/* GUI functions take screen space coordinates */ gui.scissor_win = function() { gui.scissor(0,0,window.width,window.height); } var GUI = { text(str, pos, size, color, wrap, anchor, cursor) { size ??= 1; color ??= Color.white; wrap ??= -1; anchor ??= [0,1]; cursor ??= -1; var bb = cmd(118, str, size, wrap); var w = bb.r*2; var h = bb.t*2; //ui_text draws with an anchor on top left corner var p = pos.slice(); p.x -= w * anchor.x; bb.r += (w*anchor.x); bb.l += (w*anchor.x); p.y += h * (1 - anchor.y); bb.t += h*(1-anchor.y); bb.b += h*(1-anchor.y); ui_text(str, p, size, color, wrap, cursor); return bb; }, image(path,pos,color) { color ??= Color.black; var wh = cmd(64,path); gui_img(path,pos, [1.0,1.0], 0.0, false, [0.0,0.0], Color.white); return bbox.fromcwh([0,0], wh); }, newmg(img) { var def = { path: "", pos: [0,0], size:[0,0], frame: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1 }, angle: 0, anchor: [0,0], color: Color.white, } for (var i in def) img[i] ??= def[i]; gui_newmg }, input_lmouse_pressed() { if (GUI.selected) GUI.selected.action(); }, input_s_pressed() { if (GUI.selected?.down) { GUI.selected.selected = false; GUI.selected = GUI.selected.down; GUI.selected.selected = true; } }, input_w_pressed() { if (GUI.selected?.up) { GUI.selected.selected = false; GUI.selected = GUI.selected.up; GUI.selected.selected = true; } }, input_enter_pressed() { if (GUI.selected) { GUI.selected.action(); } } }; GUI.controls = {}; GUI.controls.toString = function() { return "GUI controls"; }; GUI.controls.update = function() { }; GUI.controls.set_mum = function(mum) { mum.selected = true; if (this.selected && this.selected !== mum) this.selected.selected = false; this.selected = mum; } GUI.controls.check_bb = function(mum) { if (bbox.pointin(mum.bb, Mouse.screenpos())) GUI.controls.set_mum(mum); } GUI.controls.inputs = {}; GUI.controls.inputs.fallthru = false; GUI.controls.inputs.mouse = {}; GUI.controls.inputs.mouse.move = function(pos,dpos) { } GUI.controls.inputs.mouse.scroll = function(scroll) { } GUI.controls.check_submit = function() { if (this.selected && this.selected.action) this.selected.action(this.selected); } var Mum = { padding:[0,0], /* Each element inset with this padding on all sides */ offset:[0,0], font: "fonts/c64.ttf", selectable: false, selected: false, font_size: 1, text_align: "left", /* left, center, right */ scale: 1, angle: 0, anchor: [0,1], hovered: {}, text_shadow: { pos: [0,0], color: Color.white, }, text_outline: 1, /* outline in pixels */ color: Color.white, margin: [0,0], /* Distance between elements for things like columns */ width: 0, height: 0, max_width: Infinity, max_height: Infinity, image_repeat: false, image_repeat_offset: [0,0], debug: false, /* set to true to draw debug boxes */ make(def) { var n = Object.create(this); Object.assign(n, def); return n; }, prestart() { this.hovered.__proto__ = this; }, start() {}, extend(def) { var n = Object.create(this); Object.assign(n, def); var fn = function(def) { var p = n.make(def); p.prestart(); p.start(); return p; }; fn._int = n; return fn; }, } Mum.text = Mum.extend({ draw(cursor, cnt) { cursor ??= [0,0]; cnt ??= Mum; if (this.hide) return; if (this.selectable) GUI.controls.check_bb(this); this.caret ??= -1; /* if (!this.bb) this.calc_bb(cursor); else this.update_bb(cursor); */ var params = this.selected ? this.hovered : this; this.width = Math.min(params.max_width, cnt.max_width); this.calc_bb(cursor); this.height = this.wh.y; var aa = [0,1].sub(params.anchor); var pos = cursor.add(params.wh.scale(aa)).add(params.offset); gui.font_set(params.font); ui_text(params.str, pos, params.font_size, params.color, this.width, params.caret); }, update_bb(cursor) { this.bb = bbox.move(this.bb, cursor.sub(this.wh.scale(this.anchor))); }, calc_bb(cursor) { var bb = cmd(118,this.str, this.font_size, this.width); this.wh = bbox.towh(bb); var pos = cursor.add(this.wh.scale([0,1].sub(this.anchor))).add(this.offset); this.bb = bbox.move(bb,pos.add([this.wh.x/2,0])); }, start() { this.calc_bb([0,0]); }, }); Mum.button = Mum.text._int.extend({ selectable: true, color: Color.blue, hovered:{ color: Color.red }, action() { console.warn("Button has no action."); }, }); Mum.window = Mum.extend({ start() { this.wh = [this.width, this.height]; this.bb = bbox.fromcwh([0,0], this.wh); }, draw(cursor, cnt) { cursor ??= [0,0]; cnt ??= Mum; var p = cursor.sub(this.wh.scale(this.anchor)).add(this.padding); GUI.window(p,this.wh, this.color); this.bb = bbox.blwh(p, this.wh); gui.flush(); gui.scissor(p.x,p.y,this.wh.x,this.wh.y); this.max_width = this.width; if (this.selectable) GUI.controls.check_bb(this); var pos = [this.bb.l, this.bb.t].add(this.padding); this.items.forEach(function(item) { if (item.hide) return; item.draw(pos.slice(),this); }, this); gui.flush(); gui.scissor_win(); }, }); Mum.image = Mum.extend({ start() { if (!this.path) { console.warn("Mum image needs a path."); this.draw = function(){}; return; } var tex_wh = cmd(64, this.path); this.wh = tex_wh.slice(); if (this.width !== 0) this.wh.x = this.width; if (this.height !== 0) this.wh.y = this.height; this.wh = wh.scale(this.scale); this.sendscale = [wh.x/tex_wh.x, wh.y/tex_wh.y]; }, draw(pos) { this.calc_bb(pos); gui_img(this.path, pos.sub(this.anchor.scale([this.width, this.height])), this.sendscale, this.angle, this.image_repeat, this.image_repeat_offset, this.color); }, calc_bb(pos) { this.bb = bbox.fromcwh(this.wh.scale([0.5,0.5]), wh); this.bb = bbox.move(this.bb, pos.sub(this.wh.scale(this.anchor))); } }); Mum.column = Mum.extend({ draw(cursor, cnt) { cursor ??= [0,0]; cnt ??= Mum; if (this.hide) return; cursor = cursor.add(this.offset); this.max_width = cnt.width; this.items.forEach(function(item) { if (item.hide) return; item.draw(cursor, this); cursor.y -= item.height; cursor.y -= this.padding.y; }, this); }, }); GUI.window = function(pos, wh, color) { var p = pos.slice(); p.x += wh.x/2; p.y += wh.y/2; render.box(p,wh,color); } Mum.debug_colors = { bounds: Color.red.slice(), margin: Color.blue.slice(), padding: Color.green.slice() }; Object.values(Mum.debug_colors).forEach(function(v) { v.a = 100; }); return { GUI, Mum };