#include "mix.h" #include "stddef.h" #include "time.h" #include "sound.h" #include "dsp.h" #include #include "log.h" #include static struct bus bus[256]; static int first = 0; /* First bus available */ //static struct bus *first_on = NULL; static int first_on = -1; /* First bus to fill buffer with */ short mastermix[BUF_FRAMES*CHANNELS]; static int initted = 0; static float master_volume = 1.f; void mix_master_vol(float v) { if (v < 0.f) v = 0.f; if (v > 100.f) v = 100.f; master_volume = v / 100.f; } void mixer_init() { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { bus[i].next = i+1; bus[i].on = 0; bus[i].id = i; } bus[255].next = -1; initted = 1; } struct bus *first_free_bus(struct dsp_filter in) { if (!initted) return; assert(initted); if (first == -1) return NULL; int ret = first; first = bus[ret].next; bus[ret].on = 1; bus[ret].in = in; if (first_on != -1) bus[first_on].prev = ret; bus[ret].next = first_on; bus[ret].prev = -1; first_on = ret; return &bus[ret]; } void bus_free(struct bus *b) { if (first_on == b->id) first_on = b->next; if (b->next != -1) bus[b->next].prev = b->prev; if (b->prev != -1) bus[b->prev].next = b->next; b->next = first; first = b->id; b->on = 0; } void bus_fill_buffers(short *master, int n) { int curbus = first_on; if (curbus == -1) return; memset(master, 0, BUF_FRAMES*CHANNELS*sizeof(short)); while (curbus != -1) { int nextbus = bus[curbus].next; /* Save this in case busses get changed during fill */ dsp_run(bus[curbus].in, bus[curbus].buf, BUF_FRAMES); for (int i = 0; i < BUF_FRAMES*CHANNELS; i++) master[i] += bus[curbus].buf[i] * master_volume; curbus = nextbus; } }