var GUI = { text(str, pos, size, color, wrap) { size ??= 1; color ??= Color.white; wrap ??= -1; var bb = cmd(118, str, size, wrap); var opos = [bb.r, bb.t]; var h = ui_text(str, pos, size, color, wrap); return bb; }, text_cursor(str, pos, size, cursor) { cursor_text(str,pos,size,Color.white,cursor); }, image(path,pos) { var wh = cmd(64,path); gui_img(path,pos, [1.0,1.0], 0.0, 0.0, [0.0,0.0], 0.0,; return cwh2bb([0,0], wh); }, image_fn(defn) { var def = Object.create(this.defaults); Object.assign(def,defn); if (!def.path) { Log.warn("GUI image needs a path."); def.draw = function(){}; return def; } var tex_wh = cmd(64,def.path); var wh = tex_wh.slice(); if (def.width !== 0) wh.x = def.width; if (def.height !== 0) wh.y = def.height; wh = wh.scale(def.scale); var sendscale = []; sendscale.x = wh.x / tex_wh.x; sendscale.y = wh.y / tex_wh.y; def.draw = function(pos) { def.calc_bb(pos); gui_img(def.path, pos.sub(def.anchor.scale(wh)), sendscale, def.angle, def.image_repeat, def.image_repeat_offset, def.color); }; def.calc_bb = function(cursor) { = cwh2bb(wh.scale([0.5,0.5]), wh); = movebb(, cursor.sub(wh.scale(def.anchor))); }; return def; }, defaults: { padding:[2,2], /* Each element inset with this padding on all sides */ font: "fonts/LessPerfectDOSVGA.ttf", font_size: 1, text_align: "left", scale: 1, angle: 0, anchor: [0,0], text_shadow: { pos: [0,0], color: Color.white, }, text_outline: 1, /* outline in pixels */ color: Color.white, margin: [5,5], /* Distance between elements for things like columns */ width: 0, height: 0, image_repeat: false, image_repeat_offset: [0,0], debug: false, /* set to true to draw debug boxes */ }, text_fn(str, defn) { var def = Object.create(this.defaults); Object.assign(def,defn); def.draw = function(cursor) { def.calc_bb(cursor); if (def.debug) Debug.boundingbox(, def.debug_colors.bounds); var old = def; def = Object.create(def); /* if (pointinbb(, Mouse.screenpos)) { Object.assign(def, def.hovered); def.calc_bb(cursor); GUI.selected = def; def.selected = true; } */ if (def.selected) { Object.assign(def, def.hovered); def.calc_bb(cursor); } var pos = cursor.sub(bb2wh(; ui_text(str, pos, def.font_size, def.color, def.width); def = old; }; def.calc_bb = function(cursor) { var bb = cmd(118, str, def.font_size, def.width); var wh = bb2wh(bb); var pos = cursor.sub(wh.scale(def.anchor)); = movebb(bb,pos); }; return def; }, column(defn) { var def = Object.create(this.defaults); Object.assign(def,defn); if (!def.items) { Log.warn("Columns needs items."); def.draw = function(){}; return def; }; def.items.forEach(function(item,idx) { Object.setPrototypeOf(def.items[idx], def); if (def.items[idx-1]) def.up = def.items[idx-1]; if (def.items[idx+1]) def.down = def.items[idx+1]; }); def.draw = function(pos) { def.items.forEach(function(item) {,pos); var wh = bb2wh(; pos.y -= wh.y; pos.y -= def.padding.x*2; }); }; return def; }, input_lmouse_pressed() { if (GUI.selected) GUI.selected.action(); }, input_s_pressed() { if (GUI.selected?.down) { GUI.selected.selected = false; GUI.selected = GUI.selected.down; GUI.selected.selected = true; } }, input_w_pressed() { if (GUI.selected?.up) { GUI.selected.selected = false; GUI.selected = GUI.selected.up; GUI.selected.selected = true; } }, input_enter_pressed() { if (GUI.selected) { GUI.selected.action(); } } }; GUI.defaults.debug_colors = { bounds:, margin:, padding: }; Object.values(GUI.defaults.debug_colors).forEach(function(v) { v.a = 100; }); /* Take numbers from 0 to 1 and remap them to easing functions */ var Ease = { linear(t) { return t; }, in(t) { return t*t; }, out(t) { var d = 1-t; return 1 - d*d }, inout(t) { var d = -2*t + 2; return t < 0.5 ? 2 * t * t : 1 - (d * d) / 2; }, }; function make_easing_fns(num) { var obj = {}; = function(t) { return Math.pow(t,num); }; obj.out = function(t) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, num); }; var mult = Math.pow(2, num-1); obj.inout = function(t) { return t < 0.5 ? mult * Math.pow(t, num) : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * t + 2, num) / 2; }; return obj; }; Ease.quad = make_easing_fns(2); Ease.cubic = make_easing_fns(3); Ease.quart = make_easing_fns(4); Ease.quint = make_easing_fns(5); Ease.expo = { in(t) { return t === 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * t - 10); }, out(t) { return t === 1 ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t); }, inout(t) { return t === 0 ? 0 : t === 1 ? 1 : t < 0.5 ? Math.pow(2, 20 * t - 10) / 2 : (2 - Math.pow(2, -20 * t + 10)) / 2; } }; Ease.bounce = { in(t) { return 1 - this.out(t - 1); }, out(t) { var n1 = 7.5625; var d1 = 2.75; if (t < 1 / d1) { return n1 * t * t; } else if (t < 2 / d1) { return n1 * (t -= 1.5 / d1) * t + 0.75; } else if (t < 2.5 / d1) { return n1 * (t -= 2.25 / d1) * t + 0.9375; } else return n1 * (t -= 2.625 / d1) * t + 0.984375; }, inout(t) { return t < 0.5 ? (1 - this.out(1 - 2 * t)) / 2 : (1 + this.out(2 * t - 1)) / 2; } }; Ease.sine = { in(t) { return 1 - Math.cos((t * Math.PI)/2); }, out(t) { return Math.sin((t*Math.PI)/2); }, inout(t) { return -(Math.cos(Math.PI*t) - 1) / 2; } }; Ease.elastic = { in(t) { return t === 0 ? 0 : t === 1 ? 1 : -Math.pow(2, 10*t-10) * Math.sin((t * 10 - 10.75) * this.c4); }, out(t) { return t === 0 ? 0 : t === 1 ? 1 : Math.pow(2, -10*t) * Math.sin((t * 10 - 0.75) * this.c4) + 1; }, inout(t) { t === 0 ? 0 : t === 1 ? 1 : t < 0.5 ? -(Math.pow(2, 20 * t - 10) * Math.sin((20 * t - 11.125) * this.c5)) / 2 : (Math.pow(2, -20 * t + 10) * Math.sin((20 * t - 11.125) * this.c5)) / 2 + 1; }, }; Ease.elastic.c4 = 2*Math.PI/3; Ease.elastic.c5 = 2*Math.PI / 4.5; var Tween = { default: { loop: "restart", /* none, restart, yoyo, circle */ time: 1, /* seconds to do */ ease: Ease.linear, whole: true, }, start(obj, target, tvals, options) { var defn = Object.create(this.default); Object.assign(defn, options); if (defn.loop === 'circle') tvals.push(tvals[0]); else if (defn.loop === 'yoyo') { for (var i = tvals.length-2; i >= 0; i--) tvals.push(tvals[i]); } defn.accum = 0; var slices = tvals.length - 1; var slicelen = 1 / slices; defn.fn = function(dt) { defn.accum += dt; defn.pct = (defn.accum % defn.time) / defn.time; var t = defn.whole ? defn.ease(defn.pct) : defn.pct; var nval = t / slicelen; var i = Math.trunc(nval); nval -= i; if (!defn.whole) nval = defn.ease(nval); obj[target] = tvals[i].lerp(tvals[i+1], nval); }; defn.restart = function() { defn.accum = 0; }; defn.stop = function() { defn.pause(); defn.restart(); }; defn.pause = function() { Register.update.unregister(defn.fn); }; Register.update.register(defn.fn, defn); return defn; }, embed(obj, target, tvals, options) { var defn = Object.create(this.default); Object.assign(defn, options); defn.update_vals = function(vals) { defn.vals = vals; if (defn.loop === 'circle') defn.vals.push(defn.vals[0]); else if (defn.loop === 'yoyo') { for (var i = defn.vals.length-2; i >= 0; i--) defn.vals.push(defn.vals[i]); } defn.slices = defn.vals.length - 1; defn.slicelen = 1 / defn.slices; }; defn.update_vals(tvals); defn.time_s =; Object.defineProperty(obj, target, { get() { defn.accum = ( - defn.time_s)/1000; defn.pct = (defn.accum % defn.time) / defn.time; var t = defn.whole ? defn.ease(defn.pct) : defn.pct; var nval = t / defn.slicelen; var i = Math.trunc(nval); nval -= i; if (!defn.whole) nval = defn.ease(nval); return defn.vals[i].lerp(defn.vals[i+1],nval); }, }); return defn; }, };