pos.sub(opos), size, color, wrap); return bb; }, text_cursor(str, pos, size, cursor) { cursor_text(str,pos,size,[255,255,255],cursor); }, image(path,pos) { let wh = cmd(64,path); gui_img(path,pos.slice().sub(wh), 1.0, 0.0); return cwh2bb([0,0], wh); }, image_fn(defn) { var def = Object.create(this.defaults); Object.assign(def,defn); if (!def.path) { Log.warn("GUI image needs a path."); def.draw = function(){}; return def; } var tex_wh = cmd(64,def.path); var wh = tex_wh.slice(); if (def.width !== 0) wh.x = def.width; if (def.height !== 0) wh.y = def.height; wh = wh.scale(def.scale); var sendscale = []; sendscale.x = wh.x / tex_wh.x; sendscale.y = wh.y / tex_wh.y; def.draw = function(pos) { def.calc_bb(pos); gui_img(def.path, pos.sub(def.anchor.scale(wh)), sendscale, def.angle, def.image_repeat, def.image_repeat_offset, def.color); }; def.calc_bb = function(cursor) { = cwh2bb(wh.scale([0.5,0.5]), wh); = movebb(, cursor.sub(wh.scale(def.anchor))); }; return def; }, defaults: { padding:[2,2], /* Each element inset with this padding on all sides */ font: "fonts/LessPerfectDOSVGA.ttf", font_size: 1, text_align: "left", scale: 1, angle: 0, anchor: [0,0], text_shadow: { pos: [0,0], color: [255,255,255,255] }, text_outline: 1, /* outline in pixels */ color: [255,255,255,255], margin: [5,5], /* Distance between elements for things like columns */ width: 0, height: 0, image_repeat: false, image_repeat_offset: [0,0], debug: false, /* set to true to draw debug boxes */ }, text_fn(str, defn) { var def = Object.create(this.defaults); Object.assign(def,defn); def.draw = function(cursor) { def.calc_bb(cursor); if (def.debug) Debug.boundingbox(, def.debug_colors.bounds); var old = def; def = Object.create(def); /* if (pointinbb(, Mouse.screenpos)) { Object.assign(def, def.hovered); def.calc_bb(cursor); GUI.selected = def; def.selected = true; } */ if (def.selected) { Object.assign(def, def.hovered); def.calc_bb(cursor); } var pos = cursor.sub(bb2wh(; ui_text(str, pos, def.font_size, def.color, def.width); def = old; }; def.calc_bb = function(cursor) { var bb = cmd(118, str, def.font_size, def.width); var wh = bb2wh(bb); var pos = cursor.sub(wh.scale(def.anchor)); = movebb(bb,pos); }; return def; }, column(defn) { var def = Object.create(this.defaults); Object.assign(def,defn); if (!def.items) { Log.warn("Columns needs items."); def.draw = function(){}; return def; }; def.items.forEach(function(item,idx) { Object.setPrototypeOf(def.items[idx], def); if (def.items[idx-1]) def.up = def.items[idx-1]; if (def.items[idx+1]) def.down = def.items[idx+1]; }); def.draw = function(pos) { def.items.forEach(function(item) {,pos); var wh = bb2wh(; pos.y -= wh.y; pos.y -= def.padding.x*2; }); }; return def; }, input_lmouse_pressed() { if (GUI.selected) GUI.selected.action(); }, input_s_pressed() { if (GUI.selected?.down) { GUI.selected.selected = false; GUI.selected = GUI.selected.down; GUI.selected.selected = true; } }, input_w_pressed() { if (GUI.selected?.up) { GUI.selected.selected = false; GUI.selected = GUI.selected.up; GUI.selected.selected = true; } }, input_enter_pressed() { if (GUI.selected) { GUI.selected.action(); } } }; GUI.defaults.debug_colors = { bounds:, margin:, padding: }; Object.values(GUI.defaults.debug_colors).forEach(function(v) { v.a = 100; }); var Yugine = { get dt() { return cmd(63); }, wait_fns: [], wait_exec(fn) { if (!phys_stepping()) fn(); else this.wait_fns.push(fn); }, exec() { this.wait_fns.forEach(function(x) { x(); }); this.wait_fns = []; }, }; var timer = { guardfn(fn) { if (typeof fn === 'function') fn(); else { Log.warn("TIMER TRYING TO EXECUTE WIHTOUT!!!"); Log.warn(this); this.kill(); } }, make(fn, secs,obj,loop) { if (secs === 0) {; return; } var t = clone(this); t.callback = fn; var guardfn = function() { if (typeof t.callback === 'function') t.callback(); else Log.warn("Timer trying to execute without a function."); }; = make_timer(guardfn, secs, obj); return t; }, oneshot(fn, secs,obj) { var t = this.make(() => {; t.kill(); },secs); t.loop = 0; t.start(); }, get remain() { return cmd(32,; }, get on() { return cmd(33,; }, get loop() { return cmd(34,; }, set loop(x) { cmd(35,, x); }, start() { cmd(26,; }, stop() { cmd(25,; }, pause() { cmd(24,; }, kill() { cmd(27,; }, set time(x) { cmd(28,, x); }, get time() { return cmd(29,; }, get pct() { return this.remain / this.time; }, }; /* Take numbers from 0 to 1 and remap them to easing functions */ var Ease = { linear(t) { return t; }, in(t) { return t*t; }, out(t) { var d = 1-t; return 1 - d*d }, inout(t) { var d = -2*t + 2; return t < 0.5 ? 2 * t * t : 1 - (d * d) / 2; }, }; function make_easing_fns(num) { var obj = {}; = function(t) { return Math.pow(t,num); }; obj.out = function(t) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, num); }; var mult = Math.pow(2, num-1); obj.inout = function(t) { return t < 0.5 ? mult * Math.pow(t, num) : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * t + 2, num) / 2; }; return obj; }; Ease.quad = make_easing_fns(2); Ease.cubic = make_easing_fns(3); Ease.quart = make_easing_fns(4); Ease.quint = make_easing_fns(5); Ease.expo = { in(t) { return t === 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * t - 10); }, out(t) { return t === 1 ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t); }, inout(t) { return t === 0 ? 0 : t === 1 ? 1 : t < 0.5 ? Math.pow(2, 20 * t - 10) / 2 : (2 - Math.pow(2, -20 * t + 10)) / 2; } }; Ease.bounce = { in(t) { return 1 - this.out(t - 1); }, out(t) { var n1 = 7.5625; var d1 = 2.75; if (t < 1 / d1) { return n1 * t * t; } else if (t < 2 / d1) { return n1 * (t -= 1.5 / d1) * t + 0.75; } else if (t < 2.5 / d1) { return n1 * (t -= 2.25 / d1) * t + 0.9375; } else return n1 * (t -= 2.625 / d1) * t + 0.984375; }, inout(t) { return t < 0.5 ? (1 - this.out(1 - 2 * t)) / 2 : (1 + this.out(2 * t - 1)) / 2; } }; Ease.sine = { in(t) { return 1 - Math.cos((t * Math.PI)/2); }, out(t) { return Math.sin((t*Math.PI)/2); }, inout(t) { return -(Math.cos(Math.PI*t) - 1) / 2; } }; Ease.elastic = { in(t) { return t === 0 ? 0 : t === 1 ? 1 : -Math.pow(2, 10*t-10) * Math.sin((t * 10 - 10.75) * this.c4); }, out(t) { return t === 0 ? 0 : t === 1 ? 1 : Math.pow(2, -10*t) * Math.sin((t * 10 - 0.75) * this.c4) + 1; }, inout(t) { t === 0 ? 0 : t === 1 ? 1 : t < 0.5 ? -(Math.pow(2, 20 * t - 10) * Math.sin((20 * t - 11.125) * this.c5)) / 2 : (Math.pow(2, -20 * t + 10) * Math.sin((20 * t - 11.125) * this.c5)) / 2 + 1; }, }; Ease.elastic.c4 = 2*Math.PI/3; Ease.elastic.c5 = 2*Math.PI / 4.5; var Tween = { default: { loop: "restart", /* none, restart, yoyo, circle */ time: 1, /* seconds to do */ ease: Ease.linear, whole: true, }, start(obj, target, tvals, options) { var defn = Object.create(this.default); Object.assign(defn, options); if (defn.loop === 'circle') tvals.push(tvals[0]); else if (defn.loop === 'yoyo') { for (var i = tvals.length-2; i >= 0; i--) tvals.push(tvals[i]); } defn.accum = 0; var slices = tvals.length - 1; var slicelen = 1 / slices; defn.fn = function(dt) { defn.accum += dt; defn.pct = (defn.accum % defn.time) / defn.time; var t = defn.whole ? defn.ease(defn.pct) : defn.pct; var nval = t / slicelen; var i = Math.trunc(nval); nval -= i; if (!defn.whole) nval = defn.ease(nval); obj[target] = tvals[i].lerp(tvals[i+1], nval); }; defn.restart = function() { defn.accum = 0; }; defn.stop = function() { defn.pause(); defn.restart(); }; defn.pause = function() { unregister_update(defn.fn); }; register_update(defn.fn, defn); return defn; }, embed(obj, target, tvals, options) { var defn = Object.create(this.default); Object.assign(defn, options); defn.update_vals = function(vals) { defn.vals = vals; if (defn.loop === 'circle') defn.vals.push(defn.vals[0]); else if (defn.loop === 'yoyo') { for (var i = defn.vals.length-2; i >= 0; i--) defn.vals.push(defn.vals[i]); } defn.slices = defn.vals.length - 1; defn.slicelen = 1 / defn.slices; }; defn.update_vals(tvals); defn.time_s =; Object.defineProperty(obj, target, { get() { defn.accum = ( - defn.time_s)/1000; defn.pct = (defn.accum % defn.time) / defn.time; var t = defn.whole ? defn.ease(defn.pct) : defn.pct; var nval = t / defn.slicelen; var i = Math.trunc(nval); nval -= i; if (!defn.whole) nval = defn.ease(nval); return defn.vals[i].lerp(defn.vals[i+1],nval); }, }); return defn; }, }; var animation = { time: 0, loop: false, playtime: 0, playing: false, keyframes: [], create() { var anim = Object.create(animation); register_update(anim.update, anim); return anim; }, start() { this.playing = true; this.time = this.keyframes.last[1]; this.playtime = 0; }, interval(a, b, t) { return (t - a) / (b - a); }, near_val(t) { for (var i = 0; i < this.keyframes.length-1; i++) { if (t > this.keyframes[i+1][1]) continue; return this.interval(this.keyframes[i][1], this.keyframes[i+1][1], t) >= 0.5 ? this.keyframes[i+1][0] : this.keyframes[i][0]; } return this.keyframes.last[0]; }, lerp_val(t) { for (var i = 0; i < this.keyframes.length-1; i++) { if (t > this.keyframes[i+1][1]) continue; var intv = this.interval(this.keyframes[i][1], this.keyframes[i+1][1], t); return ((1 - intv) * this.keyframes[i][0]) + (intv * this.keyframes[i+1][0]); } return this.keyframes.last[0]; }, cubic_val(t) { }, mirror() { if (this.keyframes.length <= 1) return; for (var i = this.keyframes.length-1; i >= 1; i--) { this.keyframes.push(this.keyframes[i-1]); this.keyframes.last[1] = this.keyframes[i][1] + (this.keyframes[i][1] - this.keyframes[i-1][1]); } }, update(dt) { if (!this.playing) return; this.playtime += dt; if (this.playtime >= this.time) { if (this.loop) this.playtime = 0; else { this.playing = false; return; } } this.fn(this.lerp_val(this.playtime)); }, }; var sound = { play() { = cmd(14,this.path); }, stop() { }, }; var Music = { play(path) {"Playing " + path); cmd(87,path); }, stop() { cmd(89); }, pause() { cmd(88); }, set volume(x) { }, }; var Sound = { play(file) { var s = Object.create(sound); s.path = file;; return s; }, music(midi, sf) { cmd(13, midi, sf); }, musicstop() { cmd(15); }, /* Between 0 and 100 */ set volume(x) { cmd(19, x); }, killall() { Music.stop(); this.musicstop(); /* TODO: Kill all sound effects that may still be running */ }, }; var Render = { normal() { cmd(67); }, wireframe() { cmd(68); }, }; var Mouse = { get pos() { return cmd(45); }, get screenpos() { var p = this.pos; p.y = Window.dimensions.y - p.y; return p; }, get worldpos() { return screen2world(cmd(45)); }, disabled() { cmd(46, 212995); }, hidden() { cmd(46, 212994); }, normal() { cmd(46, 212993); }, }; var Keys = { shift() { return cmd(50, 340) || cmd(50, 344); }, ctrl() { return cmd(50, 341) || cmd(50, 344); }, alt() { return cmd(50, 342) || cmd(50, 346); }, }; var Input = { setgame() { cmd(77); }, setnuke() { cmd(78); }, }; function screen2world(screenpos) { return; } function world2screen(worldpos) { return; } var physics = { set gravity(x) { cmd(8, x); }, get gravity() { return cmd(72); }, set damping(x) { cmd(73,Math.clamp(x,0,1)); }, get damping() { return cmd(74); }, pos_query(pos) { return cmd(44, pos); }, /* Returns a list of body ids that a box collides with */ box_query(box) { var pts = cmd(52,box.pos,box.wh); return cmd(52, box.pos, box.wh); }, box_point_query(box, points) { if (!box || !points) return []; return cmd(86, box.pos, box.wh, points, points.length); }, }; var Action = { add_new(name) { var action = Object.create(Action); = name; action.inputs = []; this.actions.push(action); return action; }, actions: [], }; /* May be a human player; may be an AI player */ var Player = { players: [], input(fn, ...args) { this.pawns.forEach(x => x[fn]?.(...args)); }, control(pawn) { this.pawns.push_unique(pawn); }, uncontrol(pawn) { this.pawns = this.pawns.filter(x => x !== pawn); }, }; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var player1 = Object.create(Player); player1.pawns = []; player1.gamepads = []; Player.players.push(player1); } function state2str(state) { if (typeof state === 'string') return state; switch (state) { case 0: return "down"; case 1: return "pressed"; case 2: return "released"; } } var Register = { inloop: false, loopcbs: [], finloop() { this.loopcbs.forEach(x => x()); this.loopcbs = []; }, wraploop(loop) { this.inloop = true; loop(); this.inloop = false; this.finloop(); }, updates: [], update(dt) { this.wraploop(() => this.updates.forEach(x => x[0].call(x[1], dt))); }, physupdates: [], physupdate(dt) { this.wraploop(() => this.physupdates.forEach(x => x[0].call(x[1], dt))); }, guis: [], gui() { this.guis.forEach(x => x[0].call(x[1])); }, nk_guis: [], nk_gui() { this.nk_guis.forEach(x => x[0].call(x[1])); }, kbm_input(src, btn, state, ...args) { var input = `${src}_${btn}_${state}`; Player.players[0].input(input, ...args); }, gamepad_playermap: [], gamepad_input(pad, btn, state, ...args) { var player = this.gamepad_playermap[pad]; if (!player) return; var statestr = state2str(state); var rawfn = `gamepad_${btn}_${statestr}`; player.input(rawfn, ...args); Action.actions.forEach(x => { if (x.inputs.includes(btn)) player.input(`action_${}_${statestr}`, ...args); }); }, debugs: [], debug() { this.debugs.forEach(x => x[0].call(x[1])); }, unregister_obj(obj) { Log.warn(`Unregister ${JSON.stringify(obj.body)}`); this.updates = this.updates.filter(x => x[1] !== obj); this.guis = this.guis.filter(x => x[1] !== obj); this.nk_guis = this.nk_guis.filter(x => x[1] !== obj); this.debugs = this.debugs.filter(x => x[1] !== obj); this.physupdates = this.physupdates.filter(x => x[1] !== obj); this.draws = this.draws.filter(x => x[1] !== obj); Player.players.forEach(x => x.uncontrol(obj)); }, draws: [], draw() { this.draws.forEach(x => x[0].call(x[1])); }, endofloop(fn) { if (!this.inloop) fn(); else { this.loopcbs.push(fn); } }, }; register(0, Register.update, Register); register(1, Register.physupdate, Register); register(2, Register.gui, Register); register(3, Register.nk_gui, Register); register(6, Register.debug, Register); register(7, Register.kbm_input, Register); register(8, Register.gamepad_input, Register); register(9, Log.stack, this); register(10, Register.draw, Register); Register.gamepad_playermap[0] = Player.players[0]; function register_update(fn, obj) { Register.updates.push([fn, obj ? obj : null]); }; function unregister_update(fn) { Register.updates = Register.updates.filter(function(updatefn) { return fn === updatefn; }); }; function register_physupdate(fn, obj) { Register.physupdates.push([fn, obj ? obj : null]); }; function register_gui(fn, obj) { Register.guis.push([fn, obj ? obj : this]); }; function register_debug(fn, obj) { Register.debugs.push([fn, obj ? obj : this]); }; function unregister_gui(fn, obj) { Register.guis = Register.guis.filter(x => x[0] !== fn || x[1] !== obj); }; function register_nk_gui(fn, obj) { Register.nk_guis.push([fn, obj ? obj : this]); }; function unregister_nk_gui(fn, obj) { Register.nk_guis = Register.nk_guis.filter(x => x[0] !== fn && x[1] !== obj); }; function register_draw(fn,obj) { Register.draws.push([fn, obj ? obj : this]); } register_update(Yugine.exec, Yugine); /* These functions are the "defaults", and give control to player0 */ function set_pawn(obj, player = Player.players[0]) { player.control(obj); } function unset_pawn(obj, player = Player.players[0]) { player.uncontrol(obj); } Player.players[0].control(GUI); var Signal = { signals: [], obj_begin(fn, obj, go) { this.signals.push([fn, obj]); register_collide(0, fn, obj, go.body); }, obj_separate(fn, obj, go) { this.signals.push([fn,obj]); register_collide(3,fn,obj,go.body); }, clera_obj(obj) { this.signals.filter(function(x) { return x[1] !== obj; }); }, c:{}, register(name, fn) { if (!this.c[name]) this.c[name] = []; this.c[name].push(fn); }, call(name, ...args) { if (this.c[name]) this.c[name].forEach(function(fn) {, ...args); }); }, }; var Window = { width: 0, height: 0, dimensions:[0,0], }; Signal.register("window_resize", function(w, h) { Window.width = w; Window.height = h; Window.dimensions = [w, h]; }); var IO = { exists(file) { return cmd(65, file);}, slurp(file) { if (!this.exists(file)) { Log.warn(`File ${file} does not exist; can't slurp.`); return ""; } return cmd(38,file); }, slurpwrite(str, file) { return cmd(39, str, file); }, extensions(ext) { return cmd(66, "." + ext); }, }; function slurp(file) { return IO.slurp(file);} function slurpwrite(str, file) { return IO.slurpwrite(str, file); } function reloadfiles() { Object.keys(files).forEach(function (x) { load(x); }); } load("scripts/debug.js"); /* function Color(from) { var color = Object.create(Array); Object.defineProperty(color, 'r', setelem(0)); Object.defineProperty(color, 'g', setelem(1)); Object.defineProperty(color, 'b', setelem(2)); Object.defineProperty(color, 'a', setelem(3)); color.a = color.g = color.b = color.a = 1; Object.assign(color, from); return color; }; */ load("scripts/components.js"); function replacer_empty_nil(key, val) { if (typeof val === 'object' && JSON.stringify(val) === '{}') return undefined; // if (typeof val === 'number') // return parseFloat(val.toFixed(4)); return val; }; function clean_object(obj) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(x) { if (!(x in obj.__proto__)) return; switch(typeof obj[x]) { case 'object': if (Array.isArray(obj[x])) { if (obj[x].equal(obj.__proto__[x])) { delete obj[x]; } } else clean_object(obj[x]); break; case 'function': return; default: if (obj[x] === obj.__proto__[x]) delete obj[x]; break; } }); }; function find_com(objects) { if (!objects || objects.length === 0) return [0,0]; var com = [0,0]; com[0] = objects.reduce(function(acc, val) { return acc + val.pos[0]; }, 0); com[0] /= objects.length; com[1] = objects.reduce(function(acc, val) { return acc + val.pos[1]; }, 0); com[1] /= objects.length; return com; }; var Game = { objects: [], resolution: [1200,720], name: "Untitled", register_obj(obj) { this.objects[obj.body] = obj; }, /* Returns an object given an id */ object(id) { return this.objects[id]; }, /* Returns a list of objects by name */ find(name) { }, /* Return a list of objects derived from a specific prototype */ find_proto(proto) { }, /* List of all objects spawned that have a specific tag */ find_tag(tag) { }, groupify(objects, spec) { var newgroup = { locked: true, breakable: true, objs: objects, // get pos() { return find_com(objects); }, // set pos(x) { this.objs.forEach(function(obj) { obj.pos = x; }) }, }; Object.assign(newgroup, spec); objects.forEach(function(x) { x.defn('group', newgroup); }); var bb = bb_from_objects(newgroup.objs); newgroup.startbb = bb2cwh(bb); newgroup.bboffset = newgroup.startbb.c.sub(newgroup.objs[0].pos); newgroup.boundingbox = function() { newgroup.startbb.c = newgroup.objs[0].pos.add(newgroup.bboffset); return cwh2bb(newgroup.startbb.c, newgroup.startbb.wh); }; if (newgroup.file) newgroup.color = [120,255,10]; return newgroup; }, quit() { sys_cmd(0); }, pause() { sys_cmd(3); }, stop() { sys_cmd(2); }, step() { sys_cmd(4); }, playing() { return sys_cmd(5); }, paused() { return sys_cmd(6); }, stepping() { return cmd(79); }, play() { sys_cmd(1); } }; var Level = { levels: [], objects: [], alive: true, selectable: true, toString() { if (this.file) return this.file; return "Loose level"; }, fullpath() { return `${this.level.fullpath()}.${}`; }, get boundingbox() { return bb_from_objects(this.objects); }, varname2obj(varname) { for (var i = 0; i < this.objects.length; i++) if (this.objects[i].varname === varname) return this.objects[i]; return null; }, run() { var objs = this.objects.slice(); var scene = {}; var self = this; // TODO: If an object does not have a varname, give it one based on its parent objs.forEach(function(x) { if (x.hasOwn('varname')) { scene[x.varname] = x; this[x.varname] = x; } },this); //eval_filename(this.script, this.scriptfile); eval?.(this.script); if (typeof extern === 'object') Object.assign(this, extern); if (typeof update === 'function') register_update(update, this); if (typeof gui === 'function') register_gui(gui, this); if (typeof nk_gui === 'function') register_nk_gui(nk_gui, this); }, revert() { delete this.unique; this.load(this.filelvl); }, /* Returns how many objects this level created are still alive */ object_count() { return objects.length(); }, /* Save a list of objects into file, with pos acting as the relative placement */ saveas(objects, file, pos) { if (!pos) pos = find_com(objects); objects.forEach(function(obj) { obj.pos = obj.pos.sub(pos); }); var newlvl = Level.create(); objects.forEach(function(x) { newlvl.register(x); }); var save =; slurpwrite(save, file); }, clean() { for (var key in this.objects) clean_object(this.objects[key]); for (var key in gameobjects) clean_object(gameobjects[key]); }, sync_file(file) { var openlvls = this.levels.filter(function(x) { return x.file === file && x !== editor.edit_level; }); openlvls.forEach(function(x) { x.clear(); x.load(IO.slurp(x.file)); x.flipdirty = true; x.sync(); x.flipdirty = false; x.check_dirty(); }); }, save() { this.clean(); var pos = this.pos; var angle = this.angle; this.pos = [0,0]; this.angle = 0; if (this.flipx) { this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { this.mirror_x_obj(obj); }, this); } if (this.flipy) { this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { this.mirror_y_obj(obj); }, this); } var savereturn = JSON.stringify(this.objects, replacer_empty_nil, 1); if (this.flipx) { this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { this.mirror_x_obj(obj); }, this); } if (this.flipy) { this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { this.mirror_y_obj(obj); }, this); } this.pos = pos; this.angle = angle; return savereturn; }, mirror_x_obj(obj) { obj.flipx = !obj.flipx; var rp = obj.relpos; obj.pos = [-rp.x, rp.y].add(this.pos); obj.angle = -obj.angle; }, mirror_y_obj(obj) { var rp = obj.relpos; obj.pos = [rp.x, -rp.y].add(this.pos); obj.angle = -obj.angle; }, toJSON() { var obj = {}; obj.file = this.file; obj.pos = this._pos; obj.angle = this._angle; obj.from = "group"; obj.flipx = this.flipx; obj.flipy = this.flipy; obj.scale = this.scale; if (this.varname) obj.varname = this.varname; if (!this.unique) return obj; obj.objects = {}; this.objects.forEach(function(x,i) { obj.objects[i] = {}; var adiff = Math.abs(x.relangle - this.filelvl[i]._angle) > 1e-5; if (adiff) obj.objects[i].angle = x.relangle; var pdiff = Vector.equal(x.relpos, this.filelvl[i]._pos, 1e-5); if (!pdiff) obj.objects[i].pos = x._pos.sub(this.pos); if (obj.objects[i].empty) delete obj.objects[i]; }, this); return obj; }, register(obj) { if (obj.level) obj.level.unregister(obj); this.objects.push(obj); }, make() { return Level.loadfile(this.file, this.pos); }, spawn(prefab) { var newobj = prefab.make(); newobj.defn('level', this); this.objects.push(newobj); Game.register_obj(newobj); newobj.setup?.(); newobj.start?.(); return newobj; }, create() { var newlevel = Object.create(this); newlevel.objects = []; newlevel._pos = [0,0]; newlevel._angle = 0; newlevel.color =; newlevel.toString = function() { return (newlevel.unique ? "#" : "") + newlevel.file; }; newlevel.filejson =; return newlevel; }, addfile(file) { var lvl = this.loadfile(file); this.objects.push(lvl); lvl.level = this; return lvl; }, check_dirty() { this.dirty = !== this.filejson; }, start() { this.objects.forEach(function(x) { if ('start' in x) x.start(); }); }, loadlevel(file) { var lvl = Level.loadfile(file); if (lvl && sim_playing()) lvl.start(); return lvl; }, loadfile(file) { if (!file.endsWith(".lvl")) file = file + ".lvl"; var newlevel = Level.create(); Log.warn(`MAKING LEVEL ${file}`); if (IO.exists(file)) { newlevel.filejson = IO.slurp(file); try { newlevel.filelvl = JSON.parse(newlevel.filejson); newlevel.load(newlevel.filelvl); } catch (e) { newlevel.ed_gizmo = function() { GUI.text("Invalid level file: " + newlevel.file, world2screen(newlevel.pos), 1,; }; newlevel.selectable = false; throw e; } newlevel.file = file; newlevel.dirty = false; } var scriptfile = file.replace('.lvl', '.js'); if (IO.exists(scriptfile)) { newlevel.script = IO.slurp(scriptfile); newlevel.scriptfile = scriptfile; }; return newlevel; }, /* Spawns all objects specified in the lvl json object */ load(lvl) { this.clear(); this.levels.push_unique(this); if (!lvl) { Log.warn("Level is " + lvl + ". Need a better formed one."); return; } var opos = this.pos; var oangle = this.angle; this.pos = [0,0]; this.angle = 0; var objs; var created = []; if (typeof lvl === 'string') objs = JSON.parse(lvl); else objs = lvl; if (typeof objs === 'object') objs = objs.array(); objs.forEach(x => { if (x.from === 'group') { var loadedlevel = Level.loadfile(x.file); if (!loadedlevel) { Log.error("Error loading level: file " + x.file + " not found."); return; } if (!IO.exists(x.file)) { loadedlevel.ed_gizmo = function() { GUI.text("MISSING LEVEL " + x.file, world2screen(loadedlevel.pos) ,1, }; } var objs = x.objects; delete x.objects; Object.assign(loadedlevel, x); if (objs) { objs.array().forEach(function(x, i) { if (x.pos) loadedlevel.objects[i].pos = x.pos.add(loadedlevel.pos); if (x.angle) loadedlevel.objects[i].angle = x.angle + loadedlevel.angle; }); loadedlevel.unique = true; } loadedlevel.level = this; loadedlevel.sync(); created.push(loadedlevel); this.objects.push(loadedlevel); return; } var prototype = gameobjects[x.from]; if (!prototype) { Log.error(`Prototype for ${x.from} does not exist.`); return; } var newobj = this.spawn(gameobjects[x.from]); delete x.from; dainty_assign(newobj, x); if (x._pos) newobj.pos = x._pos; if (x._angle) newobj.angle = x._angle; for (var key in newobj.components) if ('sync' in newobj.components[key]) newobj.components[key].sync(); newobj.sync(); created.push(newobj); }); created.forEach(function(x) { if (x.varname) this[x.varname] = x; },this); this.pos = opos; this.angle = oangle; return created; }, clear() { for (var i = this.objects.length-1; i >= 0; i--) if (this.objects[i].alive) this.objects[i].kill(); this.levels.remove(this); }, clear_all() { this.levels.forEach(function(x) { x.kill(); }); }, kill() { if (this.level) this.level.unregister(this); Register.unregister_obj(this); this.clear(); }, unregister(obj) { var removed = this.objects.remove(obj); if (removed && obj.varname) delete this[obj.varname]; }, get pos() { return this._pos; }, set pos(x) { var diff = x.sub(this._pos); this.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.pos = x.pos.add(diff); }); this._pos = x; }, get angle() { return this._angle; }, set angle(x) { var diff = x - this._angle; this.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.angle = x.angle + diff; var pos = x.pos.sub(this.pos); var r = Vector.length(pos); var p = Math.rad2deg(Math.atan2(pos.y, pos.x)); p += diff; p = Math.deg2rad(p); x.pos = this.pos.add([r*Math.cos(p), r*Math.sin(p)]); },this); this._angle = x; }, flipdirty: false, sync() { this.flipx = this.flipx; this.flipy = this.flipy; }, _flipx: false, get flipx() { return this._flipx; }, set flipx(x) { if (this._flipx === x && (!x || !this.flipdirty)) return; this._flipx = x; this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { obj.flipx = !obj.flipx; var rp = obj.relpos; obj.pos = [-rp.x, rp.y].add(this.pos); obj.angle = -obj.angle; },this); }, _flipy: false, get flipy() { return this._flipy; }, set flipy(x) { if (this._flipy === x && (!x || !this.flipdirty)) return; this._flipy = x; this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { var rp = obj.relpos; obj.pos = [rp.x, -rp.y].add(this.pos); obj.angle = -obj.angle; },this); }, _scale: 1.0, get scale() { return this._scale; }, set scale(x) { var diff = (x - this._scale) + 1; this._scale = x; this.objects.forEach(function(obj) { obj.scale *= diff; obj.relpos = obj.relpos.scale(diff); }, this); }, get up() { return [0,1].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, get down() { return [0,-1].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, get right() { return [1,0].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, get left() { return [-1,0].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, }; var World = Level.create(); = "World"; World.fullpath = function() { return; }; var gameobjects = {}; var Prefabs = gameobjects; /* Returns the index of the smallest element in array, defined by a function that returns a number */ Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'min', { value: function(fn) { }, }); function grab_from_points(pos, points, slop) { var shortest = slop; var idx = -1; points.forEach(function(x,i) { if (Vector.length(pos.sub(x)) < shortest) { shortest = Vector.length(pos.sub(x)); idx = i; } }); return idx; }; var gameobject = { scale: 1.0, save: true, selectable: true, layer: 0, /* Collision layer; should probably have been called "mask" */ layer_nuke() { Nuke.label("Collision layer"); Nuke.newline(Collision.num); for (var i = 0; i < Collision.num; i++) this.layer =, this.layer, i); }, draw_layer: 1, draw_layer_nuke() { Nuke.label("Draw layer"); Nuke.newline(5); for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) this.draw_layer =, this.draw_layer, i); }, in_air() { return q_body(7, this.body); }, on_ground() { return !this.in_air(); }, name: "gameobject", toString() { return; }, clone(name, ext) { var obj = Object.create(this); complete_assign(obj, ext); gameobjects[name] = obj; obj.defc('name', name); obj.from =; obj.defn('instances', []); obj.obscure('from'); return obj; }, instandup() { var dup = World.spawn(gameobjects[this.from]); dup.pos = this.pos; dup.velocity = this.velocity; }, ed_locked: false, _visible: true, get visible(){ return this._visible; }, set visible(x) { this._visible = x; for (var key in this.components) { if ('visible' in this.components[key]) { this.components[key].visible = x; } } }, mass: 1, bodytype: { dynamic: 0, kinematic: 1, static: 2 }, get moi() { return q_body(6, this.body); }, set moi(x) { set_body(13, this.body, x); }, phys: 2, phys_nuke() { Nuke.newline(1); Nuke.label("phys"); Nuke.newline(3); this.phys ="dynamic", this.phys, 0); this.phys ="kinematic", this.phys, 1); this.phys ="static", this.phys, 2); }, friction: 0, elasticity: 0, flipx: false, flipy: false, body: -1, controlled: false, set_center(pos) { var change = pos.sub(this.pos); this.pos = pos; for (var key in this.components) { this.components[key].finish_center(change); } }, varname: "", pos: [0,0], set relpos(x) { if (!this.level) { this.pos = x; return; } this.pos = Vector.rotate(x, Math.deg2rad(this.level.angle)).add(this.level.pos); }, get relpos() { if (!this.level) return this.pos; var offset = this.pos.sub(this.level.pos); return Vector.rotate(offset, -Math.deg2rad(this.level.angle)); }, angle: 0, get relangle() { if (!this.level) return this.angle; return this.angle - this.level.angle; }, get velocity() { return q_body(3, this.body); }, set velocity(x) { set_body(9, this.body, x); }, get angularvelocity() { return Math.rad2deg(q_body(4, this.body)); }, set angularvelocity(x) { if (this.alive) set_body(8, this.body, Math.deg2rad(x)); }, get alive() { return this.body >= 0; }, disable() { this.components.forEach(function(x) { x.disable(); }); }, enable() { this.components.forEach(function(x) { x.enable(); }); }, sync() { if (this.body === -1) return; cmd(55, this.body, this.flipx); cmd(56, this.body, this.flipy); set_body(2, this.body, this.pos); set_body(0, this.body, Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); cmd(36, this.body, this.scale); set_body(10,this.body,this.elasticity); set_body(11,this.body,this.friction); set_body(1, this.body, this.phys); cmd(75,this.body,this.layer); cmd(54, this.body); }, syncall() { this.instances.forEach(function(x) { x.sync(); }); }, pulse(vec) { /* apply impulse */ set_body(4, this.body, vec); }, push(vec) { /* apply force */ set_body(12,this.body,vec); }, gizmo: "", /* Path to an image to draw for this gameobject */ set_pawn() { this.controlled = true; set_pawn(this); }, uncontrol() { if (!this.controlled) return; unset_pawn(this); }, /* Bounding box of the object in world dimensions */ get boundingbox() { var boxes = []; boxes.push({t:0, r:0,b:0,l:0}); for (var key in this.components) { if ('boundingbox' in this.components[key]) boxes.push(this.components[key].boundingbox); } if (boxes.empty) return cwh2bb([0,0], [0,0]); var bb = boxes[0]; boxes.forEach(function(x) { bb = bb_expand(bb, x); }); var cwh = bb2cwh(bb); if (!bb) return; if (this.flipx) cwh.c.x *= -1; if (this.flipy) cwh.c.y *= -1; cwh.c = cwh.c.add(this.pos); bb = cwh2bb(cwh.c, cwh.wh); return bb ? bb : cwh2bb([0,0], [0,0]); }, set width(x) {}, get width() { var bb = this.boundingbox; return bb.r - bb.l; }, set height(x) {}, get height() { var bb = this.boundingbox; return bb.t-bb.b; }, stop() {}, kill() { if (this.body === -1) { Log.warn(`Object is already dead!`); return; } Register.endofloop(() => { cmd(2, this.body); delete Game.objects[this.body]; if (this.level) this.level.unregister(this); this.uncontrol(); this.instances.remove(this); Register.unregister_obj(this); // Signal.clear_obj(this); this.body = -1; for (var key in this.components) { Register.unregister_obj(this.components[key]); this.components[key].kill(); } this.stop(); }); }, get up() { return [0,1].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, get down() { return [0,-1].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, get right() { return [1,0].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, get left() { return [-1,0].rotate(Math.deg2rad(this.angle)); }, /* Make a unique object the same as its prototype */ revert() { unmerge(this, this.prop_obj()); this.sync(); }, gui() { var go_guis = walk_up_get_prop(this, 'go_gui'); Nuke.newline(); go_guis.forEach(function(x) {; }, this); for (var key in this) { if (typeof this[key] === 'object' && 'gui' in this[key]) this[key].gui(); } }, world2this(pos) { return cmd(70, this.body, pos); }, this2world(pos) { return cmd(71, this.body,pos); }, check_registers(obj) { Register.unregister_obj(this); if (typeof obj.update === 'function') register_update(obj.update, obj); if (typeof obj.physupdate === 'function') register_physupdate(obj.physupdate, obj); if (typeof obj.collide === 'function') obj.register_hit(obj.collide, obj); if (typeof obj.separate === 'function') obj.register_separate(obj.separate, obj); if (typeof obj.draw === 'function') register_draw(obj.draw,obj); if (typeof obj.debug === 'function') register_debug(obj.debug, obj); obj.components.forEach(function(x) { if (typeof x.collide === 'function') register_collide(1, x.collide, x, obj.body, x.shape); }); }, make(props, level) { level ??= World; var obj = Object.create(this); this.instances.push(obj); obj.toString = function() { var props = obj.prop_obj(); for (var key in props) if (typeof props[key] === 'object' && !props[key] === null && props[key].empty) delete props[key]; var edited = !props.empty; return (edited ? "#" : "") + + " object " + obj.body + ", layer " + obj.draw_layer + ", phys " + obj.layer; }; obj.fullpath = function() { return `${obj.level.fullpath()}.${}`; }; obj.deflock('toString'); obj.defc('from',; obj.defn('body', make_gameobject(this.scale, this.phys, this.mass, this.friction, this.elasticity) ); complete_assign(obj, props); obj.sync(); obj.defn('components', {}); Log.warn(`Made an object with ID ${obj.body}`); cmd(113, obj.body, obj); complete_assign(obj, { set scale(x) { Log.warn(obj.body); cmd(36, obj.body, x); }, get scale() { return cmd(103, obj.body); }, get flipx() { return cmd(104,obj.body); }, set flipx(x) { cmd(55, obj.body, x); }, get flipy() { return cmd(105,obj.body); }, set flipy(x) { cmd(56, obj.body, x); }, get angle() { return Math.rad2deg(q_body(2,obj.body))%360; }, set angle(x) { set_body(0,obj.body, Math.deg2rad(x)); }, set pos(x) { set_body(2,obj.body,x); }, get pos() { return q_body(1,obj.body); }, get elasticity() { return cmd(107,obj.body); }, set elasticity(x) { cmd(106,obj.body,x); }, get friction() { return cmd(109,obj.body); }, set friction(x) { cmd(108,obj.body,x); }, set mass(x) { set_body(7,obj.body,x); }, get mass() { return q_body(5, obj.body); }, set phys(x) { set_body(1, obj.body, x); }, get phys() { return q_body(0,obj.body); }, }); for (var prop in obj) { if (typeof obj[prop] === 'object' && 'make' in obj[prop]) { if (prop === 'flipper') return; obj[prop] = obj[prop].make(obj.body); obj[prop].defn('gameobject', obj); obj.components[prop] = obj[prop]; } }; obj.check_registers(obj); if ('begin' in obj) obj.begin(); return obj; }, register_hit(fn, obj) { if (!obj) obj = this; Signal.obj_begin(fn, obj, this); }, register_separate(fn, obj) { if (!obj) obj = this; Signal.obj_separate(fn,obj,this); }, } var locks = ['height', 'width', 'visible', 'body', 'controlled', 'selectable', 'save', 'velocity', 'angularvelocity', 'alive', 'boundingbox', 'name', 'scale', 'angle', 'properties', 'moi', 'relpos', 'relangle', 'up', 'down', 'right', 'left', 'bodytype', 'gizmo', 'pos']; locks.forEach(x => gameobject.obscure(x)); /* Load configs */ function load_configs(file) { var configs = JSON.parse(IO.slurp(file)); for (var key in configs) { Object.assign(globalThis[key], configs[key]); } Collision.sync(); Game.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.sync(); }); if (!local_conf.mouse) {"disabling mouse features"); Mouse.disabled = function() {}; Mouse.hidden = function() {}; }; }; var local_conf = { mouse: true, }; /* Save configs */ function save_configs() {"saving configs"); var configs = {}; configs.editor_config = editor_config; configs.Nuke = Nuke; configs.local_conf = local_conf; IO.slurpwrite(JSON.stringify(configs, null, 1), "editor.config"); save_game_configs(); }; function save_game_configs() { var configs = {}; configs.physics = physics; configs.Collision = Collision;; IO.slurpwrite(JSON.stringify(configs,null,1), "game.config"); Collision.sync(); Game.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.sync(); }); }; var Collision = { types: {}, num: 10, set_collide(a, b, x) { this.types[a][b] = x; this.types[b][a] = x; }, sync() { for (var i = 0; i < this.num; i++) cmd(76,i,this.types[i]); }, types_nuke() { Nuke.newline(this.num+1); Nuke.label(""); for (var i = 0; i < this.num; i++) Nuke.label(i); for (var i = 0; i < this.num; i++) { Nuke.label(i); for (var j = 0; j < this.num; j++) { if (j < i) Nuke.label(""); else { this.types[i][j] = Nuke.checkbox(this.types[i][j]); this.types[j][i] = this.types[i][j]; } } } }, }; for (var i = 0; i < Collision.num; i++) { Collision.types[i] = []; for (var j = 0; j < Collision.num; j++) Collision.types[i][j] = false; }; if (IO.exists("game.config")) load_configs("game.config"); var camera2d = gameobject.clone("camera2d", { phys: gameobject.bodytype.kinematic, speed: 300, get zoom() { return this._zoom; }, set zoom(x) { if (x <= 0) return; this._zoom = x; cmd(62, this._zoom); }, _zoom: 1.0, speedmult: 1.0, selectable: false, view2world(pos) { return pos.mapc(mult, [1,-1]).add([-Window.width,Window.height].scale(0.5)).scale(this.zoom).add(this.pos); }, world2view(pos) { return pos.sub(this.pos).scale(1/this.zoom).add(Window.dimensions.scale(0.5)); }, }); = World.spawn(camera2d); cmd(61,; win_make(Game.title, Game.resolution[0], Game.resolution[1]); //win_icon("icon.png"); /* Default objects */ gameobject.clone("polygon2d", { polygon2d: polygon2d.clone(), }); gameobject.clone("edge2d", { edge2d: bucket.clone(), }); gameobject.clone("sprite", { sprite: sprite.clone(), }); if (IO.exists("config.js")) load("config.js"); var prototypes = {}; if (IO.exists("proto.json")) prototypes = JSON.parse(slurp("proto.json")); for (var key in prototypes) { if (key in gameobjects) dainty_assign(gameobjects[key], prototypes[key]); else { /* Create this gameobject fresh */"Making new prototype: " + key + " from " + prototypes[key].from); var newproto = gameobjects[prototypes[key].from].clone(key); gameobjects[key] = newproto; for (var pkey in newproto) if (typeof newproto[pkey] === 'object' && newproto[pkey] && 'clone' in newproto[pkey]) newproto[pkey] = newproto[pkey].clone(); dainty_assign(gameobjects[key], prototypes[key]); } } function save_gameobjects_as_prototypes() { slurpwrite(JSON.stringify(gameobjects,null,2), "proto.json"); }; var Gamestate = {};