/* Editor-only variables on objects selectable */ prototypes.generate_ur('.'); var editor_config = { grid_size: 100, grid_color: [99, 255, 128, 100], }; var configs = { toString() { return "configs"; }, editor: editor_config, physics: physics, local: local_conf, collision: Collision, }; var editor = { dbgdraw: false, selected: undefined, selectlist: [], moveoffset: [0,0], startrot: 0, rotoffset: 0, camera: undefined, edit_level: undefined, /* The current level that is being edited */ working_layer: 0, cursor: undefined, edit_mode: "basic", try_select() { /* nullify true if it should set selected to null if it doesn't find an object */ var go = physics.pos_query(screen2world(Mouse.pos)); return this.do_select(go); }, /* Tries to select id */ do_select(go) { var obj = go >= 0 ? Game.object(go) : undefined; if (!obj || !obj.selectable) return undefined; return obj; if (this.working_layer > -1 && obj.draw_layer !== this.working_layer) return undefined; if (obj.level !== this.edit_level) { var testlevel = obj.level; while (testlevel && testlevel.level !== this.edit_level) { testlevel = testlevel.level; } return testlevel; } return obj; }, curpanel: undefined, check_level_nested() { if (this.edit_level.level) { this.openpanel(gen_notify("Can't close a nested level. Save up to the root before continuing.")); return true; } return false; }, programmode: false, delete_empty_reviver(key, val) { if (typeof val === 'object' && val.empty) return undefined; return val; }, save_proto() { if (this.selectlist.length !== 1) return; Log.warn(`Saving prototype ${this.selectlist[0].toString()}`); var protos = JSON.parse(IO.slurp("proto.json")); var tobj = this.selectlist[0].prop_obj(); var pobj = this.selectlist[0].__proto__.prop_obj(); Log.warn("Going to deep merge."); deep_merge(pobj, tobj); Log.warn("Finished deep merge."); pobj.from = this.selectlist[0].__proto__.from; protos[this.selectlist[0].__proto__.name] = pobj; Log.warn(JSON.stringify(protos)); slurpwrite(JSON.stringify(protos, undefined, 2), "proto.json"); /* Save object changes to parent */ dainty_assign(this.selectlist[0].__proto__, tobj); /* Remove the local from this object */ unmerge(this.selectlist[0], tobj); /* Now sync all objects */ Game.objects.forEach(x => x.sync()); }, save_prototypes() { save_gameobjects_as_prototypes(); }, /* Save the selected object as a new prototype, extending the chain */ save_proto_as(name) { if (name in gameobjects) { Log.info("Already an object with name '" + name + "'. Choose another one."); return; } var newp = this.selectlist[0].__proto__.clone(name); for (var key in newp) if (typeof newp[key] === 'object' && 'clone' in newp[key]) newp[key] = newp[key].clone(); dainty_assign(newp, this.selectlist[0].prop_obj()); this.selectlist[0].kill(); var gopos = this.selectlist[0].pos; this.unselect(); var proto = this.edit_level.spawn(gameobjects[name]); this.selectlist.push(proto); this.save_proto(); proto.pos = gopos; }, /* Save selected object as a new prototype, replacing the current prototype */ save_type_as(name) { if (name in gameobjects) { Log.info("Already an object with name '" + name + "'. Choose another one."); return; } var newp = this.selectlist[0].__proto__.__proto__.clone(name); for (var key in newp) if (typeof newp[key] === 'object' && 'clone' in newp[key]) newp[key] = newp[key].clone(); var tobj = this.selectlist[0].prop_obj(); var pobj = this.selectlist[0].__proto__.prop_obj(); deep_merge(pobj, tobj); dainty_assign(newp, pobj); this.selectlist[0].kill(); this.unselect(); var proto = this.edit_level.spawn(gameobjects[name]); this.selectlist.push(proto); this.save_proto(); }, dup_objects(x) { var objs = x.slice(); var duped = []; objs.forEach(function(x) { var newobj = this.edit_level.spawn(x.ur); dainty_assign(newobj, x); newobj.pos = x.pos; newobj.angle = x.angle; duped.push(newobj); } ,this); return duped.flat(); }, sel_start: [], points2cwh(start, end) { var c = []; c[0] = (end[0] - start[0]) / 2; c[0] += start[0]; c[1] = (end[1] - start[1]) / 2; c[1] += start[1]; var wh = []; wh[0] = Math.abs(end[0] - start[0]); wh[1] = Math.abs(end[1] - start[1]); return {c: c, wh: wh}; }, mover(amt, snap) { return function(go) { go.pos = go.pos.add(amt)}; }, input_any_released() { this.check_snapshot(); this.edit_level.check_dirty(); }, step_amt() { return Keys.shift() ? 10 : 1; }, on_grid(pos) { return pos.every(function(x) { return x % editor_config.grid_size === 0; }); }, snapper(dir, grid) { return function(go) { go.pos = go.pos.add(dir.scale(grid/2)); go.pos = go.pos.map(function(x) { return Math.snap(x, grid) }, this); } }, key_move(dir) { if (Keys.ctrl()) this.selectlist.forEach(this.snapper(dir.scale(1.01), editor_config.grid_size)); else this.selectlist.forEach(this.mover(dir.scale(this.step_amt()))); }, /* Snapmode 0 No snap 1 Pixel snap 2 Grid snap */ snapmode: 0, snapped_pos(pos) { switch (this.snapmode) { case 0: return pos; case 1: return pos.map(function(x) { return Math.round(x); }); case 2: return pos.map } }, unselect() { editor.selectlist = []; this.grabselect = undefined; this.sel_comp = undefined; }, sel_comp: undefined, comp_info: false, brush_obj: undefined, camera_recalls: {}, camera_recall_stack: [], camera_recall_store() { this.camera_recall_stack.push({ pos:this.camera.pos, zoom:this.camera.zoom }); }, camera_recall_pop() { Object.assign(this.camera, this.camera_recalls.pop()); }, camera_recall_clear() { this.camera_recall_stack = []; }, input_num_pressed(num) { if (Keys.ctrl()) { this.camera_recalls[num] = { pos:this.camera.pos, zoom:this.camera.zoom }; return; } if (num === 0) { this.camera.pos = [0,0]; this.camera.zoom = 1; return; } if (num in this.camera_recalls) Object.assign(this.camera, this.camera_recalls[num]); }, zoom_to_bb(bb) { var cwh = bb2cwh(bb); var xscale = cwh.wh.x / Window.width; var yscale = cwh.wh.y / Window.height; var zoom = yscale > xscale ? yscale : xscale; this.camera.pos = cwh.c; this.camera.zoom = zoom*1.3; }, z_start: undefined, grabselect: undefined, mousejoy: undefined, joystart: undefined, stash: "", start_play_ed() { this.stash = this.edit_level.save(); this.edit_level.kill(); load_configs("game.config"); Game.play(); Player.players[0].uncontrol(this); Player.players[0].control(limited_editor); Register.unregister_obj(this); }, moveoffsets: [], scaleoffset: 0, startscales: [], selected_com: [0,0], openpanel(panel, dontsteal) { if (this.curpanel) this.curpanel.close(); this.curpanel = panel; var stolen = this; if (dontsteal) stolen = undefined; this.curpanel.open(stolen); }, curpanels: [], addpanel(panel) { this.curpanels.push(panel); panel.open(); }, cleanpanels(panel) { this.curpanels = this.curpanels.filter(function(x) { return x.on; }); }, startrots: [], startpos: [], startoffs: [], snapshots: [], curlvl: {}, /* What the level currently looks like on file */ reset_undos() { this.snapshots = []; this.backshots = []; }, check_snapshot() { if (!this.selectlist.empty || this.grabselect) this.snapshot(); }, snapshot() { var cur = this.edit_level.save(); var dif = diff(cur, this.curlvl); if (dif.empty) return; this.snapshots.push(this.curlvl); this.backshots = []; this.curlvl = cur; return; this.snapshots.push(dif); this.backshots = []; this.backshots.push(diff(this.curlvl, cur)); this.curlvl = cur; this.edit_level.check_dirty(); }, backshots: [], /* Redo snapshots */ restore_lvl(lvl) { this.unselect(); this.edit_level.clear(); this.edit_level.load(lvl); this.edit_level.check_dirty(); }, diff_lvl(d) { this.unselect(); for (var key in d) { if (d[key] === "DELETE") Game.objects[key].kill(); } diffassign(Game.objects, d); Game.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.sync(); }); this.curlvl = this.edit_level.save(); }, redo() { if (this.backshots.empty) { Log.info("Nothing to redo."); return; } this.snapshots.push(this.edit_level.save()); var dd = this.backshots.pop(); this.edit_level.clear(); this.edit_level.load(dd); this.edit_level.check_dirty(); this.curlvl = dd; return; var dd = this.backshots.pop(); this.snapshots.push(dd); if (this.was_undoing) { dd = this.backshots.pop(); this.snapshots.push(dd); this.was_undoing = false; } this.diff_lvl(dd); }, undo() { if (this.snapshots.empty) { Log.info("Nothing to undo."); return; } this.unselect(); this.backshots.push(this.edit_level.save()); var dd = this.snapshots.pop(); this.edit_level.clear(); this.edit_level.load(dd); this.edit_level.check_dirty(); this.curlvl = dd; return; this.backshots.push(dd); if (!this.was_undoing) { dd = this.snapshots.pop(); this.backshots.push(dd); this.was_undoing = true; } this.diff_lvl(dd); }, restore_buffer() { this.restore_level(this.filesnap); }, save_current() { if (!this.edit_level.file) { this.openpanel(saveaspanel); return; } var lvl = this.edit_level.save(); Log.info("Saving level of size " + lvl.length + " bytes."); slurpwrite(lvl, this.edit_level.file); this.edit_level.filejson = lvl; this.edit_level.check_dirty(); if (this.edit_level.script) { var scriptfile = this.edit_level.file.replace('.lvl', '.js'); slurpwrite(this.edit_level.script, scriptfile); } Level.sync_file(this.edit_level.file); }, clear_level() { Log.info("Closed level."); if (this.edit_level.level) { this.openpanel(gen_notify("Can't close a nested level. Save up to the root before continuing.")); return; } this.unselect(); this.edit_level.kill(); this.edit_level = Level.create(); }, _sel_comp: undefined, get sel_comp() { return this._sel_comp; }, set sel_comp(x) { if (this._sel_comp) Player.players[0].uncontrol(this._sel_comp); this._sel_comp = x; if (this._sel_comp) { Log.info("sel comp is now " + this._sel_comp); Player.players[0].control(this._sel_comp); } }, time: 0, ed_gui() { this.time = Date.now(); /* Clean out killed objects */ this.selectlist = this.selectlist.filter(function(x) { return x.alive; }); GUI.text("WORKING LAYER: " + this.working_layer, [0,520]); GUI.text("MODE: " + this.edit_mode, [0,500]); if (this.cursor) { Debug.point(World2screen(this.cursor), 5, Color.green); this.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { var p = []; p.push(world2screen(this.cursor)); p.push(world2screen(x.pos)); Debug.line(p, Color.green); },this); } if (this.programmode) { this.edit_level.objects.forEach(function(x) { if (x.hasOwn('varname')) GUI.text(x.varname, world2screen(x.pos).add([0,32]), 1, [84,110,255]); }); } if (this.comp_info && this.sel_comp) { GUI.text(Input.print_pawn_kbm(this.sel_comp), [100,700],1); } GUI.text("0,0", world2screen([0,0])); var clvl = this.edit_level; var ypos = 200; var lvlcolor = Color.white; while (clvl) { var lvlstr = clvl.file ? clvl.file : "NEW ENTITY"; if (clvl.unique) lvlstr += "#"; else if (clvl.dirty) lvlstr += "*"; GUI.text(lvlstr, [0, ypos], 1, lvlcolor); lvlcolor = Color.gray; clvl = clvl.level; if (clvl) { GUI.text("^^^^^^", [0,ypos+5],1); ypos += 5; } ypos += 15; } this.edit_level.objects.forEach(function(x) { if ('ed_gizmo' in x) x.ed_gizmo(); }); if (Debug.phys_drawing) this.edit_level.objects.forEach(function(x) { Debug.point(world2screen(x.pos), 2, Color.teal); }); this.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { var color = x.color ? x.color : [255,255,255]; GUI.text(x.toString(), world2screen(x.pos).add([0, 16]), 1, color); GUI.text(x.pos.map(function(x) { return Math.round(x); }), world2screen(x.pos), 1, color); Debug.arrow(world2screen(x.pos), world2screen(x.pos.add(x.up.scale(40))), Color.yellow, 1); if (x.hasOwn('varname')) GUI.text(x.varname, world2screen(x.pos).add([0,32]), 1, [84,110,255]); if ('gizmo' in x && typeof x['gizmo'] === 'function' ) x.gizmo(); if (x.hasOwn('file')) x.objects.forEach(function(x) { GUI.text(x.toString(), world2screen(x.pos).add([0,16]),1,Color.blue); }); }); if (this.selectlist.length === 1) { var i = 1; for (var key in this.selectlist[0].components) { var selected = this.sel_comp === this.selectlist[0].components[key]; var str = (selected ? ">" : " ") + key + " [" + this.selectlist[0].components[key].name + "]"; GUI.text(str, world2screen(this.selectlist[0].pos).add([0,-16*(i++)])); } if (this.sel_comp) { if ('gizmo' in this.sel_comp) this.sel_comp.gizmo(); } } editor.edit_level.objects.forEach(function(obj) { if (!obj.selectable) GUI.image("icons/icons8-lock-16.png", world2screen(obj.pos)); }); Debug.draw_grid(1, editor_config.grid_size/editor.camera.zoom, editor_config.grid_color); var startgrid = screen2world([-20,Window.height]).map(function(x) { return Math.snap(x, editor_config.grid_size); }, this); var endgrid = screen2world([Window.width, 0]); while(startgrid[0] <= endgrid[0]) { GUI.text(startgrid[0], [world2screen([startgrid[0], 0])[0],0]); startgrid[0] += editor_config.grid_size; } while(startgrid[1] <= endgrid[1]) { GUI.text(startgrid[1], [0, world2screen([0, startgrid[1]])[1]]); startgrid[1] += editor_config.grid_size; } Debug.point(world2screen(this.selected_com), 3); this.selected_com = find_com(this.selectlist); /* Draw selection box */ if (this.sel_start) { var endpos = screen2world(Mouse.pos); var c = []; c[0] = (endpos[0] - this.sel_start[0]) / 2; c[0] += this.sel_start[0]; c[1] = (endpos[1] - this.sel_start[1]) / 2; c[1] += this.sel_start[1]; var wh = []; wh[0] = Math.abs(endpos[0] - this.sel_start[0]); wh[1] = Math.abs(endpos[1] - this.sel_start[1]); wh[0] /= editor.camera.zoom; wh[1] /= editor.camera.zoom; var bb = cwh2bb(world2screen(c),wh); Debug.boundingbox(bb, [255,255,255,10]); Debug.line(bb2points(bb).wrapped(1), Color.white); } if (this.curpanel && this.curpanel.on) this.curpanel.gui(); this.curpanels.forEach(function(x) { if (x.on) x.gui(); }); if (this.repl) { Nuke.window("repl"); Nuke.newrow(500); var log = cmd(84); var f = log.prev('\n', 0, 10); Nuke.scrolltext(log.slice(f)); this.replstr = Nuke.textbox(this.replstr); Nuke.end(); } }, replstr: "", ed_debug() { if (!Debug.phys_drawing) this.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { Debug.draw_obj_phys(x); }); }, viewasset(path) { Log.info(path); var fn = function(x) { return path.endsWith(x); }; if (images.any(fn)) { var newtex = copy(texgui, { path: path }); this.addpanel(newtex); } else if (sounds.any(fn)) Log.info("selected a sound"); }, killring: [], killcom: [], paste() { this.selectlist = this.dup_objects(this.killring); var setpos = this.cursor ? this.cursor : Mouse.worldpos; this.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { x.pos = x.pos.sub(this.killcom).add(setpos); },this); }, lvl_history: [], load(file) { // if (this.edit_level) this.lvl_history.push(this.edit_level.ur); // this.edit_level.kill(); // this.edit_level = Level.loadfile(file); // this.curlvl = this.edit_level.save(); // Primum.spawn(prototypes.get_ur(file)); editor.edit_level.spawn(prototypes.get_ur(file)); this.unselect(); }, load_prev() { if (this.lvl_history.length === 0) return; var file = this.lvl_history.pop(); this.edit_level = Level.loadfile(file); this.unselect(); }, addlevel(file, pos) { Log.info("adding file " + file + " at pos " + pos); var newlvl = this.edit_level.addfile(file); newlvl.pos = pos; editor.selectlist = []; editor.selectlist.push(newlvl); return; }, load_json(json) { this.edit_level.load(json); this.curlvl = this.edit_level.save(); this.unselect(); }, groupsaveas(group, file) { if (!file) return; file = file+".lvl"; if (IO.exists(file)) { this.openpanel(gen_notify("Level already exists with that name. Overwrite?", dosave.bind(this,file))); return; } else dosave(file); function dosave(file) { var com = find_com(group); Level.saveas(group, file); editor.addlevel(file, com); group.forEach(function(x) { x.kill(); }); } }, saveas_check(file) { if (!file) return; if (!file.endsWith(".lvl")) file = file + ".lvl"; if (IO.exists(file)) { notifypanel.action = editor.saveas; this.openpanel(gen_notify("Level already exists with that name. Overwrite?", this.saveas.bind(this, file))); } else this.saveas(file); }, saveas(file) { if (!file) return; Log.info("made it"); this.edit_level.file = file; this.save_current(); }, repl: false, } editor.inputs = {}; editor.inputs['C-a'] = function() { if (!editor.selectlist.empty) { editor.unselect(); return; } editor.unselect(); editor.selectlist = editor.edit_level.objects.slice(); Log.warn("C-a pressed."); }; editor.inputs['C-a'].doc = "Select all objects."; editor.inputs['`'] = function() { editor.repl = !editor.repl; }; editor.inputs['`'].doc = "Open or close the repl."; /* Return if selected component. */ editor.inputs['h'] = function() { var visible = true; editor.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { if (x.visible) visible = false; }); editor.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { x.visible = visible; }); }; editor.inputs['h'].doc = "Toggle object hidden."; editor.inputs['C-h'] = function() { Game.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.visible = true; }); }; editor.inputs['C-h'].doc = "Unhide all objects."; editor.inputs['C-e'] = function() { editor.openpanel(assetexplorer); }; editor.inputs['C-e'].doc = "Open asset explorer."; editor.inputs['C-l'] = function() { editor.openpanel(entitylistpanel, true); }; editor.inputs['C-l'].doc = "Open list of spawned entities."; editor.inputs['C-i'] = function() { if (editor.selectlist.length !== 1) return; objectexplorer.obj = editor.selectlist[0]; objectexplorer.on_close = editor.save_prototypes; editor.openpanel(objectexplorer); }; editor.inputs['C-i'].doc = "Open the object explorer for a selected object."; editor.inputs['C-d'] = function() { if (editor.selectlist.length === 0) return; var duped = editor.dup_objects(editor.selectlist); editor.unselect(); editor.selectlist = duped; }; editor.inputs['C-d'].doc = "Duplicate all selected objects."; editor.inputs['C-m'] = function() { if (editor.sel_comp) { if (editor.sel_comp.flipy) editor.sel_comp.flipy = !editor.sel_comp.flipy; return; } editor.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { x.flipy = !x.flipy; }); }; editor.inputs['C-m'].doc = "Mirror selected objects on the Y axis."; editor.inputs.m = function() { if (editor.sel_comp) { if (editor.sel_comp.flipx) editor.sel_comp.flipx = !editor.sel_comp.flipx; return; } editor.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { x.flipx = !x.flipx; }); }; editor.inputs.m.doc = "Mirror selected objects on the X axis."; editor.inputs.q = function() { editor.comp_info = !editor.comp_info; }; editor.inputs.q.doc = "Toggle help for the selected component."; editor.inputs.f = function() { if (editor.selectlist.length === 0) return; var bb = editor.selectlist[0].boundingbox; editor.selectlist.forEach(function(obj) { bb = bb_expand(bb, obj.boundingbox); }); editor.zoom_to_bb(bb); }; editor.inputs.f.doc = "Find the selected objects."; editor.inputs['C-f'] = function() { if (editor.selectlist.length !== 1) return; if (!editor.selectlist[0].file) return; editor.edit_level = editor.selectlist[0]; editor.unselect(); editor.reset_undos(); editor.curlvl = editor.edit_level.save(); }; editor.inputs['C-f'].doc = "Tunnel into the selected level object to edit it."; editor.inputs['C-S-f'] = function() { if (!editor.edit_level.level) return; editor.edit_level = editor.edit_level.level; editor.unselect(); editor.reset_undos(); editor.curlvl = editor.edit_level.save(); editor.edit_level.filejson = editor.edit_level.save(); editor.edit_level.check_dirty(); }; editor.inputs['C-S-f'].doc = "Tunnel out of the level you are editing, saving it in the process."; editor.inputs['C-r'] = function() { editor.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { x.angle = -x.angle; }); }; editor.inputs['C-r'].doc = "Negate the selected's angle."; editor.inputs.r = function() { editor.startrots = []; if (editor.sel_comp && 'angle' in editor.sel_comp) { var relpos = screen2world(Mouse.pos).sub(editor.sel_comp.gameobject.pos); editor.startoffset = Math.atan2(relpos.y, relpos.x); editor.startrot = editor.sel_comp.angle; return; } var offf = editor.cursor ? editor.cursor : editor.selected_com; var relpos = screen2world(Mouse.pos).sub(offf); editor.startoffset = Math.atan2(relpos[1], relpos[0]); editor.selectlist.forEach(function(x, i) { editor.startrots[i] = x.angle; editor.startpos[i] = x.pos; editor.startoffs[i] = x.pos.sub(offf); }, editor); }; editor.inputs.r.doc = "Rotate selected using the mouse while held down."; editor.inputs.r.down = function() { if (this.sel_comp && 'angle' in this.sel_comp) { if (!('angle' in this.sel_comp)) return; var relpos = screen2world(Mouse.pos).sub(this.sel_comp.gameobject.pos); var anglediff = Math.rad2deg(Math.atan2(relpos.y, relpos.x)) - this.startoffset; this.sel_comp.angle = this.startrot + anglediff; return; } if (this.startrots.empty) return; var offf = this.cursor ? this.cursor : this.selected_com; var relpos = screen2world(Mouse.pos).sub(offf); var anglediff = Math.rad2deg(Math.atan2(relpos[1], relpos[0]) - this.startoffset); if (this.cursor) { this.selectlist.forEach(function(x, i) { x.angle = this.startrots[i] + anglediff; x.pos = offf.add(this.startoffs[i].rotate(Math.deg2rad(anglediff))); }, this); } else { this.selectlist.forEach(function(x,i) { x.angle = this.startrots[i]+anglediff; }, this); } }; editor.inputs['C-p'] = function() { if (!Game.playing()) { editor.start_play_ed(); // if (!Level.loadlevel("debug")) World.loadlevel("game"); } else { Game.pause(); } }; editor.inputs['C-p'].doc = "Start game from 'debug' if it exists; otherwise, from 'game'."; editor.inputs['M-p'] = function() { if (Game.playing()) Game.pause(); Game.step(); } editor.inputs['M-p'].doc = "Do one time step, pausing if necessary."; editor.inputs['C-M-p'] = function() { Log.warn(`Starting edited level ...`); }; editor.inputs['C-M-p'].doc = "Start game from currently edited level."; editor.inputs['C-q'] = function() { }; editor.inputs['C-q'].doc = "Quit simulation and return to editor."; var rebinder = {}; rebinder.inputs = {}; rebinder.inputs.any = function(cmd) { }; editor.inputs['C-space'] = function() { }; editor.inputs['C-space'].doc = "Search to execute a specific command."; editor.inputs['M-m'] = function() { // Player.players[0].control(rebinder); }; editor.inputs['M-m'].doc = "Rebind a shortcut. Usage: M-m SHORTCUT TARGET"; editor.inputs['M-S-8'] = function() { editor.camera_recall_pop(); }; editor.inputs['M-S-8'].doc = "Jump to last location."; editor.inputs.escape = function() { editor.openpanel(quitpanel); } editor.inputs.escape.doc = "Quit editor."; editor.inputs['C-s'] = function() { if (editor.edit_level.level) { if (!editor.edit_level.unique) editor.save_current(); editor.selectlist = []; editor.selectlist.push(editor.edit_level); editor.edit_level = editor.edit_level.level; return; } editor.save_current(); }; editor.inputs['C-s'].doc = "Save selected."; editor.inputs['C-S-s'] = function() { editor.openpanel(saveaspanel); }; editor.inputs['C-S-s'].doc = "Save selected as."; editor.inputs['C-z'] = function() { editor.undo(); }; editor.inputs['C-z'].doc = "Undo the last change made."; editor.inputs['C-S-z'] = function() { editor.redo(); }; editor.inputs['C-S-z'].doc = "Redo the last undo."; editor.inputs.t = function() { editor.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { x.selectable = false; }); }; editor.inputs.t.doc = "Lock selected objects to make them non selectable."; editor.inputs['M-t'] = function() { editor.edit_level.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.selectable = true; }); }; editor.inputs['M-t'].doc = "Unlock all objects in current level."; editor.inputs['C-n'] = function() { if (editor.edit_level.dirty) { Log.info("Level has changed; save before starting a new one."); editor.openpanel(gen_notify("Level is changed. Are you sure you want to close it?", _ => editor.clear_level())); return; } editor.clear_level(); }; editor.inputs['C-n'].doc = "Open a new level."; editor.inputs['C-o'] = function() { if (editor.check_level_nested()) { Log.warn("Nested level ..."); return; } if (editor.edit_level.dirty) { editor.openpanel(gen_notify("Level is changed. Are you sure you want to close it?", function() { editor.clear_level(); editor.openpanel(openlevelpanel); }.bind(editor))); return; } editor.openpanel(openlevelpanel); }; editor.inputs['C-o'].doc = "Open a level."; editor.inputs['M-o'] = function() { editor.openpanel(addlevelpanel); }; editor.inputs['M-o'].doc = "Select a level to add to the current level."; editor.inputs['C-M-o'] = function() { if (editor.selectlist.length === 1 && editor.selectlist[0].file) { if (editor.edit_level.dirty) return; editor.load(editor.selectlist[0].file); } }; editor.inputs['C-M-o'].doc = "Revert opened level back to its disk form."; editor.inputs['C-S-o'] = function() { if (!editor.edit_level.dirty) editor.load_prev(); }; editor.inputs['C-S-o'].doc = "Open previous level."; editor.inputs['C-y'] = function() { texteditor.on_close = function() { editor.edit_level.script = texteditor.value;}; editor.openpanel(texteditor); if (!editor.edit_level.script) editor.edit_level.script = ""; texteditor.value = editor.edit_level.script; texteditor.start(); }; editor.inputs['C-y'].doc = "Open script editor for the level."; editor.inputs['M-y'] = function() { editor.programmode = !editor.programmode; }; editor.inputs['M-y'].doc = "Toggle program mode."; editor.inputs.minus = function() { if (!editor.selectlist.empty) { editor.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { x.draw_layer--; }); return; } if (editor.working_layer > -1) editor.working_layer--; }; editor.inputs.minus.doc = "Go down one working layer, or, move selected objects down one layer."; editor.inputs.plus = function() { if (!editor.selectlist.empty) { editor.selectlist.forEach(x => x.draw_layer++); return; } if (editor.working_layer < 4) editor.working_layer++; }; editor.inputs.plus.doc = "Go up one working layer, or, move selected objects down one layer."; editor.inputs['C-f1'] = function() { editor.edit_mode = "basic"; }; editor.inputs['C-f1'].doc = "Enter basic edit mode."; editor.inputs['C-f2'] = function() { editor.edit_mode = "brush"; }; editor.inputs['C-f2'].doc = "Enter brush mode."; editor.inputs.f2 = function() { objectexplorer.on_close = save_configs; objectexplorer.obj = configs; this.openpanel(objectexplorer); }; editor.inputs.f2.doc = "Open configurations object."; editor.inputs['C-j'] = function() { var varmakes = this.selectlist.filter(function(x) { return !x.hasOwn('varname'); }); varmakes.forEach(function(x) { var allvnames = []; this.edit_level.objects.forEach(function(x) { if (x.varname) allvnames.push(x.varname); }); var vname = x.from.replace(/ /g, '_').replace(/_object/g, '').replace(/\..*$/g, ''); var tnum = 1; var testname = vname + "_" + tnum; while (allvnames.includes(testname)) { tnum++; testname = vname + "_" + tnum; } x.varname = testname; },this); }; editor.inputs['C-j'].doc = "Give selected objects a variable name."; editor.inputs['M-j'] = function() { var varmakes = this.selectlist.filter(function(x) { return x.hasOwn('varname'); }); varmakes.forEach(function(x) { delete x.varname; }); }; editor.inputs['M-j'].doc = "Remove variable names from selected objects."; editor.inputs.lm = function() { editor.sel_start = screen2world(Mouse.pos); }; editor.inputs.lm.doc = "Selection box."; editor.inputs.lm.released = function() { Mouse.normal(); if (!editor.sel_start) return; if (editor.sel_comp) { editor.sel_start = undefined; return; } var selects = []; /* TODO: selects somehow gets undefined objects in here */ if (screen2world(Mouse.pos).equal(editor.sel_start)) { var sel = editor.try_select(); if (sel) selects.push(sel); } else { var box = editor.points2cwh(editor.sel_start, screen2world(Mouse.pos)); box.pos = box.c; var hits = physics.box_query(box); hits.forEach(function(x, i) { var obj = editor.do_select(x); if (obj) selects.push(obj); },editor); var levels = editor.edit_level.objects.filter(function(x) { return x.file; }); var lvlpos = []; levels.forEach(function(x) { lvlpos.push(x.pos); }); var lvlhits = physics.box_point_query(box, lvlpos); lvlhits.forEach(function(x) { selects.push(levels[x]); }); } this.sel_start = undefined; selects = selects.flat(); selects = selects.unique(); if (selects.empty) return; if (Keys.shift()) { selects.forEach(function(x) { this.selectlist.push_unique(x); }, this); return; } if (Keys.ctrl()) { selects.forEach(function(x) { this.selectlist.remove(x); }, this); return; } editor.selectlist = []; selects.forEach(function(x) { if (x !== undefined) this.selectlist.push(x); }, this); }; editor.inputs.rm = function() { if (Keys.shift()) { editor.cursor = undefined; return; } if (editor.brush_obj) editor.brush_obj = undefined; if (editor.sel_comp) { editor.sel_comp = undefined; return; } editor.unselect(); }; editor.inputs.mm = function() { if (editor.brush_obj) { editor.selectlist = editor.dup_objects([editor.brush_obj]); editor.selectlist[0].pos = screen2world(Mouse.pos); editor.grabselect = editor.selectlist[0]; return; } if (editor.sel_comp && 'pick' in editor.sel_comp) { editor.grabselect = editor.sel_comp.pick(screen2world(Mouse.pos)); if (!editor.grabselect) return; editor.moveoffset = editor.sel_comp.gameobject.editor2world(editor.grabselect).sub(screen2world(Mouse.pos)); return; } var grabobj = editor.try_select(); /* if (Array.isArray(grabobj)) { editor.selectlist = grabobj; return; } */ editor.grabselect = undefined; if (!grabobj) return; if (Keys.ctrl()) { grabobj = editor.dup_objects([grabobj])[0]; } editor.grabselect = grabobj; if (!editor.selectlist.includes(grabobj)) { editor.selectlist = []; editor.selectlist.push(grabobj); } editor.moveoffset = editor.grabselect.pos.sub(screen2world(Mouse.pos)); }; editor.inputs['C-mm'] = editor.inputs.mm; editor.inputs['C-M-mm'] = function() { editor.mousejoy = Mouse.pos; editor.joystart = editor.camera.pos; }; editor.inputs['C-M-rm'] = function() { editor.mousejoy = Mouse.pos; editor.z_start = editor.camera.zoom; Mouse.disabled(); }; editor.inputs['C-S-mm'] = function() { editor.cursor = find_com(editor.selectlist); }; editor.inputs.rm.released = function() { editor.mousejoy = undefined; editor.z_start = undefined; Mouse.normal(); }; editor.inputs['S-mm'] = function() { this.cursor = Mouse.worldpos; }; editor.inputs.mm.released = function () { Mouse.normal(); this.grabselect = undefined; editor.mousejoy = undefined; editor.joystart = undefined; }; editor.inputs.mouse = {}; editor.inputs.mouse.move = function(pos, dpos) { if (editor.mousejoy) { if (editor.z_start) editor.camera.zoom += dpos.y/500; else if (editor.joystart) editor.camera.pos = editor.camera.pos.add(dpos.scale(editor.camera.zoom).mapc(mult,[-1,1])); } if (this.grabselect) { if ('pos' in this.grabselect) this.grabselect.pos = this.moveoffset.add(screen2world(Mouse.pos)); else this.grabselect.set(this.selectlist[0].world2this(this.moveoffset.add(screen2world(Mouse.pos)))); } } editor.inputs['C-M-S-lm'] = function() { editor.selectlist[0].set_center(screen2world(Mouse.pos)); }; editor.inputs['C-M-S-lm'].doc = "Set world center to mouse position."; editor.inputs.delete = function() { this.selectlist.forEach(x => x.kill()); this.unselect(); }; editor.inputs.delete.doc = "Delete selected objects."; editor.inputs['C-u'] = function() { this.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { x.revert(); }); }; editor.inputs['C-u'].doc = "Revert selected objects back to their prefab form."; editor.inputs['M-u'] = function() { this.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { x.unique = true; }); }; editor.inputs['M-u'].doc = "Make selected objects unique."; editor.inputs['C-S-g'] = function() { editor.openpanel(groupsaveaspanel); }; editor.inputs['C-S-g'].doc = "Save selected objects as a new level."; editor.inputs.g = function() { if (this.sel_comp) { if ('pos' in this.sel_comp) this.moveoffset = this.sel_comp.pos.sub(screen2world(Mouse.pos)); return; } editor.selectlist.forEach(function(x,i) { editor.moveoffsets[i] = x.pos.sub(screen2world(Mouse.pos)); } ); }; editor.inputs.g.doc = "Move selected objects."; editor.inputs.g.released = function() { editor.moveoffsets = []; }; editor.inputs.g.down = function() { if (this.sel_comp) { this.sel_comp.pos = this.moveoffset.add(screen2world(Mouse.pos)); return; } if (this.moveoffsets.length === 0) return; this.selectlist.forEach(function(x,i) { x.pos = this.moveoffsets[i].add(screen2world(Mouse.pos)); }, this); }; editor.inputs.up = function() { this.key_move([0,1]); }; editor.inputs.up.rep = true; editor.inputs.left = function() { this.key_move([-1,0]); }; editor.inputs.left.rep = true; editor.inputs.right = function() { this.key_move([1,0]); }; editor.inputs.right.rep = true; editor.inputs.down = function() { this.key_move([0,-1]); }; editor.inputs.down.rep = true; editor.inputs.tab = function() { if (!this.selectlist.length === 1) return; if (!this.selectlist[0].components) return; var sel = this.selectlist[0].components; if (!this.sel_comp) this.sel_comp = sel.nth(0); else { var idx = sel.findIndex(this.sel_comp) + 1; if (idx >= Object.keys(sel).length) this.sel_comp = undefined; else this.sel_comp = sel.nth(idx); } }; editor.inputs.tab.doc = "Cycle through selected object's components."; editor.inputs['C-g'] = function() { if (!this.selectlist) return; this.selectlist = this.dup_objects(this.selectlist); editor.inputs.g(); }; editor.inputs['C-g'].doc = "Duplicate selected objects, then move them."; editor.inputs['C-lb'] = function() { editor_config.grid_size -= Keys.shift() ? 10 : 1; if (editor_config.grid_size <= 0) editor_config.grid_size = 1; }; editor.inputs['C-lb'].doc = "Decrease grid size. Hold shift to decrease it more."; editor.inputs['C-lb'].rep = true; editor.inputs['C-rb'] = function() { editor_config.grid_size += Keys.shift() ? 10 : 1; }; editor.inputs['C-rb'].doc = "Increase grid size. Hold shift to increase it more."; editor.inputs['C-rb'].rep = true; editor.inputs['C-c'] = function() { this.killring = []; this.killcom = []; this.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { this.killring.push(x); },this); this.killcom = find_com(this.killring); }; editor.inputs['C-c'].doc = "Copy selected objects to killring."; editor.inputs['C-x'] = function() { editor.inputs['C-c'](); this.killring.forEach(function(x) { x.kill(); }); }; editor.inputs['C-x'].doc = "Cut objects to killring."; editor.inputs['C-v'] = function() { editor.paste(); }; editor.inputs['C-v'].doc = "Pull objects from killring to world."; editor.inputs['M-g'] = function() { if (this.cursor) return; var com = find_com(this.selectlist); this.selectlist.forEach(function(x) { x.pos = x.pos.sub(com).add(this.cursor); },this); }; editor.inputs['M-g'].doc = "Set cursor to the center of selected objects."; var brushmode = {}; brushmode.inputs = {}; brushmode.inputs.lm = function() { editor.paste(); }; brushmode.inputs.lm.doc = "Paste selected brush."; brushmode.inputs.b = function() { if (editor.brush_obj) { editor.brush_obj = undefined; return; } if (editor.selectlist.length !== 1) return; editor.brush_obj = editor.seliectlist[0]; editor.unselect(); }; brushmode.inputs.b.doc = "Clear brush, or set a new one."; var compmode = {}; compmode.inputs = {}; compmode.inputs['C-c'] = function() {}; /* Simply a blocker */ compmode.inputs['C-x'] = function() {}; editor.inputs.s = function() { var offf = editor.cursor ? editor.cursor : editor.selected_com; editor.scaleoffset = Vector.length(Mouse.worldpos.sub(offf)); if (editor.sel_comp) { if (!('scale' in editor.sel_comp)) return; editor.startscales = []; editor.startscales.push(editor.sel_comp.scale); return; } editor.selectlist.forEach(function(x, i) { editor.startscales[i] = x.scale; if (editor.cursor) editor.startoffs[i] = x.pos.sub(editor.cursor); }, editor); }; editor.inputs.s.doc = "Scale selected."; editor.inputs.s.down = function() { if (!this.scaleoffset) return; var offf = this.cursor ? this.cursor : this.selected_com; var dist = Vector.length(screen2world(Mouse.pos).sub(offf)); var scalediff = dist/this.scaleoffset; if (this.sel_comp) { if (!('scale' in this.sel_comp)) return; this.sel_comp.scale = this.startscales[0] * scalediff; return; } this.selectlist.forEach(function(x, i) { x.scale = this.startscales[i] * scalediff; if (this.cursor) x.pos = this.cursor.add(this.startoffs[i].scale(scalediff)); }, this); }; editor.inputs.s.released = function() { this.scaleoffset = undefined; }; var inputpanel = { title: "untitled", value: "", on: false, stolen: {}, gui() { Nuke.window(this.title); Nuke.newline(); this.guibody(); if (Nuke.button("close")) this.close(); Nuke.end(); return false; }, guibody() { this.value = Nuke.textbox(this.value); Nuke.newline(2); if (Nuke.button("submit")) { this.submit(); return true; } }, open(steal) { this.on = true; this.value = ""; if (steal) { this.stolen = steal; Player.players[0].uncontrol(this.stolen); Player.players[0].control(this); } this.start(); this.keycb(); }, start() {}, close() { Player.players[0].uncontrol(this); if (this.stolen) { Player.players[0].control(this.stolen); this.stolen = undefined; } this.on = false; if ('on_close' in this) this.on_close(); }, action() { }, closeonsubmit: true, submit() { if (!this.submit_check()) return; this.action(); if (this.closeonsubmit) this.close(); }, submit_check() { return true; }, input_enter_pressed() { this.submit(); }, input_text(char) { this.value += char; this.keycb(); }, keycb() {}, input_backspace_pressrep() { this.value = this.value.slice(0,-1); this.keycb(); }, input_escape_pressed() { this.close(); }, }; function proto_count_lvls(name) { if (!this.occs) this.occs = {}; if (name in this.occs) return this.occs[name]; var lvls = IO.extensions("lvl"); var occs = {}; var total = 0; lvls.forEach(function(lvl) { var json = JSON.parse(IO.slurp(lvl)); var count = 0; json.forEach(function(x) { if (x.from === name) count++; }); occs[lvl] = count; total += count; }); this.occs[name] = occs; this.occs[name].total = total; return this.occs[name]; } proto_count_lvls = proto_count_lvls.bind(proto_count_lvls); function proto_used(name) { var occs = proto_count_lvls(name); var used = false; occs.forEach(function(x) { if (x > 0) used = true; }); Log.info(used); } function proto_total_use(name) { return proto_count_lvls(name).total; } function proto_children(name) { var children = []; for (var key in gameobjects) if (gameobjects[key].from === name) children.push(gameobjects[key]); return children; } load("scripts/textedit.js"); var objectexplorer = copy(inputpanel, { title: "object explorer", obj: undefined, previous: [], start() { this.previous = []; Input.setnuke(); }, on_close() { Input.setgame(); }, input_enter_pressed() {}, goto_obj(obj) { if (obj === this.obj) return; this.previous.push(this.obj); this.obj = obj; }, input_lmouse_pressed() { Mouse.disabled(); }, input_lmouse_released() { Mouse.normal(); }, guibody() { Nuke.label("Examining " + this.obj); var n = 0; var curobj = this.obj; while (curobj) { n++; curobj = curobj.__proto__; } n--; Nuke.newline(n); curobj = this.obj.__proto__; while (curobj) { if (Nuke.button(curobj.toString())) this.goto_obj(curobj); curobj = curobj.__proto__; } Nuke.newline(2); if (this.previous.empty) Nuke.label(""); else { if (Nuke.button("prev: " + this.previous.last)) this.obj = this.previous.pop(); } Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.obj).forEach(key => { var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.obj, key); if (!descriptor) return; var hidden = !descriptor.enumerable; var writable = descriptor.writable; var configurable = descriptor.configurable; if (!descriptor.configurable) return; if (hidden) return; var name = (hidden ? "[hidden] " : "") + key; var val = this.obj[key]; var nuke_str = key + "_nuke"; if (nuke_str in this.obj) { this.obj[nuke_str](); if (key in this.obj.__proto__) { if (Nuke.button("delete " + key)) { if (("_" + key) in this.obj) delete this.obj["_"+key]; else delete this.obj[key]; } } } else switch (typeof val) { case 'object': if (val) { if (Array.isArray(val)) { this.obj[key] = Nuke.pprop(key,val); break; } Nuke.newline(2); Nuke.label(name); if (Nuke.button(val.toString())) this.goto_obj(val); } else { this.obj[key] = Nuke.pprop(key,val); } break; case 'function': Nuke.newline(2); Nuke.label(name); Nuke.label("function"); break; default: if (!hidden) {// && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.obj, key).writable) { if (key.startsWith('_')) key = key.slice(1); this.obj[key] = Nuke.pprop(key, this.obj[key]); if (key in this.obj.__proto__) { if (Nuke.button("delete " + key)) { if ("_"+key in this.obj) delete this.obj["_"+key]; else delete this.obj[key]; } } } else { Nuke.newline(2); Nuke.label(name); Nuke.label(val.toString()); } break; } }); Nuke.newline(); Nuke.label("Properties that can be pulled in ..."); Nuke.newline(3); var pullprops = []; for (var key in this.obj.__proto__) { if (key.startsWith('_')) key = key.slice(1); if (!this.obj.hasOwn(key)) { if (typeof this.obj[key] === 'object' || typeof this.obj[key] === 'function') continue; pullprops.push(key); } } pullprops = pullprops.sort(); pullprops.forEach(function(key) { if (Nuke.button(key)) this.obj[key] = this.obj[key]; }, this); Game.objects.forEach(function(x) { x.sync(); }); Nuke.newline(); }, }); var helppanel = copy(inputpanel, { title: "help", start() { this.helptext = slurp("editor.adoc"); }, guibody() { Nuke.label(this.helptext); }, }); var openlevelpanel = copy(inputpanel, { title: "open entity", action() { editor.load(this.value); }, assets: [], allassets: [], submit_check() { if (this.assets.length === 1) { this.value = this.assets[0]; return true; } else { return this.assets.includes(this.value); } }, start() { this.allassets = prototypes.list.sort(); this.assets = this.allassets.slice(); }, keycb() { this.assets = this.allassets.filter(x => x.search(this.value) !== -1); }, input_tab_pressed() { this.value = tab_complete(this.value, this.assets); }, guibody() { this.value = Nuke.textbox(this.value); this.assets.forEach(function(x) { if (Nuke.button(x)) { this.value = x; this.submit(); } }, this); Nuke.newline(2); if (Nuke.button("submit")) { this.submit(); } }, }); var addlevelpanel = copy(openlevelpanel, { title: "add level", action() { editor.addlevel(this.value, Mouse.worldpos); }, }); var saveaspanel = copy(inputpanel, { title: "save level as", action() { editor.saveas_check(this.value); }, }); var groupsaveaspanel = copy(inputpanel, { title: "group save as", action() { editor.groupsaveas(editor.selectlist, this.value); } }); var saveprototypeas = copy(inputpanel, { title: "save prototype as", action() { editor.save_proto_as(this.value); }, }); var savetypeas = copy(inputpanel, { title: "save type as", action() { editor.save_type_as(this.value); }, }); var quitpanel = copy(inputpanel, { title: "really quit?", action() { quit(); }, guibody () { Nuke.label("Really quit?"); Nuke.newline(2); if (Nuke.button("yes")) this.submit(); }, }); var notifypanel = copy(inputpanel, { title: "notification", msg: "Refusing to save. File already exists.", action() { this.close(); }, guibody() { Nuke.label(this.msg); Nuke.newline(2); if (Nuke.button("OK")) { if ('yes' in this) this.yes(); this.close(); } }, input_n_pressed() { this.close(); }, }); var gen_notify = function(val, fn) { var panel = Object.create(notifypanel); panel.msg = val; panel.yes = fn; panel.inputs = {}; panel.inputs.y = function() { panel.yes(); panel.close(); }; panel.inputs.y.doc = "Confirm yes."; panel.inputs.enter = function() { panel.close(); }; panel.inputs.enter.doc = "Close."; return panel; }; var scripts = ["js"]; var images = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]; var sounds = ["wav", "mp3"]; var allfiles = []; allfiles.push(scripts, images, sounds); allfiles = allfiles.flat(); var assetexplorer = copy(openlevelpanel, { title: "asset explorer", extensions: allfiles, closeonsubmit: false, allassets:[], action() { if (editor.sel_comp && 'asset' in editor.sel_comp) editor.sel_comp.asset = this.value; else editor.viewasset(this.value); }, }); function tab_complete(val, list) { var check = list.filter(function(x) { return x.startsWith(val); }, this); if (check.length === 1) { list = check; return check[0]; } var ret = undefined; var i = val.length; while (!ret && !check.empty) { var char = check[0][i]; if (!check.every(function(x) { return x[i] === char; })) ret = check[0].slice(0, i); else { i++; check = check.filter(function(x) { return x.length-1 > i; }); } } if (!ret) return val; list = check; return ret; } var texgui = clone(inputpanel, { get path() { return this._path; }, set path(x) { this._path = x; this.title = "texture " + x; }, guibody() { Nuke.label("texture"); Nuke.img(this.path); }, }); var entitylistpanel = copy(inputpanel, { title: "Level object list", level: {}, start() { this.level = editor.edit_level; }, guibody() { Nuke.newline(4); Nuke.label("Object"); Nuke.label("Visible"); Nuke.label("Selectable"); Nuke.label("Selected?"); this.level.objects.forEach(function(x) { if (Nuke.button(x.toString())) { editor.selectlist = []; editor.selectlist.push(x); } x.visible = Nuke.checkbox(x.visible); x.selectable = Nuke.checkbox(x.selectable); if (editor.selectlist.includes(x)) Nuke.label("T"); else Nuke.label("F"); }); }, }); var limited_editor = {}; limited_editor.inputs = {}; limited_editor.inputs['C-p'] = function() { if (Game.playing()) Game.pause(); else Game.play(); } limited_editor.inputs['M-p'] = function() { Game.pause(); Game.step(); } limited_editor.inputs['C-q'] = function() { Game.stop(); game.stop(); Sound.killall(); Player.players[0].uncontrol(limited_editor); Player.players[0].control(editor); Register.gui.register(editor.ed_gui, editor); Debug.register_call(editor.ed_debug, editor); // World.kill(); World.clear_all(); editor.load_json(editor.stash); Game.view_camera(editor.camera); } /* This is used for editing during a paused game */ var limited_editing = {}; limited_editing.inputs = {}; Player.players[0].control(editor); Register.gui.register(editor.ed_gui, editor); Debug.register_call(editor.ed_debug, editor); if (IO.exists("editor.config")) load_configs("editor.config"); /* This is the editor level & camera - NOT the currently edited level, but a level to hold editor things */ editor.edit_level = Primum.spawn(ur.arena); editor.edit_level.selectable = false; editor.camera = Game.camera; Game.stop();