render.doc = { doc: "Functions for rendering modes.", normal: "Final render with all lighting.", wireframe: "Show only wireframes of models." }; render.device = { pc: [1920,1080], macbook_m2: [2560,1664, 13.6], ds_top: [400,240, 3.53], ds_bottom: [320,240, 3.02], playdate: [400,240,2.7], switch: [1280,720, 6.2], switch_lite: [1280,720,5.5], switch_oled: [1280,720,7], dsi: [256,192,3.268], ds: [256,192, 3], dsixl: [256,192,4.2], ipad_air_m2: [2360,1640, 11.97], iphone_se: [1334, 750, 4.7], iphone_12_pro: [2532,1170,6.06], iphone_15: [2556,1179,6.1], gba: [240,160,2.9], gameboy: [160,144,2.48], gbc: [160,144,2.28], steamdeck: [1280,800,7], vita: [960,544,5], psp: [480,272,4.3], imac_m3: [4480,2520,23.5], macbook_pro_m3: [3024,1964, 14.2], ps1: [320,240,5], ps2: [640,480], snes: [256,224], gamecube: [640,480], n64: [320,240], c64: [320,200], macintosh: [512,342,9], gamegear: [160,144,3.2], }; render.device.doc = `Device resolutions given as [x,y,inches diagonal].`; /* All draw in screen space */ render.point = function(pos,size,color) { color ??=;,size,size,color); }; var tmpline = render.line; render.line = function(points, color, thickness) { thickness ??= 1; color ??= Color.white; tmpline(points,color,thickness); }; render.cross = function(pos, size, color) { color ??=; var a = [ pos.add([0,size]), pos.add([0,-size]) ]; var b = [ pos.add([size,0]), pos.add([-size,0]) ]; render.line(a,color); render.line(b,color); }; render.arrow = function(start, end, color, wingspan, wingangle) { color ??=; wingspan ??= 4; wingangle ??=10; var dir = end.sub(start).normalized(); var wing1 = [ Vector.rotate(dir, wingangle).scale(wingspan).add(end), end ]; var wing2 = [ Vector.rotate(dir,-wingangle).scale(wingspan).add(end), end ]; render.line([start,end],color); render.line(wing1,color); render.line(wing2,color); }; render.coordinate = function(pos, size, color) { render.text(JSON.stringify(>Math.round(p))), pos, size, color); render.point(pos, 2, color); } render.boundingbox = function(bb, color) { color ??= Color.white; render.poly(bbox.topoints(bb), color); } render.rectangle = function(lowerleft, upperright, color) { var points = [lowerleft, lowerleft.add([upperright.x-lowerleft.x,0]), upperright, lowerleft.add([0,upperright.y-lowerleft.y])]; render.poly(points, color); }; = function(pos, wh, color) { color ??= Color.white; var lower = pos.sub(wh.scale(0.5)); var upper = pos.add(wh.scale(0.5)); render.rectangle(lower,upper,color); }; render.window = function(pos, wh, color) { var p = pos.slice(); p = p.add(wh.scale(0.5));,wh,color); }; render.text = function(str, pos, size, color, wrap, anchor, cursor) { size ??= 1; color ??= Color.white; wrap ??= -1; anchor ??= [0,1]; cursor ??= -1; var bb = render.text_size(str, size, wrap); var w = bb.r*2; var h = bb.t*2; //render.text draws with an anchor on top left corner var p = pos.slice(); p.x -= w * anchor.x; bb.r += (w*anchor.x); bb.l += (w*anchor.x); p.y += h * (1 - anchor.y); bb.t += h*(1-anchor.y); bb.b += h*(1-anchor.y); gui.text(str, p, size, color, wrap, cursor); return bb; }; render.image = function(tex, pos, rotation, color, dimensions) { color ??= Color.white; rotation ??= 0; dimensions ??= [tex.width, tex.height]; var scale = [dimensions.x/tex.width, dimensions.y/tex.height]; gui.img(tex,pos, scale, 0.0, false, [0.0,0.0], color); return bbox.fromcwh([0,0], [tex.width,tex.height]); } render.doc = "Draw shapes in screen space."; = "Draw a circle at pos, with a given radius and color."; render.cross.doc = "Draw a cross centered at pos, with arm length size."; render.arrow.doc = "Draw an arrow from start to end, with wings of length wingspan at angle wingangle."; render.poly.doc = "Draw a concave polygon from a set of points."; render.rectangle.doc = "Draw a rectangle, with its corners at lowerleft and upperright."; = "Draw a box centered at pos, with width and height in the tuple wh."; render.line.doc = "Draw a line from a set of points, and a given thickness."; return {render};