globalThis.mum = {}; var panel; var selected = undefined; mum.inputs = {}; mum.inputs.lm = function () { if (!selected) return; if (!selected.action) return; selected.action(); }; mum.base = { pos: null, // If set, puts the cursor to this position before drawing the element offset: [0, 0], // Move x,y to the right and down before drawing padding: [0, 0], // Pad inwards after drawing, to prepare for the next element font: "fonts/c64.ttf", selectable: false, selected: false, font_size: 16, scale: 1, angle: 0, inset: null, anchor: [0, 1], // where to draw the item from, relative to the cursor. [0,1] is from the top left corner. [1,0] is from the bottom right background_image: null, slice: null, // pass to slice an image as a 9 slice. see render.slice9 for its format hover: { color:, }, text_shadow: { pos: [0, 0], color: Color.white, }, border: 0, // Draw a border around the element. For text, an outline. overflow: "wrap", // how to deal with overflow from parent element wrap: -1, text_align: "left" /* left, center, right */, shader: null, // Use this shader, instead of the engine provided one color: Color.white, opacity: 1, width: 0, height: 0, max_width: Infinity, max_height: Infinity, image_repeat: false, image_repeat_offset: [0, 0], debug: false /* set to true to draw debug boxes */, hide: false, tooltip: null, }; // data is passed into each function, and various stats are generated // drawpos: the point to start the drawing from // wh: an array of [width,height] // bound: a boundingbox around the drawn UI element // extent: a boundingbox around the total extents of the element (ie before padding) function show_debug() { return prosperon.debug && mum.debug; } mum.debug = false; var post = function () {}; var posts = []; = mum.base; var cursor = [0, 0]; var pre = function (data) { if (data.hide) return true; data.__proto__ =; if (data.pos) cursor = data.pos.slice(); data.drawpos = cursor.slice().add(data.offset); if (data.opacity && data.opacity !== 1) { data.color = data.color.slice(); data.color[3] = data.opacity; } data.wh = [data.width, data.height]; }; var anchor_calc = function (data) { var aa = [0, 1].sub(data.anchor); data.drawpos = data.drawpos.add([data.width, data.height]).scale(aa); }; var end = function (data) { cursor = cursor.add(data.padding); post(data); }; mum.list = function (fn, data = {}) { if (pre(data)) return; var aa = [0, 1].sub(data.anchor); cursor = cursor.add([data.width, data.height].scale(aa)).add(data.offset).add(data.padding); posts.push(post); post =; if (show_debug()) render.boundingbox({ t: cursor.y, b: cursor.y - data.height, l: cursor.x, r: cursor.x + data.width, }); //if (data.background_image) mum.image(null, Object.create(data)) if (data.background_image) { var imgpos = data.pos.slice(); imgpos.y -= data.height / 2; imgpos.x -= data.width / 2; var imgscale = [data.width, data.height]; if (data.slice) render.slice9(game.texture(data.background_image), imgpos, data.slice, imgscale); else render.image(game.texture(data.background_image), imgpos, [data.width, data.height]); } fn(); -= data.padding.x; += data.padding.x; += data.padding.y; -= data.padding.y; if (show_debug()) render.boundingbox(; post = posts.pop(); end(data); }; = function (e) { cursor.y -= -; cursor.y -= e.padding.y; if ( = bbox.expand(,; else =; }; mum.label = function (str, data = {}) { if (pre(data)) return; render.set_font(data.font, data.font_size); = render.text_bb(str, data.scale, -1, cursor); data.wh = bbox.towh(; var aa = [0, 1].sub(data.anchor); data.drawpos.y -= - cursor.y; data.drawpos = data.drawpos.add(data.wh.scale(aa)).add(data.offset); = render.text_bb(str, data.scale, data.wrap, data.drawpos); if (data.action && bbox.pointin(, input.mouse.screenpos())) { if (data.hover) { data.hover.__proto__ = data; data = data.hover; selected = data; } } = render.text(str, data.drawpos, data.scale, data.color, data.wrap); if (show_debug()) render.boundingbox(; end(data); }; mum.image = function (path, data = {}) { if (pre(data)) return; path ??= data.background_image; var tex = path; if (typeof path === "string") tex = game.texture(path); if (!data.height) if (data.width) data.height = tex.height * (data.width / tex.width); else data.height = tex.height; if (!data.width) if (data.height) data.width = tex.width * (data.height / tex.height); else data.height = tex.height; if (!data.width) data.width = tex.width; if (!data.height) data.height = tex.height; var aa = [0, 1].sub(data.anchor); data.drawpos = data.drawpos.add(aa.scale([data.width, data.height])); if (data.slice) render.slice9(tex, data.drawpos, data.slice, [data.width, data.height]); else = render.image(tex, data.drawpos, [data.width, data.height]); end(data); }; mum.rectangle = function (data = {}) { if (pre(data)) return; var aa = [0, 0].sub(data.anchor); data.drawpos = data.drawpos.add(aa.scale([data.width, data.height])); render.rectangle(data.drawpos, data.drawpos.add([data.width, data.height]), data.color); end(data); }; var btnbb; var btnpost = function () { btnbb =; }; mum.button = function (str, data = { padding: [4, 4], color: }) { if (pre(data)) return; posts.push(post); post = btnpost; if (typeof str === "string") render.text(str, cursor.add(data.padding), data.scale, data.color); else str(); if (data.action && data.hover && bbox.pointin(btnbb, input.mouse.screenpos())) { data.hover.__proto__ = data; data = data.hover; } render.rectangle([btnbb.l - data.padding.x, btnbb.b - data.padding.y], [btnbb.r + data.padding.y, btnbb.t + data.padding.y], data.color); = btnbb; post = posts.pop(); end(data); }; mum.window = function (fn, data = {}) { if (pre(data)) return; render.rectangle(cursor, cursor.add(data.size), data.color); cursor.y += data.height; cursor = cursor.add(data.padding); fn(); end(data); }; mum.ex_hud = function () { mum.label("TOP LEFT", { pos: [0, game.size.y], anchor: [0, 1] }); mum.label("BOTTOM LEFT", { pos: [0, 0], anchor: [0, 0] }); mum.label("TOP RIGHT", { pos: game.size, anchor: [1, 1] }); mum.label("BOTTOM RIGHT", { pos: [game.size.x, 0], anchor: [1, 0] }); }; mum.drawinput = undefined; var ptext = ""; var panpan = { draw() { mum.rectangle({ pos: [0, 0], anchor: [0, 0], height: 20, width: window.size.x, padding: [10, 16], color:, }); mum.label("input level: "); mum.label(ptext, { offset: [50, 0], color: }); }, inputs: { block: true, char(c) { ptext += c; }, enter() { delete mum.drawinput; player[0].uncontrol(panpan); }, escape() { delete mum.drawinput; player[0].uncontrol(panpan); }, backspace() { ptext = ptext.slice(0, ptext.length - 1); }, }, }; mum.textinput = function (fn, str = "") { mum.drawinput = panpan.draw; ptext = str; player[0].control(panpan); panpan.inputs.enter = function () { fn(ptext); delete mum.drawinput; player[0].uncontrol(panpan); }; };