#include "dsp.h" #include "sound.h" #include "limits.h" #include "math.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "iir.h" #include "log.h" #include "stb_ds.h" #define PI 3.14159265 struct dsp_filter *filters; struct dsp_filter make_dsp(void *data, void (*in)(void *data, short *out, int n)) { struct dsp_filter new; new.data = data; new.filter = in; return new; if (arrlen(filters) == 0) { } } void dsp_run(struct dsp_filter filter, short *out, int n) { filter.dirty = 1; // Always on for testing if (!filter.dirty) return; for (int i = 0; i < filter.inputs; i++) dsp_run(*(filter.in[i]), out, n); filter.filter(filter.data, out, n); } void dsp_filter_addin(struct dsp_filter filter, struct dsp_filter *in) { if (filter.inputs > 5) { YughError("Too many inputs in filter.", 0); } filter.in[filter.inputs++] = in; } void am_mod(struct dsp_ammod *mod, short *c, int n) { dsp_run(mod->ina, mod->abuf, n); dsp_run(mod->inb, mod->bbuf, n); for (int i = 0; i < n*CHANNELS; i++) c[i] = (mod->abuf[i]*mod->bbuf[i])>>15; } void fm_mod(float *in1, float *in2, float *out, int n) { } static struct wav make_wav(float freq, int sr, int ch) { struct wav new; new.ch = ch; new.samplerate = sr; new.frames = sr/freq; new.data = calloc(new.frames*new.ch, sizeof(short)); return new; } struct wav gen_sine(float amp, float freq, int sr, int ch) { struct wav new = make_wav(freq, sr, ch); if (amp > 1) amp = 1; if (amp < 0) amp = 0; short samp = amp*SHRT_MAX; short *data = (short*)new.data; for (int i = 0; i < new.frames; i++) { short val = samp * sin(2*PI*((float)i / new.frames)); for (int j = 0; j < new.ch; j++) { data[i*new.ch+j] = val; } } printf("Made sine with %i frames.\n", new.frames); return new; } struct wav gen_square(float amp, float freq, int sr, int ch) { struct wav new = make_wav(freq, sr, ch); int crossover = new.frames/2; if (amp > 1) amp = 1; if (amp < 0) amp = 0; short samp = amp * SHRT_MAX; short *data = (short*)new.data; for (int i = 0; i < new.frames; i++) { short val = -2 * floor(2 * i / new.frames) + 1; for (int j = 0; j < new.ch; j++) { data[i*new.frames+j] = val; } } return new; } struct wav gen_triangle(float amp, float freq, int sr, int ch) { struct wav new = make_wav(freq, sr, ch); if (amp > 1) amp = 1; if (amp < 0) amp = 0; short *data = (short*)new.data; for (int i = 0; i < new.frames; i++) { short val = 2 * abs( (i/new.frames) - floor( (i/new.frames) + 0.5)); for (int j = 0; j < new.ch; j++) { data[i+j] = val; } } return new; } struct wav gen_saw(float amp, float freq, int sr, int ch) { struct wav new = make_wav(freq, sr, ch); if (amp > 1) amp = 1; if (amp < 0) amp = 0; short samp = amp*SHRT_MAX; short *data = (short*)new.data; for (int i = 0; i < new.frames; i++) { short val = samp * 2 * i/sr - samp; for (int j = 0; j < new.ch; j++) { data[i+j] = val; } } return new; } struct dsp_filter dsp_filter(void *data, void (*filter)(void *data, short *out, int samples)) { struct dsp_filter new; new.data = data; new.filter = filter; return new; } void dsp_rectify(short *in, short *out, int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) out[i] = abs(in[i]); } struct phasor phasor_make(unsigned int sr, float freq) { struct phasor new; new.sr = sr; new.cur = 0.f; new.freq = freq; new.cstep = 0; new.clen = new.sr / new.freq; new.cache = malloc(new.clen * sizeof(float)); for (int i = 0; i < new.clen; i++) { new.cache[i] = (float)i / new.clen; } return new; } float phasor_step(struct phasor *p) { p->cur += p->freq/p->sr; if (p->cur >= 1.f) p->cur = 0.f; return p->cur; } float sin_phasor(float p) { return sin(2*PI*p); } float square_phasor(float p) { return lround(p); } float saw_phasor(float p) { return 2*p-1; } float tri_phasor(float p) { return 4*(p * 0.5f ? p : (1-p)) - 1; } void osc_fillbuf(struct osc *osc, short *buf, int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { short val = SHRT_MAX * osc->f(phasor_step(&osc->p)); buf[i*CHANNELS] = buf[i*CHANNELS+1] = val; } } void gen_whitenoise(void *data, short *out, int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < CHANNELS; j++) { out[i*CHANNELS+j] = (rand()>>15) - USHRT_MAX; } } } void gen_pinknoise(void *data, short *out, int n) { gen_whitenoise(NULL, out, n); double b[2][7] = {0}; double ccof[6] = {0.99886, 0.99332, 0.96900, 0.8550, 0.55000, -0.76160}; double dcof[6] = {0.0555179, 0.0750759, 0.1538520, 0.3104856, 0.5329522, 0.0168960}; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < CHANNELS; j++) { double pink; double white = (double)out[i*CHANNELS+j]/SHRT_MAX; for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { b[j][k] = ccof[k]*b[j][k] + white * dcof[k]; pink += b[j][k]; } pink += b[j][5] + white*0.5362; b[j][5] = white*0.115926; out[i*CHANNELS+j] = pink * SHRT_MAX; } } /* * The above is a loopified version of this * https://www.firstpr.com.au/dsp/pink-noise/ b0 = 0.99886 * b0 + white * 0.0555179; b1 = 0.99332 * b1 + white * 0.0750759; b2 = 0.96900 * b2 + white * 0.1538520; b3 = 0.86650 * b3 + white * 0.3104856; b4 = 0.55000 * b4 + white * 0.5329522; b5 = -0.7616 * b5 - white * 0.0168980; pink = b0 + b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + b5 + b6 + white * 0.5362; b6 = white * 0.115926; */ } short iir_filter(struct dsp_iir *miir, short val) { struct dsp_iir iir = *miir; float a = 0.f; iir.dx[0] = (float)val/SHRT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < iir.n; i++) a += iir.ccof[i] * iir.dx[i]; for (int i = iir.n-1; i > 0; i--) iir.dx[i] = iir.dx[i-1]; for (int i =0; i < iir.n; i++) a -= iir.dcof[i] * iir.dy[i]; iir.dy[0] = a; for (int i = iir.n-1; i > 0; i--) iir.dy[i] = iir.dy[i-1]; return a * SHRT_MAX; } void dsp_iir_fillbuf(struct dsp_iir *iir, short *out, int n) { dsp_run(iir->in, out, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { short v = iir_filter(iir, out[i*CHANNELS]); for (int j = 0; j < CHANNELS; j++) { out[i*CHANNELS+j] = v; } } } struct dsp_filter lpf_make(int poles, float freq) { struct dsp_iir *new = malloc(sizeof(*new)); (*new) = make_iir(3, 1); double fcf = new->freq*2/SAMPLERATE; double sf = sf_bwlp(poles, fcf); printf("Making LPF filter, fcf: %f, coeffs: %i, scale %1.15lf\n", fcf, new->n, sf); int *ccof = ccof_bwlp(new->n); new->dcof = dcof_bwlp(new->n, fcf); for (int i = 0; i < new->n; i++) new->ccof[i] = (float)ccof[i] * sf; new->dcof[0] = 0.f; free(ccof); YughInfo("LPF coefficients are:", 0); for (int i = 0; i < new->n; i++) YughInfo("%f, %f", new->ccof[i], new->dcof[i]); struct dsp_filter lpf; lpf.data = new; lpf.filter = dsp_iir_fillbuf; return lpf; } struct dsp_filter hpf_make(int poles, float freq) { struct dsp_iir *new = malloc(sizeof(*new)); *new = make_iir(3, 1); double fcf = new->freq*2/SAMPLERATE; double sf = sf_bwhp(new->n, fcf); int *ccof = ccof_bwhp(new->n); new->dcof = dcof_bwhp(new->n, fcf); for (int i = 0; i < new->n; i++) new->ccof[i] = ccof[i] * sf; for (int i = 0; i < new->n; i++) YughInfo("%f, %f", new->ccof[i], new->dcof[i]); free(ccof); struct dsp_filter hpf; hpf.data = new; hpf.filter = dsp_iir_fillbuf; return hpf; } short fir_filter(struct dsp_fir *fir, short val) { float ret = 0.f; fir->dx[fir->head] = (float)val/SHRT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < fir->n; i++) { ret += fir->cof[i] * fir->dx[fir->head--]; if (fir->head < 0) fir->head = fir->n-1; } return ret * SHRT_MAX; } void dsp_fir_fillbuf(struct dsp_fir *fir, short *out, int n) { dsp_run(fir->in, out, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { short val = fir_filter(fir, out[i*CHANNELS]); // printf("%hd\n", val); for (int j = 0; j < CHANNELS; j++) out[i*CHANNELS + j] = val*5; } } struct dsp_filter lp_fir_make(float freq) { struct dsp_fir fir; fir.freq = freq; fir.n = 9; fir.head = 0; double fcf = freq * 2 / SAMPLERATE; fir.dx = calloc(sizeof(float), fir.n); fir.cof = fir_lp(fir.n, fcf); struct dsp_filter new; new.data = malloc(sizeof(fir)); *(struct dsp_fir*)(new.data) = fir; new.filter = dsp_fir_fillbuf; for (int i = 0; i < fir.n; i++) { printf("%f\n", fir.cof[i]); } return new; } struct dsp_delay dsp_delay_make(unsigned int ms_delay) { struct dsp_delay new; new.ms_delay = ms_delay; /* Circular buffer size is enough to have the delay */ unsigned int datasize = ms_delay * CHANNELS * (SAMPLERATE / 1000); new.buf = circbuf_init(sizeof(short), datasize); new.buf.write = datasize; printf("Buffer size is %u.\n", new.buf.len); return new; } void dsp_delay_filbuf(struct dsp_delay *delay, short *buf, int n) { static short cache[BUF_FRAMES*2]; dsp_run(delay->in, cache, n); for (int i = 0; i < n*CHANNELS; i++) { cbuf_push(&delay->buf, cache[i] / 2); buf[i] = cache[i] + cbuf_shift(&delay->buf); } } /* Get decay constant for a given pole */ /* Samples to decay 1 time constant is exp(-1/timeconstant) */ double tau2pole(double tau) { return exp(-1/(tau*SAMPLERATE)); } void dsp_adsr_fillbuf(struct dsp_adsr *adsr, short *out, int n) { short val; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (adsr->time > adsr->rls) { // Totally decayed adsr->out = 0.f; goto fin; } if (adsr->time > adsr->sus) { // Release phase adsr->out = adsr->rls_t * adsr->out; goto fin; } if (adsr->time > adsr->dec) { // Sustain phase adsr->out = adsr->sus_pwr; goto fin; } if (adsr->time > adsr->atk) { // Decay phase adsr->out = (1 - adsr->dec_t) * adsr->sus_pwr + adsr->dec_t * adsr->out; goto fin; } // Attack phase adsr->out = (1-adsr->atk_t) + adsr->atk_t * adsr->out; fin: val = SHRT_MAX * adsr->out; out[i*CHANNELS] = out[i*CHANNELS+1] = val; adsr->time += (double)(1000.f / SAMPLERATE); } } struct dsp_filter make_adsr(unsigned int atk, unsigned int dec, unsigned int sus, unsigned int rls) { struct dsp_adsr *adsr = calloc(sizeof(*adsr), 1); adsr->atk = atk; /* decay to 3 tau */ adsr->atk_t = tau2pole(atk / 3000.f); adsr->dec = dec + adsr->atk; adsr->dec_t = tau2pole(dec / 3000.f); adsr->sus = sus + adsr->dec; adsr->sus_pwr = 0.8f; adsr->rls = rls + adsr->sus; adsr->rls_t = tau2pole(rls / 3000.f); return make_dsp(adsr, dsp_adsr_fillbuf); } struct dsp_filter make_reverb() { } void dsp_reverb_fillbuf(struct dsp_reverb *r, short *out, int n) { } struct dsp_filter dsp_make_compressor() { struct dsp_filter filter; struct dsp_compressor new; new.ratio = 4000; new.atk = 50; new.rls = 250; new.target = 0.f; new.threshold = -3.f; new.atk_tau = tau2pole(new.atk / 3000.f); new.rls_tau = tau2pole(new.rls / 3000.f); struct dsp_compressor *c = malloc(sizeof(*c)); *c = new; filter.data = c; filter.filter = dsp_compressor_fillbuf; return filter; } void dsp_compressor_fillbuf(struct dsp_compressor *comp, short *out, int n) { float val; float db; db = comp->target * (val - comp->threshold) / comp->ratio; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { val = short2db(out[i*CHANNELS]); if (val < comp->threshold) { comp->target = comp->rls_tau * comp->target; val += db; } else { comp->target = (1 - comp->atk_tau) + comp->atk_tau * comp->target; // TODO: Bake in the 1 - atk_tau val -= db; } // Apply same compression to both channels out[i*CHANNELS] = out[i*CHANNELS+1] = db2short(val) * ( out[i*CHANNELS] > 0 ? 1 : -1); } } void dsp_pan(float *deg, short *out, int n) { if (*deg < -100) *deg = -100.f; else if (*deg > 100) *deg = 100.f; if (*deg == 0.f) return; float db1, db2; float pct = *deg / 100.f; if (*deg > 0) { db1 = pct2db(1 - pct); db2 = pct2db(pct); } else { db1 = pct2db(1 + pct); db2 = pct2db(-1*pct); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double pct = *deg / 100.f; short L = out[i*CHANNELS]; short R = out[i*CHANNELS +1]; if (*deg > 0) { out[i*CHANNELS] = short_gain(L, db1); out[i*CHANNELS+1] = (R + short_gain(L, db2)) / 2; continue; } out[i*CHANNELS+1] = short_gain(R, db1); out[i*CHANNELS] = short_gain(L, db1) + short_gain(R, db2); } } void dsp_mono(void *p, short *out, int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { short val = (out[i*CHANNELS] + out[i*CHANNELS+1]) / 2; for (int j = 0; j < CHANNELS; j++) out[i*CHANNELS+j] = val; } } void dsp_bitcrush(void *p, short *out, int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < CHANNELS; j++) out[i*CHANNELS+j] = (out[i*CHANNELS+j] | 0xFF); /* Mask out the lower 8 bits */ } }