var Gizmos = { pick_gameobject_points(worldpos, gameobject, points) { var idx = grab_from_points(worldpos,,gameobject), 25); if (idx === -1) return undefined; return points[idx]; }, }; var Shape = { circle(pos, radius, color) { cmd(115, pos, radius, color); }, }; var Debug = { draw_grid(width, span, color) { color = color ? color :; cmd(47, width, span, color); }, point(pos, size, color) { color = color ? color :;, size, color); // cmd(51, pos, size,color); }, arrow(start, end, color, capsize) { color = color ? color :; if (!capsize) capsize = 4; cmd(81, start, end, color, capsize); }, poly(points, color) { cmd_points(0,points,color); }, boundingbox(bb, color) { color ??= Color.white; cmd_points(0, bb2points(bb), color); }, box(pos, wh, color) { color ??= Color.white; cmd(53, pos, wh, color); }, numbered_point(pos, n) { Debug.point(world2screen(pos), 3); GUI.text(n, world2screen(pos).add([0,4]), 1); }, phys_drawing: false, draw_phys(on) { this.phys_drawing = on; cmd(4, this.phys_drawing); }, draw_obj_phys(obj) { cmd(82, obj.body); }, register_call(fn, obj) { Register.debug.register(fn,obj); }, line(points, color, type, thickness) { thickness ??= 1; if (!type) type = 0; if (!color) color = Color.white; switch (type) { case 0: cmd(83, points, color, thickness); } }, draw_bb: false, draw_gizmos: false, draw_names: false, draw() { if (this.draw_bb) Game.objects.forEach(function(x) { Debug.boundingbox(x.boundingbox(), Color.Debug.boundingbox.alpha(0.05)); }); if (Game.paused()) GUI.text("PAUSED", [0,0],1); if (this.draw_gizmos) Game.objects.forEach(function(x) { if (!x.icon) return; gui_img(x.icon, world2screen(x.pos)); }); if (this.draw_names) Game.objects.forEach(function(x) { GUI.text(x, world2screen(x.pos).add([0,32]), 1, Color.Debug.names); }); if (Debug.Options.gif.rec) { gui_text("REC", [0,40], 1); gui_text(Time.seconds_to_timecode(Time.time - Debug.Options.gif.start_time, Debug.Options.gif.fps), [0,30], 1); } GUI.text(Game.playing() ? "PLAYING" : Game.stepping() ? "STEP" : Game.paused() ? "PAUSED; EDITING" : "EDIT", [0, 0], 1); }, }; Debug.Options = { }; Debug.Options.Color = { set trigger(x) { cmd(17,x); }, set debug(x) { cmd(16, x); }, }; var Gizmos = { pick_gameobject_points(worldpos, gameobject, points) { var idx = grab_from_points(worldpos,,gameobject), 25); if (idx === -1) return null; return points[idx]; }, }; var Profile = { tick_now() { return cmd(127); }, ns(ticks) { return cmd(128, ticks); }, us(ticks) { return cmd(129, ticks); }, ms(ticks) { return cmd(130, ticks); }, cpu(fn, times, q) { times ??= 1; q ??= "ns"; var start = Profile.tick_now(); for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) fn(); var elapsed = Profile.tick_now() - start; Log.say(`Profiled in ${Profile[q](elapsed)/times} avg ${q}.`); }, get fps() { return sys_cmd(8); }, }; /* These controls are available during editing, and during play of debug builds */ var DebugControls = {}; DebugControls.toString = function() { return "Debug"; }; DebugControls.inputs = {}; DebugControls.inputs.f1 = function () { Debug.draw_phys(!Debug.phys_drawing); }; DebugControls.inputs.f1.doc = "Draw physics debugging aids."; //DebugControls.inputs.f3 = function() { Debug.draw_bb = !Debug.draw_bb; }; //DebugControls.inputs.f3.doc = "Toggle drawing bounding boxes."; DebugControls.inputs.f4 = function() { // Debug.draw_names = !Debug.draw_names; // Debug.draw_gizmos = !Debug.draw_gizmos; }; DebugControls.inputs.f4.doc = "Toggle drawing gizmos and names of objects."; Debug.Options.gif = { w: 640, /* Max width */ h: 480, /* Max height */ stretch: false, /* True if you want to stretch */ cpf: 4, depth: 16, file: "out.gif", rec: false, secs: 6, start_time: 0, fps: 0, start() { var w = this.w; var h = this.h; if (!this.stretch) { var win = Window.height / Window.width; var gif = h/w; if (gif > win) h = w * win; else w = h / win; } cmd(131, w, h, this.cpf, this.depth); this.rec = true; this.fps = (1/this.cpf)*100; this.start_time = Time.time; timer.oneshot(this.stop.bind(this), this.secs, this, true); }, stop() { if (!this.rec) return; cmd(132, this.file); this.rec = false; }, }; DebugControls.inputs.f8 = function() { var now = new Date(); Debug.Options.gif.file = now.toISOString() + ".gif"; Debug.Options.gif.start(); }; DebugControls.inputs.f9 = function() { Debug.Options.gif.stop(); } DebugControls.inputs.f10 = function() { Time.timescale = 0.1; }; DebugControls.inputs.f10.doc = "Toggle timescale to 1/10."; DebugControls.inputs.f10.released = function () { Time.timescale = 1.0; }; DebugControls.inputs.f12 = function() { GUI.defaults.debug = !GUI.defaults.debug; Log.warn("GUI toggle debug");}; DebugControls.inputs.f12.doc = "Toggle drawing GUI debugging aids."; DebugControls.inputs['M-1'] = Render.normal; Render.normal.doc = "Render mode for enabling all shaders and lighting effects."; DebugControls.inputs['M-2'] = Render.wireframe; Render.wireframe.doc = "Render mode to see wireframes of all models."; DebugControls.inputs['C-M-f'] = function() {}; DebugControls.inputs['C-M-f'].doc = "Enter camera fly mode."; var Time = { set timescale(x) { cmd(3, x); }, get timescale() { return cmd(121); }, set updateMS(x) { cmd(6, x); }, set physMS(x) { cmd(7, x); }, set renderMS(x) { cmd(5, x); }, get time() { return cmd(133); }, seconds_to_timecode(secs, fps) { var s = Math.trunc(secs); secs -= s; var f = Math.trunc(fps * secs); return `${s}:${f}`; }, pause() { Time.timescale = 0; }, play() { if (!Time.stash) { Log.warn("Tried to resume time without calling Time.pause first."); return; } Time.timescale = Time.stash; }, }; Player.players[0].control(DebugControls); Register.gui.register(Debug.draw, Debug); var console = {}; console.log = Log.say; =; console.warn = Log.warn; console.error = Log.error; console.stack = Log.stack; console.clear = function() { cmd(146); }